
Lessons Learned Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"I hope we've learned our lessons in the Middle East about the forever wars."
"From an early age, what I wanted to do was to do something about the Holocaust, to try to learn the lessons from it."
"If it actually came out that there is a coordinated top-down democratic plan to disenfranchise republican voters, then sure, I would say that the rioting at the capitol was justified 100% of that."
"Valuable lesson learned: Keep them in your own court to avoid chaos."
"Learning from whatever lesson that this was back over here."
"Learn from the past; this situation is providing a learning lesson or a way for us to grow through this."
"Surely selling him would mean we've learned off wrongdoings in the past."
"I learned a lot of valuable lessons from this story: one, vaping isn't worth getting snatched off the street, and two, always pay attention."
"That's elemental baby. That was our biggest product flop ever."
"If you've lost money to trade, you've just paid for a lesson."
"You're divinely protected and you've learned your lesson."
"Cherish it for what it was. Reflect on the relationship, find what you want to take forward, and embrace the lessons learned."
"Failure is usually very clear... it teaches us where effort is wasted and encourages us not to repeat the same mistakes."
"Valuable lessons have been learned following the release of Battlefield 2042."
"You took the lessons that were taught to you and you ran with it and you built an empire."
"Military history does not repeat itself... lessons can only be drawn from it with great care."
"The story of Robert Oppenheimer is a story for our time."
"Every step I've ever taken in the wrong direction helped me get to where I am today."
"Sweden did this, made the same mistake. If they had just protected their nursing homes, their death rate would have been vastly lower."
"Having suffered the painful consequences of her stupidity, Cara has now vowed to always let it rip."
"Steven learned a huge lesson about biting his nails..."
"We haven't really learned a lot from that crisis, have we?"
"There's no better lesson than losing some money."
"Responsibility, self-reliance, and the value of rapid improvisation—lessons from the campaign ashore."
"I've learned a huge lesson through our journey together."
"Despite that heartbreak of a love that never got to be, Kelly did learn a lot of stuff."
"We will survive through this it's just human nature we will and we will be stronger through this whole process - there's always lessons to be learned as always a silver lining"
"Are we going to repeat the mistakes of the past?"
"They've learned a valuable lesson as a result of this connection."
"There's victory in moving forward, the lesson has been learned."
"Each sword has been painful but has been a lesson hard-earned and well-fought for."
"They certainly learned a lot of lessons from the PlayStation 1."
"I tell stories from Survivor Man, lessons learned during those expeditions and adventures."
"I felt a little bad but maybe everyone learned their lesson about not bullying their neighbors."
"I'm Bailey, and remember my own point, and these are 10 fighters that talked big and lost big."
"WWE hopefully learned the lesson, don't hoard talent."
"You've learned a lot from this situation."
"I want to hear some of the lessons that you've learned on your journey of self-acceptance, becoming confident, becoming unapologetic."
"Lessons learned from this incident have made flying safer."
"There are strong parallels, similarities between the period of the early 1920s and the period of the present day."
"One more thing guys, kind of learned my lesson on these range tests."
"What I've learned from the loss of my cabin is letting go of an intense emotional attachment to something I've made that I built."
"If there is one good thing the US military is good at, it is taking the lessons learned that actually apply to training and sustaining a fighting force."
"I'll tell you, the greatest thing I walked away with from my first marriage was an even stronger sense of myself."
"Sounds like he learned his lesson, right?"
"Getting to this point has been a little bit of a challenge. I've made many mistakes and there have been a lot of lessons learned over the years."
"However, we did learn a very valuable lesson: to never freeze your setting spray, your mascara, and most importantly, your lash glue."
"Glad someone's learned something from Spider-Man 3 and Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Batman vs Superman."
"One of the lessons that I learned in 2020 is the power of the pivot."
"It's always something I will remember and I've learned many lessons that day, the biggest being always be aware of your surroundings."
"We don't skip on these processes anymore because we have been burned too many times by placing the wrong tenant."
