
Political System Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"The dynamic tension between right and left is the magic ingredient that makes our system work."
"Iranian women have borne the brunt of a political system predicated on their subjugation through daily policing and criminalization."
"The relationship between media, big business, and political parties prevents any real change ever happening. That there is no reason for hope or optimism from any of these figures, that they're never going to offer you any change because change is not what they're contemplating."
"We aren't a democracy, we are a Democratic Republic."
"We live now in a world in Western democracies where we have democracy on the surface, but it's not a real democracy if you're governed by a uni-party system."
"Democracy is a terrible system, but it's the best thing we got."
"The political machine has forgotten about the people, and I think the people have forgotten about their power within the political machine."
"We don't have a politician problem; we don't have a policy problem; we have a political system problem."
"But credit and clout are valuable commodities in this sort of political system."
"We should be electing judges and heads of state who are capable of doing the job. We need brilliant minds with broad horizons, who have sufficient comprehension and compassion, wisdom, and expertise."
"It's time to break the derelict duopoly into tiny little pieces and engender a new US policy rooted in truth, justice, and love."
"We need to restore faith in the integrity of our political system."
"Realistically, we're in a two-party system, but we could also get ourselves out of it if more Americans were willing to vote the way they want."
"The United States is not a democracy; it is a republic."
"I think the average American is actually pretty honest and pretty solid. I think unfortunately, you know, we've got what the founders created, the greatest political system the world has ever seen."
"The system of government we have is beyond brilliant."
"The success of a representative democracy hinges on accountability."
"We've seen failed leadership in Chicago with Lori Lightfoot, we've seen failed leadership at Pritzker."
"Our state is a people's Democratic dictatorship led by the working class."
"The two party system is working perfectly because we're all at each other's throats."
"Gridlock was part of the system; it was designed for gridlock."
"Your vote will lead to more or less the exact system you've got now."
"In America, the president is not able to do what a king does because in America, the president is a spokesperson for who he's elected to speak for — the people."
"What would it take for you to understand that like our votes don't mean anything?"
"In EU elections, Europeans don’t get to choose the executive power—just the legislative one."
"Why are we a two-party system? We shouldn't be."
"Under socialism, decisions of societal importance are subject to a democratic process."
"The two-party system is a great preserver of liberty."
"Our economic and political system in this country is broken."
"When this happens, they are called faithless electors, meaning they cast their vote for someone other than who the majority of their state voted for."
"This era is not coinciding with a functional political system in the United States."
"It's gonna be up to you... it's time that we stood up and say we're going to use the beautiful system made by the founding fathers to fix this."
"Our system is not even close to a democracy."
"One Country Two Systems, and that was the dividing line between maintaining western values."
"The real threat to our democracy is the two-party system."
"We live in a parliamentary democracy... This is about people's livelihoods."
"Democracy is the worst system except for every other system that's been tried."
"The two-party system itself is becoming an impediment for the flowering of American democracy."
"80% of Americans said they had confidence in American democracy and in the political system and that their votes would be counted fairly."
"Water management is so entwined with Dutch history and culture that it forms the basis of their political system."
"Do we still have elections, or is it just that we have elections and we put people in there but the machine will go untouched?"
"We are not a democracy. We are a constitutional republic."
"I love China's one-party state because of what it's done."
"Democracy is great. I think it's the least worst system that has been tried." - "Democracy does have some flaws sometime."
"What this is creating is essentially an internal system to eliminate dissent much in the way a communist system would function."
"That's why we need a system of checks and balances."
"On every single level, Republicans are trying to set up a system where they can have minority rule."
"We live in a capitalist dictatorship, not a functioning democracy."
"This is America. We're technically a democracy. Votes are supposed to count."
"At the moment we have a system which is pretty much like national government where you have the leader and a cabinet and then you have scrutiny committees."
"Political apathy allows extremists to decide how our political system works."
"Don't lose faith, my friends. Don't lose faith. We're going to get through this. This is still the United States. We have more checks and balances. I know sometimes it's a... I don't know who's in charge of this, but we have them."
"Our system is set up for our politicians... to make us not like each other, so they can keep their grasp of money and power."
"The U.S. system of government is incredibly representative."
"Americans are happy that they do not have a king or queen and they say that anyone can become president."
"Direct democracy makes sense. It absolutely doesn't. You do not want to live in a direct democracy because then you have tyranny of the majority."
"We already live in an oligarchy, fam. We already know that."
"Let's just be honest, we're not a democracy, we're a constitutional republic."
"Voters don't even have a choice on who their Congress is."
"If the system is corrupt and me and yours votes don't matter it doesn't matter how articulate we are on abortion policy or gun policy because who's really deciding the policy in the elections well it's all these institutions."
"The political system Asimov will write about in Foundation."
"Why can't we do it with the economics? Why can't we do it with the political system?"
"The world will not finish in a democracy, it will finish up in a dictatorship."
"The problem is the anti-democratic force field represented by the corporatized political duopoly."
"So, yeah, this is a sell-out on Obama's part, but if he wants to run in a multibillion dollar election, you don't have a lot of choices. It's the system that's rotten at the core, and not the choice of the individuals."
"The US government, in particular maybe our senate is kind of modeled after the Roman senate."
"What's wrong with our system is not that we have a two-party system but the two parties have been subsidized by state funding and dodgy billionaires."
"The political system is directly formed and funded by the capitalist class. The capitalist class will not lose elections that they pay for."
"The government of anderan, the primary governing entity, is the People's Council."
"A Horizon system introduced by Tony Blair, defended by the current leader of the Liberal Democrats, and overseen by a former Conservative Prime Minister."
"Politically, the carthaginian government was a mixed oligarchy."
"Russia should become a parliamentary democracy."
"...I would favor a system under which there would be more smaller parties and governments as in Germany would have to be formed on the basis of a large measure of compromise between different points of view."
"Democracy is the least worst system we have."
"I have faith in our democratic system."
"What would a political system look like that was not ruled by cash, that wasn't held hostage to private interests?"
"When you're dealing with a cult of personality system like China, you got to be a little cautious at making bold forecasts."
"That would really upend our notion of our checks and our balances."
"He built a system throughout his kingdom that supported and endorsed his authority over political and judicial matters."
"We are a united people pledged to maintaining a political system which guarantees individual liberty to a greater degree than any other."
"We are a republic, we're not a monarchy."
"A democracy prevents domination from occurring."
"Most of us believe there is a two-party system, Republicans and Democrats, which over time has just largely devolved into a massive distraction."
"The political system with man's rational nature; that the menu of the political milieu that was created in 1776 matched the requirements of human nature."
"Each president will serve a four-year term, with a limit of two terms total."
"India has a democracy. Obviously there’s still human rights issues there but it is a democracy."
"The electoral college... is integral to the idea of a two-party system because to get enough support to win the electoral college vote, you have to have a national party."
"South Korea's political system is a Democratic Republic."
"The UK system is a slightly odd one politically because what we have is a fusion of powers."
"What is this thing we call Washington? It's clearly not a monarchy."
"It's meant to be a democracy, isn't it?"
"Absolutism is actually a form of government characterized by the rule of a single individual and the centralization of the apparatus of State around said individual."
"The U.S. operates a two-party system."
"America is getting tired of a two-party system."
"Monarchy as a political system... just doesn't work nowadays."
"The two-party system is not serving this country."
"Britain has long evolved political system involving institutions such as the monarchy and the House of Lords."