
AI Application Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"AI provides the power; you just have to connect it to customers in a creative easy way."
"Kytch introduced the industry to the revolutionary notion that these industrial machines should be controlled by the restaurant owners and artificial intelligence."
"AI has the potential to really help in education."
"Very few tasks we need to automate should ever require or even benefit from a human-level intellect, smarter often slows things down."
"Forget the fries, NVIE Lab is using AI to serve up a tide of data with your meal..."
"Palantir Technologies is revolutionizing how companies interact with data with Cutting Edge Ai and machine learning capabilities... a stake in the future."
"AI can potentially solve information overload and system complexity."
"Samsung launched its AI-powered recipe app called Food in 104 countries."
"People won't directly support longevity research, but AI can solve longevity. So that's why we need AI."
"AI can predict outbreaks and guide prevention measures with smart technology."
"AI could be applied for textures, imagine typing 'I want wood tileable' and having it generated."
"My dream has been to tackle the most difficult problems in mathematics with artificial intelligence."
"Tesla's goal: Provide situational awareness for personalized experience."
"About a year ago everyone was saying AI and crypto have no use cases."
"It's all about being surrounded with the right environment. You gotta enjoy the game, your teammates, the grind, the process."
"We need intelligent virtual agents to help guide our navigation of the whole internet information sphere."
"Thank you. We will use AI to make things better and also to be efficient."
"How can teams discover and read AI research papers quickly without losing nuance with an eye towards pragmatic application while balancing real-world challenges?"
"We're looking into the viability of having the AI be able to assess form on exercises."
"This is a super useful hack because, uh, say in the car then the network needs to produce the velocity it just has to use the historical information and guess what the velocity is."
"It's very specific problem, it's not sort of general A.I. and it's really in assistance to humans rather than replacing humans."
"RAGs can be applied to various tasks with input and output sequences."
"...what are the barriers we need to break down to bring in this era where we can apply AI to all the different kinds of problems that we need to apply to."
"Physics-informed AI can learn to emulate physics and make predictions that obey physical laws."
"With AI, we can save a lot of time and we can focus more on creating something new."
"AI will change the way the information is processed, what used to take months or weeks or days or even hours can now be done in a fraction of the time."
"This breakthrough in using AI means we might soon be finding more diamonds and minerals faster than ever before."
"That's a really good use case of AI if you ask me, and it's working pretty well for me."
"Monroe correlates the use of AI in Tesla manufacturing processes with improvements in vehicle reliability and performance."
"This will let me summarize different types of cover letters, resumes, manuals, or documentation with the power of AI."
"Optimizing resources is the real breakthrough for how we can apply these technologies, AI, to build more sustainable businesses in space."
"AI allows you to solve problems... to make all of us a lot of money."
"It's a fun way to learn and I love how it's utilizing this AI technology for good."
"AI for cyber defense... has the potential to level the playing field between attackers and defenders."
"It is looking at what humans do and from there it is holistically determining what should be done."
"General AI has a broad utility in healthcare, and we are building software and services to accelerate its application."
"Using artificial intelligence even, to actually add thickness to the face."
"Using AI for freelance coding... designing a basic website or designing a basic app."
"TensorFlow.js is going to work behind the scenes in order to identify the content for this particular image."
"Leveraging AI to identify subjects and patterns in camera footage helps city managers and planners make better decisions for their cities."
"We are basically using the same concept of utility to solve a lot of problems within AI."
"We can use AI for optimizing play experience or for managing difficulty levels."
"A lot of the real world problems are turning into AI problems."
"With Nvidia's AI mobile app, you can transform that idea into a polished video in no time."
"It's very useful in the investigation of human trafficking and missing persons."
"The problem here wasn't that AI was being used, the problem here was that no effort was being applied to using AI."
"The techniques that are used in the bots are not specific to poker; they are pretty general techniques that can be applied to any imperfect information game."