
Sibling Bond Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"Rudy tells Ritz how her brother always stayed by her side when she was in pain and cried for her, which made her happy."
"Our mom's awesome, guys. She really is. How could you not be awesome? We turned out lit."
"Because a big brother wants to be in touch with his lovely sister, of course."
"It was a stunningly beautiful game; its gameplay was really clever, but had Innocence not so brilliantly delivered this story of a brother and sister coming together, I suspect that it wouldn't be talked about today in the way that it is."
"They support each other immensely, and do pretty much everything together–sticking together through thick and thin."
"My sister is literally my guardian angel. I would not be alive today if not for my sister."
"Siblings can be tight, but Lainey and I were inseparable."
"Maybe my kid brother is still out there somewhere in some magical place beyond the walls of reality."
"Nanako is awesome, she's like the coolest little sister!"
"It ain't happening, Christian. Ain't happening. You know why? Because you're my Wonder Twin."
"meloda Stops Elise's final attack swearing she'll be the strongest big sister"
"Seeing a little brother look up to their older brother is, I guess, adorable in a way."
"A big brother is someone who protects you and stops you from making big mistakes."
"This experience happened when I was about 12 years old and I was home alone with my brother."
"It's a profound moment, an older brother saving his little brother from his same fate across the universe."
"In their own flawed and strange ways, the three siblings have each other's backs."
"...it is literally a torch passing the torch the spirit of porcus diaz down to sabo his brother that he trained with when he was a kid."
"Rui congratulates his brother for being so brave in that situation."
"My sister was the brightest light in my life. She was my big sister and she was my role model."
"You are Kawaki's little sister, alright? They don't even look alike, dude!"
"He wasn't going to let anyone bully his brother."
"I'm amazed by how well his little brother understands him."
"Being a twin means you have a best friend that's always got your back."
"The twins are at this fabulous age where they're so cute and their personalities are really coming out. They are so funny and they're finally at an age where they're like turning into best friends, and it's the cutest best thing ever."
"One thing Jeanne and I had always agreed on was that we were each other's brother."
"My baby brother was my hero, he was someone I know I could always count on if I needed anything."
"Joe is a hero, his siblings couldn't ask for a better brother and friend."
"Sounds like you're going to get strong. Just promise not to leave me in the dust, okay?" Sasuke giggled and hugged Itachi.
"I missed my brother. He was my best friend and always had my back."
"They were very, very close. Like, I had them in a cot together, but I tried to put them into separate beds, you'd wake up in the morning and they'd be curled up on the floor together like little puppy dogs."
"Being a twin is such a cool gift."
"'Don't worry, Gretel. Everything will be okay,' Hansel reassured his sister."
"I can't believe my little sister made that you guys, that's beautiful."
"That's my brother right there, the same mama like Mama used to be like, 'Well, you go outside, if one of y'all go, both of y'all go, don't come back without the other one, I'm beating your ass.'"
"Thanks for helping Nico and me make up, big bro. You really are a super Spud."
"Mission accomplished. Thanks for helping Nico and me make up, big bro. You really are a super Spud."
"The bond between these two siblings is so strong."
"You're right. Come on, get dressed. You'll catch cold. Like you're my brother."
"My brother, I think he loved it as well. I actually saw him post this really cute photo on his Snapchat story, which I'll post right here for you guys. He basically was like, 'I love my window,' which I thought was quite nice."
"I miss that, you know, having that brother, the older brother, that's about it."
"My little brother sent me a meme that made me cry. He's almost 13 and I'm in college. Sometimes he comes over during the weekend and depending on whether I have free time or not, we go catch a movie, visit the city, plan activities, or hang out in my room and play video games."
"He had always been charged with the duty of protecting Octavia by their mother since childhood."
"I love you with all my heart and I hope one day I get to put my arms around you and hold you like my baby brother."
"My brother has always been my closest friend. He is easily the most loving and genuine person I have ever met."
"When they say, 'Your brother is annoying,' all the other people are like, 'Oh, your brother is so annoying.' I say, 'Oh no, I don't have an annoying brother, we have the best brother.'"
"We shared the same room growing up, and I think that's one of the reasons why there is a connection there, a very strong connection."
"But one time when me and Mono can say, and I'm speaking for both of us again, where twins were connected was when we went to court and we heard the barrister and the judge talking for the first time. We was intrigued by the legalese."
"Your oni-chan will always have your back, no matter what."
