
Spiritual Work Quotes

There are 192 quotes

"God is doing work through His people all over the world, and they are part of our family."
"We're invited to be part of this new tree of life, participating in the life-giving work He started."
"More important than the work of the Lord is the Lord of the work."
"You guys are spiritual workers, earth angels, have a higher calling higher soul mission."
"Love yourself unconditionally regardless, but how can you love yourself unconditionally if you don't look at the karma, you don't do the shadow work?"
"When it is truly the work of God, then He gets the glory and honor."
"There is no work that is more important than the gathering of Israel and the building up of Zion."
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few, so let's get to work."
"When God's servants are doing his will and doing his work, they are invincible until the task is completed." - Highlighting the strength in alignment with God's will.
"The temple is a place to rededicate one's life to the Lord's work."
"Small and simple means is many times how God carries forth his work."
"You got Shadow work you have to do that you can't skip that part and be fake about your spirituality."
"All passes away, only your work for souls remains."
"Your journey is getting easier. You are meant to earn an income from your spiritual gifts. True soul mates coming in to support you, to help you starting your own business. So blessed."
"This is the manifestation of the blessing after doing the purpose work."
"Hold your loved ones close Network yourselves to other light workers push past your ego and become a server of the light if you know it's within you."
"Can you feel the trust President Nelson has in you and how important you are to this work?" - President Henry B. Irene
"This platform is given you by God. So use it for God's work."
"I love how this man can be in a film like Jiu Jitsu and then turn around and be in something more serious and dramatic."
"Be patient, it's the work of the Lord that's going to be done in the hearts and it's done over a long period of time."
"I believe that what God wants to do in the last days can only be done in the glory."
"Healing is part of the finished work of Jesus Christ."
"President Russell M. Nelson has called this the greatest cause and the greatest work in the Lord's Kingdom today."
"Belief is so important. So your soul work here as well is to focus on belief."
"God often does his best work in ordinary situations."
"Ascension is not a game, it's deep soul level work."
"The harvest is plentiful. Jesus said, 'But the laborers are few.' It's not that the people aren't responding, it's that the laborers aren't going to get the harvest."
"I will administer grace to some people through you. You will be the means."
"Your hard work is paying off; see the bigger picture and trust in your own high consciousness and spiritual connection."
"This act, if we do it in faith, has the power to do supernatural work in our lives."
"The work of building the kingdom is the work of gathering and strengthening and building and restoring and renewing."
"So if it seems like there's a whole lot of work involved here, please don't take that as some sort of a rigorous spirituality."
"You're here to bring people back to their heart, whether that's through counseling, therapy, or spiritual work."
"A disciple is one who learns and works for God to bring the kingdom back."
"We're just a microcosm of the big macrocosm."
"I feel like a personal call to really kind of also kind of work in this realm."
"I got your prayer request, Kristen. Amanda Sanchez, thank you for your ministry. God has done amazing work through you." - Amanda Sanchez
"You do God's work or you do the angels work... and you are meant to have some sort of spiritually based practice, business this lifetime."
"You will not work for ministry you will work from ministry"
"Use your God-given talents to do God’s work."
"This is his work we're the instruments all of us wherever we are in our place we are the instruments but this is his work and he's not gonna let his work fail he's not in fact remember when he tells us I will hasten my work."
"Let Jesus find you working for his kingdom, walk in love, be the light in this Dark World."
"God does his deepest work in changing your identity."
"The only thing that is going to keep us going to the end is the work of our father."
"You're building your empire, you're doing spirits work."
"This work has come from above, there is a God in heaven."
"I'm not out there to appease the world. I work for you, Lord."
"When you do God's work for years and begin to see the fruits of your labor, it is overwhelming. You see the changed lives, you see the eternal happiness on the faces of people, and how can it not move me?"
"If you believe and work the word, the word will work. But there has to be work involved to be able to do the prophetic word."
"My dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable, always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless." - 1 Corinthians 15:58.
"Some of you guys are distant healers, so some of you guys are healers for a living, you're really doing something in regards to healing, and they really, really like this about you."
"Your last life journey was really like work for spirit rather than just like friendships, family, romance."
"It's the presence within that's doing the work."
"We should be focused on being about the father's work every day."
"Your person is currently doing the work to raise those vibrations to come in a frequency that matches you."
"Everything you've done is goddess work, it's beautiful."
