
Historical Narrative Quotes

There are 327 quotes

"This is a Godlike power. It is a totalitarian power. It used to be the winners wrote history, now it's the AI writes history."
"The narrative that this new evidence weaves is frankly alarming."
"Hancock's theories... invite us to reconsider historical narratives and pose intriguing questions about our past."
"The archaeological record just tells a much more mundane story, but a story that is as old as time."
"We cannot afford to engage in revisionist history."
"Maintaining these monuments does not preserve history because these monuments, if anything, either obscure history or tell only a certain version of that history."
"This is not mere vandalism; it is a statement about the obfuscation of oppression, the effects of which are obviously still being felt."
"Descriptions of this leg of the journey describe optimistic, happy travelers making their way through an idyllic landscape."
"But we have been embedding totally false claims about our collective pasts in the names of trying to refine the present."
"They have us coming out of Africa as slaves and that's where they start our history."
"Chanel was the perfect target for recruitment by the Germans." - Hal Vaughn
"In darkness there are memorials written not by kings or priests but by ordinary people committing their thoughts to stay for centuries."
"The whispers are finally laid to rest and in their place emerges a new compelling Narrative of Nikola Tesla."
"American history usually begins around 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue and discovered America. If I were writing the textbooks it would start tens of thousands of years ago when humans first entered the continents."
"The tragic tale of the famous millionaire J.J. Astor and his young pregnant wife is a real tearjerker."
"The unknown wave of mass socialization on the Eastern Front."
"Western writers have been quite successful in establishing the terrible wave of mass socialization committed by Soviet soldiers in Germany in Poland towards the end of the war as general public knowledge."
"We are more and more putting it in the religious category of history where you know I can read a piece about the history of lynching in the New York Times almost once every two or three months."
"The second lost cause, like the first, is having real-world consequences."
"The history done by historians... shows a story that there is many places for triumph for people who work together."
"Our country will have the opportunity to see a more complete version of our history."
"The truth is, not one missing serviceman was ever confirmed to have remained a POW." - Narrator
"The tragedy of Vietnam was not that it happened but only that the United States lost." - Narrator
"And above all, a rallying cry once forgotten is again ringing out across the galaxy, as tens of million march to the defense of democracy with the words "For the Republic"."
"The trouble is... these are identities based on a wholly imagined past."
"The traditional story of the making of England is completely wrong. The real story will reshape our future and rewrite our past."
"The notion that black Africans braved the roaring waters of the Atlantic Ocean and beat Europeans to the New World threatens a historically white sense of ownership over the..."
"Americans romanticize this era, and the best weapon to change that mindset is education."
"One of their descendants would be caught, beaten and crucified, and yet he would rise from his grave unrecognizable and accompanied by messengers of light."
"I want to tell you a love story... It's the story of our founding fathers who fought and bled for freedom and then crafted the most miraculous political document ever conceived our constitution."
"We cannot let them erase people of color from the narrative of America."
"The similarities do not mean one copied the other we can just equally mean they share the same traditions about something that actually happened in the past."
"Unless we highlight the heroes, we cannot tell the stories of the villains in our history."
"Until the Lions learn how to write, every story will glorify the Hunter."
"History is written by the victors, and now, through political correctness, today's media are as rotten as those of us with common sense know was true history."
"You mean to tell me that this isn't literal indoctrination and whitewashing of history?"
"Some think that this could be a lost soul of a poor slave attempting to escape a cruel master in a bygone era."
"History being written by the winners... true history is probably long forgotten."
"Uses interviews and found images to tell the true stories of gay survivors of Nazism in the Holocaust."
"It's as if he's hinting at a lost chapter in human history one that recorded the Earth with surprising accuracy and detail."
"Arthur embodies a brave new world in which descendants of Roman Britain began to build an independent future."
"The Lost Cause allowed historians to explain how a nation once divided could unify again."
"The Lost Cause became infused with American culture."
"The Epic of Gilgamesh is quite possibly the earliest written story that we have."
"The masses were led to believe the world’s boogeyman had been defeated."
"Our story today might be over, but the tale of Chernobyl is only just getting started."
"What all of these stories tell us—birds and thieves and lost civilizations—is how hard it is to truly replace what's been taken."
"Strategically choose the narratives that we tell about what happened."
