
Naval Warfare Quotes

There are 279 quotes

"Up until the invention of aircraft, the entire military history of Italy, from Rome to WWI, has been concentrated on conflicts and invasions that originated at sea or through the northern territory that connects the peninsula with the rest of Europe."
"How they've managed to do it will be studied at naval war colleges for generations to come."
"Ukraine's unprecedented destruction of the Russian Black Sea fleet has shown that big, expensive surface warships...could be obsolete weapons of war in the high-tech world of the 21st century."
"It would leave the pride of the German fleet a flaming wreck with only 36 bedraggled survivors."
"The turtle ship was able to demolish Japanese targets at long range, safe from counterattack."
"The defeat of the Spanish at sea had already occurred, the defeat of the Armada was one of the greatest military victories in English history."
"Abdullah ibn Sa’d revealed himself to be a veritable sea wolf compared to his feeble reputation on land, crushing Constans II’s navy in the first true Muslim naval triumph and clearing the way for an attack on Constantinople."
"The heroic actions of Sagittario, laying a smokescreen under concentrated fire, managed to save the flotilla and return to Greece unharmed."
"We've had a good day Admiral; we sunk three aircraft carriers. Do you think that's enough?" "Hell no, I want the fourth one, thank you."
"A Japanese trap became an American Ambush and totally transformed Naval Warfare."
"Control of the sea: the decisive battle was not the end. The enemy wouldn't surrender just because they'd lost a good chunk of their navy."
"The USS Barb sank 29 enemy vessels just in the period from May of 1944 to August of 1945."
"The USS Barb was the first U.S Navy submarine to successfully employ rockets, destroying several factories and towns along the coast of Japan."
"The historical consensus I read a lot of different sources on this seems to be towards the Russian end that actually I'm fired from the sea on the flattest trajectory things were just pinging off the armor."
"The Battle of Midway... was perhaps the most significant engagement."
"The primary warship in the Black Sea sank yesterday after Ukraine claims it hit the ship with a missile strike."
"In the finest tradition of the Imperial Navy, we shall engage the enemy in night battle."
"Never again would massed battle fleets confront each other on the high seas."
"It would be the French who kicked off the final stage, the ironclad warship era."
"The Allies finally won the Battle of the Atlantic."
"The United States was building so many ships that the Germans couldn't sink as many as the Allies were building sometimes two or three a day."
"The Battle of the Atlantic was the most important battle of World War two, the most fundamental battle."
"It's a thing of beauty to see a fleet of ancient armored cruisers overrunning the enemy battle line."
"The successful operations of German submarines during World War I demonstrated the high efficiency of submarines and thus drastically changed the nature of naval warfare."
"Capturing an armed warship is very difficult, yet Cochrane achieved that regularly."
"In the long, bitter Battle of the Atlantic, the Germans were losing 15 new boats a month to the Allied hunter-killer groups."
"The battle for the Falklands reinforced the potency of the submarine in a real war."
"Yamato remains the largest and most powerful battleship in history."
"Battleship Bismarck represented the greatest triumph of that idea."
"After the beauty and pride of the British navy - the mighty Hood - had been destroyed."
"It's like 1939 and he already knew that the future of Naval Warfare was going to be all about the carriers."
"Submarines are the first example because they shifted the arena to the surface of the sea to also below the surface of the sea."
"One highly sophisticated magnetic mine is an interesting curiosity. A thousand of them around the enemy's Harbor is a strategic weapon."
"Yet while this would be the end of the Carthaginian navy, its legacy and even its sailors would fight on."
"The war in the Pacific, you really need to just look at the map of the Pacific and you see this is a sea war and an air war first."
"Yi makes it about cannons about sinking ships and this is why you get sway time and time again with almost no casualties."
"British sailors were unmatched, especially during this time period."
"World War Two gave us two primary mechanisms to destroy a carrier, both of which remain to a greater or lesser extent relevant today."
"The USS Allen, Sampson class destroyer, was the longest-serving vessel on the US navy's register and one of the very few US Navy warships to be built and see combat during World War one as well as survive and sea combat during World War two."
