
High-risk Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"I implore everyone, as a high-risk category, that when we get a safe, effective vaccine, they should take the vaccine."
"The risk of the global spread and impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus is now very high."
"We're in a Manhattan Project. They feared the explosion might actually burn up the atmosphere and destroy the Earth, yet they continued full steam ahead."
"It's high risk, high reward, but once you get it, it's very rewarding."
"The devil weapons in Fire Emblem franchise rock insane damage output, but may end up slicing your own face off."
"Known for his audacious bets and crazy returns, Plotkin was a superstar trader."
"Your BORG is complete; it all adds up to a gallon of fun and a whole lot of hospital visits."
"On Halloween, there is an extremely high level unlike any other night of kidnappings, people going missing, murders occur, sacrifices happen."
"Chances that you get conned review points in upcoming books is much higher than... an actual book series."
"Offshore officers meet the most desperate suspects on water."
"If you want to make a lot of money but you don't mind losing it, you play roulette."
"Chasing the games as a service model is even more dangerous than investing in massive AAA games."
"Concentrating things with the highest upside, even if they have the highest downside."
"Most of my home run stocks came from Wall Street Bets."
"Overall score on the behavioral table of elements is a 27 which is extremely high when 11 indicates a possible deception."
"NFTs will come to be seen as the most contrarian, highest risk to reward, most asymmetric bet in crypto land."
"Experienced investors are very much prepared to lose their money, because they are not looking for 1x or 2x returns on investment, they are looking for that 6000x, unicorn, that life-changing win."
"High-risk high-reward venture as this landmass possesses nothing short of incredible power for humankind to harness."
"You cannot be a dabbler. Hype plays are great opportunities but they are the most aggressive moves in the market."
"We need to go to space and do things that are immensely complex and high risk."
"We didn't let complex and high risk stop us."
"This is an alien Research Center, this is a high risk video guys so please we need all the luck we can possibly get."
"Don't touch Evergrande distressed debt... it is toxic waste, it is garbage."
"People are buying into stocks late into run-ups at high valuations because they want to take part in the gains."
"Shorting is the highest risk strategy in trading."
"A dangerous mission, tunnel rats' casualty rate was around three."
"If you want to make the most money and you're willing to take more risk then look at the mining sector."
"We're sheltering individuals at the highest risk."
"AMC, GME, BB, Nokia, all these stocks have a pretty extreme amount of risk involved."
"Buying long-term out call options allows you to leverage your money and potentially get much more outsized gains."
"Eighty-five point seven percent of the people aboard the Nostromo in Alien died. That is the cost of telling that story."
"Big money that's going to go into this for sure. There's people who'll throw a million dollars in to see, well, does it go back to five or six dollars? It's, you know, four or five hundred percent potential return."
"I'm not messing with the gnome. The gnome spells death every single time."
"You can have something that's potentially a 1,000x coin, but it remains a high risk."
"What we operate in is a high-risk environment. What we do need to know is that we maintain our training, we maintain our situational awareness to take care of ourselves and each other as we go through."
"Serving safe, carefully prepared food to high-risk populations is crucial to avoid potential foodborne illnesses."
"He's had the courage and the skills to select and execute the most difficult high-risk shots."
"It's high risk, high reward. Imagine if we're successful, we're able to prevent Parkinson's."
"We could apply it automatically behind the scenes for millions of different patients and find the high-risk population and perform interventions for those patients."
"Preventive care that proactively targets high-risk individuals who may be least likely to seek out such care."
"It is recommended in HIV negative patients and HIV negative patients alone in high-risk situations."
"If you tilt your investments toward securities with very high risk, your overall portfolio risk exposure would also be very high."
"Statistics tremendously values high-risk, high-reward research and work."
"You can't deny the fact that it was quite the high stakes gamble to take."
"Risk factor high because of the CVSS base score which is 9.8."
"You should not be drafting scared, you should be going after those high ceiling options."
"If you're trying to turn five dollars into two hundred thousand, you need a lot of points."
"The name of the game is you got to pick high ceiling players and you gotta have a lineup that has high volatility because you got to separate yourself in the pack."