
Abduction Quotes

There are 219 quotes

"It seems to me it's an international relations matter when a foreign country attempts to abduct an American citizen critical of them."
"Adro...abducts people and feasts on them in front of one another."
"Or perhaps it's a story that is exactly as written, a man who was stalked and abducted by foreign visitors from another world."
"In UFO Simulator, you use your UFOs to abduct people, and then you get better UFOs."
"There is always hope that there can be a positive outcome; there are cases today where abducted children return to their families, sometimes even decades later."
"There are accounts in this book, newspaper clippings, where there are references to these huge wild men carrying off women and children."
"He was a predator abducting girls and young women from their own front yards in broad daylight."
"The more that time went on, the more it was believed that Brandy was a victim of foul play."
"The Betty and Barney Hill case is definitely one of the most famous UFO abduction stories ever told."
"Investigators became sure that he'd been watching the house days maybe even weeks before the abduction."
"Widespread publicity was generated by the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case of 1961."
"Create human alien hybrids... More mental than physical... Let's grab his body, do something to it, and dump him back."
"The next theory is that this was an abduction."
"The body of a Memphis heiress, teacher, and mother of two was recovered just days after she was abducted."
"The successful conclusion of the case in Lodi California together with the legacy of poly class and the foundation for missing children became the models by which child abduction cases across the country are now handled."
"Sometimes kids don't come home, and they don't mean to not come home. They just get taken by some evil person."
"The stories were always the same: the lights came down from space, sucked on those people, paralyzed these people, and affected these people."
"Somebody had taken her... she would never leave there on her own."
"Knowing they're that rare, knowing we're talking about an area with already fairly small size population, the chances of this being that type of abduction that someone came into the home and took her seems really, really small."
"Let's fail. I want to fail all day every day all the time because I know how strong I'm going to be after I go through this process."
"History is filled with stories of humans being kidnapped, manipulated, and sometimes returned to their homes."
"Personally, I think someone came up here and grabbed her and ran down the hill and threw her in a car and drove as far away as they could from this area."
"It's an abduction... that's what it sounds like." - George
"Luckily, Travis Walton made it back to tell his story."
"Lisa remembers everything. She remembers it all clearly and she remembers the other three times she was abducted after that clearly as well."
"To this day, the Gandia Mackay incident remains one of the most mysterious and frightening abductions ever reported."
"Be so thorough, like you can attach it to your pets."
"Full-blown abduction instead of experiencing something from a distance."
"They have no idea that this is happening, take them like drive them away take them they look all look completely scared."
"The abductees genuinely believe they've had these experiences. Now, if they believe they've had these experiences, why? What's the stimulus? What's the root cause of such a strong belief?"
"The abduction phenomenon is a body of evidence, definitive evidence that this phenomenon is real, it's physical."
"Abductions happen within Family Lines... if your parents are abductees, then you also are going to be an abductee."
"Two men engrossed in conversation suddenly a beam appears from above whisking away one of the men."
"We want you to know that we are praying for you to do the right thing by releasing the girls."
"The second one, non-human-made physical objects, I think this is the one that most people see especially abductees."
"It's a real tough pill to swallow that someone was driving around, you know, saw this little girl like a crime of opportunity and then randomly said like oh let me take her."
"Following hours of searching, investigators concluded Amber Swartz had been abducted."
"It's important to note too that at this point all of the Romaine family members and siblings believe that Joanne was abducted and murdered."
"Here he is responsible for a chance abduction."
"Susie's story is absolutely fascinating, goes far beyond the run-of-the-mill abductee contactee story."
"Jennifer Cassie was a bright young woman who had everything to live for. So when she disappeared without a trace and some mysterious CCTV footage was released, everyone was convinced someone had abducted her."
"I think the most plausible explanation was that she was taken."
"My sister was abducted on March 12, 2022, in the Walmart parking lot at 5 a.m."
"Our Story begins on November 2nd 2016 when a 34 year old woman named Sherry Papini disappeared while out jogging a mile from her home in Redding California."
"JC Duggard was abducted while she was walking to the bus stop in South Lake Tahoe, she was only 11 years old when she was imprisoned in the home where she would remain for the next 18 years of her life."
"It just happened to a family in Upstate New York: their 9-year-old daughter was abducted while out on a bike ride during a family camping trip."
