
Feasibility Quotes

There are 359 quotes

"If it's infeasible that a human being can do it within their natural life, then even though on a theoretical sense it is possible, it is practically impossible."
"Interesting comments on Hardware three, four, and five, particularly Elon saying that Hardware 4 would not be economically feasible to retrofit."
"The Chad le Solar Project Park is currently home to the largest solar farm in the world... it proves that in the right location, solar energy is more than cost-effective and feasible."
"If high speed rail should work anywhere in America, it’s here."
"The idea of Joe Biden...claiming that he's going to be in office until he's 86, that's just not going to work."
"Socialism has never worked anywhere in the world that's ever been tried."
"But while they conclude that it is technically possible to achieve the rapid changes required to avoid 2.7 degrees of warming, they conclude it may be politically unlikely."
"Can they drive Florida to New York, New York to Florida? Yes, they can."
"It's a ridiculously ambitious goal, but I can't see why it's impossible."
"Humanity can stand without the emperor; it creates problems of its own admittedly, but it is feasible."
"This is like a very feasible attack to bring off in an application-level setting."
"The technological possibility, if implemented on scale, is feasible to meet that challenge."
"It's not beyond the realms of possibility in an era where... you have a problematic setup that needs to be addressed."
"Can you make a living realistically as an author? My perspective has been talking to people who are more in the trenches that there are more people making a living as writers now than have ever made a living as writers in the history of the world."
"If you think monthly stimulus checks can't happen, it's already happening."
"It's actually very doable with some hard work, it's an ingenuity."
"These abilities and it actually won't be that insane. You can legitimately do it. It's not that insane at all to fix a lot of these abilities and get a lot more compelling options out of this system."
"I just think that it FEELS so much like it that I would only be shocked that it was possible to pull off legally and logistically."
"This experiment... tells the world that this experiment... is actually possible."
"There is technically a way to do it, but it is very important to note there are absolutely no plans for that at this time."
"Every single dollar counts and I know that's easier said than done but I did it and it is doable."
"Our economies, our work practices, our social relations could all very easily shift to accommodate us, and yet we are told every day that this or that human need is unworkable or unreasonable because that's not how the system works."
"Trying to please everybody is just not feasible."
"It fights the argument that it can't be done."
"Action in this image, action to this end, is feasible under the form of government which we have inherited from our ancestors."
"I'm trying to make Mars seem possible to show that we can do it."
"It is too good to be true. It's not going to work."
"There would be a lack of military, political, and economic resources, but what is more important is that the very model isn't workable because..."
"It’s not likely to ever be the most economical approach to building space habitats, truth be told none of the continent-class one’s like the McKendree or Bishop or smaller Topopolises probably ever will be, but they are doable under known science."
"Shields and two-handed weapons, it can be done, absolutely can be done, and we have historical artwork showing it."
"Can we make it happen, bro? Nah, nah, what am I looking at?"
"It and the Ben Gurion airport are testaments to the fact that truly secure security is theoretically possible, but is it possible worldwide?"
"Monthly stimulus checks or automatically triggered stimulus checks are actually very real possibilities now."
"Finding a place that works for everybody is definitely tough, but not impossible."
"A Goofy Movie might be one of the most amazing films I've ever watched."
"True institutional change is not only possible it's shockingly doable."
"It was never a question of whether they should, it was a question over whether they could."
"It has probably a good chance of succeeding."
"A Svyatogor sized mech would just be way too big, and a virtual fighter would be, well, too non-corporeal."
"Let's put forth a plan that can benefit our country that people can agree on that we can actually get done."
"This is not impossible, it's actually beneficial."
"We have to stop pretending it's even remotely feasible to deport 12 million undocumented immigrants to this country."
"Star Trek is a post-scarcity liberal order that might actually be achievable."
"It moves the idea from the category of completely impossible to maybe plausible."
"You can make a dinosaur theme park a wonderful, safe, entertaining place. You can do it, it is possible."