"We've become so much closer over the last few years. We're making up for lost time now and I just couldn't be closer and I'm absolutely so thankful to have someone like her in my life and proud to call her my sister."
"That's cute, my brother and I do this thing where we each have Star Wars figures and we'll like take pictures of them doing different things."
"My brotherly bond with Mark has strengthened over the years along with the shenanigans we always do much to Mom's anger and Dad's laughter."
"I used to play with pine cones a lot with my little sister, and she's like the most important person in the world to me."
"So I have a sister that passed away when I was about 13. She was, she wasn't musical, but she loved music, and since I was the youngest, we were very, we were very close."
"My brother is just the best, he's all the good, soft, raw material that I was hewn from but more, but better."
"Nezuko's hairstyle is different than her human form because Tanjiro doesn't know how to do her hair."
"Like his championship was cool but like I bet man that like the proudest moments of my life have been watching my little brother like I don't know what it is I mean you got brothers you know it's just yeah."
"My favorite memory as a kid? When it's raining, me and my brothers, we always in the rain playing football."
"Being twins, Delane and Dana were two peas in a pod, best friends, and constant companions."
"My girls were always together. They did everything together, like all four of them. There'd be moments where I'd catch them laying in front of the TV, and they're holding hands."
"Big bro, you really are a super Spud."
"It's nice to see that you work so well together. I mean, people are going to watch this and think, 'My gosh, I wish I had that relationship with my sister.'"
"It's one of the many things we have in common, that first time you walk out on stage without your brother. Like, god, how awful is that feeling?"
"We spent a lot of time together as kids, he's four years older than me so he watched me when our parents worked."
"Elsa who was 6 years older than I was parent sister and friend all wrapped into one."
"It's just that bond that you get between siblings like there's nothing else like it."
"There's nothing more beautiful than sibling relationships where they see you and they want to stand up and advocate for you against the horrors the outside world has to offer."
"I love my brother and he's always been kind to me, and the least I can do is respect his wishes."
"The only pure love I had known in my life was my sister's."
"You're my only sibling, whether it's a half sibling or not, you still mean so much to me."
"My little brother is luckier than you could ever imagine, to have you as a friend."
"However, Cynthia is my sister. I love her just as much as she loves me."
"This is one of the most underrated sibling pair ups and I wish they'd do it more often."
"She's my twin, my built-in best friend."
"A sibling is expected to be someone who's there for you, at least loves you at the end of the day, and doesn't want to see bad things happen to you."
"You'll always be my big brother, and you'll always be my slightly younger sister."
"They do truly love each other; it's not this competitive rivalry."
"Thrawn and Cavu on the other hand cemented their bond with one another as siblings, this bond allowed them to become tighter than ever before."
"Before my mom passed away, her biggest wish was that myself, my brother, my sister never split apart."
"She was really close to her brother, they were like a year apart so they would do a lot of things together."
"What made Mabel and Dipper’s relationship so likeable was its authenticity."
"Without my big brother, I probably wouldn't be who I am."
"Our dear sister is gone but not forgotten."
"This little boy is so, so loved by his sisters already, so excited to meet him."
"Oh my gosh, you're the best brother ever."
"I once took a trip to Ireland with my sister, and it was one of the best experiences of my life."
"I miss him but I know I'll see him again someday. I am so thankful that he was my brother."
"Thankful for my sister, she's the reason I survived."
"That's what siblings do; we fight like anything but we love like anything."
"Sometimes I do hold on to the hope that I'll see my brother coming to visit me."
"It must be the best thing in the world to have your longest, strongest friend be the same person who shared your womb."
"They have never been separated since."
"I was so happy I had met my sister and that we were reunited."
"I remember holding Leo and just saying to him, 'You have a brother upstairs and he loves you and I promise that you're gonna get better soon and you're gonna get to be with him.'"
"I love August very, very much," she said softly. "But he has many angels looking out for him already, Via, and I want you to know that you have me looking out for you."
"Sister telepathy, we really do think alike and have a lot in common, especially in dislikes."
"He had to protect his precious sister."
"She wants to bring her dead older brother back to life because she loves him so much."
"With each day that passes, she becomes more hopeful that she can still bring her brother back using codes."
"My sister and I were stoked to be hiking and spending time together again."
"Having a twin is not like having a sibling, it's like having another you."
"I promise you this, when we're older, we're gonna be millionaire twins. No, not millionaire twins, zillionaire twins."
