
Business Analysis Quotes

There are 428 quotes

"Business Analyst is a professional who bridges the gap between the IT and the business teams in an organization."
"It's very important to understand the range of values for a business under different scenarios."
"You're buying businesses and if you get your money's worth in terms of future earning power over the next 10 or 20 or 30 years, you're gonna make a good investment."
"The strategy can be boiled down into four overarching steps: Number one, understanding the business; Number two, ensuring the business has a durable competitive advantage; Number three, making sure the management team operates the business with skill and integrity; and Number four, making sure you only buy the shares when they're at a discount to intrinsic value."
"This is going to allow us to compare not only year over year, but we're going to be able to compare ourselves to other companies of different sizes."
"Unique's revenues and profits declined year over year, with Coty attributing the weakness to decreasing hype, a complex business structure, increased consumer awareness of the risks of participating in an MLM scheme, and Facebook's algorithm changes."
"One of the biggest unlocks in a business, especially in a recurring revenue business, is figuring out what are the leading indicators that get someone to leave or stay."
"Every valuation tells a story, and every story about a company can be converted to a valuation."
"Years ago, I was in Omaha, and I visited with Charlie Munger. And he made the comment to me that the entire pension fund advisory business one day would go out of business. It would go the way of the dodo bird because of the groupthink that surrounded the industry."
"The American natural gas industry is going to be a big business winner."
"Every little piece of this is like a puzzle and it paints an overall picture of what's going on with that company."
"I run every single deal through this, and it tells you whether you should purchase or pass."
"Free cash flow is my favorite number to look at when analyzing a company."
"The Yeezy business is valued at between 3.2 and 4.7 billion."
"What we are seeing is a major shift...I wonder if after everyone saw a 30% sales drop from Bud Light for doing this two things happened."
"Now it's either a brand that confirms the beliefs of these private equity firms and sticks around for the foreseeable future or it's the place where the kids that could be kids have finally grown up."
"Let's see what's moving... where's the momentum today?"
"The first item on the agenda today is the results of the quarterly survey conducted by Cornerstone Consulting."
"The better it scores, the more likely that that project is to do well."
"This is an industry that is growing at an extreme pace."
"Focus on the microeconomics of the business, not the macroeconomics of the economy."
"Creative thinking, good communication, problem-solving skills, and negotiation skills – essential soft skills for any business analyst."
"A business analyst is a multi-tasker responsible for generating ideas, developing them, and then implementing them to reach their goals."
"It's just comical that you guys are so upset."
"The fact that it's below 50 means that we're seeing a decline in manufacturing."
"Its sales per store is higher than any other fast food chain."
"We really gotta peel back now, see what we got."
"Looking at the numbers, it really is amazing."
"Gap analysis helps identify discrepancies between current and desired states, allowing for targeted improvements."
"Lagging indicators would be least helpful in determining future trends; they cannot predict the future accurately."
"They're aware of the mistakes... They have analytics companies and really smart people."
"The reality of the underlying business does not change that much. Fundamentals is a good way to invest."
"Disney's massively in debt... Disney Plus is not gonna be the end-all be-all."
"Everyone else is battling at best for a distant second place."
"I view Microsoft as one of the best businesses in the world with fantastic fundamentals and a clear trajectory for growth over the next decade."
"I just don't see how that could mix out to drive the Model 3 and Model Y combined average selling price down by $700 from Q2."
"I think our weave is at least a five to six x, our weave could be literally like a 10x or above."
"Every aspect of Frog Cal has provided immense value for its particular strategy."
"Private companies are often worth very different amounts to different buyers or investors."
"Looks like the problem is Omega and Omega they're really strong in the area that customers are caring less and less about."
"Omega Omega is facing a structural shift in market demand."
"Given the fundamentals of the company, the valuation, their market position, their brand, their moat, secular growth trends, and the way that they're using technology, I think this company does have ultimately a very bright future."
"They really are demonstrating they've got a game plan, they've got a strategy, and they're executing."
"Kimberly Clark is a boring company that will generate consistent and growing cash flow for decades to come."
"It's often best to keep an eye on Market metrics."