"I feel like the movies demonstrate enough reasons why Jurassic Park should not be a thing."
"There's nothing in our current technology or understanding of physics to say that either the nuclear salt water rocket or Orion would not work."
"Everyone should agree that the solution both addresses the problem and is technically feasible before moving forward."
"Granting Smith his wish was quite difficult but ultimately doable."
"So a solid pro to Google Trends is that you can do market research on a niche, product, or topic and get an understanding if it’s worth your time and effort to pursue."
"The amount of tickets that we we agreed to sell was 80. really that's manageable."
"Communist approaches to economics just don't work."
"The dream of having biospheres on other worlds such as Mars vanished."
"It's like that structure is very doable on a personal level."
"Noah's Ark is surprisingly and shockingly not just possible but overwhelmingly possible." - Affirming the feasibility of Noah's Ark
"Lean into that possibility and see if it still makes sense."
"Texas is probably better-positioned to be an independent country than any other state in the union."
"Overall, it’s less about what’s possible and more about what’s practical."
"I would propose that we put a task force together to begin the work in Earnest on Fire based EMS to see if it's actually feasible financially."
"The possibilities for a Smash Bros cinematic universe seem very much in the realm of possible."
"Understanding his mindset is not impossible. You can pretend it is, but it's not."
"In today's society, it's entirely unfeasible to get everyone to switch from an animal diet to a non-animal diet."
"We know for certain that you can build railroads in the mountains and have them work."
"Whether or not a 100% solar United States is possible really depends on how much research we choose to put into renewable technologies."
"What next? How does this help America? This won't work. It hasn't worked. It's not going to work."
"Reparations are justified, but cash reparations are not going to work."
"Do you think giant rotating space colonies are feasible engineering wise?"
"It's doable, oh I don't know what the star means but doctor."
"Feasible and so this is an important first step."
"The project was ambitious, certainly, but not impossible."
"At the end of 2021, that seems like a doable time frame."
"It appears that yes, surprisingly enough, personal spacecraft are feasible."
"Canceling up to fifty thousand dollars in student debt is possible."
"I mean, you know, it's very believable, it feels like it could actually work."
"Artificial gravity was not only possible but if Done Right can be indistinguishable from Gravity."
"I personally think and believe that this is not going to work."
"Do we have the mana to do that kind of nonsense?"
"Keep politics out of our video games" is a sentiment shared by many gamers across many genres, but is it actually possible to keep politics out of all video games?
"It's almost impossible to design a protein deficient diet."
"That's not gonna work. Like it's just not. This isn't what people generally want."
"Now we've got a plan, I feel like it's doable."
"Can you make a living in Minecraft? The answer: it's plausible."
"A 30 foot concrete wall is a very expensive proposition."
"Huh yeah it's not impossible that they could even get the cost competitive."
"Distance equals security and one of the most important factors to consider is the matter of feasibility."
"It wouldn't really be realistic to send a dog on another dog."
"Four into two was never going to work."
"You absolutely should be able to take an idea as long as it makes sense."
"You can do it as long as you're physically able and financially able."
"If you have a decent kind of weather outlook, you can definitely do this in one day."
"... it is feasible to go ahead and do it."
"...that's not realistic for a lot of people."
"This lifestyle actually may be more possible than you think it is."
"I think video is a really great idea. If you can swing it."
"I feel like that carrier is far too small to handle fighter jets."
"I think the age and relative Simplicity of the body would mean that bman could actually produce this quite cheaply if they wanted to."
"Many companies seem to be on the hype cycle bandwagon for electric propulsion, but realistically, electric is not a viable replacement for the existing fleet of light aircraft engines."
"Could the Mighty Mac be built today and if so what difficulties might it face?"
"It's not a matter of we both come up with really great ideas and you really don't know if it's going to be feasible."
"Whenever you talk about building any LLM app, the first thing that comes to your mind is, can I use ChatGPT for this?"
"But, I don't know, a 6'5 tight end didn't sound great in the future, you know what I mean? So, um, the 6'5 tight end kind of sounded a little bit more in reach."
