
Social Division Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"Find the others. Look for the humanity in the eyes of the person wearing the MAGA hat, or the angry Brexiteer that you don't like. Find the human there."
"What does a very failure look like? Everybody's fat and sick and broke and divided right down the middle and angry and really scared."
"Watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them."
"One of the most potent sources of the populist backlash against elites is the galling sense among many working people that elites look down on them."
"Polling has shown people are increasingly less likely to have friends with different political persuasions."
"More than anything else, people are being kept apart simply because of confusion."
"No one can meet halfway anymore. People are like, 'This is how I feel, and if you don't feel exactly the same way as I feel, not only can we not be friends, not only can we not relate, but I hate you now and now you're my enemy.'"
"Is the culture war a product of America's enemies sowing divisions online?"
"Men who look upon themselves born to reign, and others to obey, soon grow insolent; selected from the rest of mankind their minds are early poisoned by importance, and the world they act in differs so materially from the world at large that they have but little opportunity of knowing its true interests."
"My whole argument is that we are separating America by calling people racist, sexist, bigots, and homophobes."
"People are rushing to tribalism, political partisanship, woke rage in order to solve the problem of the soul, a problem that we no longer see each other as friends and compatriots in a common cause. We now see each other as enemies seeking to tear apart the nation."
"We're dividing people, and we're rushing. We're not providing places of meeting where we're assuring that we're hearing different perspectives."
"We turn the world into us's and thems and we don't like the thems very much and are often really awful to them."
"I think people are so divided and polarized now, like everyone has to fall into either bucket."
"Stop believing in these insane theories that are meant to divide us."
"Even stats Canada says Canada is breaking along ethnic lines."
"Divided countries are easier to rule, and nothing divides us like the perception that some people are getting special treatment in our country."
"Taste is the infrastructure of our divisions."
"The wedge dividing Americans into this covert caste system is growing larger by the day."
"The tech censorship is making things increasingly worse. People are going to come to a civil war of sorts."
"You can't hate your fellow citizens and have a country for very long."
"The country isn't as divided as the magic light box makes you think it is."
"I think what you're seeing right now with the hysteria, with the attacking Republicans in restaurants, is the last gasps of people who thought that it was theirs, they deserved power."
"Historically America's strength has always come from its ability to unite... But that now seems to be behind us at the moment."
"American's greatest allies will always be other Americans and we have these platforms that are motivated to continue that division of polarization."
"I don’t make movies that bring people together. I make movies that split people apart."
"We might end up in a situation because of this trend of censorship that you have these two peoples in these two ecosystems that do not interact with each other at all and just think the absolute worst of each other."
"You have to finesse people into what you have to finesse them in you know you can't turn half the population off otherwise it's just two [__] Echo Chambers which is exactly what we have today you have to you have to you have to finesse them in."
"We live in silos and we don't share values and we don't share concerns... the vast majority of us have so much more in common than what separates us."
"To me, it really feels like they're just pulling for division, and I hate to see that but it's making me really suspicious."
"The powerful elites in this country would much prefer it if we're bickering amongst ourselves."
"They separated people by color, and just like now they're separating people by your vaccine passport status."
"Stop with the labels and stop with the division and stop with who's in who which camp."
"Unless we decide to change our own point of view, it will be allowed to grow creating more division."
"Wokeness flattens everything and divides us into oppressed or oppressor, constraining us to the lane of our birth."
"The bishop of that very church said that it was a disgrace. The general who was with him said he only -- all he ever wants to do is divide people, not unite people at all."
"Their starting point is othering people and having an us versus them mentality."
"What bothers me to my core is what this man is doing. He's dividing parents against parents, parents against school boards. He's using your children as political pawns in his campaign."
"The media wants to always keep dividing and conquering people."
"We need to come together, there should not be a divide."
"When I see comments made by say Lauren Bobert, when I see Biden labeling GOP voting laws the greatest threat to American democracy since the civil war, I'm like yo this doesn't end well."
"Everything we're talking about gets this issue of polarization."
"Tens of millions of our fellow citizens live in such a constrained informational environment and are so distrusting of any alternative sources of information they operate in what is basically an entirely separate informational sphere."
"Who stokes it? Think about who gets us fired up, who divides us."
"Forget ‘hate speech’. For me, this is the most dangerous kind of language — the language of totalitarian ultimatums, that seeks to conquer by dividing, trying to come between us and our loved ones in order to achieve total subservience."
"There's always been petty debates and divisions, but the level of disagreement, debate, vitriol, cruelty is the most I've seen in my lifetime."
"I have great pity for the people who believe that half their countrymen are deplorable and irredeemable."
"Why does everything immediately need to devolve into a partisan issue?"
"We're unwilling or unable to have conversations with people because everyone is looking at different tribes as an existential threat."
"Even now, we are not so much divided as we are disconnected."
"It is what it is, it is what it is, it is what is, and we have to somehow try to fix the country when more and more Americans are immune to persuasion and immune to facts."
