
Epiphany Quotes

There are 788 quotes

"It was a real epiphany. The ominously dark shading and cracks in his head give off such a powerful sensation as if his head is literally coming apart."
"You know when you have just like an epiphany where you're like, 'This is the best day of my life,' even though nothing significant happened at all?"
"The Choir stumbled upon an epiphany very suddenly and quite by accident. Here we stand, feet planted in the earth, but might the cosmos be very near us, only just above our heads?"
"Clarity and... they are starting to see things more clearly, or they're going to have some sort of epiphany by the end of the day."
"An epiphany, an awakening, a moment of illumination of revelatory instantaneous dispersion of wisdom that supersedes what we thought the moment before we had it."
"If you've ever personally pushed through the pervasive fog of media manipulation and authoritative lies that routinely misinform our society, if you've ever experienced an epiphany from learning a verifiable truth that contradicts the narratives you had been told to believe, you have probably felt this sense of awakening for yourself."
"At the end of the day, I think there's going to be some sort of come to Jesus moment."
"An insight is sometimes called an epiphany, an aha moment, or a Eureka feeling."
"The word epiphany means manifestation but also means a sudden insight or revelation."
"Those moments in life where a concept or idea just clicks in your head... you ascend to the next level."
"In that moment, my mind became bigger, and I saw the world in a different way. It was an epiphany."
"It's a bit of an epiphany going on here where people are beginning to look and say, 'Whoa.'"
"Have yourself a merry little Christmas, or whatever, make that Yuletide gay."
"You're going to realize you're going to have this epiphany."
"I had this really unbelievable moment of clarity that I was finally able to silence all of those racing thoughts."
"You will never look at destiny the same ever again. Everything else will simply feel inferior."
"For some of them, they have had this epiphany, they have realized that you mean the world to them."
"Wow, how did I never think of this? I can already feel my sins."
"You're about to have magical, absolutely brilliant epiphanies that are going to lead to mind-blowing opportunities."
"Instant knowledge, and it happened like that."
"The ace of swords signifies a breakthrough, a major epiphany card. You're going to see something wildly clear, unlocking destiny, fate, and meaningful coincidences."
"This is having an epiphany, a mental breakthrough."
"Think of all the times that you've had a challenge that you couldn't figure out... and then all of a sudden the solution."
"You can never go looking for truth because you don't know what it is... eventually you will get to something that you can't drop, you can't make it false, and then you'll know you found the truth."
"My favorite thing in life is that aha moment where a new principle becomes clear or you see something in a different way."
"I was just blown out of freaking water, okay, because at this point, I'm just thinking, god, I'm saying this, this is my calling."
"So I'm forced to assume that she's had some kind of an epiphany, like, all it took for you, was just for one of them to try and kill you, before you realize 'Oh yeah, these aren't really people any more.'"
"It was like an epiphany. This is how I'm supposed to be."
"Revelations, you know, like whoa, I'm just seeing, I'm feeling like whoa."
"Everything is very simple... and they all come together to be this one amazingly epic experience of life."
"I felt like I understood what that meant about this entity."
"I'm so confused, my mind is just blown wide open right now."
"Every problem has a solution and once the puzzle pieces click together you'll reach that epiphany."
"It was just like realizing that it was just one God."
"My entire paradigm shifted, absolutely shifted."
"I have had an epiphany, I know that sounds dramatic, but I really do believe that I've had an epiphany."
"It's like almost like in an instant when that lightning bolt strikes there is clarity."
"Once you get over that fence and you see what real love is, it's gonna blow your mind, man."
"Something just clicked... like yoga teacher."
"Suddenly there's like an epiphany moment and suddenly you see something in a new light."
"It just changes everything, and you see the entire world in a new way, and it's a beautiful thing."
"The judgment card is truly about self-reflection that has led to an epiphany."
"It made me nervous, and that was the moment that I had realized that there was more to this world than what we see."
"Sometimes I think God's just looking at us going, 'Well, it's been in front of your face your whole life, so welcome to the party.'"
"Clarity can rise so clearly where you suddenly go 'Oh my god.'"