"I think if our walls were white we could pull it off."
"It's feasible to maintain a vegan diet."
"If time travel is possible, one thing is certain--it's going to take a lot of energy."
"It becomes a labor of love. And it really doesn't take a lot of time. And it's doable, right?"
"That's like Tyler Perry being an action star. It's not going to work. Stop it."
"Fully electric is not feasible for a lot of work trucks... the range on pure electric won't get you there but you have the diesel to get you home."
"You can't just have a cougar milk farm with angry cougars hooked up to milking machines. It just isn't gonna fly."
"Raquel asked the buyer, 'What do you think of town homes?' and she answered, 'It's probably more feasible for me.' If something is feasible, it means it can work. For example, a plan or an idea or a method that is feasible is likely to work, it's doable."
"Unfortunately, even if you are the right candidate, you would have to work directly under Logan Henderson full-time. I don't suspect that's possible."
"What if somebody today tried to reinvent that formula? What would that look like? How much would it cost? And could somebody actually pull it off?"
"Even with a worst-case scenario figure, you could fit all the animals needed on the ark."
"It's conceivable that we can do this, it's mathematically conceivable, physically conceivable based on what we know."
"...if you want to do something hard, you know, maybe it takes time, maybe you have to iterate, there's a whole bunch of things you could think about but saying it can't be done is stupid."
"This plan is going to be very difficult. Not just difficult... impossible."
"I love finding places where sci-fi meets reality and understanding just how feasible actually engineering these systems might be."
"The question is not how can I motivate myself to do things that I can't do. It's how can I give myself permission to choose things that are actually doable?"
"I mean, I would love to work on one car from start to finish and then get a new one but it... four cars it's just not possible."
"It all comes down to the money. Can you afford to make it?"
"I just don't see a way of doing this repair really if you're not going to be taken off the roof I suppose you could but it would not be easy."
"But none ever manage to populate the galaxy because sending living creatures between the stars is so difficult that it’s just not worth it."
"Have humans ever come close to building a gargantuan, 5 million cubic meter vessel? No, but we've probably come closer than you think."
"The British government actually researched whether it would be feasible for Britain to also make the switch."
"There are times where I think it just doesn't logistically make sense."
"Biology requires a lot of effort and a lot of time, but it's doable."
"You know," he said, "that might just be crazy enough to work."
"Is it possible to start a profitable brand like this that makes these types of products? The answer is definitely yes."
"In what universe could this have worked?"
"This is something you can actually do and it's there's not any mental gymnastics here."
"This car is actually a pretty feasible project."
"So overall, yeah, this could work."
"Eventually, it could reach a point where surviving in an urban environment is no longer feasible."
"...to get what you want in life is it all about picking a stupid dream and somehow in your head make it sound absolutely doable..."
"The best ideas are those that even if you say it out aloud people are like, 'Who's going to work on that?'"
"Just because it can be done, doesn't mean it should."
"...sand batteries probably aren't going to take off for residential use..."
"I don't think it's that out of the question, given what he's gone through."
"I think it does take a minute to learn what's going on and what needs to happen, but it's totally doable."
"Honestly, I don't think that it is terrible. Like, this is doable. Like, I would go out and... and this made it look like I don't care."
"...an unsinkable ship is entirely feasible."
"It gets the Latter-day Saint to really think through, 'Is this story even feasible? Is it possible?'"
"But yeah, I think this works well enough for proof of concept in this video."
"Even if Delta G is zero, if Delta S is bigger than Delta H, the reaction is not feasible."
"Reactions like this, with a negative and negative, are only feasible at lower temperatures."
"At a higher temperature, the reaction just becomes feasible."
"Fairly straightforward: the minimum temperature required is 385 Kelvin."
"It's important that this is even possible."
"Actions are now feasible that weren't even thinkable up until recently."
"Launching the next-gen car next year is entirely feasible."