"Bismarck is a wreck without a gun firing, on fire fore and aft, and wallowing more heavily with every moment."
"This unrestricted submarine warfare proved to be at first a great success."
"I'm convinced that if she hadn't been subsequently followed up by the submarines, she could have been saved at that point."
"The bottom line is that now if you fast forward to the late war period and take a look at what the U.S Navy knows as compared to frankly any other navy in the world certainly with respect to damage control there's just no comparison."
"When I see these things being used on ships this is what I'm saying is this platform and this technology has been broadened to the point of shooting short distance shooting medium shooting long shooting extremely long and shooting into space."
"Late in the summer of 937, just after the usual campaigning season had ended, Olaf loaded up his entire navy, bolstered by all of the other long forts of Ireland and men from all over the Scottish Isles and Man, and together they headed to Britain."
"Anti-ship cruise missile employment is fundamentally a numbers game."
"The last naval battle fought by The Guns of battleships is about to begin."
"Seize the initiative and ordered his ships to begin ramming the disorganized Japanese fleet."
"Battleships are from a bygone age when men were men and lobbed high explosive shells at each other instead of hiding behind computer screens and turned war into a video game."
"World War II proved... the battleship was a dead issue."
"The Battle of Salamis in 480 BC stands as one of the largest naval clashes in history."
"Here lies the business end of Victory, the 32 pounder long guns, capable of smashing through any ship's hull known."
"We're not getting our focus back on sea warfare."
"We're not really prepared for the first time a U.S. aircraft carrier takes a ballistic missile and it blows up on an aircraft carrier."
"Sleep is the key to life. It's before anything."
"Torpedoes can be extremely effective against solitary or lightly defended targets, even capital ships."
"Submarines have become some of the most vital ships of a modern Fleet."
"The Sovereign of the Seas, or as the Dutch called her, the golden devil."
"It was there at almost every major naval engagement the U.S. participated in during the war."
"The Marianas operation involved a massive force of 127,571 troops and 535 warships."
"Enterprise, the most revered and decorated ship in World War II." - Narrator
"The Japanese Would lose all four Carriers in The battle something They would never recover from."
"Warrior set a new standard for ironclads superior in every way."
"The naval conflict was no less vital than the struggle in the trenches."
"World war II would soon make it the most feared naval weapon in the atlantic and pacific."
"Lexington's air group was away, Saratoga's own air wing came over and sank Lexington."
"Admirals matter: Choose wisely. Traits like Seawolf, Silent Hunter, Torpedo Expert are key."
"The failed invasion has gone down in history as one of the worst ever naval disasters."
"Once the largest warships on the planet, are one of the most devastating of all the Machinery of War now."
"Preserving Enterprise as the only World War II aircraft carrier, that's a particularly big selling point."
"For Yamamoto, the Japanese battleships would play a key role in the battle, tasked with engaging the enemy battleships and delivering a final blow against them."
"The Viking longship was a devastating marine assault vessel with a simple design perfected over hundreds of years."
"Back in Britain Hood’s loss was a devastating blow and many recalled it as being the most shocking moment of the second world war."
"Theories abound about the manner of destruction, from direct penetration of Hood's main magazines to hits on the torpedo launchers."
"Thanks to Washington’s impressive display of strategic acumen, tenacity and courage in the face of danger, the US Navy was successfully able to prevent Kondō’s planned bombardment of Guadalcanal."
"Once again, Enterprise has somehow survived yet another violent encounter with the Japanese Navy. Despite being outgunned and outnumbered, she and her crew have lived to fight another day."
"Battleships are all about big guns and lots of armor, there's absolutely nothing subtle about them."
"The torpedo courses through the sea, and minutes later, blew the power right off the front of the Japanese cruiser."
"Every shell they fired at Texas was a shell they weren't firing at approaching landing craft."
"Some of the best news we got there was to hear that our own nemesis, the Shokaku, had been put down."
"Thanks to the lone submarine, Enterprise and the US fleet know that an all-out carrier battle is coming."
"Grace O'Malley, the pirate queen of Ireland, took on the waves and perils of Davy Jones' locker with legendary ferocity."
