
Economic Sustainability Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Increasing the tax rate is a great short-term solution but over the long term, if that budget per citizen isn't brought in line, there is no way to tax the base enough without causing the tax base to leave."
"The single most important thing going on here is, if you care about the future, when there's no more money, when every dime of resources goes just to pay interest, what then?"
"Home prices are running at nearly triple the pace of wage growth, simply not sustainable."
"We have seen that the economy can sustain historically higher levels of employment without causing a troubling rise in inflation."
"You cannot have this level of inequality and sustain it."
"The reality was you could live in a rural area, have open space, have reasonably priced land and property, but still have a job that paid reasonably well because Phoenix has a market that could sustain that."
"Your goal is to make a game that is enough people’s favorite game to keep you in food and shelter."
"You cannot have a perpetual expanding Gross Domestic Product on a finite planet forever."
"We want the ability to get back to where one wage earner can support a family."
"How long can this go on? I mean the central Bankers... are happy to tell you it can go on in perpetuity. I'm not sure."
"You have to remember that people run businesses, and if people can't work, they eventually aren't going to be able to eat."
"Gold, silver, and the like are non-renewable resources to dwarves. Every coin that is minted and traded away, and every gem that is surrendered to the surface world, is one more bit of dwarven prosperity that is unlikely to return."
"We don't want a president that works for Monsanto. We want farmers that can make a great living producing healthy food."
"Behind the rapid expansion of bulk snack retailers is a sacrifice of profits, which is an unsustainable development model."
"Infinite economic growth on a finite planet is not possible."
"Capitalism is dying from internal as well as external causes."
"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."
"Silicon Valley's growth couldn't go on forever."
"The world now sees the amount of debt and money Printing and debt Spirals and interest on debt and everything else it's like this is not sustainable."
"Living off-grid is about economic sustainability, not just environmental."
"There are ways to start alleviating the reliance on massive global supply chains."
"Money cannot be added to the economy indefinitely... the result of this easing of the contraction simply delays the inevitable."
"No form of capitalism will work in the long term."
"Businesses couldn't survive if their revenue stopped, workers couldn't pay their rent if they didn't get their salary, that's not right."
"We can afford to make them. Put another, we can't afford not to."
"You could survive here and live pretty good on a McDonald's income."
"Janet Yellen on fiscal sustainability: 'We need to get deficits under control to make sure that our fiscal situation is sustainable.'"
"Efficiency in trading is crucial for sustainability."
"It's a major priority to enable monetization by content creators people need to make a living and prosper from their work."
"The economy is being kept alive by unprecedented government spending."
"So will does that mean higher prices for consumers again it depends on what the product is but it doesn't have to be that much higher quite frankly."
"This was never sustainable, it was always going to pop at some point and we should celebrate the fact that it's changing and becoming more normal rather than trying to return back to the old insane system."
"Can the economy survive the politicians themselves? My definitive answer was no."
"Scale with little profit margin is a recipe for disaster."
"We're stuck in these rat races, saying growth will solve the problems that growth creates."
"That's what bull traps look like everyone's bullish as heck everyone's buying million dollar jpeg still you think that's sustainable you think the million dollar jpegs are sustainable I don't."
"Yeah, that's the reason why I've been so against the federal 15 minimum wage because the Walmarts, the Targets, the McDonald's, the big corporations, they can withstand that."
"Anything that keeps the bullet Mill spinning I'm okay with."
"Public transit relies heavily on subsidies because it's still far from a profitable business."
"We can't keep raising the prices and hope that the middle class can keep coming along and spending that kind of money because they can't."
"I do believe in paying people that type of wage where somebody could live in their apartment, pay their apartment rent, and be able to have some type of life off a living."
"The illusion of freedom will continue until it's too expensive to maintain."
"The single greatest barrier to meaningfully decarbonizing our economy without crashing people's standard of living is for the nuclear industry to fight back in the propaganda war."
"Eventually you run out of other people's money... you run out of willing buyers of your fake fiat money bonds."
"The sustainable economy will be both cheaper and better. Let that sink in."
"In the end, the majority will be the determinant. If you keep hammering the purchasing power of the mass of people, eventually they won't be able to sustain the rest of the economy."
"And as you study it, without question, you know, people are knowing that the Federal Reserve monetary threat money out of thin air system, it's not only going to fail, it was always designed to fail."
"Everything had to pay for itself. The cattle had to pay their way." - Dale Lassiter
"We have mortgaged future generations for our own momentary gain and pleasure."
"It is important to support local businesses by buying locally."
"Debt growing faster than the economy is unsustainable over the long term."
"If paying people a decent wage is going to put you out of business, then you've got a failed business model."
"When you have one percent of the people citizens own more assets in the bottom 90, that system can't sustain itself."
"This shift towards valuing quality of life over endless economic expansion offers a glimpse into a future where the world's advanced economies might thrive by focusing on sustainability, innovation, and the happiness of their citizens, not just their economic output."
"We're looking for income and employment to achieve economic sustainability."
"Anything that is benefiting to the economy where economy flourishes or it doesn't take a larger portion of the economy for a smaller purpose is sustainable."
"If a business can't afford labor, that's on the business, not the labor market."
"Interest rates can't go up because at 260 something percent government debt to GDP the impact on their fiscal circumstance immediately becomes unsustainable."
"There is not one enterprise on my farm that is economically profitable by itself; it's the whole system that becomes economically profitable."