"Now, I can look you dead in the eye today and tell you we can make ethanol from cellulosic material. It's a no-brainer."
"So there are all kinds of ways in which to make not-yet-feasible rights feasible, the human rights may be a very important way of thinking about it."
"Zoro versus Mihawk happening at the same time as Luffy versus Shanks makes sense."
"I might not be able to attend all these races."
"Can the car of your dreams be an affordable reality? Absolutely."
"It’s surprisingly a very plausible concept on the Moon, where your mobile mining platform might actually run on solar power."
"It's the way to go, and it's possible and it's easy to do."
"Starting small and within your means."
"We could start to reorganize the solar system in a way that makes more sense, maybe crash various worlds into each other and add more habitable zones into the region around the Sun."
"It's like you said, it's definitely doable. I know I need it and it's the most expensive part of the car though."
"If one of your goals is to make your own sourdough bread it's totally doable."
"It's not only about what's attainable but what's sustainable over time."
"...just the two of us, and it is definitely doable."
"Believe it or not this is something that's doable, it's duplicatable, you can do it in your business."
"That's why solo stoveless is actually really doable."
"I wonder if it'd actually be possible to do this with a border."
"It's still within the realms of possibility."
"It's very unrealistic, no one would do that."
"...if you could do it, it don't hurt you, it don't cost you nothing."
"How practical is it? Don't know. It would be nice if the compass actually worked independently and could point you to magnetic north. That would be pretty cool."
"You have to make sure you have patients to be in the study. You're lucky if 5% agree to be in the study in most cases. Feasible is important. It does not tell me about your power."
"Ultimately it just it was too expensive and it didn't the numbers didn't make sense."
"...move rapidly towards renewable energy in ways that are quite feasible."
"Is it realistic to move to Portugal? It absolutely is. In fact, it's probably the easiest one on this list."
"It's not just talk, it's embodied, this is doable."
"It's not just about a feeling, it's about can this work?"
"It feels more attainable for me to do."
"It's so easy in physics to say why an idea won't work."
"I think it is theoretically possible, but the hurdle is actually getting it done."
"It's time to explore new ways of making money and I want to know if this is possible for a typical person."
"As you navigate through different ideas, think about what's doable, what hasn't been done, and what can I do much better."
"...this is what our opportunity is, and it's a scary proposition to have to think, 'Oh my God, it's so complex and difficult what we have to do.' But the fact is, it's doable."
"After looking at that trolley diner, I think this could probably work."
"It can be done. These cars look amazing. Take a few minutes, put some clothes on, and don't prevent yourself from driving your car."
"If the IPCC budgets are correct... you can just about stay below two degrees Centigrade. But when you say realistic, I think that's an interesting term. We have to stretch what we determine to be realistic."
"I think it would be super easy to do."
"Do not propose anything that you know can't be made."
"Certainly doable if you take your time and pay attention to the instructions."
"Expecting them to dig up and rebuild all those old molding machines... it's just a pipe dream."
"You and I could start a car company tomorrow. If we were told we had a thousand dedicated buyers at a million dollars each, we could pull it off. If we were told we had a hundred thousand buyers at 35,000 each, there is no chance we could pull it off. Zero."
"Even if it's far-fetched but still doable with what you have, write it down."
"Negative emissions have trade-offs and feasibility challenges."
"It's feasible to decode things that you would have never considered possible."
"You can do these smaller, I've done vinyl sheds every time."
"It's absolutely doable, absolutely approachable, and a lot of fun."
"Having the idea did not lead inexorably to making the idea workable."
"...it would have been like me walking like a penguin in here it would have definitely not been workable"
"Sometimes they're important for opening up new storytelling opportunities or making something feasible that wouldn't be otherwise."
"Time travel, one of mankind's oldest fantasies, but is it possible?"
"Fielding High-Speed Rail between Sydney and Melbourne might be challenging, it might be expensive, but it is very much technically feasible."
"You can lose weight eating nothing but Snickers, but realistically, is it ever going to happen?"