"I had looked at all the top performers in the business and all the top companies, like all the Fortune 500 companies. And they all had really, really strong through lines to how they figured out what they were working against."
"The decomposition tree is an amazing tool for understanding contributing factors to your business performance."
"I think it's a winner take all. I think it's like Amazon, I think it's like Google."
"I think this is definitely the breadwinner in terms of the one that they're promoting most."
"GameStop's biggest mistake: misinterpreting its own success."
"Games are not just businesses. It's not so cut and dry on why certain games fail and then others succeed."
"Palantir's new free cash flow data means a reasonable price target can be set for PLTR."
"But the most important thing for you to understand is these long term debts and all the debts and the loans of a company is all going to be broken down here in in kind of plain English here."
"Nintendo is usually sees a nice holiday cycle here right and any low in Nintendo especially during the summer before any sort of new consoles are announced before the holiday shopping season goes on."
"You observe and it's like transfers... there are enough things going on with United to make me think that this sale is coming."
"Tesla is either the biggest or the second biggest opportunity I could find over the last five years."
"There's no stopping this company anytime soon."
"I think the Wii U's biggest failure was in its marketing and messaging."
"Wall Street has been watching GameStop in awe."
"When you really know you've got a bad business is when you have a good manager and you're getting bad results."
"Most people see Tesla as the underdog, but the numbers tell a different story."
"Comparative advantages of premier Indian franchises have held up beautifully."
"Any weakness may prompt new buyers because, in our view, downside due to temporary factors will not detract from the longer-term thesis."
"There's a lot of noise in these quarters but the long-term signal is still very clear."
"Sometimes what ends up playing out is that the first one in a market doesn't remain in that position forever."
"Grantham does detail solid points from time to time."
"The intrinsic value of MasterCard has increased by around 15% year-over-year."
"Our job... is to try to buy companies that will literally never want to sell."
"Success in MLM: Selling products vs. recruiting new members."
"I think I've made up my mind already on this stock in this company and I actually believe that it still presents one of the best values and it's one of the best companies easily in the world I really believe that."
"Instead of locking in some profits, pay close attention to what the company's doing... and what the future looks like."
"I love studying the business of entertainment, I love the numbers."
"The tattooed chef has limited product lines right now and this is also a potential risk factor."
"In my opinion, that means tattoo chef has way less risk for potential downside."
"Revenue growth and operating margins drive the value of this company."
"If Robinhood can do all of these things well, I would start taking them a lot more seriously."
"Once they actually start rolling cars off the lot, we're going to have real numbers."
"Wow, I'm really glad I looked into this because this machine is only earning 150 per hour, just changing it to this earns almost 350."
"The market is expected to grow from $75.89 billion in 2021 to $114.78 billion in 2028."
"I think things are looking very, very bad for Disney, and I don't know if it survives this."
"It's really important that we pay attention to our old indicators."
"Apple's moat has improved, the valuation should go up."
"Revenue growth is the primary driver of returns."
"There may be 21 good companies in the entire world."
"This was a great little system that really had awful marketing."
"Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google would be the big ones where you just look up and being like, 'Hey, you know, if you close your eyes and open them 10 years from now, like, do you think those companies will still be kicking ass and dominating?'"
"If you look at companies tech company started 2000 and 2013 you sum all the market caps compared with tech company start in the 1990s some of those market caps four times as much."
"The purpose of an income statement is to show you the profit or the loss that a business is generating."
"When the company's revenue is increasing but their operating income is decreasing, it's a red flag."
"There is no other company that's like Costco."
"Industry turmoil is happening, and that means that there’s a case to be made that we’re at that fork in the road."
"It's frustrating, so look, it's a buying opportunity if you are somebody who says, 'Look, the fundamentals of Tesla sound, don't worry about this, this is just short-term drama.'"
"What will be really fascinating is if an increase of inventory will happen."
"Is he one of the most shrewd investors and businessmen ever with a vision of the future many people just aren't yet appreciating, or is he a lucky gambler destroying venture capital and manipulating markets?"
"You always learn a lot about a company when they respond to these types of things."
"We have an ROI calculator you can punch in your actual production numbers and you can see what that means. The numbers are huge."