"We live with each other; what you think? Yeah, I get tired of her sometimes, but I love my sister."
"We were only four years apart, so we were far enough apart we didn't fight, and close enough together that we got along really well."
"Utara would do anything to protect Daki, and Tanjiro would do anything to protect Nezuko."
"He gave me an amazing 13 years being my best friend and the best role model any little sister could ask for."
"It was an unspoken rule between my siblings and I from then on to protect our mother."
"When you grow up less than a year apart, you basically mature, go through puberty, go through a lot of situations, emotions, feelings, and things together."
"Getting a baby sibling can be so exciting because you really are getting a best friend for life."
"The older child needs to know that they can always count on you to have their back."
"Sure life was hard and money was tight, but her kids had that beautiful bond that only siblings shared."
"Peace sis, I brought you something."
"I hope she's eating M&M's in Heaven, I hope her glasses are safe and not broken, and I miss you and I will always love you big sister."
"I love you and your sister so very much."
"Even if we do tease each other all the time, you're still a pretty good sister."
"And you're a pretty good brother."
"The most important thing to me now is not college, but my little sister who's my last remaining family."
"From now on, it will probably be difficult for my sister to fall in love again, and that's why until she feels ready to be alone again, I want to be the one to support my sister all the way."
"He jumps in front and bravely defends his brother and no damage was caused."
"We're the little brother and sister that can adapt to anything."
"Because Charlene was the oldest sibling, she looked after her siblings and became one of their closest confidants."
"I vow to find my brother if it's the last thing I do," Ali set out.
"Siblings just have that bond, and I'm so grateful that I was able to give my cut a sibling so that she could experience that."
"For me, Maura is just my little sister, like, she's who I grew up with. We did regular things and we miss her."
"I'm two minutes younger than my twin sister Emily and we love singing and dance together."
"Whether or not this is a boy or girl, they'll be best friends."
"You're my sister and you'll always be my best friend."
"You look to your brother because he is one of the bravest, toughest, boldest kids I know."
"Having a twin can be, well, a pain in the ass. But it's also great knowing someone always has your back."
"Izuna...Nii-san...get...up...please...I won’t...go...outside...the...walls...I'll...do...whatever...you...say...PLEASE!"
"Hattie was one of eleven siblings and would do anything to help her family."
"I'm so happy to have raised a brother and sister who love each other so much."
"With you as my sister, what would I fear?"
"After all the fighting and taunting is done, they always find a way to come back together."
"I love you and your brother so much."
"I think if you have someone within your age range, definitely siblings could almost even perhaps have more of an influence on you than your parents do."
"You're my big brother, you've always been a hero to me, Big Mac, and you always will be."
"All she knows is that thanks to the protagonist being her brother and always being with her, she could control her powers to avoid harming the people of the Earth."
"That's what older brothers do, Sprig. They look out for their little sisters."
"Shadow continues to be the protective and somewhat mature older sibling."
"Your sister's so lucky, can I borrow you for a lifetime?"
"I promise you that I will reunite you with your sister, no matter what."
"Meet your new baby siblings, Naruto."
"There's no one I'd rather play with than my brother."
"I love you, Johnny. I'm so glad you're my brother."
"What do you want me to do, sister? Don't leave."
"You'll always be my big sister, and I'll always love you no matter what."
"'Mother, Father,' he said, 'why don't we put Gabriel's crib in my room tonight? I know how to feed and comfort him, and it would let you and father get some sleep.'"
"Oh that our little sister would but come, then we should be free."
"I liked the relationship of the siblings, of the whole family."
"Khalifa and him bumped fists, and for the first time in person, they called each other brother and sister."
"I love you my little baby girl and no matter how much I love your brother or your sister, you're always going to be special to me."
"He was also close with his sister Vivianne, who described him as extremely intelligent and someone who always put forth positive vibes."
"Honestly couldn't ask for a better twin, I hope 2020 brings you so much happiness."
"Me and my sister are quite a pair, we like to sleep with our teddy bear."
"She wants to find her little brother."
"Same," I replied, smiling back. "I honestly will miss having her as a sister. The time spent with her was the most amazing time I have ever had in my life."
"It's wildly believed that twins have an unexplainable connection where they can sense each other's feelings and even communicate telepathically."
"You love Emma, and she loves you like you're her big brother, and that's what counts."
"I am just thankful that the kids do have each other."
"Guys like [him] who only fight for themselves have no chance against [his] determination to save his little sister."