"When it became clear that I didn't have a good reason to believe them, it's not like I chose to stop believing them."
"He'd have a moment of realization and a light bulb would appear above his head."
"Everything sounds dumb until you see it differently."
"One of the best days of your life looking back is when you realize oh I'm the problem I can fix that."
"There comes a point when you have thought about your idea so long that it becomes the most obvious thing in the world."
"I used to doubt them and make fun of them like everybody else until I realized, oh no no no, these people are like, like it's something, something hit where I like suddenly the light switch went off."
"Sometimes just one piece of knowledge changes everything."
"This is an epiphany time... it's going to give you an answer about your purpose on earth." - Emphasizing the profound insights and clarity available during transformative periods.
"The truth runs through us like lightning and you're delighted by it because it's true."
"A time of epiphany, of revealing, of surprising developments."
"Lots of new epiphanies are going to be hitting."
"We're finally figuring it out, we're finally like, 'Oh, I have my answer on why this wasn't working out before, it all of a sudden makes sense.'"
"I saw the light, like that moment, I saw the light."
"When everything clicks and you just have that big oh Moment Like This game goes from being good to Great."
"It really came with the force of a revelation."
"Anagnorisis is the transition from ignorance to knowledge—the lightbulb moment, the iconic 'Eureka!'"
"It's a moment of intense epiphany and all of a sudden it starts to make sense."
"You might actually get some real illumination, some real epiphanies."
"I always thought I knew, but last night I really got it."
"Is that not like that's God dude that is God every time we're driving and we see we hear people like honk at our car..."
"I would say in recent years any sentient Observer of the media will have had their moment of realization."
"You're going to have this light bulb moment."
"This is going to be about a mind-blowing moment in time."
"I feel like I've really figured something out."
"When I raised my head back up I knew right then it's like a bolt of lightning hits you."
"You kind of had like an aha moment like damn I knew I was right type situation."
"This is like really good stuff, or this can be a very, very clear epiphany."
"The energy of your reading today is a break from the routine which obviously is going to bring fresh perspective which is obviously going to bring an epiphany that you've been reaching for."
"Your struggle is going to be ending because you may have just thought of one way to grow."
"If you can demonstrate it to yourself, then you gotta sit down and scratch your head and say hey, maybe that's really not a bunch of circus bull, maybe there is really something to it."
"It's a beautiful thing when it clicks."
"Things have happened in my life over time, and I have come to the realization, I have had this epiphany moment, this enlightenment, that what I really want in my life is you."
"The revelation was crushing but freeing."
"I remember sitting on that wall and closing my eyes and just seeing this big light."
"It's as if all his frustrations are wiped away; in that moment, he felt like he understood why he was put on this Earth."
"It was a dream and I remember like we're talking to each other and then it just hits me."
"They've had some sort of epiphany in regards to romance and love and relationships."
"The epiphany that you are a powerful being."
"It's like this incredible light bulb moment."
"The Ace of Swords is about truth, clarity, having some type of epiphany, a realization."
"I slept and I woke up and realized the meaning of the end of the movie."
"Wow, I just learned something really profound that's been bugging me for 20 years."
"The treasure that you've been searching for, there's nothing there, then boom, there it is."
"A moment of enlightenment or realization."
"One idea, one concept, one epiphany can truly change the dynamic of your life, could change everything."
"Suddenly, Peter realized about something."
"Once I learned that, everything changed."
"They might just be having an epiphany about this connection."
"From time to time, as you jog along, there occur moments which you're able to recognize immediately with the naked eye as high spots."
"Oh my God, that was so much truth."
"Once I figured that out, everything changed."
"They want to speak some truth. There's been an epiphany. They may have taken some time to heal, taking some time for self, and during this time, they've had an epiphany."
"Something that opened your eyes, brought so much clarity into your life, something that rejuvenated you, and something that made you aware of the fact how passionate you felt about something."
"Oh my god, I never put it together!"
"He realized what was important in that moment."
"That was the moment when I saw it."
"I remember feeling like I formed a synapse."
