
Public Impact Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"For me, this is a sign of a humanity crisis really put on the public by the governments and the authorities."
"We are taking every step that we can, taking this very seriously, to make sure that we bring down inflation and deal with inflation in a way that the American public feels this."
"There are no points for failure in politics. We're dealing with people's lives here."
"We've introduced programs that are making a real difference in the lives of millions of people right across the country." - Prime Minister Trudeau
"Every time you make the sign of the cross in public and pray, you're placing a drop of Grace on every person who sees it."
"This is actually bigger than Tucker Carlson being fired."
"The chilling story of the tragic death of Darcy Freeman was a crime that shook Australia."
"She had just this incredible impact beyond measure, yes on dignitaries, on politicians, but also with the people."
"All we're doing is exposing what's already happening and the tactics that we use are inspired by previous social justice movements."
"I know what I did has affected the world. I know I can't change anything by what I say, but I'm truly sorry and I regret everything I did."
"If the jury finds in favor of Amber Heard regarding defamation then surely they have to find in favor of JD too, her press was much more damaging."
"Imagine...Iron Man dies...it's like the death of Iron Man...the whole world needs to know."
"This is one of the most important scandals in American history or one of the worst."
"Trudeau regime is doing to the people of Canada."
"He gives a speech, nearly three million people find out about his addiction, and that led to a lot of different dialogue."
"That's the magic of music. You make music for whatever reason, you throw it out, and the public has it. Then it takes on a life of its own."
"None of that stuff matters. It's the symbol itself, it's the fact the story went big, the story is out there."
"It tells you the inner heart. This WikiLeaks is like a treasure trove."
"Fox is a propaganda Network... that's just what it is."
"If you reach millions of people, you're gonna have thousands of outliers on either end."
"Spurgeon sermons live on in the minds and hearts of countless people throughout the world."
"Here is one who is literally seeing God right at this moment, and it's expressed in his face. That's what stuns all of us."
"I hope my quest to have the truth be told will have helped others."
"I still see a distinction between this story says go out and kill people and this discovery was then misinterpreted and that misinterpretation said go out and kill people."
"I'm glad that Biden said the word famine because it's people like my parents that need to hear it from the authority to really start taking it seriously."
"It's very clear that the president is preparing, plotting, figuring out, endeavoring, scheduling to get stuff out to you."
"The delays imposed by Commissioner Saul defied congressional intent and imposed needless anxiety and pain on millions of taxpayers." - House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal
"I'm critical of federal policy because it affects more people."
"The sudden and brutal end of such a vibrant and beautiful woman stunned the world into unprecedented grief."
"Regular people are going to see this and feel less scared. They're going to be like, 'If they can do it, so can I.'"
"The stories were always the same: the lights came down from space, sucked on those people, paralyzed these people, and affected these people."
"Your situation... was such a public testimony to so many people of just letting God take over."
"Ignoring this problem is sure gonna affect people."
"It's not about winning or losing, it's about leaving the people with a product."
"His sudden death was a significant loss to the entertainment industry."
"The result of these videos was much much bigger than anyone expected"
"You don't play politics with people's lives."
"The federal government has aligned itself with the far left... we are now seeing the federal government seeking to destroy the lives of Trump supporters."
"Don't be so terrified to put something out there because you're afraid of what the political impact is going to be like. That's not your job to worry about that."
"This is actually State action... because it's impacted a substantial segment of the population."
"The death of legendary musician Prince shocked the world in 2016."
"This will be bigger than the Shane Dawson scandal."
"It's really important for us to remember all of that and remember how this can affect somebody's constitutional rights, somebody's freedom, justice for victims."
"The incident at the South Carolina rally left a lasting impact on both Trump's supporters and critics, highlighting the deep political divisions that continue to shape the nation."
"We have to acknowledge the fact that this was a deliberate policy decision that was made and it's resulted in these numbers that are just overwhelming for the people."
"Chat GPT has taken the world by storm. It is pretty stinking impressive."
"The My Lai Massacre fueled anti-war sentiment and eroded public support."
"This is so much bigger than me, and it's not about my struggles, it's about helping you feel better about the skin that you're in."
"To play politics with people's lives in that way... it's really disappointing."
"Another fantastic pinnacle weapon to come from the Season of the Drifter was the 21% Delirium."
"The impact upon the Swedish public and the European public was just extraordinary."
"This picture is one of the greatest things ever done because it makes us, the small people, feel great."
"You're literally inspiring tens of millions of people."