"The breakdown of a shared reality... Both sides seem not to be able to process that they're speaking past each other."
"The left sells you these things as if it's black people against white. What about all the white people who fought and died for black people's rights?"
"How can we mend some of these divides that have been really evident throughout the pandemic?"
"Families became fractured, and none embodied this split more than the Mitford sisters."
"All the cultural wars are used... to distract and divide us, and the media is their getaway car."
"The byproduct of the Fed trying to eliminate business cycles is a larger division between the haves and the have-nots."
"You are not separated into categories to truly know prosperity."
"Racial dog whistling is what is dividing the sort of class solidarity."
"Critical race theory is designed and has effectively achieved not to explain the history of racial injustice, not to reveal the truth about racial attitudes..."
"I really worry about that it fractures people rather than bringing them together at a moment when I think we need to be together."
"This wasn't an insurrection or an isolated movement, this was a civil war."
"We have more in common with each other than with those who seek to divide us."
"Racist language has been used to turn Americans against Americans to benefit the wealthy elite."
"Our interpersonal conflicts are born out of breaking people off into groups, designating one us and the other them."
"Everything now is framed in terms of politics and ultimately now it's framed in which tribe you belong to."
"Like-minded people can be torn apart by social structures just as much as those who've got nothing in common."
"If we stand together and not allow Trump and his friends to divide us up by the color of our skin or where we were born or our sexual orientation or our religion if we stand together we will not only defeat Trump we're gonna transform this country."
"Canceled culture and political correctness is dividing people and ultimately conquering them."
"The internet allows us to divide ourselves into factions and to have this crazy evolution of arguments which is facilitated by the algorithms pushing us ever further apart."
"Wokeness is a powerful way to separate friend from enemy."
"When identity politics becomes the celebration of and the encouragement of group identities to the exclusion of everything else, it can start to go really really wrong."
"We've lost the ability for rational debate. Everything seems to be predicated on..."
"When two people watch the same video and see something completely different, there's no mending that."
"Silence is complicit. This is the way he has tried to divide this country and pit people against one another."
"It's really unfortunate when I think anybody has the 'us and them' mentality. It's bad. You don't realize we have way more in common than we have different."
"There's always this effort to pit people against each other."
"What are the different divisions and distrust and things like that that are sowed or amplified or whatever it may be? I think that's a big question hanging over all of this." - Eugene Puryear
"I think shaming people does nothing but just reinforce the worst divisions."
"If you antagonize people along racial lines, if you antagonize people along sexuality lines, you end up with a position where we actually start to roll back some of the advances we've had."
"This is going to cause a lot of friction and division in our society."
"Elon Musk: 'Banning Trump alienated a large part of the country and was morally bad.'"
"Let's stop the divide and conquer; it's gonna kill us all."
"There's a real division now in response to this, and so many of my friends, people I like and really respect and admire, have gone to the 'we defend Russell Brand' place."
"The media has become propaganda pure and simple. They want us divided, they don't want us getting the truth."
"I believe keeping your finances private across the board is a manipulative way to divide the working class."
"It's all about pushing you toward activism. It's not promoting healing, it's not promoting unity, it's not promoting real progress."
"The incident at the South Carolina rally left a lasting impact on both Trump's supporters and critics, highlighting the deep political divisions that continue to shape the nation."
"We spoke about that Ella David if people are divided from religion from race that is that they control the masses are."
"Racism is a very powerful vehicle for divide and rule."
"It leads to more division, it leads to more people hating each other and being paranoid about various groups, which doesn't seem like a very confrontational claim but most people would agree with that."
"We are not just dividing as a country, we're developing, we're moving backwards."
"Racism has never existed, it was a lie to divide and conquer."
"I want Trump back, and every day that goes by, more people are thinking opposite of you."
"Ideology tells you who your friends are, who your enemies are, and for what you're fighting and why you're fighting."
"The more politics preys on our divisions, the more we become defined by our divisions. This leads to a view of life that is a zero-sum game view."
"We're at each other's throats because we literally live in different realities because the system has been designed for that."
"It was a crazy time, the country was torn apart by how people felt about Vietnam."
"If your ultimate goal is to condemn and push them out, you've created a right-wing mob."
"It's one percent of these pricks in charge that are getting rich off dividing everyone by labels. Anyone is the same on the inside."
"If they can keep us divided, we'll stay fighting amongst ourselves."
"Satan has done a good job of divide and conquer, enticing our counterparts."
"If everybody was like how Twitter is, there would be civil war."
"All this division only happened with covid it didn't happen since you know the mid-2000 2010s when uh you know the media and everybody decided to cause trouble."
"I think this country is divided more so than it has been in my lifetime."
"The internet's ability to constantly distract us and amplify the most rage inducing discourse turns us against each other."
"It's about the one percent versus the rest of us."
"The middle class, the working class, are going to suffer."
"There is a widespread belief that such technology and power could be abused, consequently, a social rift has emerged between augmented and non-augmented humans."
