
Artistic Value Quotes

There are 409 quotes

"Every frame a painting" means that whenever you pause a movie, that paused frame should be visually impressive enough to be hung up on a wall as a painting.
"The imperfections in the music make it great."
"Everyone is capable of making culturally important, artistically driven works if they are just given the chance to do so."
"The predictable cynical business attitude from these studios that are more interested in creating products than art makes me not want to even bother to invest my time in them anymore."
"This game, I believe, is a true masterpiece."
"From Software is definitely an artistically driven studio...that's why it's getting more and more popular."
"Indeed, you do have personal liberties for yourself, and you should be in control of that, but you are a member of society, and as a member of society reaping all the benefits of being a member of society, you have a responsibility to society."
"Discovering new things 53 years later is really a testament to the song."
"It's not about the talent, it's about the vibe."
"AI art will compete with people's skill level but it will be hard to compete with your Humanity...people will naturally gravitate towards things that they relate to on a deep level."
"But is Batman Forever a misunderstood masterpiece? In a way, yeah."
"Once you give it some time and persevere with it, it becomes one of his best pieces of work."
"The most important thing is whether or not it's able to leave an impact on you."
"I think the artist should be getting paid what they deserve for their art."
"Photography is art is a thing in the end it's not just a JPEG or reproduction even though photography let's back up is a reproduction by nature because the print aspect of it."
"That sequence... one amazing piece of filmmaking."
"That's what I'm saying when you're feeling like all is lost, a true artistic masterpiece can help lift up your spirit."
"I'm going with Psychonauts 2, it's different, it's art."
"I hesitate to use the word masterpiece, but this place might be."
"Ultimately, it's not about what you do as a musician or what you can do as an artist, it's about everything in your life that you have to offer."
"It is not a bomb artistically it is not a bomb in terms of just a good movie being out there for us to take in dissect and have fun with so I think that that's a win right."
"The art in this stuff is amazing because a lot of it is just throwbacks to Dungeons and Dragons, and when you have cool art you want to be able to show it off."
"I believe the best art can be very profitable."
"It had something from a creative standpoint that you just can't deny."
"Maintaining a stunningly high level of production value and above all, artistic integrity."
"I think the people who disagree with me on this, this is what designates the line between people who think of artistic communication and art as spectacle and entertainment, and I really do think less of the people in the latter category."
"If you make an album good enough for us, if you make us feel something, we will [ __ ] with you."
"Games do everything that art is supposed to do and beyond."
"It's not just an action film, it's much more than that, it's truly artful and epic."
"It's just [ __ ] perfect... it's immaculate work."
"Let's judge a movie and its value on its own merits not with how it ties into what might come later or what came before let's just do what we should be doing his fans judge it on its own merits and enjoy it or despise it on its own merits right."
"These films might lack artistic value if they have no deeper meaning."
"There are stories and elements of incredible artistic value that not only can games achieve but only games can achieve."
"The magic of the presentation, power of the story, and beauty of the music make it hard to believe that technically Great Comet flopped on Broadway."
"I love Shadows of Evil more and more... Shadows of Evil is essentially Treyarch's Mona Lisa."
"Laughing through tragedy: finding relief in entertainment."
"Why can't we have more content that has like the independent movies I do? You know, the movies that have hope, have redemption, have love, have laughter."
"A game that thoroughly resists exists in the realm of art."
"The one long continuous take... is impressive."
"It's not about that, it's about whether or not it touches you."
"You can't be politically correct. You can't gauge something that's creative and artistic and then it has to fit a certain criteria in order to be great. If something's great, it's great. If something's good, it's good."
"I don't think it's correct to look for, expect, or even try to make something that's expected to be a mainstream triple-A title a work of art."
"Doom guy's helmet, full size wearable and also lights up."
"There's just a world there that's incredibly compelling to look at."
"It's like people know to love this [__] like the people."
"The tradition of putting awesome artwork on their masters of the universe packages feels so important to me."
"The worst way you can damage an artist is just not support their work."
