
Negative Emotions Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Negative emotions, in small doses, are elegantly adaptive."
"Negative emotions, like anger and fear and hate and shame, can be harmful to your health and may even shorten your lifespan."
"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering!"
"Resentment destroys your soul, is not good for your health, and just really screws with you."
"Negative emotions... they're actually very powerful motivators. They tend to be the strongest and easiest motivators but they're kind of like dirty motivators, they're like burning unclean fuel."
"The negative emotions can be a pathway to transformation."
"A negative emotion that's associated with the memories is something that's crying out for mastery."
"Having your stuff stolen is literally one of the worst feelings in the world."
"What keeps us from acting? Negative emotions: fear of shame, fear of rejection, fear."
"Holding on to, dwelling, or stewing on negative emotions... is sort of akin to sitting in a car stuck in the mud and just revving your engine. All you're doing is wasting your gas and digging yourself further into a hole."
"Addiction, paranoia, resentment, self-hatred."
"Jealousy, hate, division, and lack of communication."
"Strategically, victimhood is a bad game. It leads to resentment, anger, and hostility."
"She's a monster and a liar. I hate her. I hate everyone."
"Hate bitterness, they're just wasted emotions, they just eat you up and it hurts and you suffer."
"Perceptions of brand betrayal can lead love for a brand to turn into hate."
"She needed to lighten the load she is mentally exhausted and her mind is filled with guilt rage revenge and other harmful thoughts."
"Instead of becoming a better person, they just marinated in bitterness and vindictiveness."
"Leftism welcomes resentment, bitterness, envy, and rage with open arms."
"The number one thing a hater hates is themselves. It's got to be something in them, somewhere in their head."
"People genuinely wish bad on you when they don't get their way."
"When you're angry at someone, it's kind of like going to the store and buying a bag of rat poison."
"Remorse is a powerful negative emotion that causes turmoil in those that feel it."
"A lot of the hatred we hold on to ultimately makes our own lives miserable."
"One of our best motivations to change is hate."
"Thoughts based upon falsity such as fear and hate are not enduring."
"Disgust and contempt, pay attention to those."
"They have to vandalize something that represents romance, joy, happiness, because they do not experience any of them."
"He didn't have the courage to take his own life so he took all his negative feelings onto a much more vulnerable person."
"I don't want to associate with it anymore, it's disgusting."
"Unchecked not cool like unintegrated anger non-sacred anger."
"Malice, manipulation, deception, and revenge wreak havoc."
"Bless negative emotion for the guidance that it gives you."
"You can't have any success without jealousy, envy, or entitlement."
"Ideas of hopelessness, helplessness, and worthlessness are particularly important in depression."
"Envy and jealousy harm you as well as hurting others."
"Negative emotions can be a pathway to transformation."
"When there is urgency, desperation, need, or lack, you are not the version of yourself that's within the vicinity to access the answer."
"The worst feeling is when you start to lose momentum."
"These labels fuel resentment, apathy, competition, and anxiety."
"Once I see that you're jealous of me, you're insecure, it's not a good word, it's not a happy word."
"We've done it! Leeds United reach the Premier League!"
"Just incredibly sad how jealousy can make people do such terrible, evil things."
"Negative emotions create hormones that instruct the body to produce disease."
"Jealousy is one of the biggest evils in this world." - Jealousy is a powerful force.
"Jealousy serves no purpose for good and it only holds you back."
"Guilt and shame are the lowest vibrational emotions you can feel."
"Always remember, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."
"Hate generally doesn't breed a whole lot of happiness, it's a pretty ugly emotion."
"That's hate in my opinion, that's stupidity, that's bigotry, that's prejudice."
"Fear, it's a spirit that comes right out of the pits of hell."
"Heartbreak is unlimited energy so is depression so is Rage so is sadness all these negative emotions they tell you to collapse behind."
"When you hate somebody, you're also very creative."
"Malicious Envy involves anger, hostility, and aggression towards the fortunate other."
"What they don't like is... the energy of resentment."
"When you devote your life to hating people, it doesn't work out."
"By facing those negative emotions or positive emotions, whatever it is, you will learn to feel again."
"Hate is unhealthy for you, it's so unhealthy to wake up every day with hate in your heart."
"If you spiteful, you just have a negative vibe going on there's something crossing you that's making you be like, 'Okay, well I'm gonna do this bad thing.'"
"Jealousy and envy are the rottenness of the bones."
"Negative emotions spread more through networks of girls and women... it's the younger teen girls who go up by far the most in all the English-speaking countries."
"Thoughts of bitterness, resentment, blame, and guilt make you feel miserable."
"Guilt is like that. Guilt is one of the most powerful, demoralizing, paralyzing, disintegrating, and destructive forces in all the world."
"Jealousy is worse than cancer. If they don't talk about you, who they gonna talk about?"
"Don't be jealous. Jealousy makes people do terrible things."
"They feed off negative emotions: fear, jealousy, anger, hatred, envy, sadness, loneliness. Anything negative, they love it."
"Hate, jealousy, and envy are a real thing."
"The longer you let these negative emotions take root in your soul, the harder it's going to be to get rid of them."
"Discouragement and despair will lead us to places that we don't want to go but we end up there."
"Having a long standing hatred of someone isn’t great."
"Hate, anger, and resentment is a poison that you drink yourself."
"...if he launched this attack at someone and they had any sort of negative emotions or thoughts in their mind they die instantly..."
"I think that the way in which negative experiences help us is when we have negative emotions or negative associations, they cause us to slow down."
"Shame is self-hatred at my expense."
"I don't like people I don't like them I don't like them."
"The answer in folklore is pure hatred and lust and hunger and anger."
"Condemnation will discourage you. You'll go away from a meeting discouraged, gloomy saying 'I'm hopeless'."
"Our mental passions, anger, hatred, malice, envy, and suchlike, prove with equal strength that we are also devilish."
"Instead of being happy for me, she was being mean and cruel."
"Something like revenge doesn't really do good for you."
"Vengeance and hate only create more vengeance and hate."
"Negative emotions are very indicative of where you feel like you deserve better."
"Unused creativity is not benign—it metastasizes. It turns into grief, rage, judgment, sorrow, shame."
"Resentment and anger and revenge can just eat you alive."
"Negative valence is an emotion that feels painful, difficult, doesn't feel good."
"A greedy mind, a mind with hate, is never a peaceful, tranquil state of mind."
"It's like that thing that you have inside you called hatred, it just like never stops growing."
"...all this resentment, malice, hatred, it can empower you, make you stronger, faster, better, but in return, it will destroy your soul."
"Fear, anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."
"The pain body thrives on negative thinking as well as drama in relationships."
"Jealousy consumeth the body and anger doth burn the liver; avoid these two as you would a lion."
"Envy and jealousy are incurable diseases."
"Jealousy destroys all relationships; selfishness and ego lead to hatred."