"Why is it that the government is advocating in a way that's hurting the majority of the population in a big way?"
"We were all definitely not ready for a world without Chadwick Boseman... Boseman's untimely passing caught the world off guard."
"These bloggers, they're bloodthirsty. They see something and they want to ruin lives."
"It's my view that he's maliciously weaponizing false claims to threaten the decision... middle fingers."
"When you look at the fact that gas prices are going back up, groceries are going up... you lose their votes and you lose their ear."
"Bombshell recordings released of what appears to be House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy days after the January 6 riot."
"Stop hiding your light under a bushel, Sagittarius. You are worth so much more, and people need your energy and messages."
"I have news that may be shocking to many of you: you may be experiencing inflation, high prices on goods, fuel..."
"Last night announcing this was a major breakthrough... transformative for the American people."
"The results of the war for ordinary Iranians were initially somewhat dire."
"The smartest thing the state could have done is just not charge any of the cops."
"Most of us will never have the opportunity to touch as many lives as these three actors have."
"The world will never get over Annette's death."
"Tulsi Gabbard destroyed Kamala Harris and it was glorious."
"The Rock's break from Hollywood reminded us just how great he is."
"There is no public issue that will not make it to your private door."
"We are not in the business of ruining people's lives."
"The words of the president matter, no matter who the president is."
"The humor and novelty of these signs caught the fancy of the American public, turning attention to Burma Shave."
"I didn't think Murkowski was going to put her entire career risk over this but apparently she has now."
"You say it's a small amount of money to the government maybe but it's not a small amount of money to people here."
"When this breaks, something will happen that you remember exactly where you were."
"Fauci really has a lot of cultural power. What he says really, really matters."
"It's so obvious what the President has done. It's so obvious he has disturbed the lives and careers of so many civil servants."
"The heartbreaking case of the Hart family massacre."
"One thing that's written down in black and white is Pfizer made a hell of a lot of money."
"And I just think that is so dangerous for everyone."
"All of it makes me puke that these two once again are going to be reigning muck all over their families not just for the global titillation but for hard dollars 80 million dollars which is why they're doing it."
"Fox News's lies have real, dangerous effects on the public."
"Even in so far as they passed a bill, I think the accurate perception... is that that is not the bill that was most focused on benefiting them."
"The rise, the fall, the impact, and the disgusting truth surrounding Springtrap and Deia."
"Every now and then it can be quite overwhelming, but I genuinely take the view that actually if you're upsetting them that much, you're probably doing a good job."
"These photographs that can do so much to horrify the public can have a real use for the accident investigators."
"Belief in credible evidence is important, especially when it comes to matters affecting millions of people."
"And they have done a magnificent job of bringing this story, the reality of this story, to the public."
"It was the most dangerous moment since the death of Diana, Princess of Wales."
"Shielding criminals from the consequences of criminal behavior is only passing those consequences on to the public." - Unapologetic Host
"But I do think these individuals are publicly hurting the body of Christ at large and bringing the gospel into contempt and to shame because of the way that this gift is practicing that they are practicing this gift."
"Your blessing became another lesson. So, your blessing right now, this public blessing, is about to become a lesson to these people."
"Violent winter storms sweeping up the East Coast today, impacting 41 million with snow and rain, even tornadoes."
"The corruption scandal is so widespread... if Labour even maintains parity much lesser lead into the new year, then the next big scandal really could be the end of Johnson."
"She hit it out of the park. She, in a wonderful way, educated millions of Americans about the conservative approach to constitutional law."
"Black lives matter, baby. As you can see, it worked in his favor."
"Information and misinformation is a big problem."
"It wasn't until the release of the expose documentary Blackfish nearly two decades after the fictional emancipation of a waterpark whale that the theme park SeaWorld was finally brought to its knees on the subject of orcas in captivity and animal exploitation."
"I think the identification of the public with the fact that one of them, an ordinary citizen, happened to be aboard this mission, broadens the tragedy."
"It's an important time...for all Americans indeed press included to perceive most carefully the impact of their participation in the evolution of events."
"Elvis Presley's sudden death shocked and saddened the world."
"The lack of stimulus checks or anything that is coming out of Congress is really going to catch up to people."
"This affects more than 41 million Americans who really felt they wanted this breathing room."
"The public needs this play; it's going to be revolutionary."
"For the people, he's talking about those policies that people really will feel in their wallet."
"When you're for the people, it sticks with them."
"It's the inevitable outcome now, the effect on the public."