
Women's History Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"This month is women history month and I want to uplift women."
"The early 1920s saw massive social changes for women in Britain."
"They're the authors of our history, women who shaped their destiny."
"Labour was also extremely scarce in the agricultural sector. Women's labor powered the plow and ensured food supplies for the armed forces and the urban population."
"The remains of a majestic female statue uncovered at an archaeological site in southeast Turkey may challenge our understanding of the public role of women in the ancient world."
"Eleanor remains one of the most influential women in history...period."
"Grace Fryer even reportedly said, 'It is not for myself I care, I am thinking more of the hundreds of girls to whom this may serve as an example.'"
"The Radium Girls' lives may have been cut short, but their legacy, much like their aging bones, will continue to shine on for years to come."
"The legacy of the barnbow workers and all munitions workers was the remarkable change in Britain's fortunes during World War One."
"She was the first for many and she broke a lot of barriers and accomplished so much."
"These women were extraordinary figures at that time, important discussions about issues like women's power, women's sexuality."
"Jean Barrett became the first woman to circumnavigate the globe."
"In the ancient world it was believed that women had amazing powers of healing and creativity during menstruation."
"It is part of intersectional women's history."
"The martial achievement of women is a considerable and fascinating, yet underestimated, aspect of history in the Land of the Rising Sun."
"Joan was a trailblazer. Where she led, other women followed."
"Victoria recognized that her traditionally female education had ill-prepared her for the demands of government affairs."
"Nelly Bly: 'Exposing abuses at an insane asylum... her successful career reached brand new heights in 1889.'"
"People try to act like women didn't have any successes before 1920."
"Religion and government can really overshadow those legacies and confuse and distort who those women were or are."
"They found that they were capable and after the war they didn't want to go back to being just the little housewife."
"Ana Lister was a woman way ahead of her time."
"For women wearing a bikini signal a kind of second Liberation."
"That would be a true display of all she'd worked to accomplish."
"In her time, Mary Toft had achieved something remarkable. She had outwitted a society that seldom expected or allowed any social progress, especially for women."
"Women's history is not there on the surface; it needs to be dug for, prized free from the source material, dusted off, and written transformatively."
"Recognizing the invaluable contributions of women throughout history is crucial for understanding and reshaping our future."
"What is it, what is it, March? Because it feels like Women's History Month around here."
"The invention of the sewing machine was truly profound. It changed economies, industries, and women's roles."
"Amy packed her bags and her babies and got in her big gospel car and became the first woman to drive across America in our history."
"Let's tell the stories of these women."
"She was in fact, the first woman to ever do this."
"She became the second woman ever sworn in as a member of Canadian Parliament."
"Happy birthday to anyone celebrating a birthday. It is March 1st, the beginning of Women in History Month."
"You know, women's History Month, it's all about celebrating and recognizing women in history and the growth that we've made."
"Women could not have a bank account or own a house or have an LLC without authorization or co-signing from a man."
"This celebration is one of the lead-off events in recognition of women's history month."
"Her level of authority was almost unheard of for a woman at the time."
"The women Air Force service pilot played an important role during the second world war and had to fight to be recognized for decades afterwards."
"Only a little over 1,000 women were able to complete the tough training and selection process."
"It's a very remarkable story for what a woman is maybe able to do."
"Women are often very overlooked in history."
"Nine black women on the campus of Howard University made one decision that changed the world."
"The month of March represents women's history month, and we cannot move forward without recognizing some of the wonderful accomplishments of the women here."
"And ultimately, through these shop girls' stories, I want to understand how society changed when thousands of young women surged into shop work."
"What a performance by these women who will be part of history tonight."
"The first woman to qualify as a doctor in America."
"We were trying to elevate these women, give these women the status that they should have had when they were alive."
"I now write about women and history, and my latest book is The Tudors in Love."
"That's one of the top 10 greatest moments for women in history."
"Every woman that's on TV now owes Jane Chastain paving the way."
"This is such an incredible story and there's absolutely no reason why it hasn't been told apart from the fact that it's about women."
"They're standing on the shoulders of Rosie the Riveter."
"Sitting behind a clerical desk at Douglas aircraft in Los Angeles, 19-year-old Doris was no Rosie the Riveter."
"The tragedies and triumphs of womankind."
"Nordstrom is a brand for you, and they are celebrating Women's History Month by highlighting things from their women-owned and women-founded brands."
"Molly Cobb becomes the first American woman to go to space."
"One can see what remarkable women have done, how they've done it, and what they have to say about it all."
"The history of women has been a story of silence, of breaking through the silence with beautiful noise."
"About 200 women made 1 million of these in a period of about two to three months."
"History reveals many women for whom rural walking became inspiration, consolation, and liberation."
"Throughout history, one thing has had more impact on women's lives than almost anything else: giving birth to children."
"Feminine fashions in the 18th to the 19th and very early 20th century were created by women for women."
"It was the networks of these women across oceans and countries that disseminated fashion information for other women."
"Next year is the centenary of the Representation of the People Act 1918, which was the decisive step in the political emancipation of women in this country."
"She ruled Parisian haute couture for almost six decades and she symbolized a true before and after not only in the way people saw fashion but also in how they saw women."
"This month highlights women's contributions to American history and society."
"People forget what we as women went through during that time period."
"Young ladies' academies arose in every single state; for the first time, young women received formal education."
"Celebrate her story in honor of Women's History Month."
"Once upon a time, women not only inhabited the pages of American history, but they wrote that history."
"The first martyr in Islam was a woman."
"The Vinka civilization proves that women have been dressing to impress for at least 7,500 years."
"We are letting down our ancestors, the ladies that came before us that paved the way."
"Tell her story: how women led, taught, and ministered in the early church."
"We celebrate you on this Women's History Month."
"These women were able to carve out their own space, their own career, and legacy for the generations to come."
"Madam C.J. Walker... she's the first millionaire woman, not black woman, woman period."
"Tomorrow's edition of the Daily Press makes history again, as first lady newspaperman."
"It's a beautiful book with stunning patterns and wonderful stories about these iconic women."
"She is also the first woman to receive the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom."
"My favorite part of women's history is the patriarchy smashing glass ceilings for us."
"Did women actually have a Renaissance in this age which was celebrated for its secularism, for its free expression, for its artistic excellence?"
"March is Women's History Month in the U.S. It's a great time to find out more about the women who inspire you."
"Her comics are a luxuriously rendered visual chronicle of women's progress over the decades."
"It wasn't until 1906, 54 years after Sarah's death, that a woman studied engineering at university and graduated as an engineer for the first time."