"History is written and imposed by the victors."
"The Civil Rights Movement shows us that the picture of consensus in the 1950s is not quite as clear-cut as its proponents would have us believe."
"It's a history peppered with thrills, terror, and even riotous parties."
"They literally don't believe in the same history of this country."
"Margaret's life was to be marked by trials, tribulations, and glorious triumphs."
"The story of the voyage of the Damned is one of my favorite naval stories ever."
"According to the Acts of Philip, Mary Magdalene, Jesus's most trusted apostle, dies here in Jerusalem."
"History is never perfect and it's often written by the winners."
"The Nazi message was clear: they were the natural inheritors of history's greatest civilizations."
"Churchill muzzled: History can't speak back to those that wish to rewrite it."
"Wakanda is a cellular memory where we came from before our worst nightmare happened."
"The book is written out of history... the forgotten founders who fought big government."
"Ghosts and spirits haunt the desolate streets they once walked, demanding to have their stories told."
"Dracula flees into Transylvania and exile. Ten years later, he returns and reclaims his throne."
"History books tell a story and what we leave in and what we take out of that story is largely a product of conscious and unconscious bias."
"Only when lions have historians will the hunters cease to be heroes."
"For a time, Magor as King was said to be ruled by three queens."
"The age of strife, the long dark old night... it was a tale writ across the span of the galaxy."
"And so the chaos that had overrun the continent was purged and at last peace came to the world."
"Our civilization's narrative doesn't add up—time to question everything."
"The only history that Americans want is a history that we share."
"However, as the ambitious would-be king of Numidia would soon discover, his path to power would not be quite as unopposed as he first assumed."
"With the passing of the Vikings, no more would dragons be seen flying in the sky, no more would good Christians have need to whisper their prayer 'Of 300 years from the fury of the Northman, good Lord deliver us.'"
"More than fact or fiction, at the intersection of science and scriptures is a story that began over 3,000 years ago and continues to this day."
"The Khan always made the most logical decisions. He knew that the Emperor and the Imperium was kind of [ __ ] up but he saw its merits and the fact that refusal to join would be a bad idea."
"Standing up against evil is the most selfish thing in the world."
"A shining sword in a ruined Kingdom filled with noble Souls."
"Leave that review, subscribe on YouTube, subscribe on audio... Now's the Time to do it."
"The Testament of Solomon lies somewhere between narrative legend and practical grimoire, a text as much of a magical manual as a piece of legendary myth."
"Eventually the city of Troy would succumb before the courage of the sons of Hellas."
"The tenets of the Lost Cause consolidated themselves into a coherent mythology."
"But death was not the end of Vlad Dracula because if there's one truth about human culture, it's this: when history doesn't provide a fitting end to a historical life, legends are going to step in to finish the job."
"You really have to tell the whole story to understand the decisions made during the war."
"It's amazing how little we hear about this guy in the West just because his story is so good."
"The story of Rhys Jones is a tragic one and it's a tale that'll be told in the years to come, his memory will live on forever."
"This is the end of the old Hollywood scandalous Tale of Mr Bumpy Johnson."
"I wanted us to stop being ashamed to have the language to have the history."
"Romulus and the institution of the king represented the totality of the social order and the one with the force to rise above it all to rule over the chaos."
"Lin-Manuel's vision for Hamilton was to tell the story of a founding father through hip-hop."
"The story of slavery is much larger, much deeper, much wider-ranging than the version they tell in schools, in the media, in Hollywood."
"Elizabeth's story took an unexpected turn in 1942."
"So all the narrative, this standard Islamic narrative always has the biblical prophets down in the Hijaz."
"The story of the human conquest of the sea can never be complete because these people wrote its first chapter."
"The mystery of Tesla's final years mirrors the larger trajectory of his life oscillating between fact and fiction Brilliance and eccentricity."
"History is as much about the stories that we tell ourselves about the past as it is about what actually happened in the past."
"Civilization got properly going during the reign of the five semi-divine and almost certainly legendary Emperors."
"The slightly more hands-on than I expected story of Johannes Gutenberg and his marvellous machine."
"History is made by everybody and many of those everybody's we never hear those names those women and men who did this work."
"I even took my son alone. I led, my son followed, he died in my arms. After that, I washed my hands of England, the Empire, and the legend of Allan bloody Quartermaine."
