
Public Influence Quotes

There are 272 quotes

"If there's one thing that I've noticed in the past couple of years, it's that they can cancel you from certain platforms... but at the end of the day, if you have a certain following and you've been proven right time and time again... there's still going to be a population of people that want to hear from you."
"All of the problems we've seen throughout history, or at least a great many of them, have been exacerbated by the fact that the vast majority of the population has next to no say in what actually goes on in their lives."
"It is the public that drives social change, not politicians, business leaders, or interest groups."
"We have all witnessed the light and continual fight for equality that she has brought to the world through her platform for decades."
"Perhaps one day we will require mental capacity evaluations of all candidates so that they do not infect the public with the kind of pathology to start with."
"When the people lead, the leaders will follow."
"I feel like you have to be really responsible when talking about food and diet because you never know who's watching."
"Sure, it was fun to watch Jack and Zuck own Donald Trump. But maybe it’s time for the people to own Jack and Zuck."
"Regular people standing up can make a difference. Every day, we see it now."
"Simone Biles brought mental health to the front lines."
"Every little kid watched you guys drive around the moon."
"Who gives a [ __ ] what celebrities got to say at a time like this bruh?"
"Right, one of the most charitable creators in the entire world who has an entire channel dedicated to philanthropy."
"You feel pressured to say/do the right thing because you know you have such influence."
"Here is Mark Kelly, the editor of Christianity Today, saying that when Christians support an immoral cause it does damage to my cause."
"His mainstream is undoubtedly pushing back against gatekeeping."
"You can say that the elite is the elite because the population made them the elite."
"We've got fake news media in this country, they want to create an alternate reality."
"People power public interest can defeat vested interest this genuinely is a watershed moment."
"Maxine Waters has been promoting violence mass violence in the streets."
"Kyle would have been jailed, would have been likely convicted, but for the public coming to his defense."
"Britney did this... Britney speaking in court on June 23rd and saying no I want this open impacted Britney being able to hire her own attorney."
"Nobody's stopping them from doing that, it's allowed... stuff like this goes so viral on Tik Tok."
"I hate Ken Ham. I think he abuses his white coat privilege into making Christians think that he's a reputable scientist."
"There's some kind of recognition there, I think one of Elon's tweets actually said, 'the people have spoken.'"
"Big balls on Dave Chappelle for not allowing that theater to be named after him because a few kids at the school decided that they were not pleased with what he had to say in his Netflix special."
"Please let the government...deliver justice, absolutely not you and your Twitter account writing mean tweets."
"And it's up to you ladies and gentlemen to make him do that. I don't know, it's up to you because you are uniquely qualified to do that. No one else."
"We're not here necessarily to convince my colleagues, but to go straight to the electorate."
"Stop worrying about public influence, worry about impact."
"Tomorrowland 1955 was gone even quicker than it was constructed, but its impact on Walt and the public would live on."
"The greatest war we fight for here in America is the war for public opinion."
"It's time to stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence."
"The anointing upon you can be multi-faceted - it's going to determine your audience, who likes you and who hates you."
"Peterson got popular precisely because he was a throwback to that 19th-century approach of being a bit of a Renaissance man."
"The reason why this was a big deal: this guy encourages people to share their story, that's who he is."
"A story that Bob Lazar told 25 years ago has gone around the world many times over."
"I would say that if you're reacting and doing club record signings based on public opinion you're not going to go very far as a club."
"Tasha K did what most narcissistic people dream of doing she literally gaslighted thousands of people on a public platform with all eyes on her."
"I don't want to target that in any way but at the same time, I do find it interesting that this guy who was making those videos is now like the most popular children's entertainer in the world."
"Now is the time. But it was really off Little Jay saying what he said. I'm like, should I put it on my Instagram? No, I'm gonna upload this on YouTube."
"The British government is attacking the general public by the use of applied psychology."
"He will always be remembered as an icon, a legend, an influencer to millions of people."
"Some felt Michelle’s promotion of the cryptocurrency was dangerous."
"For anybody who has watched you from the beginning of this journey, you're becoming, dare I say it, the voice of a certain generation."
"The public attention is what made the police get more invested in this case."
"My personal views, if I were to begin speaking about my personal views on this subject, would send a misleading signal to the American people."
"Fan reactions can significantly impact a movie's reception and success."