"Time for something new, I think it's talking about a transition in work, either changing careers altogether into the spiritual field or starting up a side business."
"Dean Robert, you have done tremendous work, God's work. I am so proud of you." - Anonymous attendee
"My goal here is to really empower and to create more light workers on the planet."
"It's not just if you're doing God's work, it's how you do God's work."
"What a privilege we have to be fellow workers with Jehovah as we help people become disciples of Christ Jesus."
"You gotta get into your spiritual lab and start doing something."
"Now you're working for Eternal Treasures that you can't see but you will see one day."
"You are gifted with the ability to heal through words thoughts touch and actions. You may also explore healing work."
"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain."
"We must work under the Divine anointing, depending upon the Holy Spirit. Then we shall be Fishers of Men."
"Any work that you do in service to the divine doesn't deplete you, it charges you."
"You are these light workers here to help a broader community help raise the Consciousness on this planet."
"Don't do shadow work if you're not willing to actually make a change."
"Once we do the inner works, everything will just follow."
"Jesus is coming back soon... you want Him to find you in that place where you're doing the work that He's called you to do."
"Everything you're working towards in this spiritual work is the unification of a divided mind."
"You don't need to be perfect to do this work. What you need is to have all your imperfections open to his merciful love."
"They view you as being extremely wise when it comes to manifesting and spiritual work."
"You know, all you can do is keep being yourself and keep doing your spiritual work."
"Spiritual work always needs to continue, especially in the face of making a really difficult decision."
"When you get anointed with the Spirit of God, then you are going to be doing the work of Jesus."
"This work is true. It was not established by men and women; it was established by God."
"It's not up to him; he's done all the work, but he's just asking us to yield to it."
"The nearer of man comes in any work that God commands him to the doing of it according to his will, so much the more hard and difficult it is."
"You're still being called to do some work on your heart chakra because especially because love is coming into your life."
"Just becoming aware of your emotions is super important for any type of spiritual, psychic, or healing work."
"We're on a partnership with Christ; he is empowering us to do the work."
"Holiness is solely the work and the fruit of the Holy Spirit, every stirring in the heart of man towards good is a voice of Christ by the Holy Ghost calling, 'Follow me.'"
"Just let God's glory come and then just stand in the glory, rest in the glory, knowing that He's doing the work."
"The Messiah's work on the cross provides forgiveness of sin and reconciliation with God."
"The ministry is more than just a job; it's a calling."
"Everything you're doing to serve God, do it with Excellence."
"My job is in the Soul Saving business."
"Thank you for your presence, thank you for the whole organization, you guys are truly doing God's work."
"By doing the work of recapitulation, you free yourself to be that multi-dimensional being that you truly are."
"The most glorious work of all, to praise God in His Kingdom."
"We receive Your plan, we receive the work of the Holy Spirit."
"I'm going to spend my time building the kingdom of God, brick by brick, line upon line."
"Only what we do for Christ will last."
"It takes both faith and courage to let God prevail; it takes persistent, rigorous spiritual work to repent and put off the natural man through the atonement of Jesus Christ."
"Faith doesn't sit back, faith is a work."
"In every generation, there are those who are tasked with maintaining the work and the people of God."
"The only prescription to remedy that blindness is God's sovereign work of regeneration."
"God loves you immensely and He wants to do wonderful work through every single one of you."
"It's through these things that God sometimes does his longest term and sweetest work."
"Our prayer is that God and His Spirit will work mightily in your midst."
"What an awesome video I watched this morning. I love how the Lord is using you."
"God has given me a mission, a task, work."
"It's about working miracles as guided by the Spirit."
"Prayer does not prepare us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work."
"He that hath began a good work in you shall perform it unto the day of Jesus Christ."
"Their participation with a person in the furtherance of the gospel and the kingdom of God on the earth is a very serious matter to God as well as to His angels."
"We will do the work of liberation and love, confession and testimony."
"Spiritual work is God's work, and when God works, man does not need to expend so much effort."
"The work of casting out demons is the work of all believers."
"The single best way for a witch or a worker or a magician or spiritualist to stop unconsciously sending out painful works is, in my experience, to start working with positive energies."
"If you believe the gospel, you rest from your work spiritually."
"You have now become a creator; you're no longer doing Satan's work, you are now doing God's work."
"The Holy Spirit is continuously working in us."
"I love what you're doing, man. You're doing kingdom work."