"What made it really compelling as a story was the arc—the fact that Oppenheimer in 1945 was hailed as America's most distinguished scientist, and then nine years later he's brought down and humiliated in this trial."
"It's important to tell a good story, and who has a better story than kings?"
"It's been a nice overarching just sort of a summary, a brief one-hour summary of the Eldar and where they came from and how they got so [ __ ] up."
"The Ramayana and Mahabharata can't be really considered mythological or historical. They present historically true events in stories that were enriched by the addition of spiritual teachings and richly embellished with dramatic fictitious events."
"A dad who is willing to off his own firstborn son for the glory of his future empire is a dad who does not mess around."
"The relationships, the history, the amount of research that must have gone into writing this book - I can't speak highly enough of it."
"People don't like to think of the first woman to ever be created like they don't like to think of Jesus as being black, so I'm gonna just go there with it."
"America is a story that's known national redemption."
"The Assassination of Jesse James is a tense drama about a notorious outlaw and the young admirer destined to betray him."
"Takeo is super loyal to the Emperor and he writes that it's been several months since he's last received orders from the Emperor."
"It's unsettling to think that we spent our youth being fed a distorted narrative that shaped our understanding of the world."
"You have the opportunity to do anything you want... and you're telling a story of the Black Panther Party for self-defense." - Melvin Van Peebles
"For the sake of those who have lost their lives, I want to tell the whole story."
"The true story of America has been a forgotten one, hidden deep in the portage of time, existing under the notion that it would never be uncovered and revealed."
"I want somebody to pick it up and go, 'Yeah, that's the one.'"
"The story can't end there. People needed someone to blame and they needed a way to distance themselves from the wars."
"Week's reputation was in tatters and he ended up moving down the Mississippi where he started a large family and ultimately passed away at the age of 43."
"Ragnar announced that he planned on returning to England."
"The children of empire have conflated the Anglo story with our memory."
"Many authors set out to write a first draft of history—especially journalists. With 'A Very Stable Genius,' Phil and Carole have succeeded in doing just that."
"History was written by the losers because only a loser would have to create a story to make it seem as if they won when they didn't."
"The true story of syphilis begins to unfold."
"Barbarians were so bad... they had to make a statement about it."
"Until my lions learn to write from their own perspective, then every story will be glorified by the hunter's perspective."
"You gotta learn how to write from your own perspective. You gotta gain power so that you can rewrite history."
"It is clear from the evidence that I have that this is part of a move by the communists, especially the North Vietnamese government, to divide the American people, disrupt our war effort, and discredit our government for the entire world."
"Secrets whispered from Mesha Mountain, promising to reveal a story lost in time."
"A man representing Jesus's enemies gets his body."
"The story of Pasion challenges us to uphold values of truth, resolve, and friendship in the face of overwhelming odds."
"It was the beginning of the end, an end so bitter, so bloody."
"It was a fitting end for someone who wanted nothing else but to just be another French soldier before his life was completely derailed."
"The narrative of ancient history is a lie; the Bible is the truth."
"The Kashmir Files: the most important movie of the decades."
"There's nothing they should be ashamed of, but all of history was built by men. It always has been."
"History is not always written by the victors."
"A forgotten narrative waiting to be unraveled."
"History is written by the victors, you know what I mean?"
"When missionaries like Samuel Moffat arrived in Korea 2 decades later, they heard the story of the man who had thrown Bibles down from a burning ship."
"The Vikings were not just raiders, plunderers, and slave traders. In many of the lands they invaded, they settled down and in time, they took on the culture and the Christian religion of the conquered peoples."
"A lot of the West Africans and black people are descendants from Bani Israel."
"For Arthur would never deny helping an ally in a time of need."
"Every single aspect of the kind of human story, every piece of our character, that's what's so inter about the Second World War."
"Our story is like the greatest story ever told."
"The story is com very different than what we're told."
"Imagine an entire epic of our story that was wiped out and now most 90-95 percent of humanity thinks that it was not real, it was just a myth..."
"The story of the Mori is one of perseverance."
"China's historical Journey illustrates the remarkable transformation of a nation that reclaimed its identity despite the hardships of colonization."
"The archetypal good German is at the mercy of sadistic and military ideologues, and positions of authority over him, forcing his unwilling participation in combat or even war crimes, but the hero helpless to resist."
