
Life-changing Moments Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"Seeing that eclipse that brought you to tears, I think those are those special moments that we all have that can really change our lives."
"Tonight, I can make a song that changes my entire life and makes the world better."
"People change the direction and the trajectory of their lives when they finally have an 'I've had it' moment."
"The best day of your life is when God interferes with your life."
"It's seemingly so stupid, so insignificant...I will never forget it. It changed my life."
"This is gonna be the moment where you're gonna have the greatest reminder of your life."
"This is one of the most important moments of your life."
"Every single one of you human legends, change, like I said before, that goal went in, you changed my life!"
"I think she changed the trajectory of my life in that minute."
"One conversation can change your entire life."
"It's a matter of minutes, a mistake, and your life just flips on its head."
"Was that a moment of blind rage? In a moment, life changed."
"Life-changing experiences can happen in the ordinary moments."
"When I said that prayer for the first time in my life, everything changed."
"A few simple 'Hellos' helped him find the strength to keep on living."
"That flipping of a coin landed me a better contract and what has shaped my life for the past two years."
"Five years ago I posted a video that would change my life forever."
"When he calls you by your full name, it's of the utmost importance. It's serious. It's life-changing."
"That night brought me to where I am today and no money or fortune in the world could convince me to ever give this up."
"Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage. I promise you something great will come of it."
"You have no idea how God might use one moment of boldness to change someone's life."
"For every single one of us there are a handful of defining moments in your life."
"Discovering skateboarding for me was what I call sort of over the rainbow moment where my life went from black and white sepia tone to full-blown technicolor."
"It's an extraordinary moment, it's something I remember for the rest of my life."
"Sometimes these small things really change everything."
"Moments like this, hopes and dreams and lives are changed permanently."
"Accepting actions taken by your ex and wanting to get back together is a sign of maturity and strength."
"This is the game that potentially changed my life."
"A divinely guided event situation, a truth, something came in for you to be like 'what, why am I still here?'"
"A missed train that sees you meet your future wife or a drunk conversation at a party that sparks the idea for the next billion dollar startup."
"Grasp this opportunity with both hands because it will not come around again for you."
"I cannot miss this opportunity. A great and exceptional door is about to be open for you."
"Life is full of decisions, some big, some small, and some that will completely change your life."
"I fully went for it and the rest is history. You guys quite literally saved me."
"Was there an overspill moment in your life where you thought, 'That's it, now I'm done with all of that, I'm gonna pick up the sword as it were'?"
"One shoe can change your life... just ask Cinderella."
"No second chances. The second I signed the deal, my eyes opened up."
"One moment can change the day, and one day can change a life, in one life, that could change the world."
"I didn't expect the small little action would spark the turning point of my life."
"It's funny sometimes how one small choice can completely alter the entire path of your life."
"What's happened to Anne? It was this question that changed everything."
"One moment of inspiration can change your life forever."
"I still believe in magic, in the possibility that some beautiful, maybe even inhuman stranger could be lurking amidst the fog and blacklight ready to change my life forevermore."
"I really thought it was going to happen, I thought like, 'Oh my god, Matt, get it together, your life's about to change right now.'"
"My life shifted in that moment... it was a timeline shift."
"It takes one moment in time to change your whole life."
"Oh, if I can have a pet pangolin, this game is gonna change my life."
"One act of kindness changed my life forever."
"He turned to me and said, 'Ellie, will you marry me?'"
"Out of nowhere, this person's going to change your life's direction."
"The day I found out that I was going to be a father has been by far, the best day of my entire life."
"That was the most pivotal moment in my life."
"Who would have known what would have happened with my life if I would have never caught that stretch?"
"There is a Divine moment happening at the Divine time in your life that's going to change your life forever."
"Isn't it funny how one conversation can change everything, just take you on the ride."
"Isn't it crazy that one choice like that can change everything?"
"That's the definitive moment where their entire life will never ever be the same again."
"Life is supposed to be about where you went to school, what your family's income was, what your first job was... but it isn't. Life hinges on a couple seconds you never see coming, and what you do in those seconds determines everything from then on."
"That praise changed that boy's life, for if it hadn't been for that encouragement, he might have spent his entire life working in rat-infested factories."
"I believe God hasn't established this day to be a day that's going to mark the rest of your life. That a revelation on the goodness of God and the power of God and what it is that He's going to do in your life from this point forward starts now."
"The day my son was born was probably the best day of my life. I could never explain the pure happiness that I felt."
"It's crazy how a couple seconds can change the rest of your life."
"One day you're just going to help somebody when they're trying to do something so simple and that's going to change your life."
"Isn't it something that sometimes you can have a day in your life or a moment in your life that changes the entire course of your life forever?"
"Damn it, be a friend, tell a friend, something nice could change your life."
"If I didn't find music when I did."
"Meeting you was like a tower moment; it changed my life forever."
"Because of that smile, he decided to live."
"...it's like you're going into battle, you want there's a shift in the room where okay people, we're yeah, this is a life-changing moment, you don't waste any moments."
"...I walked away thinking I want to learn how to do that when I get older and it absolutely changed the direction of my life in one night."
"It only takes a couple of seconds for a life to change irreversibly."
"There was a destiny moment where everything shifts, where the trajectory of your life will never be the same."
"The day that I found out I was pregnant was one of the best days of my life."
"You're one moment away from changing your life."
"You showed up at a time when I was making a huge leap forward to try and find my voice and my value to music and an audience and bright side showed up and changed my life too."
"In each man's life there will be a moment, a moment so big, holy [ __ ]!"
"It can all change in one little moment. It can all go from the worst season in life to the best. And that's what hunting is, and that's why we do it, right?"
"That moment changed my life, right? It really did."
"I remember I totally get emotional, but it changed my life."
"That one moment has the ability to change my life."
"Isn't it crazy how sometimes the smallest of circumstances seemingly can lead to you finding a passion that goes on to be quite a monumental part of your life?"
"Will this be the night that your life changes forever? I hope so."
"Do what you love, and that advice changed my life."
"There are these small moments in our lives that completely change the course of our lives forever."
"That moment when he found out that he was a father."
"A stranger's whim, a decision to lend a helping hand, means the difference between freedom or death."
"Coming out is a personal decision and a life-changing experience."
"Sometimes the most pivotal moments in our lives come from the most unexpected sources."
"It's kind of crazy just thinking about the fact that if that one person didn't meet me, my entire life would be different right now."
"There are moments that mark your life, where time is divided into two parts: before and after."
"Throughout this entire three hours, there might be one thing that one person picks up that changes the entire course of their life."
"This gesture changed everything between us forever."
"Seize the moment, that is what I had to do a decade ago."
"The moment you read about and see in films, and thank God it was happening to me."
"It may be hokey and overly saccharine, but nothing will make me well up quicker than watching someone who needs a break get a break."
"You never know, two minutes could change a kid's life."
"There's a five second window that defines your life."
"In life, we are so rarely able to identify the moments that truly reshape our existence."
"They hit the core for me; they pushed that button and your life just changed."
"How often do you get to see a picture of when your life changed or when something really amazing happened for you?"
"I have a table in my shop that I need to get rid of but I don't want to because I think about all the paint jobs that have changed my life that I did on that table."
"Any moment could be the moment that changes your life forever."
"Seeing the hens being rehomed is probably the best moments of it."
"Sometimes God locks the thing that you need up in somebody else, and just being with them at the right time can revolutionize your life."
"The hardest thing I ever did was tell my six-year-old son that his dad was never coming home."