"You can take that one moment and reconfigure your entire life."
"Lifechanging epiphany or experience: it's time for big and blessed change."
"I had an epiphany I really can't describe it properly but something inside me knew what I had to do"
"...this is something that is just occurring, it's like an epiphany moment that is incredibly transformational, so whatever it is that you're about to perceive about the other is going to change the dynamic exceptionally..."
"Everything kind of comes together and you have this Epiphany."
"When my sister and wife got home, I calmed down a little, and my wife told me to take a shower, which I did, and it was one of the most profound moments of my life."
"Raising your frequency to a point where it's like, again, you having this almost like an epiphany throughout."
"In the moment of realization, the past is healed."
"You might wake up tomorrow morning like, goddamn, I get it now."
"The most important moments of my life were when someone or something shook me and effectively said, 'hey look around you.'"
"It hit me, and it's like, 'Oh my god, there's nothing to replace that. You can't explain that.'"
"That sentence it changed my whole life."
"His grace is sufficient and the other things that changed was as soon as God, I mean it was kind of a road to Damascus moment."
"Now that I have felt this thing I hadn't felt before and I know what that is."
"He smiles realizing that the meaning of life, the true purpose, or every answer he has ever been looking for, lays in front of his eyes as a burning green house."
"It's like an epiphany, men want to be nurtured."
"Sudden Change, shocking news, a surprise, an epiphany."
"Epiphany is like a sudden realization."
"'That's right' moment... when you were totally bought in on what was just said... it's a subtle epiphany."
"Suddenly a whole lot of stuff makes sense to me suddenly they start doubting all sorts of other things."
"...that's when the light bulb went off."
"You open my eyes to the truth. Meeting you or coming to this realization is very groundbreaking for them. They know that everything they want is here in real time."
"So when I saw that, it literally lit up like a light bulb in my head, and I was like, 'I could saw him,' and when I got to my cell, you know, man, it's where I always carried my people work with me, I carried on all my transcripts, you know, and I found my lawyer's name."
"I played a G chord and was like, oh God, this is, this is what I want."
"So, let's go back to Marsha in her journey. So, she has this, you know, literally come to Jesus, right? So, she has this kind of epiphany in her late teens or early 20s, which, it sounds like, you know, puts her on a different path potentially saves her life."
"Sometimes it's just the obvious things that get you."
"It's like a light bulb went off in my head."
"Most of my best captures have come from a small gem that saw like a light bulb's kind of thought the eureka mommy thing."
"Don't be a [__] and don't kiss their ass... that's the big epiphany."
"It changed me forever. And it was like, yeah, that was the moment."
"I remember thinking that's kind of cool, so that was sort of an aha moment."
"This was my Napoleon Dynamite moment... and it was in this moment that I realized what I wanted in life."
"They just came to this epiphany. They realize, 'Oh my goodness, I love this person.'"
"Epiphanies await the curious mind."
"It was like every second of my life led me to this moment, this moment of clarity, this moment of understanding."
"It was love, and I was like, 'Oh, this is the thing.'"
"I feel like this person is having an epiphany, a realization about just how strongly they feel towards you when they're thinking about you."
"Some of you could have that wake-up call, that epiphany."
"More than ever, she knew the meaning of life."
"It just takes one thought to completely transform one's life, as happened to me when I had an epiphany."
"I realized I was going to be okay. I knew at that moment that was my Epiphany moment in my life."
"That light bulb moment when you're like, 'Wow! Is it true? Do I have to pinch myself?'"
"Your whole life can change because of one wake-up moment."
"This is a day where you may have just, boom, this light bulb moment. All right, big light bulb moment."
"'Rich' as in spirit, and like, it hit my spirit. Like, I felt it. I felt I was supposed to hurt it. And I didn't hear it; I felt it when he said that."
"I kind of had like an epiphany slash life-changing moment."
"I realized like okay, this is the message."
"I realized I completely and utterly loved one person and it wasn't the person standing in front of me in the church; it's the person standing in front of me now, in the rain."
"An epiphany is a sudden intuitive perception or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something."
