
Warhammer Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"It is a tale of madness and treachery and is some of the best writing in all of Warhammer horror."
"Know then that this is a record of the master of mankind's personally cherished sons, once the exemplars of humanity, now the Damned and forever lost."
"Treating Warhammer lore like it's an academic research subject and doing it just as much respect as you would if you were writing your own thesis is actually really fun and rewarding."
"Their society, an intricate web of power struggles and backstabbing, each Dark Eldar constantly vying for dominance over others."
"Comorragh exists as a city of paradoxes, where the pursuit of pleasure, sensory experience, and power coexists with both no risk and yet constant threat."
"The Dark Eldar use smaller hidden gates to launch their surprise raids on unsuspecting worlds, capturing slaves to satiate their unquenchable thirst for suffering."
"The anticipation of the cruelty, the torturous unpredictable whims of the wholly, and the ever-present threat of being permanently exhibited as one of the Jaar's twisted machinations creates a suffocating atmosphere."
"Comorragh remains truly the Heart of Darkness, ever serving as a stark reminder that while those which exist within the warp are undoubtedly some of the most corrupting and twisted horrors beyond imagination."
"The consistent capture and torment of human souls by the Jakari serve not only as a means of sustaining their existence but as a clear demonstration of the Imperium's failure."
"It's a common misconception in the Warhammer universe that every faction is inherently evil. The reality is that everybody is capable of great good and terrible acts."
"Swordmasters of Hoeth, the Warhammer world's Jedi's... study for years upon years at the Tower of Hoeth in Saphery to really pick up their great sword and become these Swordmasters."
"Dragon Princes... are my favorite units in tabletop and lore. They're so badass looking; their aesthetic is amazing."
"Their strength has waned here and there, but they've yet to be beaten to any form of submission."
"Maybe you'll end up playing the super silly orcs or a legion of Space Marines. No matter who you are, you'll end up finding an army that really resonates with you."
"The Horus Heresy was a massive civil war that saw half of the Space Marine legions fall to chaos and betray the Emperor and his Imperium."
"You might be drawn to the lore and background of the army and the way that they make war."
"Mont'ka and Kauyon give you some really nice whole army buffs."
"Overall though, I think they've done well to improve the relic section compared with what it was."
"I most appreciate about Warhammer lore that most races are dynamic and demonstrating a lot of different competing forces at play."
"Astartes acted as a beacon to spark people's curiosity into Warhammer."
"Blood Ball 3 combines Warhammer and American football for real."
"Almost everybody does belong in the Warhammer community."
"The Horus Heresy: a monumental series of events in the history of mankind."
"I am Tycho, and I am here playing Warhammer with my friends."
"The blood angels have always been staunch defenders of the Imperium yet for all of their accomplishments they suffer from a fatal flaw."
"Commander Dante, Lord of the hosts, regent of Imperium Nihilus."
"The list is built around two big units of assault Marines and one big unit of death company with jump packs."
"The assault squads with the priests in particular look particularly fun to use."
"Massive general purpose attacks at strength 14 and damage D6 plus 2."
"Tyrion... one of the best legendary lords in the game period."
"This to me feels more like one of those Warhammer games in the sense that I think we're about to get something impressive."
"Warhammer is a jumping off point for people to get into the rest of the industry."
"The primaris again, something people were initially not at all happy with now it's largely been accepted and is at most a grumbling annoyance in that sense while people always have these very vocal emotional reactions to any change."
"The Stormcast Eternals are what happens when Sigmar finally had enough of chaos hogging all the fantasy power armor."
"If you're a Warhammer fan, I ask that you give this new universe a chance because it really is something interesting and unique."
"If you don't know him by now, you're probably under a rock... Luton is the de facto perfect Warhammer lore YouTuber."
"Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy... he has plenty of memes about him thin your paints two thin coats etc etc..."
"Looks like the custodians are just back with a massive amount of raw strength to park on primary objectives and put those who would challenge the emperor to the guardian spear."