"Timing is everything. That's what I learned from this experience."
"What is the number one lesson you've learned over the last year about creating successful content?"
"You can't test in production. The Dow taught the world that."
"How did it work in my case? Badly. I made every conceivable mistake possible."
"If you want to learn something from the 60s, the lesson is simple: organize the masses of the people. Thank you."
"Because of the hard lessons learned over the years over 300 people walked away from that plane alive, some were injured, but they were alive."
"How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old?"
"After the Paris crash, foolproof changes were finally made to the DC-10's cargo door."
"Suspension bridges were still new at the time, but the lessons learned from this collapse have ensured that nothing like it would ever happen again."
"If you don't know the past, you're gonna repeat the past."
"There are important lessons to be learned from January 6th."
"The experience in Afghanistan speaks volumes about the futility of trying to impose Western ideals and control on a region resistant to foreign intervention."
"My big takeaway from being on SNL was that I was only going to do jobs that were pure fun from there on out."
"Her story serves as a cautionary tale about the challenges of sudden wealth."
"I am not going to make the same mistake that I made last time which was not adding enough pasta."
"Lost all of my money in that investment and what I learned was because I love those guys so much, they're very personable."
"Dear future kids, this is what I've learned."
"Thankfully Jenny Rose was taught a harsh lesson."
"Business is really interesting like that. All you have to do is succeed one time."
"Dams are inherently risky structures, and it’s unfortunate that we have to keep learning that lesson the hard way."
"...each survival principle...was learned at the cost of someone's life."
"There's nothing good about losing my best friend. I'm not going to say that. But I will say that in his memory, there is something I learned."
"Disney did learn their lesson for their following films."
"Only if the lessons of the grenful tower fire are learned and real changes arise from the inquiry will the deaths of their friends family and neighbors not have been in vain."
"One of the lessons that I learned at that time, my lawyer taught me this lesson... he said to me, 'The truth has a way of finding its way to you.'"
"Please, like, do your part and serve the rest of the community and let people know the lessons that you've learned."
"Everybody's taken in once in their lifetime."
"It was clear Cartoon Network had learned their lesson."
"What a valuable lesson we learned here today: don't leave it to me, don't leave it to Joel."
"Closing efforts should also include identifying and documenting lessons learned and best practices and archiving these organizational process assets (OPAs) for future reference."
"Honestly, nah, cause I'm in a really good space right now. And that's subtle, and it's due to the mistakes that I made and the lessons that I learned via these mistakes."
"There is one parallel with the 1930s, I mean the British and the French had been so horrified by the First World War that they could not believe that anybody would want to have another European war."
"I would do it again because I learned a ton of invaluable, valuable lessons, you know, that I'll probably take with me for the rest of my life."
"Now that we see how precious food is, now that we've gone through panic buying, now that we understand."
"The main takeaway for me from this situation is that it could have been a lot worse."
"This is the story of how that Adventure came to be the best parts the worst parts and the knowledge I'll take moving forward."
"I feel like the recent heartbreak kind of just taught me to just to over examine a person and like really find their true intentions from the beginning."
"You're usually going to spend more money and I learned that out the hard way."
"Well, I look after stuff, sir. I learned my lessons."
"One of the biggest mistakes that Elsa ever did was to simply run away from her problems. You can't marry a man you just met."
"Battle lessons that should have been learned were ignored, errors were repeated, until they became fatal."
"...it was too horrific to be forgotten lessons have to be learned lessons have been learned..."
"Understanding how our project management office has changed, how projects have evolved, and hopefully apply those lessons learned to future projects for better execution."
"We can learn from the first globalization failure."
"Any future president inclined to attempt what Donald Trump did in 2020 has now learned not to install people who could stand in the way."
"Every one of the businesses just becomes lessons to ultimately build the asset that matters which is you."
"I think Hollywood already has moved on from that. I think they learned a lot of lessons, and then they moved on."