"Because if you thought that the submarine was going to be the long-awaited and overdue counter to aircraft carriers..."
"Russia's Black Sea Fleet managing to destroy or damage 28 vessels... showcasing a strategic victory in securing Maritime corridors."
"Ironclad warships, like the turtle ships of Korea, featured rounded top decks covered in iron spikes, affording protection from enemy attacks."
"I'd say scrap the Scout cruisers the Panzer shift and the O class instead expand the m-class run."
"Naval battles look great—you're ramming into ships, boarding each other's ships, setting them on fire... the usual."
"I personally found the Tirpitz to be a very good very balanced battleship to play."
"Their shielding has been shown in the past to stop torpedoes."
"By all logic and reason, that should be the end of the American carrier forces in the Pacific."
"Churchill’s constant preoccupation to send the formidable German battleship to the ocean floor."
"In combat, the Yamato should be able to resist the Iowa's shells while the same cannot be said about the Iowa resisting the Yamato shells."
"USS England's impressive six submarine kills in 12 days is a feat that is unparalleled in the annals of anti-submarine warfare."
"When the sea drones first showed up in October 2022, it was fair to think that Russia would eventually find an efficient way to detect and destroy them... That has been proven clearly wrong."
"How does a light cruiser, only two and a half years old, become dubbed Japan's favorite target? Perhaps some clue can be derived from looking at the list of awards her crew and herself won."
"The kamikaze attacks only intensified at this point..."
"A giant aircraft carrier that can launch fighter bombers capable of taking out the U-boats."
"The origins of this battle began with the armed merchant Cruiser... luring in prey before boarding and sinking them."
"You're missing the heavy demo ship and more important in super long games is you're missing ship right."
"Every time the fleets, yeah, their fleets just being torn apart by the Carthaginian fleets, the Romans can't win at sea."
"Yi despite never having commanded a battle at sea before had a plan."
"The battle was to enter a new tactical arena, initiate huge technical advances, and redefine the rules of naval warfare."
"The Phoenician Sailors relied on outmaneuvering their enemies on the waves with their Superior sailing."
"In his 13 months in command of the Speedy, Cochran had captured, sunk, or run ashore 53 ships."
"No wonder the Spaniards called him El Diablo, the devil."
"This is the exclamation point that says nobody needs to build battleships over again nobody needs to worry about big guns on their ships maybe ever again."
"The Battle of Trafalgar was a tremendous success. The most celebrated in British naval history."
"If you prefer a ship with the big guns you can use a battleship that can give and take a lot of damage."
"In December of 1941 alone, several Dutch submarines sank more Japanese ships than the combined navies of the United Kingdom, Australia, and the US in the Pacific."
"The k-16 managed to penetrate the hull of the Japanese destroyer sagiri with two torpedoes."
"The antiquated Ningpo was no match for the steel-built, steam-driven British battle cruiser, which promptly captured her in one of the very first actions of that ship's career."
"And so it was that HMS Hood entered service as a class of one and would remain the largest warship in the world during the interwar period."
"The United States invades the Marianas islands. They send a naval force 10 times larger than they send to D-Day."
"The Greek Armada, more than 1200 ships strong, set sail from the beaches of Aulis to punish Troy after the humiliation caused by the kidnapping of Queen Helen."
"A full broadside from the Belfast wasn't just a terrifying experience for the enemy; it could make life pretty uncomfortable on board."
"A full broadside with all four turrets would crater the surface of the ocean and expose the hull right down to the keel."
"There was a plan to keep the ship until 1945, after which it would be replaced with a ship of a similar size."
"The explosive growth of the Chinese Navy and its technological advancement had made it clear that the Cold War ship-killing mainstay of the US Navy, the Harpoon missile, was no longer a deterrent."
"The Navy now has the ability to send a projectile 12 miles inland, which will strike a target, leaving a hole in the ground 10 or so feet deep, about the size of a basketball court."
"The largest battleship in World War II and the pride of Japan sank to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean."
"The pioneering pocket battleships marked the dawn of the Kriegsmarine’s ambition."
