
Intellectual Exchange Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"This has been the best conversation and debate I've heard in years."
"The Veritas forum offers a chance to escape our sometimes narrow and fractured specializations and consider together some of the more perennial questions that give shape to all our lives."
"The trade networks established between Britain and Byzantium provided a basis for the transmission of spiritual and intellectual ideas."
"The more people like you and like Sam Harris and Eric and Brett Weinstein, people who are open-minded, people who are willing to discuss things politely with people and not shove their ideology down other people's throats, the more we exchange information with each other."
"Open debate is not racist. Open debate is very healthy in an academic community."
"I'm interested only in dialectic, which does mean I listen to you and you listen to me."
"We got to come together as a collective or a meeting of the minds got to happen."
"There's something about the exchange of ideas and conversation that allows for a little more unpacking of what you're feeling or thinking."
"I could sit here and pick your brain all day. This was a hell of a chat."
"The idea behind this is to share, bring Minds together, and share knowledge and information."
"This is the kind of community I want to have is a bunch of beautiful nerds talking to each other having meaningful debates and discussions and I love it."
"Free speech is just about the marketplace of ideas and good ideas will win out over time."
"That idea, alright professor, let's have a dialogue. I want to start off by thanking you for all the incredible insights you've shared in your publicly available lectures."
"Intelligent conversation is more important than agreement."
"But that's what should happen and if it turns out later on he reflects on it and is like no that's actually a boneheaded answer and here's why he can come back to me and explain it and I will do the same thing."
"If there's one thing we need more of in the world it is more debate and conversation."
"Science itself must communicate, you have to have a free exchange of ideas, that's how things progress."
"The lack of free exchange of ideas worries me."
"We believe in the idea that the competition of ideas and the marketplace of ideas is actually good for society."
"It was an amazing thing when you get to pick the brains of incredibly intelligent people."
"I really enjoyed this conversation, I thought it was really fruitful and uh I really liked uh the various avenues that we explored."
"What an absolute pleasure it has been to chat with you and I look forward to hopefully continuing many of these conversations in the future."
"We want to have a place where people can exchange ideas, have a debate."
"These are two brilliant sisters and I just want to thank both of you for joining us and sharing with us your mind and your hilariousness."
"It's an honor to have you here, I love our conversations."
"i love argument. i love the exchange of ideas."
"I think that we can have differing opinions on things all of us and not have to agree and yet still have a compassionate intellectual conversation."
"In this increasingly polarizing time... it is important for organizations like the CIS to provide a safe space for the rigorous exchange of ideas."
"Civilization rests on a series of successful conversations."
"I gave some of my thoughts, objections, or questions."
"Over time, the more investment that you create, it really creates this foundation that is unlikely to destruct."
"It's about the free exchange of information and ideas."
"Astrology's journey from Hellenistic Greece to Renaissance Europe echoes the exchange of ideas that shaped our world."
"Let's just argue this thing out till we're blue in the face and read books and counter arguments. Point, counterpoint."
"It was a great debate, a great presentation from early Hebrew Dr. Brown. It was all needed. I hope it starts more discussion."
"I love having what I call Brain sex and I love talking to you because it feels like brain sex and it's like not only blooming for me but for our communities and having that ripple effect out there."
"Listening to Humza, is the evidence for me, of how much we have to learn from the great minds, the great thinkers in the Muslim community."
"I thought both speakers were the opponents both raised good questions and made good points," comments John Ferguson in Calgary, Canada, about a discussion on a difficult passage in the Bible.
"Now that we are acquainted we may have as many deep conversations as we desire."
"Parents and Science educates parents about science and provides a forum to learn about emerging discoveries and to engage in an intellectual exchange with scientists and with each other."
"The best chance of uncovering the truth of the matter... is by the unhindered exchange of ideas."
"It's essential that students be not only encouraged but required to interact with each other socially and intellectually in the classroom."
"I'm always happy to talk about interesting stuff to other knowledgeable people; it makes the conversations so much more interesting."
"It's a Friday night, you know. A couple of drinks, there's some intellectual conversation."
"Free speech sharing of opinions through open discussion, ways to exchange, teach, learn, and challenge each other's perspective."
"I was trying to have really deep, profound philosophical conversations."
"The marketplace of ideas is the key to free speech."
"A market of ideas, where thoughts are currency."
"Me personally, I'm a debater. I don't like to argue, I don't like to yell for real, but debate? I would. I like that intellectual back and forth."
"Thanks for the brilliant conversation."
"We have enjoyed very much together the intellectual give-and-take."
"I find the formal debate procedure to be superior in terms of having a good intellectual exchange of ideas."
"...the meeting of minds that occurs between these two is everything you'd want it to be."
"Two open minds are more important than 10,000 closed ones."
"Some argue that the cross-disciplinary exchange of ideas facilitated by coffee houses helped ferment the intellectual revolution known as the Enlightenment."
"It's such a good conversation, no stimulation like that, like you making a point and then someone making a counterpoint, and you like... that is what communication is for, and it's generally beautiful."
"The intellectual quality of the exchanges have just been remarkable."
"Debates aren't about regurgitating sound bites or humiliating the other side; they're reasoned, they're timely, and they're respectful."
"The truth only appears as a spark when two minds collide in deep dialogue."
"Exchange of knowledge is one of the greatest exchanges in the world."
"I think debate is a valuable thing to have."