
Moral Conflict Quotes

There are 266 quotes

"Even if we want to do the right thing but do in our heart the wrong thing, we can't stand before God."
"Social commentary is fine. It would have been much more compelling if there was this conflict where it's like, 'Unfortunately, you have to go back to where you came from.' It's this hard scene where there's a moral conflict."
"Time and again, I felt it was my duty to cover up his dirty deeds rather than to listen to my own inner voice and my moral compass."
"The entire moral of the story is tribal instincts take over sometimes and they're evil and they're bad, and you have to fight them."
"Without dehumanization, it doesn't work because dehumanization is the tool to guarantee that you will not have too many moral doubts."
"The tension between goodness and weakness is legitimately compelling."
"They both teach this idea of a sentient event where there's an ultimate triumph of good over evil."
"Evil is a very tough thing to fight because most people, once someone identifies something as evil, it's usually done."
"We're down to Evil versus good at this point."
"Heroes versus villains, right versus wrong, good versus evil."
"There's tension between 'it's never too late to redeem yourself' and 'part of redeeming yourself means beating people to death.'"
"He isn't sure if he wants to keep killing. He's conflicted about taking further steps towards revenge but finds himself constantly being compelled to it."
"Monster is a classic story of good versus evil, represented here by the main character Dr. Tenma and his antagonist Johan Liebert, an angelic looking young man that is the embodiment of evil genius."
"This movie at a certain point makes you feel bad about going yeah beat that guy with the pipe wrench and it makes you feel awkward and uncomfortable."
"Plato tells us that pedrasty is both shameful and honorable at the same time."
"You never quite know what to expect. Good and evil are engaged in a never-ending battle."
"The war was mostly about stopping secession... the animosity, the fight, and the moral values behind it was about slavery."
"It's time and again good people losing to those evils."
"Granola, upon finding out that not all Saiyans were bad and that actually, his life was saved by the father of the men that he was trying to kill, he is getting conflicted."
"When morally deplorable people fight you for asserting what is just, it is quite possible that what you've postulated is a threat to their continued dominance."
"You feel guilty sometimes when you're killing in this game like in fact a lot of time actually felt guilty."
"I killed someone in Guillen Hill Station. I did so out of my own volition and I don't regret it one bit. But just because I killed someone doesn't mean that I enjoy doing it."
"It's about right versus wrong and democracy versus authoritarianism."
"You were the chosen one, it was said that you would destroy this sin, not join them."
"Sebas felt himself unable to resist saving Soiree despite knowing she was a potential risk and liability."
"This is not supposed to be like this and more and more people I talk to feel the same way that this is something there is a battle of good versus evil happening."
"The pressure to conform to perversion... the abnormal has become normal, when right has become wrong."
"Some of the best character arcs in the entire series involve marines who genuinely believe in justice trying to reconcile their values with the reality of their job."
"You ain't gonna get justice with a badge, Will Reeves, you're gonna get it with that hood." - Unknown
"It's not right versus left but good versus evil."
"It's a matter of good and evil at this point, simple as that."
"Deception intensifies, the world gets darker. Yes. But people are still being saved. Revival is still happening."
"The only real challenge humanity faces is what they call the denial of the Divine. When we do that, we amplify that darkness, we go into alignment with it."
"It's not a matter of left or right anymore, it's good versus evil."
"You're becoming the demon that you want to destroy."
"The conflict between Daredevil and Punisher isn't just kill or not kill; it's moral grey versus black and white absolutism."
"No matter what form you take, you will never defeat the side of righteousness."
"Even when we want to do good, our desires pull us astray. We need something bigger than ourselves."
"Danganronpa is a convoluted tale, one that exposes our darkest capabilities in the struggle for survival, but also reveals the magic of the human conscience, and what we’re capable of in the name of civility."
"The game doesn't half make you feel bad about it. Those debt collecting missions for Strauss make you go through some pretty uncomfortable lengths to get the money owed to the gang back, which never made me feel good."
"This election is about choosing good versus evil."
"This is a battle of good versus evil it is time for everyone in this nation to take a side."
"This is really a fight between good and evil."
"Marcy's betrayal is really messed up even though you understand why she did it."
"Michael's attempt to sanctify a criminal institution leads to increasing miseries."