"Ultimately it will be the people who will end up projecting their values, their voice, their views onto the system."
"I want to give people the right information."
"Donald Trump is determined to instill fear in America because Donald Trump adds fuel to every fire. This is not who we are."
"Peterson isn't just lying to the people who listen to him; he's also lying to himself, even though he doesn't want to."
"Forgiveness and growth is a huge aspect and I do talk about it in my videos and how people should be given a chance to improve and grow but I'm also not here to tell anyone how they should feel."
"Nipsey hard-working brother hard-working brother this was a young brother Nipsey 33 years old."
"If the public will is strong enough, change can happen."
"People want someone who will stand up and throw a middle finger in the face of the establishment on the national stage."
"Elon Musk's ability to convert his enthusiasm into broad public support is an underappreciated ingredient for Tesla's success."
"People like Tucker Carlson who know they're lying to the public can convince tens of millions of people of those lies."
"If you're voting for this because you're really upset about what's happening... vote for me, not for them."
"Can we actually just take a moment to thank Elon Musk for ridding Twitter of this content? This will forever be our top priority."
"It should be very alarming to us all just how far this tolerance of Satan has grown. This situation with little Nas X is just a huge wake-up call of how evil the times are."
"The power of the people is greater than the person in power."
"I think what we saw on January 6th is not necessarily a big name Pastor inciting people to go to the capital... it's a question that they haven't answered."
"The more publicity this video gets, the more likely the sports gaming industry will improve."
"It's not that rewarding to cape for a movie star."
"That's a dangerous thing that he's doing, you're basically saying do what you want if you're talented."
"You do not have the right to inspire people to commit violence in the capital of the United States."
"Her candid statements struck a chord with a wide audience, igniting a broader conversation on the responsibility of public figures to speak out against injustices."
"Having a voice with a large platform is very dangerous when misused."
"There is a weapon that is used in public that can be even more devastating, and that weapon is propaganda."
"For somebody who's watching who struggles with their own relationship with food, they may see Livia glorify the act of eating nine donuts or five slices of french toast in one sitting and think that this is totally normal eating behavior."
"When you apply pressure and you pressure the government you almost embarrass the government that's when you get things moving."
"Don't nobody want to get my broke ass opinion still shut the [__] up. I ain't never seen billionaires before but let me tell you why it concerned me."
"I told you after the election that if he kept complaining about the election being stolen without being able to mobilize people to do anything about it, he was going to lose Georgia."
"It feels like an enormous amount of responsibility to be mindful of what I'm saying, what I'm doing, how I'm acting."
"The people, we the people, are the power behind what we're doing."
"Alex Jones... told stupid lies on a daily basis to an adoring audience of morons. But the guy is personally responsible for parents of murdered children being harassed by his fans under the impression that they are crisis actors."
"Matt Walsh is an idiot and dangerous to people."
"I just wanted to express my gratitude to Jared Kushner for reviving interest in my book."
"When you have companies that have made a fortune off being family friendly and catering to families and young kids, you know they should understand that parents of young kids do not want this injected into their kids kindergarten classroom."
"The mainstream media is corrupt as well." - Just Informed Talk
"Never back down, especially if other people are watching."
"It's really humbling that uh that you have that kind of effect on people."
"Nowadays the thing that's hampering beautiful graphically appealing games is not the hardware it's just pure budget."
"The public outcry is enough maybe things really will change and 60fps will always be a standard."
"There's an undeniable truth: Hancock has succeeded in sparking hot debates."
"Elon Musk is like Godzilla but he's not attacking Tokyo he's attacking the capitals of the tyrants their lies."
"People of these platforms only have power because you give them power."
"We've lost the sense that the people determine how institutions function."
"The more we grow, the more I have to be cognizant of what I put out."
"Hijack the stories they want to publicize with the one they don't."
"That shows you the power that the people actually have."
"I think that what this shows should send a message to Donald Trump, message to the rest of the world."
"When public pressure reaches a boiling point, things that previously were left hidden suddenly start to become examined."
"What does that mean for you watching, and should you do the same?"
"This is information age guerrilla warfare. It's not so much about ambushing the police; it's about ambushing the minds of regular people."
"People like Kobe Bryant do give many others hope. They give them something to look forward to, to be excited about, to be passionate about."
"Rashford has given a voice to the voiceless."
