
Analytics Quotes

There are 1905 quotes

"Organizations use historical data to figure out optimal numbers for staffing and hiring."
"Optimizing prices is another analytical technique used to maximize customer spending."
"We don't want to use all of our data; we want to split it."
"It's kind of interesting to see the data being visualized like this."
"We put out a song on Friday because when Billboard begins tracking the analytics..."
"This is super useful for just, you know, accounting, understanding what's going on."
"I'm so happy about this because you guys love these videos. If I look at my analytics, these checklist videos are like above and beyond any of my other videos."
"The art of good media and good stories is being lost to analytics."
"Redis... often used for caching, session management, real-time analytics."
"Nonetheless, our data analytics have pointed us to these impressive Virginia neighborhoods and zip codes where African Americans are succeeding in terms of income, homeownership, and academic achievement."
"Data science is a tool, and so once you have a question to answer you use data science to answer that."
"We went from taste and hunches to quantifiable."
"We now have the data. We now can make informed decisions."
"That calculation right there, the average amount sold on shift three for the Quad product, that is an average calculation, based on two conditions or two criteria."
"Anytime there's any notable event online, Pornhub's like, 'Fire up the analytics, let's get down to it.'"
"The game is so much more about more than just X's and O's... how much is the analytics department really running this organization?"
"Nobody ever thought of these numbers... nobody ever saw numbers like this."
"Quality and quantity of data, this is really impressive, really important stuff for us."
"Know your top ten, okay, know what videos are most successful for you in terms of the views."
"They're aware of the mistakes... They have analytics companies and really smart people."
"He's just looking at sports statistics, he's like looking at rap lyrics."
"Viva Insights analyzes all of your different work habits."
"Every reasonable metric you can track is very strong in the Cardano community."
"On this dashboard, you will find most of the metrics we discussed so it makes it easy for you to track what's happening on your site."
"Google Analytics is your true business ally, and it's free."
"Take all of the data that we have and have more analytical and predictive power."
"I care about points on a graph and where that line is going."
"People are overlooked for a variety of biased reasons and perceived flaws, bill James and mathematics cut straight through that."
"Those people are super interested if they watch at least 50."
"Michael Jordan, I don't care what any of these analytic Geeks have to say, he would eventually have made the adjustment if he wanted to become a three-point shooter."
"YouTube analytics are key. They determine what direction your channel is gonna go in."
"Analytics is a tool that helps us make better decisions year by year."
"Graphics give us an elusive confidence. They tempt us to believe in this one aspect we can count and measure."
"Create from your heart space, from your sacral chakra."
"A high click-through rate means that you're getting more views per impression."
"The YouTube subscriber count... it will be gone in the next two years or at least deprioritized."
"Dude, if you were to check my analytics, my views are up eight eight five thousand eight hundred and eighty-three percent."
"Tube Buddy is going to analyze your channel and they're going to give you the best time to publish."
"I also had my own theory that some of these pumping metrics actually sort of were like an anchor on the channel."
"Looking at install base numbers and believing they're the be-all and end-all of everything is highly reductive."
"But what really got me interested is the fact that in the comments here there's only 24 comments."
"View counts are consistent, thumbnails need improvement."
"If you don't know the numbers, you're going to fail."
"Follow the numbers and you follow the math you will watch that infection rate."
"Paladins makes it very easy to see any problems on the team or with your own gameplay based off of the stats."
"If you have garbage data, you have garbage analysis."
"12-0, that's what the model likes with Alabama."
"Reduce that complex data into something very easy to understand."
"The 20 conversion would equal 33 a day if you have 165 actions a day."
"Have at least one metric for acquisition, behavior, and outcomes."
"I love studying the business of entertainment, I love the numbers."
"It's often good to use multiple metrics because they help kind of you know fact check each other."
"Ultimately it's about measurement. If you can't measure, you're basically just guessing."
"Numbers don't lie, people lie about the numbers."
"Your metrics matter. You need to know them in order to grow faster."
