
Existential Contemplation Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Intelligence is very powerful. It is the most powerful force that we are aware of."
"Isn't it a noble and an enlightened way of spending our brief time in the Sun to work at understanding the universe and how we have come to wake up in it?"
"Those stars are more than I'll ever see, and I feel peaceful with that."
"Our planet and all its inhabitants are but a small part of this immense universe."
"God, I don't believe in you. I think it's fake. I think it's for weak people. But if you're out there, great. I want to know something. But if not, I'm talking anyways."
"Humanity is free to lie in our backyards at night contemplating the stars not because threats are rare, but because we’re what’s left after all those threats collided over and over again with tooth and claw."
"If we can breathe through these moments of transition... and really just sink into the space that we are more than just this, we are connected to something bigger, and we will never die."
"Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living."
"Think about it, your whole life you've been taught to be a certain way and then you end up going to the grave."
"The only reason Tim gives for wanting to why you should have a kid is because you might die, you might slip and fall and die and also when you're dying you don't want to be by yourself."
"Just look at it from a biblical standpoint. How long are you gonna live that life before you get caught from what's behind you when you got your whole life ahead of you?"
"No one knows how it's there or why it exists, all you can do is let go of your free will, push that button and enjoy."
"When death becomes an afterthought." - The First Curse
"Liminal spaces are something of a reminder, a memento, a lens into a world that is and will always be nothing but a burning, fading, and ever-so-distant memory."
"The emptiness, it's not dead, it's filled with love."
"I know it's scary thinking about life without God, but atheism gives you perspective."
"We are not alone. The universe is filled teeming with intelligences." - Linda
"Life could be everything when all's said and done."
"I have to be okay with just not knowing that I'm never really going to know."
"Even if they want you dead, it's good to have some company."
"It's all part of something we can't wrap our heads around, and it exists in spite of how we feel about it."
"Life itself... a life lived in the loneliness of the absence of god."
"The road to get there we have to focus on because it's may be what we have left."
"The universe has no obligation to make sense to us, to any of us. It's under no obligation at all."
"Either we're alone in the universe or we're not. Both are equally terrifying."
"The truly scary part about the photo is any time we take one, we could be inadvertently photographing our inevitable fate."
"Cosmic loneliness is the idea that we are isolated and alone in the universe."
"You know, I always look at the big picture. I don't know exactly what the big picture is but I always know that there's more." - Jay Park
"There's a difference between smiling in the face of death and giving up."
"Living in a world that just exists because it does, and I utterly adore that."
"It's a testament to the reality that the universe could not have been a random generation."
"Honestly, if you weren't here, I don't know what I'd do with myself. Probably die."
"Life is too much of an experience for there not to be more."
"You aren't afraid to embrace the fact that the universe is ultimately meaningless."
"You got to really enjoy what we got while we have it."
"Does a human only lives for a blink of an eye worrying about stupid things like bad aftertaste and living a life with no regrets."
"It's all janos it's all nowhere and whatever you want to call it."
"It may just be something that's naturally occurring."
"It's just us in the galaxy right now but maybe someone else will come along one day."
"It's about a ghost beside his bed."
"True limits of humanity: the final border we will never cross."
"...the story of humanity and the universe, it's terrifying. Kubrick is obviously god, right?"
"There are just some kind of men who are so busy worrying about the next world they've never learned to live in this one."
"It's a lot about how safe the world we live in is."
"You've heard of the tunnel, the one we all go through sooner or later. At the end there's a door, and waiting for you on the other side of that door is either heaven or hell."
"It's either you're going to appreciate what life has to offer, how beautiful life is, what you can make out of it, what you can become, or maybe you just don't need to be here."
"To stand up straight and tread the turning mill, to lie flat and know nothing and be still, are the two trades of man, and which is worse I know not, but I know that both are ill."
"I think I would be enjoying how I can just survive anything in life and go on forever."
"Most people have an existential blind spot around death... very few of us really wrestle with the fact that we're going to die."
"We fear death, but we love Allah."
"May everything happens for a reason."
"We did not create the heavens and the earth and everything between them playfully."