"Sometimes...the only moral decision is to break the law."
"We're basically talking about human nature. We're a duality, there's a good versus evil dynamic that exists on the inside of each of us."
"I thought is a really nice note and as I said if you think like what a hero like this do that there's always evil in the world he can fight evil back."
"Life has always been a struggle between good and evil, between constructiveness and destructiveness. This is The Human Condition."
"It's almost like it's just this battle of kind of good and evil."
"There's a big battle going on of good versus evil, of truth versus having a false sense of what the outcome is."
"Humans tend to like being right to the point where when something huge is on the line, it easily devolves into moral absolutism, like say the end of the world."
"Don't underestimate the allure of darkness. Even the purest hearts are drawn to it."
"The heroes aren't fighting and killing people, they are Waging War against the idea of evil itself."
"Bruce felt his methods were much too violent and irresponsible and personally removed him from the mantle."
"He juxtaposed the brothers and their scheming on top of that... the scheming of the devil."
"This is not a battle of ideas anymore... This is a battle over good and evil."
"Walter White's identity is the shadow, that's why he can now ignore things that would have tainted the soul before."
"You made it and all you had to do was capitalize on ambiguity, call for mass killing, abandon your morality and values, forget everything you stand for, sell your being as a brand."
"This game makes me feel like a bad person, but in the best of ways."
"I always feared you would become that which you fought against. You walk the edge of that abyss every night."
"He disregarded his disciple's crime and fought against the law enforcement."
"It's the ultimate battle between selflessness and selfishness."
"Franklin battles between morally questionable actions and desire for his daughter."
"Retribution does not supply me with more wisdom, but it damages my soul, filling it with detestation and darkness."
"Now it is let's go get Kyle Rayner we have to grab him we have to corrupt him and swing him to our side."
"I never thought I'd be able to kill someone. The first time, it felt wrong, which is good, right?"
"Sacrificing the few isn't any different than killing a hostage, Liam. This is it, burden."
"I think people are sick of being told that wrong is right and right is wrong."
"If you convince yourself of your necessity... then you can rationalize your way into ignoring what we've been privy to."
"The battle between good and evil is at its peak."
"Evil has overcome and we're reminded that we win in the end."
"Faith and greed cannot coexist in the heart of a single servant."
"I don't take the lives you saved lightly, but I also can't take the lives I've lost lately."
"In life, with this battle between good and evil, it's not enough to say gosh, that's horrible."
"Honor and survival often don't come in pairs."
"Satan is inside of you. You need to constantly battle the Satan inside of you."
"I think there's a war between the good and the evil going on."
"This is just like you said, a war between what I believe are demonic forces and entities, evil versus light, truth, justice."
"Goliath was a result of illicit sex and perversion, the most ungodly experiments you could imagine. Look at what's happening now, manufactured things rising up to kill God's people, to destroy the morale."
"This is a battle of good versus evil. It's no longer a political deal."
"To achieve greatness, you gotta do terrible stuff as well."
"John Constantine's... trying to right some wrongs."
"This battle that we're in, it's a spiritual battle."
"The real battle that's going on right now is between good and evil."
"One of the only Empires I ever feel really bad about destroying."
"It's not about what's right anymore, it's about winning at all costs."
"Some things in life are worth fighting for, and fighting by its very definition is not nice."
"You're never supposed to side with the killer, but..."
"Good will win over evil. I 100% believe that." - Jeremy, COBRA cast199 host.
"Realize that Satan's plan has always been trying to mix the holy with the unholy and call it holy."
"Good characters exist in a bad world and that creates its own problems in itself"
"You can't be a Christian and vote for a group that says kill babies. Square that, figure that one out."
"Don't get discouraged, good defeats evil eventually."
"There's a fundamental battle between those who have sided with humanity and those that have decided to be against humanity."
"It's hard to call my brother in Christ a literal satanic priest."
"Man is bound to do wrong but with a desire to do what's right."
"You must show you are willing to take a life to save the world."
"It's a division between good and evil, common sense and insanity."
"He writes a note to his commanding officer deep in that when he's deep in the desert saying we are getting them to fight for us on a lie and I can't stand it."
"The lure of the dark side is strong with this one, temptation is at the center of Blood Sweat and Tears."