"We tend to put artists, especially celebrities, up on pedestals, conflating the quality of their art with the quality of their character and turning them into role models when maybe they shouldn't be."
"Art is special to me and it has a special place and does special things."
"Your work is good, it's better than most, and your work is valuable to many people who can see the gift that you have to offer. And you're worthy. You're worthy of being loved."
"The best thing to do is actually to go all in on reviewing them as a piece of art."
"Music is difficult because... to me, that's all secondary to the words and the poetry of it."
"You spit on my name, disrespect my work, yet each time I appear you celebrate me, you stand firmly in my shadow dancing underneath my fruit, yet you deem me an enemy."
"It's the impact to the people who see it not the view count that matters when it comes to accordion music."
"What people end up liking from you the most is not necessarily a manifestation of what you hold in highest regard as a technical high-achieving artist."
"Tell me the difference between a great album and a classic album."
"Those intangibles in performances is what I was really, you know, it's everything to me."
"It doesn't make me feel like, 'Oh, we brought it back.' It's like, no, the magic is in the original record."
"Tattoos are pieces of art that are private to us, and we wear them every single day."
"The destruction of art by someone else's disdain for it redefines the original work’s intent into a new form of art."
"If it has any sort of redeeming quality like artistic value then it could still be protected under the First Amendment."
"The AI can never replace the soul of an artist. It will never be able to produce unique ideas the way a person can."
"You've truly created more than a game, you've created art."
"The artistic side that attracted so many viewers to figure skating in decades past is often being neglected in favor of jumps."
"While a good story can save bad animation, good animation cannot save a bad story."
"It seems impossible to classify this game as anything less than a masterpiece."
"That verse should be in a museum, somewhere just like that."
"It's a story that I genuinely think is a masterpiece."
"AI has ruined art for me or there's no point in drawing or painting anymore because I can do it better and faster than me or anybody you know has beautiful illustrations at their fingertips now so why should I bother"
"Art inherently or not, brings value to people outside of yourself."
"Zack Snyder's Justice League transcends not only what a superhero movie can be but what a movie can be."
"The manga has the superior narrative by an absolute mountain."
"As long as people like what I make or respect what I make, it's alright."
"Vampire Survivors might use less sophisticated means than say God of War Ragnarok to achieve its aims, but that doesn't make it any lesser of an experience or a less notable work of art."
"Happy accidents are where some of the best things come from."
"The melody, the harmony, the structure of the music itself is as much praise to God's ears as is the words."
"It's not good... it's a masterpiece in my opinion."
"Love it beautiful, aspirational, even... needless to say, Legion despises it."
"I'd like to see a movie succeed just because it's important."
"The words of a critic can't diminish what art means to the person it's made for."
"Real artistic beauty comes from art style, not from graphical Fidelity."
"Create images that are unique and interesting, and when you get back to your computer, identify which ones are actually valuable."
"When you buy your favorite artist album you are directly saying I think what you're doing is valuable and that's like you're saying like thank you like please continue to make art to like put all the time in in the effort."
"Art has value music has value and don't pay you struggle with that right now don't feel like scared - yeah - value your time and realize that it has a price and it's okay if your job is artistic."
"Wow, this is amazing, this is something that deserves to live on."
"Every album is special unto itself. It's like picking children; you can't have a favourite child."
"It reveals another dimension into which we can go with the art of video games."
"I think it's great. It's pretty much a masterpiece."
"Artist opinions don't matter... the whole moral outcry is not only pointless, it's founded on misinformation."
"In the century that followed, the true value of his work became appreciated across the world."
"It's a movie which has rich elements that are certainly worthy of attention."
"Without game critics to think about games as something that are human and metaphorical and contextual, games will just become commodities."
"Miyazaki's works contain an unparalleled richness when it comes to the critique of our age."
"A little sense of handmade becomes fresh and new."
"Sometimes trailers are fun just as little two-minute pieces of art in their own right so don't sell them short in that regard either."
"I think it's a masterpiece of filmmaking in general and I think it stands as such even when a lot of criticism is lobbed against it."