"We shouldn't have two divisive teams of people."
"Ever since I got money I just started hating broke ass like I'm allergic to him like if you're not getting no money you might as well jump off a clip."
"Everything that happens in society is pulling humans apart from one another."
"Elitism is the ultimate dividing line in society, it is the decision matrix for most individuals, it's most people's north star."
"The best way... to divide the country and create turmoil... is always revolution."
"If everyone's allowed their group apart from the majority or whatever then at some point that's gonna get nasty."
"It's not a political divide. It is so much more than that."
"We feel united and the world can feel incredibly divided."
"White supremacy: it's a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It's a conspiracy theory used to divide the country."
"There's a tremendous amount of division within whiteness."
"Having relationships with people who hold an opposing point of view... just isn't done these days, right?"
"Politicians weaponize fear of the other to turn Americans of different backgrounds against each other so we don't notice that a Rainbow Coalition of diverse crooks are screwing us all."
"Now is all of a sudden let's not be divisive now."
"The division in Canadian society is very obvious. People are afraid to say things that might get them in trouble."
"In a time where it seems division is favored over discourse–"
"Identity politics is about splitting people into groups and then going these are good groups these are bad groups."
"When you live in a society where people can't even agree on the same facts, and sadly, the people that are really conspiratorial are the people that get their information from Facebook."
"This is why we had people storming the Capitol on January 6th. It's the reason we have two universes of information in this country: information and disinformation." - Al Franken
"There's a growing big block of people that hate you. They absolutely hate you."
"People are ultimately more divided by class than by nationality I strongly agree."
"America is more divided now than at any time since the civil war."
"Donald Trump views himself as an authoritarian. This is someone that is incredibly xenophobic, uses racist language, divides our country, is himself a grifter and a criminal."
"Divide the people, split them into quarreling factions fighting among themselves rather than their common enemy."
"Discrimination highlighted in this case necessarily fens contention and resentment."
"Somewhere along the line we lost this ability to compromise... to see them as a person that for the most part has the same needs and wants and desires as us."
"These narratives are driven deliberately to cause divisiveness, not to get at the truth."
"Tribalism leads to an 'us versus them' mentality."
"They want division; they want us fighting each other to maintain absolute control."
"You can't claim to love your community if you're creating division between the sexes."
"The system wants to continue to keep all of us divided... but in order to create the change the question is this what's willing what are you willing to sacrifice."
"Divide the people into hostile groups by focusing on controversial matters."
"I don't mean love when I say patriotism. I mean fear. The fear of the other."
"You either for or against, and if you can't decide who you like more, and you're split on who you should stand beside, I'll do it for you with this. The rest of America, stand up!"
"The more you rely on slogans which construct an in-group out-group identity, the less you're able to do that kind of outward bridge building."
"I think it's basically impossible to bridge the gap with certain people at least in this moment."
"If we wonder why we're so divided... if we wonder why we can't persuade people outside of our own tribe... if we wonder why we're so unhappy... sometimes it's not that hard to figure out."
"People trying to pit people against each other because of that color, that's what's happening here."
"No amount of facts is going to bridge TZ and the rest of the hosts. They look at Larry as a black face, not a sovereign individual capable of directing his own life."
"Covid-19 exposed the fact that our world is very divided in the way it responds to problems."
"There's always been that kind of divide and the more that you know the comfortable have been aggrieved by the results of a pandemic that has been so disastrously managed."
"Treating people like that is what's creating the divide in this country between the citizens and law enforcement. It's a shame."
"The biggest mistake is the mandates like why are they mandating why are we dividing people with that"
"Division is the greatest way to have tyranny over people."
"It promotes separation rather than promoting togetherness."
"I feel like we got to push more education because there's too much of a division where it's like well those Negros things are better than us because they're going towards math and science."
"We're dividing friends from friends, family from family based on vaccine status."
"They divide the masses over single issues and meanwhile they run away with all the money all the profits and uh things get worse for us"
"It is absolutely a sin and a shame to be in the 21st century in America and having people who are elected to office not only trying to separate us but also use public policy."
"Our country's in trouble right now because we're not listening, we're talking."
"There are two types of people on the island: those who are willing to be righteous at all cost and defend their estate, and those who remain as house slaves."
"...retaining a system of social apartheid where kids from disadvantaged backgrounds don't get to breathe the same rarified air as kids from more privileged ones, that is the thing that I find terrifying."
"Absolutely no room between the ingroup and the outgroup, and once you've created that, then you sell."
"I'm concerned with why people see themselves as us against them."
"If you can somehow meet a woman that's awake, that understands the system is designed to divide us."
"The things that used to bring us together now divide us because of the introduction of identity politics and activism."
"The protests and the social division caused by the protest was putting a really big strain on the US government."
"It's ignorance what divides people."
"The us versus them thing has shifted from class to other kinds of division."
"We're increasing the empathy gaps that we have because we don't know as many people who have different views from us."
"Stop with the labels; it has divided us more than it has brought us together."