"I think Tesla is one of the most incredible companies of our era."
"I think my answer to the uh to the final part of that question is just yes it does seem to be the case that there are limited returns Beyond eight cause."
"Most people might not realize, but to understand how a simple coffee store can become a global Empire, we need to look at the four stages of Starbucks."
"I like Facebook, can we get that earnings board?"
"It's a great way to provide this contextual understanding of what was the original value and what is the new value."
"What problem does this company solve, and do they do it well?"
"When I see the numbers for Universal, I'm like one of the things that Disney has done in the past and they'll continue to do in the future is they will react right."
"If we look at their earnings, we can see that they peaked in 1993."
"Why would you invest in a dying company or something that's not innovating when you could invest in a big fat innovator?"
"The market's definitely changing, and I've been someone who has expected that change to be maybe more apparent than it has been."
"EBITDA: earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization, a measure of profitability."
"I almost feel like it's a slam dunk for a 2x or 3xer. Am I wrong on these companies?"
"Living plants for me, it's like a much safer gift."
"The certainty of return in the oil business with the relative risks to reward, I don't see a better business in the world."
"Our job is to identify how many vehicles are they going to sell over the next two to five years. What's the profitability around those vehicles? I mean, it's as simple as that."
"We're probably sat on a goldmine if you actually looked at our channel."
"The reason why Tesla is significantly more valuable than other automakers... it's the return on invested capital."
"Players emotions don't fit on your spreadsheet."
"I need to get access to their numbers so I can figure out exactly how much this place actually makes and ultimately how much it's really worth."
"Chipotle is a company that I think will be a long-term winner."
"At the end of the day, it's an organization."
"The product itself and the business model in the future ahead for StarLink actually is very fascinating."
"Roblox is going up though, man they're going up they're on the up and up there look at that."
"I think overall they do have a pretty solid chance of keeping that up."
"Tesla's essentially had the same models since inception."
"Automotive is secretly a perfect professional cash printer."
"Tesla seems capable, they have very capable people."
"Chinese businesses are strong and undervalued."
"No one freaking cares about this quarter like people are only investing in Tesla for the next 5 10 years."
"Tesla is pretty much at a $10 billion per year EBITDA run rate which is fantastic... pov ratios don't give adequate valuation metric or framework to really know how to value growth companies."
"Like what Facebook did with Instagram, that was probably the steal of the century."
"I think it could be the best earnings ever for Tesla."
"I personally believe that Tesla has a very, very long way to go."
"This company brought in $536 million but spent $2.3 billion. That's spending over four dollars for every dollar of revenue."
"The cancellation of live-action Cowboy Bebop reflects a company following the data."
"I would say there's a 60/40 chance they go bankrupt."
"It's almost like that's it's a good analogy on the paper financials but when you're diving into why Tesla's premium is even more justified because it's not just a label that's a brand."
"To share some of the insights which I've gained from doing that has been really, really cool."
"Amazon is the finest business of which I am aware, and I believe it is still very cheap."
"How do you explain... that the market has valued it as up to $15 billion?"
"The only way you can possibly be a long-term investor in a business is by... having conviction in the competitive advantage of that business."
"If you've identified a great business and you've purchased it well, why would you be in a rush to sell it?"
"What it comes down to is a really firm qualitative understanding of what makes a business great."
"Compensation Plan reveals pyramid schemes." - Chelsea
"I view S&P Global as an incredibly wide moat, high-growth business with strong secular growth trends."
"I don't own the stock but it's very powerful in fact I don't know of any auto parts company in the world that I would say is a better business than mother Sansui."
"The best time to exploit and find companies that are performing well fundamentally is during these fear periods."
"Look at the math and you're like [ __ ] we should be owning that."
"Palantir is divisive but shouldn't be ignored."
"Bernie Marcus: 'Trump simply does not have the cash he needs.'"
"Huawei cannot survive... I don't think Huawei is in the same league as companies like Samsung or TSMC."
"It's about understanding the business and why things happen."
"These companies are just better investments overall."
"I don't see worthy competition for Tesla emerging anytime soon."