"Lessons learned from the PGP project prompted some of the people involved to adopt this method for general native land retirement. It has been modified to include kānuka and additional bird-loving colonizer species to assist the natural succession process."
"If you fail enough times you'll learn enough lessons to make that business work."
"I've learned my lesson, I'm not bringing more rings into this shop."
"What did we learn from this? Well, I learned that trying to walk less is really hard."
"Learn from my mistakes don't throw your cameras around maybe don't go dodging arrows on the side of the road in the middle of ban is also another good lesson for you."
"We must make sure that the lessons learned from this tragedy inform and guide our future endeavors."
"Action items: what actions should we take as a result of our lessons learned?"
"The rich need to learn their lessons to look after everybody else."
"So, if you want to do it, to do it the right way, I always recommend to, you know, remember what happened to Netscape when they decided to rewrite the whole thing from scratch."
"One of the key lessons learned from Brayan King's arrest was the importance of accountability."
"You know one of the Lessons Learned is you know I don't know what the other side was so I know what I got out of it."
"Believe in yourself, that's one lesson I've learned from being in Love Island."
"What made Eddie tick and hopefully you guys can really glean some of those lessons learned to be used in your life."
"Nietzsche predicted death on a scale we had never seen before, and he was right. We can't repeat those same mistakes."
"The man behind the story and what we can learn from him."
"this completely avoidable disasters since served as a cautionary tale for everyone."
"I'm grateful for the lessons I learned from it because now I won't sign anything without understanding what I'm signing."
"Thanks for watching, here's what we learned."
"Learned the most important lesson of investing in my 20s."
"The story of the howling wind would live on as a reminder of the power of unity and the importance of understanding the past in order to protect our future."
"A critical lesson learned far too late in a harsh classroom on a distant planet somewhere in the Twilight Zone."
"Lessons learned. We're too far in now, we may as well just test things out and make sure they all work or don't work for the next time."
"It's not something that comes up as often as you would think."
"What are the lessons that we learned through this: start looking in January, communicate often and honestly."
"Leaving me was probably the best thing you ever taught me."
"Is there anything you would have done differently looking back on the trip?"
"...I always think the most important thing about these stories are you take away a lesson something that you never want to see in your own game if you're the DM or the player."
"In this video, you learned eight important trading lessons that can drive improved trading performance."
"I've learned a lot of good lessons in 2023 and how to draw lines and how to demand respect for myself."
"For forecasters and researchers, Mitch provides some valuable lessons learned the hard way: the models can be wrong, the forecasters can be wrong, and you always have to be on guard to watch out for unusual storms like Mitch that do unpredictable things."
"The importance of the incident may actually not be the specifics of the incident itself but the lessons that are derived from it."
"We've learned our lesson in this area as far as severe and dangerous weather."
"Because Titanic happened, we are safer on cruise ships today."
"Chi emphasized the valuable lesson each battle had imparted: the importance of perseverance and resilience."
"I've learned so much this past year, so many lessons that I've learned, so much strength that I didn't even know I had."
"We live in a reality where we hit what we call life lessons."
"After thousands of hours of machining on a CNC, I've learned some lessons that nobody really talks about."
"The tragedy of the I35 West Bridge in Minneapolis left an important lesson."
"I feel like a winner because of all the lessons that I've taken away from this."
"Let God bring the people, that's the biggest lesson."
"We saw what happened, we learned the lessons, and this is a result of learning that lesson."
"Update the risk management plan incorporating lessons learned from the unforeseen issues."
"We made so much mistakes, and we lost so much money doing what we did, but we learned; it was expensive lessons, but we learned."
"Lesson from a coding competition: always have a backup plan."
"It's the completion of a cycle; you've learned the lesson from the past, you're standing in your power."
"Last year was a year of lessons for me."
"It's best to take the lessons you've learned from the past and move forward with this."
"The sun is shining, you're completing stuff, you learned your lessons."