"The abduction phenomenon is at the heart of the UFO phenomenon."
"The Duke is offering £5,000 for news of his son, and another £1,000 for the name of his kidnapper."
"This mass abduction event is considered one of the worst human rights disasters in Mexican history."
"Yes, it was a UFO. Me and my buddy standing there, I thought we were going to be abducted."
"Helen's abduction would be the trigger for the beginning of a conflict that would be sung about for millennia to come."
"Hers was the first abduction the Harrisonburg police had ever investigated where they didn't find or recover the victim"
"Rodney's criminal record began when he had abducted and abused an 8-year-old girl."
"Figures giving blessings to those that entertain them, inflicting Misfortune on others, and even going so far as to abduct human children."
"In some of these cases, it seems like abduction is the most likely scenario, but you’d think that successfully abducting more than one person would be an insanely difficult task."
"He abducted her and held her captive for years so that he could be the only person who possessed her."
"You have people walking on the planet as extraterrestrials, meaning like their DNA comes from somewhere else or they've been abducted."
"Bob Burch told went to extreme lengths to groom and gain collateral from Jan's family before he abducted her the first time he manipulated her father into performing a sex act on him."
"On the morning of June 10, 1991, eleven-year-old JC was walking to the bus stop when a suspicious gray car pulled over and tased her until she was unconscious."
"In an abduction case every second counts."
"I'm in the boot of a car just gone over a bridge. I think I'm passing a quarry. Sounds like an abattoir. Send help. Smiley face."
"Witnessing the scene, Sur tried to help Sonan Wu, but during the commotion, he was abducted."
"They knew the truth. Someone was taking their children."
"Well, they're actually having a fight about their personal lives. Huh, okay, I just find it so funny they're just like, 'Ah yes, let's deal with this personal drama right now after being abducted.'"
"Clever scheme of his, evidently coming to an old New England town and kidnapping the local Gentry to hold for ransom and hiding them away in some old deserted house so conveniently protected by superstition."
"He suddenly grabs her and picks her up, telling them that he will take her with him now."
"Susan Clancy is one of several psychologists who've made detailed studies of people who claim to have been abducted."
"If Ali was alive, then that would mean somebody took her and is holding her against her will."
"He intended to take her away at once."
"...everything was not as it seemed, at least in David's mind, as he became convinced that both his parents had been abducted and replaced by two people who looked exactly like them."
"...as is evidenced by a case from 2017 in which a 30-year-old woman who's not been named but is being referred to Simply as MD was carjacked and kidnapped."
"It was clear that the child had been captured by aliens."
"The rate at which these children are being abducted and trafficked."
"He was lured into the woods for a bogus photo shoot, then tortured and killed."
"It was like as soon as the snatching of the yeah, that was a little creepy."
"Infant abduction is every parent's worst fear."
"We're going to be snatched, literally."
"He made an interesting statement: he said it was obvious to him that Jared was abducted off the mountain."
"At 3:45 a.m. on January 13, 1985, two Texas Rangers believed they had spotted the kidnappers of 13-year-old Amy McNeil."
"Her story of abduction is more extreme than most, and she was kept hidden in the dark dungeon for 10 days deep in the woods."
"Abductions by strange beings had been reported before, but the Betty and Barney Hill account would be the one to cement in the public's imagination the idea of alien abduction."
"6% of Americans have allegedly been abducted by aliens."
"I never considered that I would be the target of an abduction."
"Your whole family is dead, and your girlfriend is missing. Was she taken?"
"I felt like I had walked right into their trap. The force that seized control of my body was even greater than during the first abduction."
"My body was pulled hard like pulled with such force that I could have gotten whiplash from it my head is jerked forward and it feels like something has me in a chokehold but I'm not just dragged away I'm lifted off the freaking ground."
"...if Andy had been abducted right after getting out of the swimming pool there was very little chance the sniffer dogs would be able to pick up his Trail."
"Just imagine that and then consider that they are stealing these people; that there might be something to that."
"They said they were researchers trying to 'produce a child of an earth man' and then they said they would come back so he could meet his kid."
"According to Department of Justice documents, Patterson had told investigators he had planned to abduct a teenage girl for around a year, just take a girl. And if it wasn't Jamie, it would have been someone else. I thought about that a lot."