"Instead, think of this as the beginning of a history of blood-drenched struggle between light and darkness."
"Let's give it a shot now we have the Heirs of Dido, how Carthage came to be 500 years ago."
"The Mad King gripped by paranoia and fear was convinced that these young Nobles would seek revenge," revealed the video.
"History unfolds like a gripping tale, weaving together moments of triumph and tragedy."
"I think that would definitely be one that deserves to be told."
"Western arms supplies to Ukraine at this point in time are both a case of too little too late."
"Despite continuing atrocities, the wall shows every sign of being a permanent feature in Berlin." - Narrator
"Here we have a historical link with the mythic story of Odin's halls in Asgard and his 12 attendants."
"A conscious quest for fame and glory, central qualities in the Nordic heroic ideal."
"The final mention of the ark is not as destruction or theft."
"The narrative that we're taught in schools that people in ancient days thousands of years ago were primitive... It's going to blow y'all away, I'm telling you."
"This is gonna be an exciting time watching the movies of the second American Revolution."
"The land is still there and it's in somebody's family but ain't nobody talking about that."
"Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. He was an overcomer."
"That's what my new book is all about, 'The Right Side of History.'"
"It tells an entire story of what occurred in the past to create sophisticated civilizations."
"The story of human migration: from Babel to the far corners of the globe."
"The idea that America pretends to be good, the history we've been taught is that America is good, but actually America is evil and the only form of evil there is in the world is racism."
"A 400-year-old story of love, betrayal, and death."
"Ghost of Tsushima is a critique of the Samurai way just as much as it is a story of its end."
"They want a chance to tell their own history properly."
"The Genesis narratives of Abraham and his descendants are historically accurate accounts."
"We humans are just the last word on the last page of that story."
"Metal Gear marks a very human history with very human struggles."
"Here begins my story, that of one Hannibal Barca."
"By erasing the Indigenous legacy of a place, colonial powers are able to write out the native from the cartography, taxonomy, and topography of a region."
"It brought one of the darkest chapters in the fight against heroin to a close." - Narrator
"We should fight like hell for the true story of this country."
"The story of Vulcan: the rise and the fall of the planet that never even existed."
"Focus on the beliefs and practices of the common folk, the unextraordinary stories that survived through time."
"Ethiopian history in a neatly traceable form starts with the Kingdom of Aksum in the First Century A.D."
"We are the greatest story that's ever been written. We're not just a football club, we have the tragedy, the resurrection, the wilderness years, the glory, and where are we now?"
"The tale of the Silver Shields is just one small chapter from one book in the vast library that is all of human history."
"The idea that slaves in America would have had a better time had they remained in Africa is also a myth." - Larry Elder
"Sam presents 'A Song of Ice and Fire,' a history written by the victors."
"It's nice to think that we've added yet another chapter."
"Traditionally, oral histories of Native Americans have been discounted as mythological."
"The kinds of professional middle-class men who wrote narratives of the plague seemed to imply that the nurses were vicious."
"Yo, if we ain't calling the 2020s the hindsight decade then what is the point of living really?"
"Chapter 2 goes from getting a picture of the Tojo in 1988 to uncovering a force that can stand against them."
"History too often glorifies those who are defeated in war."
"The story of how this gentle young man overcame his unique condition and lived his life to the fullest continues to be told through the decades."
"Britain is fighting on the side of the angels and the events at Mons prove it."
"The story of Napoleon and Pius the Seventh is a case of church leaders standing by their principles."
"The political life of the great Fuhrer had finished, the kingdom of a thousand years had finished."
"Don't ever forget, history is a selection process."
"What we have done for so long in America is whitewashed our story."
"The discovery of the Cactus Hill site in Virginia, with projectile points resembling Solutrean, challenges the Clovis-first narrative."
"This is the story of how we became the sulfur Kings."
"The Eastern Roman Empire simply didn’t fit into the Enlightenment's narrative of world history."
"This groundbreaking discovery challenges the traditional narratives we've come to know."
"When everybody thinks that they're the protagonist of history, it's only natural that those players will come into conflict to achieve their goals."
"Our history now plunges from a kingdom of gold to one of iron and rust."
"The story of America isn't about people who quit when things got tough. It's about people who kept going, who tried harder."