"This video is a direct message to the media, and I am saying this for your own good. Listen carefully, you have become unfit for purpose."
"This article is a power play, and it makes perfect sense. It is totally within reason because they are losing their power, and they're losing it to the very people that they are indirectly attacking."
"It's time for us to push back on this horseshit when people are acting crazy like this. Demi Lovato has the power to destroy that."
"None of these situations are going to improve unless there's public pressure."
"The reality is that if you're going to do anything that's worthwhile, you're likely going to have to be somebody who is controversial, who challenges the orthodoxy."
"Elon is just being opportunistic here and pretty creatively using this poll as a way to shape the narrative."
"This is insanely emotionally charged language from propagandists like Tim Pool. It's really [__] dumb."
"Fashion is kind of a form of self-expression and a platform especially if you have a public platform."
"An inspiration to Liberty-loving citizens everywhere."
"They knew what the verdict was going to be. It's all because of public outrage."
"Leaders may sign their names and they may push programs, but they do it because a popular constituency is compelling them to do it."
"Just having fun, enjoying life, and you know little kids see these cars."
"This shows you where they want to take it, how they want to use it."
"Azealia Banks is one of those people who know how to push buttons and go way over the line."
"It's just important that as someone who has a platform, that I'm not part of perpetuating all the materialism that we have at this time of year."
"I want to be a good positive role model to everybody that I meet."
"This is so much bigger than me, and it's not about my struggles, it's about helping you feel better about the skin that you're in."
"If the people will lead, the leaders will follow."
"He's actually bringing a lot of things to the forefront that people need to pay attention to."
"People start to become more malleable and accepting of anything" - Neil Sanders warns of the dangers of misinformation.
"That's mob justice and it's disgusting. You don't arrest people based on people screaming that they should be arrested."
"Play to people's fantasies... there is great power in tapping into the fantasies of the masses."
"Ones and eights are the biggest leader archetypes in the numbers."
"Jesse Tyler Ferguson is a long-standing advocate for marriage equality."
"You're literally inspiring tens of millions of people."
"Public backlash does in fact matter... people speaking out is why this whole issue has gained so much traction."
"Mark Cuban just tweeted about Doge, shout out to him for all the awesome attention."
"Talk to your congressmen and senators and say, you know, who you are, what you listened to, and what can you do to get the 9/11 FBI files declassified and given to the 9/11 families?"
"This is a time when American public opinion is having an effect."
"The part that I want to isolate is the final one with musk I think what musk is doing you know 100 there's the argument of what he's taking from public."
"You think they're about to apologize to you and then they instead incite their four million followers to attack you. Goddamn."
"Net neutrality was reversed under the Obama administration because three million people commented on this and it just flipped it like that."
"Those people will Garner an audience and get people motivated inspired because the truth really does resonate with people."
"People making videos about Logan Paul didn't make people not like Logan Paul. Logan Paul made people not like Logan Paul."
"The dumbest thing I could do is to stay wrong and harm my own health and everyone else who watches my channel."
"It matters who stands in the public square and has a big megaphone."
"She would have gotten away with this if it had not been for the public pressure and the family who got involved."
"I love this because this is people speaking out these governments have to pay attention when enough of us rise up and I don't mean you have to go tear them apart just you just have to make yourself hurt so they understand what's at stake."
"I've heard terrible things...the evidence of that has been...what Alex Jones told his viewers is not far off."
"Kodak petitioned to get released by the president of the United States of America to get a pardon and it [ __ ] worked."
"Start with your own social media... What am I putting out into the world?"
"These two individuals Aaron Rogers and Joe Rogan are still able to have a very important prominent voice in our Mainline Society."
"I appreciate the degree to which I have tens of thousands of people who actually care about me and my opinions."
"I want to see it again so no, he doesn't lose any stock in my opinion."
"Great power comes great responsibly the love of the crowd comes with great responsibility."
"It's up to us to define what Trump is. I mean, he can just disappear back into the background if he's not supported by the people."
"If there is power in tapping into the fantasies of the masses, there is also danger."
"Yay changed the public priority in fashion from owning the right gear to following a vision."
"I think the ultimate goal with this project is to redefine the way that regular people non-fashion people dress on a day-to-day basis."
"She happens to have a highly entertaining highly compelling message it's that simple."