"Night Vale is art. It's overhyped, but it's definitely good."
"Night Vale is good. Night Vale is art. Night Vale is valuable."
"I think Angel's Egg is an undisputed masterpiece."
"Season 1 probably works best by itself... I feel like you can legitimately look at season 1 and be like that is a good piece of art."
"I honestly think this is a masterpiece. It's one of the most creative things that I've ever seen."
"It's a shame that my life's work is just going unnoticed and other people can kind of lift it and bring it to the main."
"The most important aspect of music is emotional connection, that's right."
"We need you artists make strange ineffable things they are the very bedrock of new ideas."
"When you appreciate what it is that he does, you're not only appreciating what he's creating, you're also appreciating him as an individual."
"I mean I do think a perfect comedy is next to impossible to achieve and we don't respect them as much as we should."
"Animation isn't just for kids. Animation isn't just a genre."
"It is an artless, ugly, and creatively exhausted album."
"They're so wonderful as art pieces and as tools."
"We never talk about quality of work, we never talk about art, the beauty of art, we never talk about good stories anymore, all we talk about is race."
"It's simply what you do with it. If you write something beautiful, it's good."
"Songs are not a lottery ticket. They need to be emotionally powerful."
"And that's why I think like this album is like so important because a lot of people thought it was gonna be quiet for him and he can't stand that."
"Complexity doesn't equal better; more notes don't mean more complex."
"If a highly anticipated film isn't received as a work of utter perfection it's considered a bad movie... there's so much good happening within them."
"A Grammy doesn't make a good record or not, it doesn't. I don't think so."
"He's got such a vision, such an imagination that yeah he can, he can tell you, you know, 'This is a keeper, this is something we have to have.'"
"It's not just a writing instrument, it's a piece of art."
"It's not just about the views. We're making art after 16 years of doing mega64. It ain't about the views, it's about making art."
"They do not care about the art; they do not care about the film's quality; they care about the money."
"People are much more likely to commission good art versus just okay art."
"These young artists that live in poverty creating incredible content and music deserve a lot more return on investment."
"There's just something about music. Just from a creative standpoint, that is different, is better."
"Nobody sings anymore, and they keep on saying R&B is dead, but it's not. It ain't dead neither."
"Underneath this green there's a masterpiece."
"In my opinion, you've hit the timeless zone. There's records that come out and they're great for that summer, right? But then there's the timeless ones."
"Good work is good work wherever it comes from and whoever it comes from, and that everyone should be able to tell a story no matter what." - Lupita Nyong'o
"Cartoon violence is a powerful artistic tool that we should all better appreciate and respect."
"Artists are like the backbone of my community."
"The animations of the characters and the world around them was simply incomparable."
"This is a really, really good project. Shout out to Saba."
"This is really, really a real dope piece of art that we have in our culture right now."
"If I'm an artist and I have this charisma, then I need to sell myself for more."
"There's a lot more to music than just the music itself."
"There's many good reasons Mad Max received such mixed reviews, but that doesn't cancel out the passion."
"Good music lasts forever, it's just about when people figure that out."
"For every Raphael, there are many Raphaels without hands."
"Shall I tell you? Because I believe in art and music and literature and reason. Because I don't believe in the law of the jungle."
"Your art matters as long as you care about it, even if you're the only one."
"It's a movie that deserves praise just based on its inventiveness alone."
"Why do you gotta wait for people to die to really understand the beauty and skill they've documented?"
"It is an absolute crime that Going Under hasn't received more attention because it deserves the worlds and then some."
"If that doesn't make it a masterpiece, I seriously don't know what does."
"There's just so much here that's absolutely worth loving."
"It's all about the art at the end of the day."
"Always pay artists for their time and for their work."
"To be an artist or even to just appreciate art is to be able to look at it from all sides every angle."
"Shadow of the Colossus: an exceptional video game."
"A lot of design nowadays is just about the destination and then once I drop all the raids flex you know like that's what matters and it's like oh yeah but what's the process."
"Some games are just works of art despite their flaws."