"In May 1943, the Allies sank one-third of the German operational fleet in a matter of weeks."
"By the advent of true Naval Air power with the aircraft carriers of the second world war, the writing could be read."
"... you could defeat a larger Navy like oh I don't know that massive annoying white ensign flying lot over on the other side of the channel without building a massive fleet of expensive battleships."
"Light carriers of the inter-war and World War II period were intended as cheaper options or emergency builds."
"In terms of which war featured a major naval theater in the Americas, that's a little bit more difficult to quantify because you have Drake, Hawkins, and Frobisher raiding the Spanish Caribbean, which would count as a major naval theater."
"The Admiralty had been right to fear the enemy's array of large warships."
"The British Royal Navy would have completely defeated the colonists if it had not been for the Continental privateers and later the help of the French Navy."
"Possibly HMAS Australia is sunk. A lot of it is going to come down to what does HMS Australia do."
"The sinking of the British battleships was a heavy blow to the British Navy."
"The Vasa is the greatest warship of its day."
"Nelson's arrival on his flagship HMS Victory had electrified the British fleet."
"For a period of eight years you have a sustained building race in which ever bigger and more powerful battleships are built in competition."
"If only the German fleet would come out, we would wipe them out in a few minutes."
"One weapon would revolutionize the war at sea: the submarine."
"The magic of Trafalgar is broken. We've beaten the British."
"The last Salvo at a range of about 22 Mi is believed to be the longest straddle of an enemy warship in the history of the United States Navy."
"The actions of one Royal Navy submarine reinforced the potency of the submarine in a real war—the battle for the Falklands."
"The Kaiser was finally persuaded and fond Lochner was given permission to secure and modify a Windjammer that would become notorious as the Raider of sea otter or sea eagle."
"By the outbreak of the first world war the German Imperial Navy had 13 Dreadnought type battleships against the British Royal Navy's 21."
"The dive bomber is probably the primary ship killing weapon."
"The toll of the naval encounter was heavy for the Allies: over a thousand sailors perished, while the Japanese only suffered 58 casualties."
"Dreadnought was such a revolutionary warship that the Dreadnought era of battleships is forever immortalized in history."
"Realistically speaking, if the enemy ship is undertaking evasive action once you get much beyond 28 to 30,000 yards, your hitting is actually relying more on luck."
"The Americans achieved final dominance at sea in the Aleutians in a decisive battle."
"...the Battle of the Atlantic was virtually over."
"Prior to the 20th century, a naval war fought across the vast reaches of the Pacific would have been a physical impossibility."
"One prevailing one however is that a German submarine sank the boat, but a search of the German reports after the war did not indicate the Cyclops to be the target at any point."
"The sinking of the Bismarck, a great blow to German prestige, fatally undermined Hitler’s trust in Raeder for the remainder of the war."
"He had long been pressing for permission to shoot US vessels escorting British shipping on site, believing that the Kriegsmarine could cripple the US naval presence in the Atlantic."
"We've just witnessed the first time in Naval History that a torpedo sunk a truck."
"The naval component of the United States Civil War is relatively forgotten compared to the land campaigns, but the war did test many new ship designs and technologies."
"British strategy would be based on a great fleet holding control over the enemy's fleets."
"The British may have retained surface control of the Seas after Jutland."
"If both sides have had their Fleet shot out from under them in the early 1930s that means they're going to be rearming with all modern Capital ships which could be a problem for everybody else."
"Midway proves that Coral Sea wasn't a fluke. Carriers are capital ships in their own right."
"The Congos were the beginning of indigenous Japanese shipbuilding with the battleship chain, which will culminate in the Yamato class that is every bit the peer of the Iowa class and equals or exceeds them in almost every category."
"1943 marked the turning point in the Battle of the Atlantic. In the spring of that year, for the first time, convoys enjoyed air as well as surface escort throughout their voyages."
"From the outbreak of war in 1939 through early 1943, Germany held the upper hand in its wide-ranging Battle of the Atlantic."
"Not sparing even nuns, and then scoured the Adriatic, took a ship in sight of Kotor, and picked up every stray vessel that could be found."
