
Belief Examination Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"It's important to closely examine your beliefs, especially the ones that are very integral to the way that you see yourself, how you live your life, and the decisions that you make."
"A healthy person goes, 'Hold on, is there counter-evidence to my belief?'"
"You have a right to your beliefs, but whether or not your beliefs are right is something that you should care about."
"The fact that you're recognizing that you might be believing in things just because you were told to believe in them, that of itself is using critical thinking."
"The tools and the skills that I learned in skepticism were applied to a broad set of beliefs, not just my religious beliefs."
"What would have to be true for this thing that I think is true to actually not be right?"
"This characterizes something called personal relevance attribution."
"If someone is trying to make you believe something that doesn't gel with your intuition, don't be afraid to ask a direct question."
"My goal is not to get people to come to the conclusion that there is no God, it's to get people to recognize that they believe things that they do not have good reason to believe."
"If you can't verify it, why would you believe it? Why not just wait until it can be verified?"
"It's okay to question and understand things, but never believe them fully."
"Every time you come against friction and somebody challenges a belief that you hold...examine it."
"You've created your own belief system if not entirely and thoroughly questioned your existing one."
"You really believe this? Tell me about that."
"Because there's no proof to me saying that what is written in religious texts is correct."
"Why do we believe what we believe? Have we actually investigated, or are we just going with what we're told?"
"Non-believer, if you're hearing me, maybe you need to be more skeptical of your skepticism."
"You better really dig into what you believe a little more deeper before you make your final decision."
"Recognize cracks in the arguments of negative beliefs to see the doorway to light."
"If we're not permitted to question the beliefs, there's no power to what we're being taught."
"Wanting to believe doesn't make something real."
"Question what you're believing about yourself and the world."
"If you care about whether your beliefs are true, you cannot accept things on faith."
"I'm testing my thoughts and beliefs. I want to know the best arguments against my positions."
"Combine and sustain both strong cognitive dissonance creating arguments and constantly forcing them to defend their belief."
"Defend your beliefs from yourself first. Challenge and understand them."
"How often do we actively challenge our own belief systems?"
"If you're at the point where you are in fact not convinced that a god exists, then the new question isn't how do I give up believing in god, it's more along the lines of how do I give up acting as if I believed in that god."
"Who would I be in that same situation if I didn't believe the thought?"
"Pause and say, okay, what do I believe? Why do I believe it?"
"This is a time where you're starting to look at your belief systems and the way that your beliefs frame your reality."
"First of all congratulations for doing what some other people don't frequently do which is to actually evaluate your beliefs and put things to the test."
"If you are afraid to discover that the thing you've been believing is not true, that means you will never be able to find the truth."
"Deconstruction is all about taking the beliefs that you hold... and carefully critically examining them to make sure that what you believe is true."
"Everyone should be doing that, everyone should be taking their beliefs and examining them to make sure that they hold true."
"The idea that we should re-examine... the things that we believe... certainly what we say about quilts... and what we believe about quilts... that's the interesting part."
"We must not assume that the bulk of our thinking is godly just because we've thought like that all our life."
"To notice how you react when you believe the thought, is to begin to understand the cause of it."
"The whole point of this particular stream is to see whether your beliefs can stand the scrutiny."
"It's called clarity, you clear it up, the more you are able to clear up and through silence discover and relinquish so many beliefs which are currently covering up just the natural state."
"It's not always so good to believe what we think."
"At the end of the day, we can never sort of step outside of ourselves and check that our beliefs correspond to what's really there."
"The key to unlocking who you can become is questioning the choice of beliefs you have accepted as true now, in this present moment."
"Don't accept a thought and a belief without questioning it closely."
"What you believe absolutely to be true to the point you're committing your life to it is sometimes not a good idea."
"We're not going to get all shouty; we just want to listen to what you believe and examine those beliefs."
"Question what you believe, if it's true or not; don't just accept it's true just because somebody told you so."