"Your data is your golden ticket to YouTube. It will lead you to success as long as you're paying attention to it, and you're willing to modify things a little bit along the way."
"Identify the videos that are driving the most subscribers, and then start trying to figure out why you think that they're driving the most subscribers."
"Session time is the total amount of time that someone spends on YouTube after they start watching your video."
"What I'm learning from looking at all of this data is the thing that makes a video go viral is the video being good."
"Measure, measure, and measure. Don't talk about performance without measurements."
"We're simply converting raw data into useful information."
"How are you going to make up that gap? Analytics is one playing style, one that's but you do need to make up that gap somehow."
"Data analysis will be a big tool for player recruitment in the future."
"Moneyball is a reminder that the tedious and the mundane are the real keys to solving the problems around you."
"232 new subscribers last month on 5.9 million minutes watched."
"Even from an analytics standpoint, he doesn't deserve to have a platform."
"The human element still trumps everything else when it comes to numbers."
"Vidiq is especially useful if you're a video creator; it'll give you extra analytics at a glance which you won't get otherwise."
"I'm happy I'm proud of what I made as long as the stats are good."
"The accumulation of her videos, like, if you look at her Social Blade, you go to Doherty Deez Nuts."
"If you're doing any kind of affiliate marketing you really should be tracking where your conversions are coming from."
"Better than guessing, better than flipping a coin. That's what TA is."
"We're all gonna be dead, so live your life like you're gonna be dead."
"According to Google Analytics, most of you aren't ladies."
"Three key Chainlink price metrics signal LINK is gathering strength."
"Men lie, numbers don't, especially numbers on YouTube. You can fake views on Instagram, baby, you can't fake views on YouTube."
"Successful companies have to have the right tools and really know their numbers in order to grow and more importantly to grow their profits."
"Big data and crowd wisdom have become central to how many companies approach business."
"We need better systems for gathering information and doing analysis that can inform real-time decision making."
"Pay attention to your numbers and your words."
"Numbers are just a tool to help us make better decisions."
"So these are the benefits of using these incredible minds that we have that create these algorithms in these predictive analytics."
"Josiah vs. Rachel. Analytics vs. HR... Place your bets now, loyal Theorists."
"I just want them to work it out because like those numbers that we pulled up kind of show, this franchise will work best when they're both in it."
"Stats are not the ultimate arbiter. What they are is a tool to aid our greater understanding."
"Use your social media skills and those analytics because that's what's driving it right now."
"The full life cycle of a day in the life of a Palantir analyst."
"The entire zero analytics experience will be getting a big upgrade."
"It's true that YouTube does encourage creators to maintain viewer retention to a painfully high degree. It will tell you the average watch time of your last video to encourage you to increase it next time."
"Social Blade is a really cool tool that you can see to estimate how much people are actually making from YouTube."
"The cancellation of live-action Cowboy Bebop reflects a company following the data."
"Analytics is probably one of the key things that YouTube gives back to you as a content creator that gives you a lot of clues and nuggets of wisdom on how you can improve in terms of creating your videos."
"Data analysis yields numbers and visualizations."
"Good analytics is power when you're actually marketing your music."
"Prescriptive analytics guides decision-making by suggesting optimal actions and their potential consequences."
"Best thing that ever happened to me, even though some days I'm ready to find a return label."
"I guess I'm considered an advanced stat nerd because I don't know how you can have a conversation about the MVP and leave Nikola Jokic off of it."
"Back testing is where you'll have most of your aha moments. It's where you will learn."
"Understanding the analytics on your channel and which ones actually matter the most is crucial for success."
"It's a very important metric and one that's a testament once again."
"Falling in love with numbers, falling in love with the data, falling in love with those details that can actually really help you over time."
"Your analytics will tell you what's working and what isn't. Once you've posted a few videos, you'll be able to start making data-driven decisions."
"The scale is a tool but you have to combine it with all the other metrics."
"I love ratios, I love metrics because that gives you a clear picture of exactly where a certain assets stand compared against other assets."