"Repent, change your mind, and see Christ as your savior right now."
"Rogal Dorn's greatest son, the warrior, the hero, the legend, the First Templar Sigismund."
"When eighth edition came along shockingly all the way back in 2017 we saw a massive explosion of progress."
"Age of Sigmar is the only game on the market that features large fantasy armies and has the highest percentage of absolutely excellent models in their range."
"It's been a ton of fun exploring the world of Warhammer fantasy."
"Always good to see the sons of Sanguinius having a bit of unlikely success."
"What's not to love, right? It covers all the bases in terms of a Warhammer fantasy army."
"Classic Warhammer like you've just never seen me before."
"The problem is that the Space Wolf player is accomplishing no Deeds because on turn one they're not having a character kill a character in combat."
"When do you think your startup battle reports also Warhammer section on Discord?"
"The PvP in Warhammer Age of Reckoning was absolutely tremendous."
"The reason we love Warhammer isn't Games Workshop always making the right choice, it's ourselves and what we bring to it."
"Generally when you ask people what the weirdest Warhammer miniature which has ever been released is the real ones will probably say this miniature here."
"Nobody fits the bill quite as well as the chaos space marines."
"There are a few distinctive visual elements that make chaos space marines look very different."
"A very important piece of any necron army if you have even a reasonable amount like any moderate amount of shooting."
"I love Warhammer stuff and I try to support it whenever I can by putting it on the channel."
"I played a bunch of Warhammer with my buddies, it was freaking awesome."
"Next up we have the relic Terminator squad... just for sheer flexibility and utility."
"This is a 35 year old Warhammer miniature and I think it actually looks really, really nice."
"Vampire Counts is probably my best looking Warhammer fantasy Army currently."
"The Squig is classic, it's awesome, it's orky, it works perfectly in both Warhammer 40K and Age of Sigmar."
"I appreciate anything that gets more people to know about and into the world of Warhammer."
"The obvious thing to do is to put our faces on Warhammer models."
"One page rules is a great game and it lets me play Warhammer 40 000 more casually."
"For Age of Sigmar, female Stormcast are included in the starter boxes. They're amazing figures and they make the whole vibe of that game better."
"And here she is, the one and only female model ever included in a starter set for Warhammer 40K. She looks great with that goblin Green base, a lovely model from the late 1900s."
"Assault squads with jump packs... I did not expect to see them be this good in this edition, but they are."
"Inceptors... are very efficient against whatever target you choose."
"Eradicators essentially override the nerfs to multi-meltas."
"Gladiator Land Raiders... are pretty nice."
"Infiltrators... are quite survivable and protect your objectives."
"Scout snipers... can be almost untargetable."
"Hellstrike and thunderstrike Storm Speeders... are really good force multipliers for your army."
"The weird thing about collecting Black Templar is before the Command Patrol came out, but not too long before the Cow Patrol came out, the Black Templar Army Box came out."
"For 10,000 years, Typhus has brought Nurgle's rot and the Destroyer Hive to countless worlds."
"The Warhammer world's geography and history became more coherent, thanks to the Third Edition of the game."
"Goblin Wars fractured dwarf holds, leading to the eventual expulsion of green skins from the old world."
"I'm excited for the Warhammer TV show. Hopefully, they do it justice."
"Necrons are terrible. God, the context of that for people who don't know about Warhammer, like, 'Yeah, I'm just gonna fight this five-year-old girl who's like a metal skeleton man.' See you later. Space Marines are all child soldiers. No one just ever talks about it."
"If you want to build an inexpensive Army then proxies are actually a pretty great way to go about it you can use whatever minis you like to represent a type of troop option in your Warhammer game."
"Warhammer is a world where you revel in being bad, revel in being bad."
"The Death Guard, a nurgle worshiping infected Legion whose ability to feel pain and take damage has all but just gone away."