"Abraham Lincoln called the Supreme Court the citadel of slavery and was vocal about how the will of the people should have the final say about the big issues of the day, not the Supreme Court."
"This is more about the movement than it is about father Frank, but father Frank is like this sacrificial lamb right now."
"It all comes down to this: would there have been this level of an investigation without pressure from the public and the media? That is a big fat no."
"This apology would have never happened if the public didn't get upset."
"Greg doesn't comment on this to his audience enough... you're publicly actively teaching people something that's wrong."
"The media is nobody; the media is a corporate entity of pure power trying to suppress the people."
"Frances McDormand delivers a great performance in three billboards and then what she chose to do with her time on that stage really meant something."
"I don't know, like to some extent some of you might say well at least they're more honest about what they believe. Sure, but they're also more transparent about it and that does seem to be inspiring a lot more people to glom onto it."
"Our power was in the streets, not in the halls of Congress or legislatures."
"Everyone wants Sniper Wolf to see consequences."
"This is the most important case right now in the land. See if your voice didn't mean something."
"You're the voice for everybody feeling the emotion."
"The more people you reach, the better chance you have of winning."
"The job of the president of the United States is to stand for truth."
"The only reason that I have the great honor to sit on this stage right now is 'cause I give away all my best advice, for free, every single day."
"When the people say we are willing to go after woke corporations, it works."
"The real criminals are the media themselves who elevated all of this to such a level of public consciousness."
"I only knew Vin to be wrong once and that's when he said that he needed the fans more than the fans needed him then he was wrong that day."
"It's a reality of the responsibility you have when you have any microphone at all."
"People saw this beautiful woman with this smirk on her face and they were like mesmerized by her."
"The truth is doom and gloom. You know how many people's lives I helped save during the whole corona things that people had thanked me for being one of the first to speak on it."
"He took avant-garde design and made it accessible to the general public."
"Some of those mainstream media outlets do that on purpose."
"All of the positive things that Harry and Megan have brought to the world."
"It's going to take pressure." – Public pressure makes the difference.
"There's one more thing that makes Lewis Hamilton the greatest athlete of all time: the way that he uses his immense, immense public platform."
"Janet Jackson's honesty about body image struggles and weight fluctuations has made a strong impression on audiences worldwide."
"I honestly probably would have gone on feeling the way I did about Shane Dawson."
"Kwame Brown is out here speaking his truth and putting a lot of people to shame."
"My hope sincerely is that we will get through to some more people, especially with a video like this."
"Public opinion became a major player in how governments were able to conduct policy internationally."
"My new goal in life is to inspire and motivate as many people as I can to lead a healthier lifestyle."
"I think one of the things that has probably evolved in my content is, as I have more attention, I feel a greater responsibility."
"Outrage does have an effect. Exposure does have an effect. Pressure does work."
"Because what we're talking about is you're writing for two audiences. Your cases are going to be broadcast out there if you have any sufficient level of notoriety."
"Hackpole has just delivered people, has that changed your mind?"
"His stage was so big that downtrodden Americans regardless of their age or race felt the glimmer of hope creep into their lives just by watching him."
"The mainstream media and these supposedly unbiased organizations will have blood on their hands."
"Nobody has a right to an uninformed opinion you're not you can't go out here and ask questions and put stuff on social media knowing that people follow you and then say I don't know whose wife help help I just want unity."
"There's always something normal people can do to affect positive change."
"The public putting pressure on them to achieve that goal is really what we need right now."
"You've got to make people care, whether they love you or hate you."
"I think with Elon Musk, it's a story of he's just got to be a bit more diligent with giving out financial advice."
"Public influencer status, all the barrage of love and of hate simultaneously will do things to your mind if you don't keep yourself in check."
"Elon Musk put up a poll on Twitter saying that if more people voted yes rather than no, he would go and sell 10 of his Tesla stock."
"What's always moved the needle is the popular action."
"Fox News pumps deceptive, misleading propaganda into the American conscience."
"It's crazy to believe that yeah I am a role model and it's a lot of pressure but I always I think what I always say to my audience is that I am still a flawed human being."
"Mob Justice is trying to influence what happens on the inside of a court by what's being done outside of it."
"His message is probably resonating with a lot of Gothamites out there."
"I hope that should spark change in social media."
"The power of marketing, promotion, influence - she influences a lot of people."