"Bruno is the goat, you know what, these stats that he's pulling out, very good, spot on."
"Best team since December 1, exactly, so two months sample size, great sample size, and they have all the ingredients."
"Logistic regression provides insights about the variables."
"Pattern recognition and... finding the subtle exceptions that would escape the human eye."
"Key success drivers: strong analytics, focus, time preferences, risk management."
"Decision analytics helps companies make decisions by analyzing past data and external conditions to recommend the best course of action."
"If you really like these analytical videos and you want to see them more often, I am restructuring the Anime Uproar Patreon to support analytical content."
"Sentiment specific models are nearing maximum pessimism."
"Granularity is simply the size or level of detail."
"Now, over here we can drag our new measure down to the values."
"Azure SQL Data Warehouse brings together enterprise data warehousing and big data analytics, giving you the freedom to query data on your terms."
"The whole purpose here is to see real-time performance numbers, not averages, not minimums, but to see how much CPU is used per card, how much VRAM is being used, how consistent is the performance."
"Don't be naive to think that we just put a trend line; there's so much more involved."
"Most people don't finish the games." - Jazz, addressing the challenge of using game completion as a metric for engagement.
"Why would minutes watched be a metric at all?"
"People get so lost in the numbers, they forget there's an actual human behind each one."
"Storyfire's numbers the last two days since we've announced shutdown have been through the roof."
"Structural Edge: advantage versus the market due to access, speed, information, and analytics."
"People are gauging more on data now than they are just on fear because the market's matured."
"Domino's increasing monthly revenue by six percent with Google Analytics Premium, Google Tag Manager, and Google BigQuery."
"Pay attention to trends over time; you want to make sure you are increasing in downloads."
"This is probably a better way to visualize the data at the end of the day."
"Generate a chart showing which day of the week I spend the most money."
"Domino's Pizza increasing monthly Revenue by six percent with Google Analytics Premium, Google Tag Manager, and Google BigQuery."
"Bigtable is ideal for real-time analytics, commonly seen in financial services and IoT."
"We're going to install Google Analytics 4."
"You really want to make sure that you're understanding exactly how your website's being used."
"The AWS Cost and Usage Report is a service which will generate a detailed spreadsheet enabling you to better analyze and manage your AWS costs and usage."
"More than 307,000 companies use NetSuite to know their numbers and their business better."
"It's still a business when the man them do run analytics and everything; it's not just saying back to, we're not signing the song, we're signing the artist."
"It depends on the platform, it depends on how that view is counted."
"You can see realistically how quickly you can expect to grow."
"It's really useful for getting more general info about your user base and being able to identify patterns, conversions, all the things you care about when building a real product."
"So you can see here in blue we have the sales figures that we know."
"Conversion tracking helps you see which keywords, ads, ad groups, and campaigns drive the customer action that you care about."
"The most important things in my opinion is it easy to start your workout, can you view the data that you need while you're working out, and then can you easily review all the data after you're done with your workout."
"Web analytics is the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data about your website and your competition to drive continuous improvement of the online experience of your customers and prospects."
"What won't get replaced is the principles that govern data analytics, data science, and engineering."
"...where is your best traffic coming from and how do you get more of the sort of traffic that's going to drive more business for you?"
"...now this is cool, this is useful, and this is basically what we would have got with universal analytics but with a little bit more."
"Analytics is where you can see all the details... about the people visiting your website and how they're finding your website as well."
"Retention graphs tell you about the viewers' behaviors, so you see exactly where the viewers are leaving and where they are staying."
"Advertising lets you view the dedicated attribution reports."
"Monetization includes e-commerce reports plus reports for in-app purchases and publisher ads."
"You can create audiences to report on particular groups of users."
"Just check my analytics, 60% of you are not subscribed. What are you doing? Subscribe!"
"YouTube's been doing some really crazy stuff behind the scenes, the analytics are looking very strange."