"There's a diversity of life that is currently not being reflected in the overall Warhammer output and there is a huge swei of awesome that you could draw upon there so I see no reason why you wouldn't."
"Plague Marines: sons of Nurgle, embodying stinky, putrefied glory."
"Plague Marines: a delight for retro Warhammer enthusiasts."
"Plague Marines: a symphony of disease and decay, marching to Nurgle's tune."
"I just love the characters from Warhammer, they're just so over the top and so much fun."
"Warhammer 40,000, or otherwise, is an expensive hobby. We all know this. People borderline fetishize the fact. Some hobbies love to talk about how much it 'ruins' their wallet or how they spent too much money on Warhammer."
"What did I find out from all this? Well, I found out that the most competitive armies and sweatiest armies are around 500 quid, which is actually cheaper than I thought it would be."
"Well six times it turns out a lot of invulnerable saves yeah thir one one one is enough to slay the warlord again grave Terminators consolidate continue their Relentless March."
"The universe of Warhammer has so much going for it."
"After all, if there is a new Warhammer 40K content creator out there, it's a job to support them."
"Humanity is the worst Warhammer race to live as and bar none."
"I highly recommend if you like Warhammer games, that's the game for you."
"Betrayal and revenge are as much a part of the Grim Darkness as a Bolter or even the marine."
"It's a whole fascinating place in terms of the overall impact that it has on the lore of what Warhammer is."
"We're going to be talking about really and truly the biggest, baddest, most sinister force in the Warhammer world."
"Warhammer is a hobby that blurs the lines between model building and gaming."
"If you feel the same way, wherever and whoever you are, we're glad you are a part of the Warhammer Community."
"He's often credited with being one of the people who helped to shape the grim dark appearance of the Warhammer 40k universe."
"It really summed up everything that I love about Warhammer: ridiculous aesthetic, the satirical nature of the classical art mixed with the Grim dark aesthetic."
"I love Warhammer 40k; the art style, the setting, the lore, everything about it appeals to me."
"It's very Grimdark, it's action-packed, and it's a very good Warhammer 40K game."
"He is very well noted as being one of the most loyal allies and the most honest people at face value in the Warhammer universe."
"You have to have Nagash, is a core Warhammer character."
"Whenever someone's getting into Warhammer for the very, very first time, usually my first recommendation is Gotrek and Felix."
"Unlike the real world, in the Warhammer World, the Winds of magic are real."
"The High Elves are easily the most dominant naval force in the entire Warhammer world."
"Huge thanks to our awesome Patreon family who help me bring you fun Warhammer videos every week."
"A hundred points now gets you 10 marines and that's 10 bodies with bolters."
"Space marines on the table now... it's the kind of thing you want to see in the Horus Heresy."
"Terminators and dreadnoughts... they're just really hard to kill."
"The best thing to kill terminators with is large cannons... they instant death them to get around the two wounds."
"People don't get into Warhammer because they see a book on the bookshelf and they're like, 'I want to read this whole book and play this game.' No, they see people's awesome ass models. That's why they want to learn it."
"Your corpse god cannot save you from Grandfather Nurgle, everything decays, everything falls to entropy."
"This year I decided to get back into Warhammer, both on this channel and in my personal hobby time."
"It felt good to be diving back into the reason that I got into the hobby again in the first place."
"I took it as a sign, so join me as I dive headfirst back into Warhammer for the first time in a year and do some epic dragons."
"If this is your first time on the channel and you'd like to learn how to paint your Warhammer miniatures, learn new techniques, and find out all about this great hobby, then please consider subscribing."
"Can you smell what the Death Guard are cooking?"
"Old world's just that nostalgia of like, it was the intro game for most of us getting into Warhammer."
"Warhammer fans have clamored for Primaris assault troops carried aloft on jump packs since the dawn of the Dark Imperium, and now they're finally here."
"Welcome back to the channel, Warhammer man back in the studio."