"The reason I'm not selling is, you know, who is the next corporate domino to fall?"
"Understanding the business issue is the first thing you need to do."
"The management in between the lines analysis says they're maybe even crushing it harder than we can even comprehend."
"Understanding financial ratios and metrics: not a magic solution, but crucial for investing."
"When everybody's complaining about constant price hikes but the churn rate doesn't go up, that is an incredibly good sign for Netflix."
"Toyota is functionally bipolar and I don't mean they've got a mental defect I mean there are two poles and they don't meet they're just position one and position two and they are mutually irreconcilable."
"What we're reporting is that the reservation system is costing Disney revenue, and Disney is starting to realize that."
"Regardless of what Chase does, I think they're in a pretty good spot."
"SWAT analysis, when used, can help a company understand where it is now in its industry and what the future holds and how the company can progress itself in a beneficial way."
"Tesla is showing a lot of relative strength given the absence of any Tesla-related trading in a normal period like this."
"This is a great example of a gigantic industry with no winners."
"Revenue grew 41%, which is above guidance. They got it for 30, they did 41. Government grew 47% year-over-year, commercial 34% year-over-year."
"I'm definitely not surprised to see Microsoft here on the list."
"Riot looked at IMT's books and saw that this is an organization that has been completely VC funded."
"Integration is key. Whatever you bring back, let's look at that."
"The basic character of a business case is that you make a bunch of assumptions and then you run it through an economic model and then you act as if that's the value of the project."
"I have searched for a lot of information about the company, such as news on the company's website, cosmetics industry reports, and found that the company had an average annual growth rate of 20% in the past five years."
"It was a lightning in a bottle type scenario."
"There's our third Tornado Wall—okay, um, there's some stuff in here worth considering."
"The only number that matters is this percentage over here."
"Lucid had very convenient gross profit estimates."
"There's effectively infinite demand for the products Tesla makes."
"Tesla is a one trillion dollar startup with a one percent market share."
"Isn't the simplest argument: if this was a good company to go public?"
"There's a lot to like about this e-commerce and fintech Powerhouse."
"A lot of people seem to like a comparison of business philosophies finances as you may call it between Smokey Mountain Wrestling and ECW."
"People overlook importance of growth rates for companies."
"The Tesla Semi alone could justify the stock price today."
"That sets a floor, the credibility that Tesla has regained combined with that sort of guidance means that all you really have to forecast is how far above that bar Tesla will end up."
"Why has Netflix been able to have a higher retention rate than any of their competitors?"
"It tends to be a fairly steadily up climbing accumulation of cash flows."
"The two big things aside from top line and gross margin here to watch for would be Tesla's outlook on the supply chain."
"The higher the earnings per share, the better a company's profitability."
"So the question, how many unique months did we sell Quad, the answer is two, all because we have a table filter."
"Apple's single biggest vulnerability and investment risk today."
"We're getting the history, but anything we're doing, I'm trying to get to the best possible history and evaluation of the company."
"Who cares what the stock's doing... let's look at what the company is doing."
"Multidimensional data, organized into hierarchies, is an intuitively comfortable way to analyze."
"This might be the most important metric for Palantir."
"So why would you sell something that's producing 1.5 million dollars annually just to get at the 27 million dollars?"
"DEI is a supply problem, not a demand problem."
"Do I think this company is going to be around for the foreseeable future, 10, 20, 30 years from now?"
"Using Google Cloud's bigquery, business analysts of Ferrero were able to store and analyze massive data sets in a very reliable fast and affordable manner."
"You must read the 10k annual report, you must read the latest 10q, you must listen to the latest conference call not once but twice."
"During this call we delve deep into the client's business to uncover information such as their purpose, target audience, competitors, and more."
"This is our primary KPI, which was asked in our requirement."
"Event storming is a must-have for making sure what is built is what the business expects and is delivered with clear objectives in mind."
"Let's find 25 businesses that have made this leap right we could do that."
"Please analyze business in both the ways so one is your failure and your success success can you prepare but when you see a failure you should be ready mentally how to convert it to success."
"The highest overall average return on the hotel side is still worse than the lowest performing overall average on the flexible side."