
Peaceful Coexistence Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Achieving reconciliation requires delicately balancing religious, political, and diplomatic considerations alongside a strong commitment to finding common ground and fostering peaceful coexistence."
"The security of a country should not be pursued at the expense of others."
"I just want all of our Elemental friends to be able to live together in harmony and peace."
"Our future is to be together living together in peace and friendship."
"It's incredibly important for us to pursue peaceful coexistence with Russia and China."
"He embraced the hypothesis that demons and humans can coexist and he made it a reality."
"They don't bother me, I don't bother them. We simply coexist."
"Values don't have to match but can live in harmony."
"Welcome to little homeschool, a place on earth where gems from all over the universe can come learn how to live together peacefully."
"We can coexist peacefully even if we don't see eye to eye."
"Every religion has a good thing to make our world a beautiful peaceful."
"The idea of peaceful coexistence: Respect their interest, and they will respect our interest."
"The only objective worthy of pursuit is peaceful coexistence, not defeat of China military or otherwise."
"We're reaching a level of warmongering that is beyond terrifying. The only objective worthy of pursuit is peaceful coexistence."
"This is a moment of truth for Britain and its allies over whether it is possible for the democratic world to peacefully coexist with China."
"People you disagree with, you shouldn't hate, you shouldn't want them dead."
"I dream of a world where children continue to play on the fields, coexisting with animals and beings in peace."
"He shows the king how demons and humans are both in the city."
"Bloodgood was a progressive monster that just wanted to create an environment where normies and monsters could congregate and make peace."
"Peace and Harmony is always good for people."
"The basis of libertarianism... peaceful cooperation between people."
"Men are not our enemies. If we kill them, with whom shall we live?"
"We've got to fight for truth while maintaining a bond of peace."
"In the end, no matter how much I disagree with this concept and this community and these people, they aren't hurting anybody."
"Trust that you're coming into a place where you can enjoy harmony with others."
"We know we've won we have we have one look at it around the world and it's not a matter of winning it's a matter of coming to terms with the fact that people just want to live their lives."
"Feeling like you have to Mash one marginalized uh demographic down so you can get up to the top that's not how it works we supposed to be all living together in peace."
"Sharing is caring. Be kinder, friendlier. Live in peace with everyone."
"Maybe the Democrats do, not me. I want people to be equals, to work together, to share their ideas, to share their culture, to live peacefully."
"Being able to provide a harmonious dynamic in a relationship with your spouse encompasses many things: support, good habits, and maintaining peace and respect."
"Sanguinius actively wished for xenos and Humanity could co-exist peacefully but he wasn't naive about it."
"It's amazing how so many different animals can seem to see past their differences and get along happily together."
"Islam emphasizes living in peace and harmony with people of other faiths."
"China and the U.S. should respect each other, coexist in peace, and pursue win-win cooperation."
"Her and Jericho get on incredibly well and it's really lovely to be able to go out on trail rides and not have to worry about having two horses that absolutely hate each other."
"Now with humans living in harmony with the sea monsters everyone starts to live in peace in puerto rozo."
"Live and let live, as long as you're not attacking me."
"We were neighbors after all. We had to find a way to live peacefully amidst ourselves in the long run."
"Tanzania post-colonialism: No disaster, doom, or gloom. They figured out a way to live together peacefully."
"I want to promote tolerance of all peaceful people, regardless of religion, and scrutinize bad ideas, regardless of religion."
"The United Arab Emirates is a model for peaceful coexistence between different cultures and faiths."
"While Islamophobia is on the rise in several European countries, Muslims here live in peace."
"We would fight for our rights as humans, we would fight for the ideals of humans and mutants living together in harmony."
"We don't have the strength to take revenge yet, so we just need to live peacefully together."
"Strong, intelligent, and sensitive, this is the bright side of elephants left in peace."
"China's foreign policy is very much around the idea of non-interference and the principles of peaceful coexistence."
"We'll still live with the lamb. The leopard shall lie down with the kid. The little child to lead them."
"The gator is almost like a peaceful thing to the cows."
"We have to support each other so we live and coexist in peaceful harmony with the land and with ourselves."
"Three sparkling gouramis... they were getting along really harmoniously."
"Look at how close the lioness and cub are. Domestic bliss. No animosity at all."
"We don't want any problems with you, we just want to live here peacefully."
"They make us feel very peaceful when they're not having a go at you."
"Why can't we just bloody get on and live together, surely that's the aim for everyone right around the world, to get on together and live in peace."
"Can't we just get along peacefully like this?"
"The animals have a very sort of harmonious relationship with the Maasai."
"We cannot spread hate against them, we shouldn't."