"Nothing substitutes for an actual conversation... versus just staring at analytics dashboards."
"The analytic step... summary of all the conversations... you can use this to optimize your chatbot."
"Developed and implemented a Predictive Analytics model that reduced customer churn by 15% within six months, resulting in annual cost savings of five hundred thousand dollars for the company."
"You need to understand what's working and what's not working."
"We can actually measure the skill of the players."
"Learn your average cost of goods, learn your sell-through rate, learn your average sale price and figure out how those numbers help you to meet your goals."
"Everything with reselling can be solved by simply doing analytics and looking at the numbers."
"Using your analytics to get insight into your desired audience doesn't work. We shouldn't be using our analytics. Instead, we need to be using our brains, our imaginations."
"Monthly listeners in the modern metal music industry game is basically like your report card."
"Tracking the results of your marketing is the best way to find out what works."
"Look at the completed items and if you're looking at the completed items and they're all in red all the ones in red are items that did not sell the completed don't the completed items that sold will be in green."
"Look at your analytics but don't obsess over them."
"Campaigns: track performance and optimize with A/B testing."
"Building a report or building a dashboard, okay."
"There's the basics as far as where you're going to look at page views."
"Google Tag Manager gives us so much flexibility when it comes to tracking."
"...they have wonderful tools and analytics and insight to grow your business and learn where your site visits and clicks are coming from which is huge."
"Azure Sentinel delivers intelligent security analytics and threat intelligence across the enterprise, providing a single solution for alert detection, threat visibility, proactive hunting, and threat response."
"Google Analytics is your best companion."
"The whole point here though on using a social media tool is that you can measure all that in one place."
"The coupons allowed the company to track the success or failure of their marketing initiatives."
"Measuring outcomes at each stage of the funnel allows you to find out what you're doing right, what you're doing wrong, and where you can improve."
"Measuring results throughout the funnel is the best tool brands can use to optimize their effort at each stage."
"Videos with the highest velocity views per hour."
"LinkedIn has built-in platform for measuring campaign success."
"Keep track of your Instagram following."
"...social listening and analytics will help you fine-tune your marketing strategy."
"Fabric is a One-Stop shop for analytics, visualization, storage, sharing, integration all built into one platform."
"If you want to have a discussion with me about mathematics and analytics, let's do that."
"Super important to track individual channels so that you can track those numbers because you need to know where am I spending too much money and not getting the ROI."
"Overview key takeaway: Fabric is a One-Stop shop for analytics, visualization, storage, sharing, integration all built into one platform."
"People are interested in this listing, indicated by the nine items in their carts and 17 favorites."
"You can use a free tool called HubSpot."
"A UTM code tracks the performance of campaigns."
"Americans are drawn to it, they think they can make a change, use analytics, use all these tools."
"Use YouTube's engagement graph to see what parts of other videos people re-watch or are the most engaging."
"For some of it, click-through rate is relevant, for other of it, click-through rate really isn't relevant, and you need to think about other sorts of measurement."
"YouTube is all about numbers. It's all about math."
"48 million is nothing in comparison to like a billion that toy story made so there's some kind of like they need to fix the analytics and how to track how much these disney disney plus uh straight to disney plus movies make because it's not fair."
"What differentiated us was... intelligent analytics... to spot and identify... kind of behaviors."
"It's going to let us know what the click-through rate is going to be and how much competition there is."
"It's super easy to get real-time analytics on sales."
"Obsess over this. The audience retention curve. Aim for 70% at 1 minute. It will change your entire Channel."
"When your ads aren't working, try to understand why and make changes to influence the targeted KPIs."
"The analytics give them false security."
"Moneyball is about turning a decision or a set of decisions that used to be guided by feeling...into a math problem."
"There are certain traders that are able to think analytically while also simultaneously keeping their emotions in check."
"...analytics still play a big role... if you're down by 14 points and you get a touchdown, you should go for two instead of just going for seven."
"The story is phenomenal but as Professor Aswath says, a story without the numbers is just a fairy tale."