"The discovery late yesterday of footprints at a point where members of the searching party declared that they had been several times during the past two days served to strengthen the belief in the idea that she'd been taken by a third party."
"It's perfectly clear that whoever took Inga knew what they were doing."
"It's unthinkable, but the only logical explanation, a word that's so frightening it can barely be spoken: abduction."
"Don't get mad when extraterrestrials come and pick your ass up out of your sleep."
"Now the day that Kenneth abducted Stephen, he told Stephen that his name was no longer going to be Stephen, he told Steven that his new name was Dennis Parnell."
"Kenneth actually called abducting Timothy 'building his family', which is just absolutely ridiculously disgusting."
"It’s hard to even say where we’d be without that incident in the White Mountains. But what is the truth of the iconic Betty and Barney Hill case? The first true alien abduction or just another fabrication spun from one strange and inexplicable night?"
"they're leaning on to, they think that perhaps he might have been drugged or kidnapped."
"From hoax to genuine encounter, theories swirl around Pascagoula's alien abduction."
"So I um and after that I kind of got plugged into this like abductee world and um and so we made a show about people trying to kind of come to terms with it"
"Bonnie Lohman was seven years old when she visited her local grocery store and saw her own face on a milk carton."
"Surprisingly, when he was asked, the abductee maintained that he is still not a believer of UFOs or aliens."
"Jesus Christ Megumi Yokota. Megumi Yokota was a 13-year-old Japanese girl who was kidnapped by a North Korean agent in 1977."
"The woman from Anchorage, Alaska, called to report that she saw Keys driving down Benson Boulevard in a white truck with a dark-haired Hispanic woman. She advised that the woman was struggling and trying to get out of the car, and Keys was grabbing her by the neck."
"They've taken someone's mother, they've taken someone's daughter, they've taken them a sister, friend away."
"But what I do know is that I can't just sit while his dad's abducted. I have to try."
"She was held against her will for the past 5 years."
"The stagecoach was held up. Your grandson was taken away."
"I watched in Terror as those awful claws pulled poor Douglas into the borough from which they had emerged."
"So obviously, as a mother, as a person that's just concerned about citizens if you are any person that's looking at the story it just seems like such a bold way for somebody to snatch someone off the side of the highway."
"The crew claimed they saw a UFO hovering and that Walton was struck by a beam of light from the craft before disappearing."
"The police had handcuffed the people who abducted me. They were my real mom and dad, apparently they had done all this to extort money from my new parents."
"I knew that she had been taken, I just didn't know by who and I didn't know if I would ever find her again."
"So at this point, we truly believed that it was a stranger abduction."
"It's basically called a kidnapping, but not really."
"The first 24 hours are the most important in abduction cases."
"I was just playing in the garden with my nanny, and suddenly... a man climbed over the wall, threw a shawl over my head, and took me away."
"Almost immediately upon assessing the scene, Elmore County Sheriff Bill Franklin told reporters they were treating this as an abduction or a kidnapping."
"I still remember vividly a day that I almost got abducted."
"I draw one idea out of another; I'm abductive rather than deductive."
"The case of Barney and Betty Hill quickly gained attention and became a focal point in discussions of UFO abductions."
"You were stolen from me. I have come to take you to your true home in Elfhame beneath the hill."
"Princess Millhiore was suddenly kidnapped by an army led by Leo's younger brother, Gaul."
"My name is Katie Beers and I survived an abduction."
"Please, if you have Madeleine, let her come home to her mommy, daddy, brother, and sister."
"Stories of torment, stories of indescribable horror, stories of small creatures with huge, terrifying black eyes that visit you late in the night and take you away."
"The story, or more accurately nightmare, of Maddie's abduction is frightening."
"He kidnapped Lisa and murdered her a short time later."
"There, Vanny kidnapped some children, normal FNAF things."
"The pirates picked up the castle and took it with him on their ship."
"The abduction of Zigmund Adamski remains unexplained to this day."
"We're taking your little sister. If you want to save her, don't tell anyone about this and wait for the next instructions."
"Barbara and Regina were taken, Barbara was 12, Regina was 9."
"Help, help, my name is Leopold King. I've been kidnapped."