"There's these wonderful massive opportunities for the companies that integrate Technologies."
"The future is music or movies without AI... humans do beautiful things that computers can't do."
"Those are sometimes the most important paintings that you can make."
"The artists I think hold the soul of civilization, they capture the civilization that we always want to have."
"Is this record worthy of being documented, or should it go straight to home?"
"Social media platforms have heavily prioritized engagement metrics over artistic merit, leading to the rampant devaluation of our hard work."
"Layers of Fear isn't just a horror game; it's a game where the story, its meaning, and its themes informed its entire design, and that elevates it above being just a game to being a work of art."
"This is a masterpiece, like this is actually art."
"This movie is nothing short of a masterpiece."
"An artistic legacy is not how many units you can pop out in a day; it's a lifetime achievement."
"How a piece of music makes me feel is still ultimately the most important thing."
"Lyrics matter. Thought-provoking art matters."
"This painting means the world to me to keep a piece of her creativity in my home."
"Catherine is an absolute masterpiece and I cannot recommend it enough."
"The cornerstone of any culture is its artistic expression. It's what makes people feel alive."
"It remains one of the most popular Romantic Period films ever made."
"If the content of the movie isn't there, you can slap on all the best cinematography in the world and still not end up with a good movie."
"It's about the way that art is interpreted and about how it's given meaning."
"Artistic exploration is vital to the ability to innovate the ability to think about things in a different way."
"If you drew it, then it's good. Then it's good."
"The gods would protect themselves... Something so beautiful was not crafted by mortal hands."
"If you can entertain me with stick figures, I will pay for it. If you can entertain me with really elaborate drawings, I will pay for that too, like most people will."
"Necessity of any artistic work. I feel like all works are made better with the dream ballet as the classic musical Oklahoma."
"The thing about what nfts are going to do and what they do do on the piracy prevention aspect of it is extremely valuable to artists where your your art is your moniker it's your brand it's your soul it's your energy..."
"Chrono Trigger has a flat-out amazing storyline, it's a work of art."
"Not all kids movies are works of art, but a lot of them are fun."
"Three chord songs are often legitimately good."
"He makes some of the most interesting stuff."
"I truly do think this album is a masterpiece."
"The fact that we now refer to music as content... I think cheapens the [expletive] out of it."
"I tell people, there's something you could be the best lyricist in the world, but if nobody wants to be like you, you're just a lyricist."
"The architecture of the building is a piece of art, a monument to human rights in and of itself."
"The greatest thing you have working for you is not the photo you take or the picture you paint. It's the imagination of the consumer."
"One thing that 50 said on The Breakfast Club he said uh the culture loves things that have been damaged by experience and you see how harsh experience is and how beautiful the art is you agree with that of course."
"There's still a huge audience for it...people that are out there playing their instruments, really singing, delivering really heartfelt songs."
"This is a masterpiece, Trevor could sell this for so much money."
"If the music's good, what does it matter?" - Edgar Winter
"Parody is an important and creative and often overlooked art form in its own right."
"Because what you need when you're down there isn't it? A poet."
"And then at the end of the project, I have like, this original ink drawing that I can sell as a piece of original art. People seem to like 'em, and I like 'em."
"I think if you can get the spirit of something right, that's what matters most."
"It conjures a feeling that while hard to put your finger on, it's also very rare in the annals of popular song."
"Video games are the greatest new art form of the century. They can do anything. Saying they're for just one gender is ridiculous."
"Little Inferno is at the very least a remarkably well-made work of interactive art."
"Each of them put so much artistry meaning and genuine effort into them that they ended up being way more than those elements would suggest and I love seeing that happen."
"Metal Gear Solid 2's cinematic presentation pushed the idea that video games could be an art form."
"Photography to me is an incredible art form that deserves more credibility and prominence."
"Irreversible is a masterpiece of shocking cinema."
"If a movie can offer you something different with each viewing, then that is something to be celebrated and discussed, not shut down for being a failure."
"Artist, your opinion matters, okay? That's just facts. Your opinion matters."