"The choice of when the victim becomes a victimizer in their own right."
"Think her choices are immoral, but I wouldn't call it entitlement, just desperation. Her spouse is going through cancer treatment, and she has five children including a newborn."
"If I have to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all."
"One of the most important relationships women will have, especially in their 20s, are with other women."
"Those time-honored good versus evil tropes will never fade away."
"You can see the world changing, adopting and celebrating things that on the surface don't look evil but they directly oppose the word of God."
"Slavery is the great shame of America's history. No one denies that. But it's to America's everlasting credit that it fought the most devastating war in its history in order to abolish slavery."
"You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and a couple of devils."
"Catwoman turned on Zatanna... feeling like she had never in her life been more violated than she was when Zatanna changed her against her will."
"There's almost a Greek art to it or something absolutely there is it really is good against evil I mean that's what's happening like in the world right now it it really is becoming a wrestling match."
"Bianca is engaging because we know deep down she's a good person and we want to see her do what she knows is right."
"I don't know, games where I don't feel like I'm the good guy are just soul-crushing to me."
"Many people didn't like that good news because they loved their evil ways."
"It's a necessary... evil because uh the devil there's a training here uh and you need to break out of those chains in order to find Freedom."
"Sometimes a war can't be won, but if you're fighting for the right thing, you give it everything."
"When there's need for a hero, it means there's already a villain."
"The Bible defines the relationship between Good and Evil."
"I also want them to have the moral high ground. Right now, they are not safe and secure because they're saying, you know what you millions of Palestinians, you have no hope."
"When it's your life and the lives of everyone you love, your moral conviction doesn't mean anything. It leaves you."
"There's a difference between being a murderer and doing what's right."
"There's hope that good will prevail over evil. It's that purity can be retained as much as possible as long as you fight for it."
"I've decided to donate all of it to an organization for elderly care. What, don't think I'll just stand by and let you do that?"
"You can make a mistake and be a good person, but you are not."
"The greatest heroes are the ones who maintain their morality in the face of this threat and the greatest villains are the ones who honestly contend with it but choose to give in to that horror."
"This is a battle for your soul, a battle of light versus dark, of good versus evil... the truth will set you free."
"Also, you stole their wallet. Like, I know it's satisfying and I get the whole point."
"No man can serve two masters: God and money."
"His self-preservation instinct takes over and prompts him to find the woman at all costs because he would have a hard time explaining the things that he did."
"After the tragic outcome of his first time travel experience, Hector is no longer the same naive man who was tricked into the tank."
"Hector may have been able to preserve Clara’s life, but he couldn’t preserve his conscience."
"At the end of The Dark Knight, an innocent child says Batman didn't do anything wrong."
"He's a character that's so utterly reprehensible that even after he's had a moment of clarity where he realizes the fun has run its course and he should start acting right, his crimes still shine through to paint him as nothing short of a monster."
"God forgive me," he said, before pulling the trigger.
"If we become what they are, ultimately we lose because I think this is a spiritual battle at its core."
"Justice can make a man do some really messed-up things."
"It's not just a political battle it's a moral one."
"I have killed but I'm not a killer because a killer is a monster and monsters aren't afraid."
"Deep down, these people know they're in the wrong but perform mental gymnastics to convince themselves otherwise."
"When the reason returned with the morning, I experienced a sentiment half of horror, half of remorse for the crime of which I had been guilty."
"God restores what the wicked seek to destroy."
"That moral struggle of what more important to her. I just hope, really hope that they go there like you said, like that pissed off superhero that like lost all their friends trying to be a good guy. So that, that'd be great to see."
"If you agree with High Confessor Tectus that the citizens of Far Harbor need to be burned for their blasphemy."
"It's good versus evil. It's allies versus adversaries."
"The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being."
"Evil wins when good people do nothing. So keep fighting, don't give up."
"I've done some pretty [__] terrible things in my life, like some things I'd never would never mention on this camera."
"Penguin is a villain through and through, but sometimes he struggles with being a bad guy."
"One good lie in a river of blood can change the world."
"You don't like it when a character decides to be good and that's the end of it. You want an internal struggle in which they're oft tempted to behave poorly but gradually begin to choose not to."
"This really is a spiritual battle taking place."
