
Structural Change Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Crises can be engineered to facilitate the redistribution of economic ownership and to implement legal, structural, and political change."
"This full moon in Capricorn wants a major resolution point or a major structural rebalancing on what we actually can restructure, what we actually have the power to reaffirm."
"This situation reminds us that these are structural problems that are going to call for structural interventions."
"You've got to make structural changes in the United States, otherwise what has been going on for 40 years will continue to go on."
"This marks a little bit of a structural revolution."
"We are demanding real lasting structural change."
"The labor market is at maximum employment, but there's a shortage of workers, which feels more structural than cyclical."
"We are going to fight structural racism through redistribution."
"The corporate form has to be changed to be a democratic one; currently, it favors shareholders."
"I think defunding the police or demilitarizing the police needs the structure of how policing exists in America itself needs to be restructured."
"We need structural reorganization in the United States big time."
"If we can't address them structurally, we're going to fall behind. We need to stop making excuses and get to work."
"Your vision is strong and clear for the future."
"There's real structural change that we are seeing because of what I would describe as two mega trends: hybrid work and the great reshuffle."
"We've got to stop being episodic event planners and become activists who change structures and build permanent institutions."
"This is a huge structural power change in the club."
"Omega Omega is facing a structural shift in market demand."
"Coming out of this pandemic, we are going to see some real structural change across industries."
"We must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently."
"Because we can make all three of these changes, and if we do so, we can dramatically reduce how often we have a crisis and how severe those crises are."
"Significant change is set to happen in the structure."
"We have to do more than just build back better, but bill back. We have to build back better."
"It's not that people have lost their minds, it's that social media has created structural stupidity."
"These people are fascists who want to fundamentally structurally change the country from what we are and have been."
"The solutions that Golden proposes are consistently ones that remove structural barriers for women instead of putting up policy barriers for men."
"We need to fight against the structural drivers of a rise of this discontent."
"We're talking about actual structural changes here, not another band-aid on a gushing wound."
"You feel reinvigorated recently... about a long-standing structure."
"Acknowledging these issues is the first step toward dismantling the structure perpetuating injustice."
"You're not depending on a government bailout for that. It's structural, which really makes a big difference."
"Every voice that we get onto city council is a step towards being able to make substantial structural changes."
"Nobody wants a one and done revamp of the old world I think people want a foundational structure to build the future of Warcraft on."
"Mythopoesis is defined primarily by its structural evolution, not by its origins."
"The ultimate goal is the deconstruction of the structure of white supremacy."
"Sometimes that tower has to come down to be rebuilt."
"I think it's more structural. I think it's a change in Dynamics and I think it's something that's going to continue to play out over the next 12 months." - Analyst on market trends.
"Kevin McCarthy is committed to making big changes. When you change structure, you change behavior."
"The only way to dissolve Otter Creek... everything is the same except there's no Town Council anymore."
"If this is not an incentive for us to get out and vote and work to change the structure, then what is?"
"Reparations is changing, switching up the hierarchy. It's perturbing our positionality. It's not just about a check; it's totally rearranging and upending and transforming America. That's what it is."
"The real trend is going to be to dismantle these massive governments."
"We're trying to accomplish a fundamental structural change in correspondent banking."
"Super happy with this decision to change the structure. Now we've got all the weight coming down on the two by six."
"We could change this country's trajectory with structural changes in debt, GDP growth, and Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security."
"The big structural factors that supported its economy for decades, have changed, have disappeared, with decline in Germany will come decline in Europe."
"This is really going to be a nice structural improvement to the guitar."
"Socialists promote structural change first and foremost and are against punitive justice as a way to solve structural issues."
"Deepening means changing and developing the policies as well as the structure of the European Union."
"The coronavirus pandemic... only spurred and accelerated the structural changes, the conditions for which had been created long ago."
"Identify the structures that stand in the way of human flourishing and then find ways to transform them to liberate whoever is oppressed."
"The big argument here is the embeddedness; once it becomes structural, it changes the rules of the game in ways that we can't possibly anticipate."
"We don't need financial literacy to help black people do better inside of institutions which have targeted, exploited, and redlined us since almost their very beginning; we actually need structural change."
"We need to act on it to require new structures that make banks fundamentally more sound."
"The best way to do that is a lot of real structural changes in America."
"We've got to change with that energy or we end up in towers and things like that."
"We need a voice, we need that structural change."