"Sometimes when you're under construction, Jesus needs to come in and gut the place."
"It's a beautiful work of Christ, this Kingdom work that I am humbled to be a part of."
"We need to do our spiritual work so that we are continuing to feed the collective with loving and light filled energies."
"We create out of the spiritual world; we work out of the spiritual world."
"Human beings should work on the earth in order to lead it to its goal which is spiritual."
"Hail Son of the Most High, heir of both worlds, queller of Satan, on thy glorious work now enter, and begin to save mankind."
"He that hath begun a good work in you will perform it."
"In this Kingdom, you don't rest to get strength, you work to get strength."
"The greatest work one can undertake is the work of surrendering the soul to Christ."
"Are you amazed when you see the work Jehovah is accomplishing through the Earthly part of his organization?"
"The Holy Spirit's work in us is vital."
"Allah is telling you, you're working hard throughout the year; I want you to spend one month working hard, earning the Palace of the Hereafter."
"We must believe that work for Christ can become as natural and as much an attraction and a pleasure in the spiritual world as in the natural world."
"Jesus on the inside working on the outside, oh what a change."
"Each one of us is highly needed for this work that Jesus laid out for us and instructed us to do as he did: 'Follow me,' he said."
"The fundamental nature of this work is to restore the wholeness of the field."
"I forgive Chris for his lies, I forgive Chris for his anger and frustration."
"What God is doing here now, is so far beyond a building."
"God is performing a good work in you."
"Being confident of this very thing, that he which begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."
"He that hath begun a good work in you shall perform it to the day of Jesus Christ."
"The work is going to close with greater power than it started."
"Being confident of this very thing, that He which had begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."
"The Holy Spirit is working in the world to convict people of their sins and to display righteousness."
"For you, Yahuwah, have made me glad through thy work; I'll triumph in the works of your hands."
"That which I do to you, I'll do through you."
"The Christ being brought with Him all the forces with which He worked during the three years of His sojourn on earth."
"I bless you and bless you for the goodness of God that is now working in and through you."
"She's like an ambassador of the Kingdom, just doing the work for God here on Earth."
"Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons."
"God's people need to get the Revelation that we can co-labor with his angels."
"You're moving your life in a new direction and you've done the spiritual work."
"When we get inspired on our spiritual journey, there's work to be done; it isn't something that's cheap that we can just get for free, there's effort to be put in."
"It is God that works in us both to will and to do."
"Whatever work you perform with sincerity and earnest longing will attract His grace and help towards realization."
"You're doing God's work out there."
"She is 90 years old or she would say 90 years young because she's still covering the earth with the word."
"If your work... fails in bringing people to that point... you are not doing the work of God."
"We're giving voice to those ancestors who now will have bodies in the present moment that they can work through to help us remember."
"We are united in the work of the Lord."
"May each of us choose to be united in the Lord's inspired way to help his work go forward."
"My food is to do the will of one who sent me and to finish his work, no matter what it cost you."
"You were sent to earth at this precise time to help gather Israel."
"He that has begun a good work in you shall perform it unto the day of Jesus Christ."
"We need women who have the courage and vision of our Mother Eve to unite with their brethren in bringing souls unto Christ."
"You are really committed to your spirit, your work, what is it that you're meant to do, what is your purpose."
"We're inviting people to join God in His work."
"The spirit of Elijah is going to do a work within the people of God in the end times that is going to bring the generations together."
"One may sow, another may reap... joining with God but also working together."
"You've done the real spiritual work, you've done the work on your Consciousness and on your inner world."
"You are about to receive the fruition of that work you've been doing up until now, that inner spiritual healing work."
"Your spirituality is taking care of business, whatever you're trying to manifest."
"You're doing this really deep spiritual work of transformation, of growth, of evolution."
"These transits are times when things that you've done on the inner realm can really manifest in a big way."
"What God is doing here on our Colorado campus, He's also doing all around the world."
"Keep doing good, God's work; good karma is coming your way."
"Keep doing God's work; good karma is coming your way."
"The Earth is the schoolhouse, and even if you are a very wise old soul, you're here for your spiritual work."
"You might feel like you're not doing a lot, but your ancestors and your whole spiritual team really do appreciate the work you're doing."
"He who began a good work in us will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."
"That's why it's important that you guys do the work, so that when it's your turn to take your spot as being a spiritual leader, you will awaken sooner."