
Relation Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"The farthest two people on earth are about 50th cousins. That's the least related you can be to someone."
"You're still you, and you're going to be able to relate as a unique individual to God."
"Emphasizing that there is absolutely a link."
"This story truly meant a lot to me because it's something I can relate with."
"We came all today to listen to one another, to build that relation despite the difference."
"I don't know what this dog is going through, but I can relate to the core."
"An equivalence relation induces a partition of the original set."
"Dave Filoni actually talks about how he relates to the character Ahsoka."
"It's not just that it explains both, it actually relates them to each other."
"I I related more to seven well in this season than I ever had prior."
"He's the younger brother of Zeref Dragneal."
"Normal People... it's so gut-wrenching. The people that appreciate Normal People are the ones that can relate to it. All the haters have never experienced a Marianne and Connell situation."
"Baphomet has no actual relation to Freemasonry."
"OMG, remember when she went around telling everybody she was related to Beyonce?"
"We pretty much have the same eye."
"All learning and indeed all experience is an encounter. It is always a relation. And relations are primary to the things that are related."
"I'm not his mother for Christ's sake."
"She's related, there you go, she's connected."
"...and it's not a realization that's grasped as you said propositional Ascent it's real it's a relation that is realized as religio ratio religio a proper connectedness mindingness."
"If it doesn't apply directly to you, let me say that this chapter applies to someone that you know and love."
"Every character in the film exists in relation to her."
"You are my relation and connection to the sun."
"The Scorpion-Augment does not have any relationship to Hongo."
"If you fix your relation with Allah... He will fix our affairs with the people, everything in that matter."
"For all grotesqueness is itself related to seriousness."
"So he's related, willing, and able."
"Tashigi is clearly related to Kuina. That is something that is very obvious."
"Space-time isn't real... it's a relational kind of thing."
"This is going to be a distant cousin of it."
"Why should not we also enjoy an original relation to the universe?"
"Melissa is just phenomenal. If you have struggled with money in the past, you're going to relate to her."
"Humans and chimpanzees are closely related due to a recent common ancestor."
"The two stories seem to be related not in series or in parallel but in some kind of chiasmus."
"There's no issue, it's how you're relating to it."
"...that does wonders for the soul and for the relation."
"It turns out that Rey is related to Emperor Palpatine himself."
"Fungi are more closely related to animals than to plants."
"Is Hamza, the master of Martyrs, not the uncle of my father?"
"Everything's related in some way."
"So I'm joining the flights and the passengers table, and saying join these two tables together, and here is how they're related."
"Power and knowledge are interrelated."
"Adjacent means neighboring, next to each other."
"I mean, she's related to an Avenger, guys."
"Every part of the golf swing relates to the next."
"That's somebody's husband or somebody's son."
"You guys do look like you could be related, absolutely good casting."
"I relate to it in such a way that it brought me back to my childhood."
"The osage orange... a very strange fruit that is actually related to jackfruit."
"Statements are how we relate to each other."
"Tobler's first law of geography: everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things."
"Substance and subject have a dialectical relation with each other."
"The real recognize the real, the fake can't relate."
"Your goal is to make them look like they're related."
"After having the same nightmare three nights in a row, I finally admitted to myself that the dreams must be somehow related to the book that I'd found."
"Every culture relates to another culture in some way."
"Concavenator's branch of therapata kakara dantasory day was closely related to the famous Allosaurus of the late Jurassic."
"You're relating each individual plane to the plane surrounding it."
"Esoteric astrology has been called the science of all sciences because it is a system of relating every living entity together."
"DNA shows you that things are related."
"The thigh circumference measurement and the crotch depth measurements are like brothers and sisters."
"Manatees and elephants are closely related with a shared ancestor."
"Einstein's energy-momentum relation relates the quantities of mass, energy, and momentum together in a single equation."
"Construction is very much about not just drawing simple forms, but also understanding how they relate to each other."
"We are all related, we are all connected."
"A young Atlantic White Cedar, which is not a cedar at all but more closely related to junipers and redwoods."
"They make it clear which elements are related from page to page."
"If the intensities do not look alike, if there's no clear relation, then you have to ask yourself the question: Is there still some kind of relation?"
"Everything that we learn is somehow related to you because you are a product of evolution."
"A relation between an x and y value is a function if for every x value there's only one corresponding y value."
"This is our transfer function which relates and is a mathematical model."
"Each value in the domain of a relation can only correspond to one value in the range."
"This is a relation that passes the vertical line test; therefore, this relation is a function."
"How does the circumference relate to the diameter of a circle? The way that it relates is in the number 3.14, which is also called pi."
"A relation is only a function if there is only one y value that corresponds to a given x value."
"It's not the case that one is better than the other, but they are related and one can support the other."
"I definitely relate to some degree in terms of what Nikki is saying here."
"All texts are proximal to others, all texts are relating to them whether they intend to or not."
"A preposition shows a relation between a noun or a pronoun and other words."
"An equivalence class is essentially just a grouping or a set of all elements that are related through the relation."
"Marine Reagan, which is, I believe, President Reagan's daughter."
"That's his niece, that's his sister's baby."
"What gives this structure its identity is how it relates to all other structures of the same kind."
"The Pythagorean theorem and the dot product are very intimately related."
"Understanding any law is greatly related to one's personality."
"Something can be different and related at the same time."
"A fungus is neither a plant nor an animal, but fungi are more closely related to animals, including humans, than they are to plants."
"You are different; the only basis for which you relate is your humanity."
"The idea really is the two relate and it's customer centric."
"She's interesting because... she's the sister to the main villain."
"...consciousness is unavoidably related in some way to what is happening in the physical world."
"Recurrence relation is a relationship that links terms in a sequence."
"I am related to the queen of cheesecakes."
"The form of a work and its materials must be closely related."
"We are never truly alone... we are always related to something or someone."
"We're much more related than we think."