"Ashi is alive, creating a moral quandary for Jack."
"All the heroes did and sometimes it was a losing battle choosing between the lesser of two evils."
"I will bear the shame of this genocide forever. You will be remembered as a hero. I will be remembered as a killer."
"Every once in a while, one of us will rebel thinking it's the right thing to do."
"This is a battle between good and evil." - Concerned parent
"To me, the true heart of Return of the Jedi is Luke's dilemma, where he's being mentally challenged by the Emperor and Vader to join the dark side by enticing him to strike his lightsaber in anger and vengeance."
"The corrupted Ashbringer: a weapon of righteousness turned into a scourge."
"Evil is constantly challenging the good, but it's not happening because it could happen. It is happening because there's a law constituting this to happen."
"Adulterers and adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?"
"The dark side cannot stand against the light."
"I understand that he did the right thing in the end i have this visceral rage about what they did."
"Everyone is deluding themselves into thinking that they can still come out of this as a good person."
"This story is about a clash of wills and moral dichotomy, holding the torch to destroy evil and be a beacon of hope."
"We are truly fighting evil, and we need all of the good on our side that we can get."
"This story boils down to Good and Evil... it's really hard to find anything in the middle."
"Evil is exposing itself and we're seeing it for what it is."
"It's a battle of good and evil in the world at the moment."
"Her responsibility is stronger than her hatred."
"Evil never wins, Goblin. Good will always prevail. You'll see soon enough."
"Loki's character Arc is excellent he's Rising but at the same time he's falling."
"Struggle, big time struggles, being tugged to the dark side."
"The taste of Victory does nothing to mask the smell of blood on my hands, two lives lost just steps away from the Pokemon League."
"I'm profoundly deeply relieved on some level while recognizing of course that the moral horrors continue in any other number of ways."
"He thought he was doing the right thing he wasn't one of those villains who's like I'm out for even destroying people he's like no no I know better than the rest of you and I'm gonna do the thing that's right despite what you want."
"Aaron did what he thought was best for this entire generation of Aldean's... he did something that is considered immoral in order to serve what he believes to be a higher morality."
"I never thought that I would see the day... they would celebrate terminating a fully born baby."
"The scariest idea of season 3 isn't a killer or a mob boss. It's the understanding of how delicate the balance of good and evil is."
"This war is just a fight between good and evil... light and darkness." - 6
"Morally pure hero versus the villain who attempts to corrupt them is a very worn-out old trope, but I think it still works."
"Satan Ale: 'You would slay gods to protect the justice you believe in.'"
"Abortion isn't the will of God, but He is merciful."
"I just felt like I just I can't I feel like I know I've got a good heart and I would feel bad doing something like that if it's not true."
"Humans are very greedy people, and now they see that there's an opportunity for them to make almost $1 million, they forget about their consciences."
"We're pushed and pulled between goodness and evil, between love and hate, between creation and destruction."
"In a world of heroes and villains, they stand vigilant, watching over us for better or worse, good and evil, order and chaos."
"She admits that it was a great sin to betray the hero and her friend."
"This overall tug-of-war between Jimmy’s criminal instincts and his innocent aura of love with Kim is one of the best complexities a character has ever had."
"Batman's always given the moral dilemma to kill or to continue on his path of righteousness."
"Peter gives in to the symbiote knowing that the symbiote is going to basically begin a path of death and destruction because Peter actually wants it."
"Even though everyone was telling me to stop because it was so obviously wrong, it was so obviously evil, you know, I couldn't ignore it." - Determination to stand against injustice.
"Good people should drive evil people berserk we should bring much pain and suffering into their lives because they are evil."
"Dark Lord Rebellion embodies the theme of falling from grace, with its destructive effect."
"Will Batman side with Reggie or will Batman stand against Reggie?"
"I tried to do the right thing for someone who actually deserved it and instead I destroyed two different families."
"Satan has you in a beauty pageant, and he is winning the battle for the souls of men by one strategy: beauty."
"The battle is worth fighting, but the battle is not worth losing your soul over."
"If your religion comes with the cost of a child's life then I have a problem with it."
"Evil is just troublesome enough to give good a run for its money."
"Luke was faced with taking down the most powerful Sith Lord in the Galaxy while also holding on to his purity and sense of good."