"Epiphanies happen when you live life deeply and richly beautifully wonderfully and you live outside of the boundaries of your fear."
"This is true Grace, this is true conversion, this is a lightning bolt moment."
"This moment needs to become a life-defining marker in your life."
"...the important thing was that she realized it."
"Everything we've been looking for had come to me in that moment."
"This person's recently had some sort of epiphany or realization around you in this connection."
"This is divine intervention, it's a revelation, it's an epiphany."
"It's only one other situation where I had an epiphany like that, and that was when, you know what I'm saying, I was sitting in a cell and then family hit me, I was like, 'I'm tripping.'"
"I had an epiphany: give up my job and go to Mexico to study shamanism."
"That moment of realization is kind of amazing."
"I now understand what I've been missing out on my life"
"Trust those moments when something comes to you, when the light bulb clicks, that's to me the universe talking to you."
"When it comes to the spiritual or self-healing journey, you just need to hear an idea or phrase in a particular way, and then suddenly it clicks in your mind."
"Suddenly everything snaps into place, and not only do you understand, but suddenly you see, like, that's connected to this thing that I learned in this other class."
"It was really an epiphany for you, a big deal."
"That was actually my click moment because it changed my trajectory."
"It was like a massive wake-up call."
"One day one thing's gonna click and everything's gonna make sense."
"When you're creating a workout, does it sometimes hit you like, 'Oh, [expletive], I got it? There's really no explanation. It's just like almost like a gift from God."
"It's like the heavens open up and you hear choirs of angelic hosts singing. You'll be thinking, 'Dude, you'll be thinking I've wasted so much of my life not doing this.'"
"It's like, oh [__], all along it was for me."
"I've ever ever ever ever heard kind of an epiphany for a reason."
"Why did I have to get hit by a meteor to see that?"
"Oh God I didn't get that until yeah Jesus yeah he's the hangman."
"Mountains are the places of divine epiphany."
"I had an epiphany. I sat up in bed thinking about all of it and I realized that the power of the ice sculpture isn't forgetting that it's even there, right? Take a moment."
"This literally just changed my life."
"It was like an explosion going off in your mind."
"A new understanding of old things. It's like something you've read before and then the light comes on, and you go oh, wow. I get it."
"All he said was, 'Well, Elder Archuleta, this could probably be the most important day of your life.'"
"I feel like I've had my mind just blown."
"You might get some big intuitive hunches and some psychic downloads now. Aha light bulb moments!"
"I had my epiphany while I was asleep."
"I just did a video, you know, where I drove from Florida to here, yeah, and I had an epiphany."
"...you know when you find someone... you're having an epiphany."
"You know what? If I sit here and wait long enough, eventually we'll have an epiphany and we'll have an idea of what to do."
"Where's the next step? Where's that aha moment? You know, where is the realization of that one thing?"
"I had just won the emotional secret to the universe."
"Epiphanies can happen, but you gotta give them room to happen. And it's okay that they happen. Seasons change, right? Seasons change. They're meant to change."
"It was one of those epiphanies, you can make things that are wonderful."
"It's very difficult, but then I started to experiment a little bit finally, and it sounds cliche but it was almost like a light bulb went off in my head and I was like I want to try all of this stuff."
"I found myself crying in the Pacific Ocean, a very snotty cry, and the universe was like, 'Don't do this anymore, this is not for you.'"
"For some of you, you're about to have a big Epiphany or a big moment of realization about what career you should be going towards."
"Epiphany: a sudden insight into the essential meaning of something usually initiated by a simple occurrence or commonplace event."
"Come to that, there had never been anyone with him who understood that it was a glorious sight until tonight."
"...when one experiences that I mean that's like Epiphany that self-realization that's Enlightenment that's whatever word you want to give it it's that real is that true memory of what we truly are."
"...a blinding epiphany of meaning...things suddenly make sense."
"Merton was a mystic and had several epiphanies one of the most famous is on the corner of 4th and walnut which I just visited."
"The epiphany phase needs to end. Yeah, the reality needs to set in if you want to have a serious relationship."