"Since launch, World of Warships has added over 500 playable ships from 10 different nations."
"In late May, the German battleship Bismarck was sunk by the overwhelming force of the British Navy."
"Kenneth Campbell launched a torpedo after approaching the ship, his projectile ran straight and exploded against the rear of the Gneisenau wrecking the starboard propeller and its shaft."
"A Yankee ship and a Confederate ship, facing off in history's first ironclad battle."
"The Romans had built a big swinging spiked gangway called the corvus. So when the Carthaginian ships approached to ram them, the Romans would just slam them."
"The Romans, who had only just recently begun dabbling in the art of naval combat thanks to their ingenious corvus, had just managed to outclass the Mediterranean seafaring superpower."
"...if he manages to get this report, and bear in mind that Nagumo's force was not concentrated all in one massive group, it was, or they had the Japanese carriers, as was their operational doctrine, operating in pairs."
"The allies gradually out-built German U-boats, turning the tide in the Battle of the Atlantic."
"The dominance of electronic and missile warfare has transformed naval combat, extending the range and precision of engagements."
"World War II at sea was quite literally a global conflict."
"The ship had nine guns, so we could fire a broadside of nine rounds at one time."
"So she saw a lot of action, she saw a lot of strikes against Japanese shipping, took part in a lot of airstrikes and, you know, combat strikes not just against ground targets, but as I said, shipping in men of war."
"Not only did the Battle of Sandwich save England from French rule, it is historically known for being the first battle fought by sailing ships in Open Sea."
"The Kirov's mission was expanded, to attack high-value surface targets, like aircraft carriers."
"The most gangster tanker of World War II."
"He was of the same aggressive type as John Paul Jones, David Farragut, and George Dewey."
"The mighty navies of Rome and Carthage go head-to-head in an epic battle."
"The sea seemed a sheet of polished obsidian on which the warships seemed to have been dropped and been immobilized, centered amid concentric circles like shock waves that form around a stone dropped in mud."
"The magnitude of the battle was almost unbelievable; as the time approached 2 a.m., life in Savo Sound was a violent blur with ships up and down the line fighting for their lives."
"The shots marked the end of the era of the battleship."
"This is the story of that ship and the men who sailed her to the battered beaches of the Pacific in World War II."
"On the Szent Istvan, a life and death struggle begins."
"What a storied history the Battleship New Jersey has."
"Nearly 50 years after they were first built, you see them operating the last of the wars of the battleship century."
"...the battle of the Coral Sea proves that carriers are capital ships under themselves that are able to fight engagements without needing surface vessels to engage the enemy."
"The G3 class battle cruisers are really more fast battleships."
"But whatever they determine, it will never overshadow the dedication of eight brave men who made history and changed the course of Naval warfare forever."
"The first ships to be called battleships would be the steam-powered, steel-hauled, armored turreted warships right before the turn of the 19th century."
"If there was a Japanese ship I could feel so sorry for, it would be the Kumano."
"I consider the destruction of the enemy's fleet of so much consequence that I would willingly have half of mine burnt to affect their destruction."
"The ship of the line, my lord, is nothing more than a floating artillery battery. Destroy the sails and you still have a gun battery."
"Sailing vessels would still play a vital role in frontline combat well into the 19th century."
"The strategic advantage there is huge; the ship can basically get into position to attack without its target noticing or being able to prepare."
"The advent of the first widespread use of military submarines during the Great War changed the face of naval warfare."
"Submarines fundamentally changed commerce raiding."
"The Turkish Armada was sighted by the watchmen on the walls of St. Elmo."
"These destroyers became the backbone of the US Navy’s destroyer force before the beginning of World War 2."
"The success of the air attack against the Italian fleet in the outer anchorage of Taranto was the first example of the formidable potentialities of torpedo aircraft against large ships in strongly defended bases."
"The story of the brave Polish destroyer who took it on single-handed at a time where ships far more powerful than her were afraid to even approach."
"The odds have to favor the Rodney; it's got the thicker armor, it's got the heavier guns, it's got more of them."