"The story that Vilas-Boas told was in many ways an early example of the kinds of abduction narratives seen in the later 20th century."
"That thing being hunting down somebody, tying them up, and stealing them away to the Feywild."
"They came out of the darkness, grabbed two or three of my friends, and pulled them down below before my very eyes."
"I regret and will always regret taking you like that from your home."
"That's why the rate of human abductions has risen dramatically recently."
"...it's led some people to believe alien abductions are the reason behind the missing people..."
"The wider the search grew without a trace of the child, the more likely it seemed that an abduction had taken place."
"Alien abductions can seem outlandish to many, but as you've seen, there are some genuine accounts from otherwise reputable people."
"Even though there were no signs of foul play, AJ’s family believe he was taken against his will."
"The women's stories have never wavered nor has the belief by many that they were abducted by aliens that night."
"The Stanford Kentucky abduction is thought to be the most well-documented abduction case in UFO history."
"Julie Weflin disappeared and was likely kidnapped while working at a remote electrical substation in Spokane, Washington."
"Statistically speaking, stranger abductions make up less than one percent of all incidents."
"What kind of crazy universe do we live in where a teenage girl gets a romantic promise ring from her first love in the morning, then is abducted never to be seen again in the afternoon?"
"We are ready for that; Gen was 12 years old when he was taken from his family, now he has very few dreams left."
"The fact that the ship was spotted brought me hope that Lisa was alive and had to be held against her will in order for her not to contact us."
"I used to have nightmares all the time where I would get abducted and all I had to do is yell out for help."
"The damsel in distress is abducted by the evil vampire is heartbreakingly tragic."
"The crown prince Rhaegar abducted Lyanna Stark, daughter of Rickard Stark, the Lord of Winterfell."
"As I understand it, most people are abducted so that they can be analyzed scientifically."
"The premise is a simple one to understand: a child is the victim of abduction, and this alert is used to bring attention to citizens around where the abduction took place."
"Statistics have shown that the first 48 hours of an abduction are absolutely critical in safely finding the child."
"With some offenses like stranger abductions, the key to greatly reducing the frequency is prevention."
"...I felt myself being drawn up into the craft and I just gradually resisted the paralysis feeling and I shouted out for help and I woke up..."
"95% of child abductions are by family members or close friends."
"I'm not accustomed to being kidnapped," I replied sarcastically.
"Investigators have said that they suspect that whoever abducted the girls knew them."
"I have the best brother ever, except the archaeans dragged him away."
"It seemed like she had literally just been snatched off her bike."
"It's clear to me that Jeanette was abducted."
"The Allagash abductions is one of the most bizarre and unexplained UFO encounters in history."
"It's an abduction, the kid didn't run away."
"She could feel two arms yanking her; one minute she was in her family's vegetable garden, the next she was in the back of a speeding van."
"The family became convinced that their children were the victims of some sort of sinister abduction."
"What do you know about alien abduction?"
"He abused his position of trust and stole his fifteen-year-old niece from the family who trusted him, and he never gave her back."
"He was taken from his crib during the night while his parents slept just feet away."
"This is common in many abduction cases, also in fairy lore; it's as if some cosmic force stepped in to remove from existence any evidence that may have been left behind."
"It is widely believed that Louis Delacroix witnessed the abduction of Jillian and the imposter."
"The side or lateral delts are mostly involved in shoulder flexion like a front raise, shoulder abduction, or shoulder transverse abduction."
"The gluteus medius is going to be the major hip abductor."
"This is the story of a child who's been kidnapped, then transported to Europe by a drug trafficking ring, and then who manages to escape."
"The success of the crime, if it be an abduction, attests to the level of familiarity with that location."
"We have a kidnapping," she cried on the phone. "Hurry, please… There's a note left, and our daughter's gone."
"Peter didn't run away, he was kidnapped."
"Some creature grabbed his daughter and dragged her into the woods."
"Following the discovery of the bodies, the police began the search for evidence which obviously started with the restaurant where the five victims had been abducted from."
"If someone ever approaches you and tries to force you into a car, do whatever it takes to stay out of the vehicle."
"If someone is trying to abduct you, fight back."
"He shoots Astarte and takes Nagisa, Asagi, and Himaragi hostage."
"This is the story of a murderer, a stolen child, revenge."