
Pranks Quotes

There are 298 quotes

"Many questioned whether the girlfriend had given genuine consent to participate in the prank and raised concerns about the lack of consideration for emotional well-being."
"It's like a prank video thing but it's sort of a conspiracy."
"In this video, I find hundreds of ways to destroy my friend's Minecraft worlds, and doing it all while they have no idea I'm on the world."
"I think your mutant snow golem must have tried to prank you again."
"Calling on inspiration from reality television like Jackass, the inception of pranks on the internet would begin with a few integral creators."
"The harmless fun of these pranks propelled these channels to the forefront of internet virality."
"Well, this is a shitty prank I can't get out of it."
"Pranks are a massive part of an Asian wedding."
"I'm pranking you, I'm so confused right now."
"What's better than pulling a prank on your friend? It's so good."
"Andrew Lincoln and Norman Reedus have an ongoing prank war."
"Last time I pranked someone they died, they actually died"
"Making political pranks into a crime is not just crazy, it is a threat to free speech."
"They put the stapler in jello. Funniest thing I've ever seen."
"Hey dude, someone do that April Fool's Day prank and okay cool, so that's something I have a terrible thing I got planned."
"I'm actually gonna check on him. I know we're meant to be doing this prank thing but she's a mischievous and imaginative child."
"Gotcha! Is it being mean, or is it a prank? We'll see."
"It's time for the ultimate slime dump prank."
"This is a classic prank that everyone should know."
"Welcome back to Rebecca Maddie challenges. Today we're going to be showing you five ways to prank Matt or any of your friends."
"Yo, this was kind of sick, but I'm gonna turn your car into pink."
"You've fallen for one of my classic pranks. Bazinga!"
"In 1973, Elton John reportedly pranked the band by storming the stage in a gorilla costume."
"If you're gonna be attempting a prank for a YouTube video, you need to make sure that it's one that does not involve any weapons whatsoever."
"Our job is to understand you are being pranked."
"Pranks can be very constructive just ask those tick-tock kids who sabotaged Trump's rally. Oh, internet pranks are very productive."
"This is like a movie or something, you know what I mean? It's like it's not even Halloween, so what kind of prank are they pulling?"
"He dressed up like some dumb decoration and just stood there still as a statue waiting for the pranksters to arrive."
"Gengar: Energetic, sentimental pranksters who love hot air balloon rides."
"I think prank channels have a very good place on YouTube. I think there are plenty of good prank channels out on the market today that are making unique and genuinely funny pranks."
"We got to set them up for real. Nico's going to fumble too hard."
"What I did was I kind of played a joke. I ended up getting remote control cars."
"With his global fame today being an indicator of how successful Banksy's pranks were."
"Be sure to watch till the end of the video to see some of my favorite ways that I have trolled my friends."
"I think it's totally okay to joke around, or prank your kids, just do it in a way that matches your child's developmental stage, otherwise you just come off like a bully."
"I always really loved everyone I worked with—always laughing and playing pranks on each other."
"Oh man that is a crazy prank I can't wait to see a video on this."
"Who wouldn't prank their dad if they had the opportunity?"
"You're right, the houses are pretty cool, honestly. But now that we've seen each other's houses, we might have to engage in a little bit of a prank war."
"That's really crazy. But you did it. Wait, you see everything? You just got pranked. His face!"
"I was crushed. My best friend of three years had catfished me because she simply wanted to play a joke."
"No more pranks, Boxxy, okay? Okay, okay, okay!"
"I just pranked Gooby with a bunch of these hoppies."
"I'm gonna make his doors invisible and I might actually put extra doors in his house so when he goes in he just keeps on opening doors."
"Pooping in the bed is funny no matter who you are, practical joke incoming."
"Even if it was a prank or troll, that's genuinely belly laughter material, bro."
"It's crazy, wow. But yeah, so they thought, 'let's change the link to Rickroll.'"
"Pranking someone by pretending to be the biggest, most realistic threat that person could face? Bad idea."
"I'm going to have to make him the best lunch all in blue food, but I'm going to prank him a little bit."
"It's like if you took the Jimmy Kimmel thing where you tell a child you ate all of the Halloween candy."
"Always be on the lookout for dinos and pranks, especially if you suggested them."
"If you're going to do a prank, just don't harass other people. Keep it to yourself or do a positive prank."
"Dump this idiot! Let his friends talk him into pranking someone he supposedly loves."
"Should we prank her? Yes, we definitely should."
"This is payback for all the times you have pranked me in real life."
"Why would you prank somebody? That's not funny."
"You got pranked by the master... I'm gonna get you back for that one."
"The entire finale is predicated on a Winston prank, which I still think about to this day. It was all Prank Sinatra."
"The dreadnought hoax... the crowning prank of his career."
"Starting in the early '90s, various fast food restaurants in the United States began to complain about prank calls to their stores in which a supposed police officer would accuse an employee of a crime."
"Literally haunt my brother with some of his biggest fears."
"I just don't think that these pranking relationships are very healthy."
"The best prank is one that wouldn't be believed by anybody except the subject."
"Hope's Peak Academy has been destroyed? It's probably just another one of Monokuma's pranks."
"These ingredients...come together to make a really good prank."
"I'm gonna go prank Cody and we'll see you later."
"Remember that even though in the moment you might think that your pranks and jokes are totally harmless, you never know how they might affect someone when that someone feels that they are genuinely in serious danger."
"Maybe mom was pulling a long con on me to see how confused I could get before she'd give up and tell me it was a prank."
"Pranks show how much we love one another because if we can get through these pranks without divorce then we're meant to be."
"I mean, he's been pranking us a lot and it's time to show for ron and the whole world who the real prank masters are in the room."
"Law of attraction is real. So if I say 'divorce,' I ain't want to do like divorce pranks and stuff like that."
"Pranks are satisfying and plentiful but after some time you must become more and more creative to get away with it."
"I'm gonna start a TikTok channel just pranking people with this penny card."
"Nobody made scary stories, no pulled any scary pranks."
"Silent Cal liked to pull pranks such as buzzing for his bodyguards and then hiding under his desk when they showed up."
"You don't even need to get mental health crap to know that pranking someone with a fake suicide is the most a-hole move someone could ever do."
"Many social media personalities gain huge followings by playing mischievious pranks on other people."
"You can't let yourself get lost in that, where you're going to start doing things like these pranks or maybe starting to scale and cross the line of what your own morality is for yourself."
"Confuse your targets. That's a good one. One of my best friends drove two towns over to my house and ding-dong-ditched me."
"It's not about the prank itself, it's about the reactions of the people, which are always priceless!"
"What is the greatest prank you ever witnessed or even better performed?"
"But people started pranking me, so every year my birthday, it's the worst day of the year."
"The prank worked in the beginning."
"Since we both pranked each other, all good."
"My sister's been baking something every morning, and since no one trusts me, I decided to get her in on this prank."
"A true prankster always goes the extra mile."
"I don't even remember the last actual prank I pulled on Sod so it is time for Team Jules to come in and take a w."
"Thank you Rebecca for telling me to pull a prank because this is going to be so fun."
"...he loves what he does, he loves these pranks, he loves playing around with the Man of Steel."
"It's something to do the prank; it's another thing to film the prank and show the prank to the whole world."
"Team JP had the best pranks of the year, no doubt about it."
"The beauty of a prank is that the other person isn't in on it."
"There is this sense that Tanner will keep playing pranks until he is forced to stop."
"You gotta have one woman call another woman [ __ ] just to sell the fact of the broma."
"Tricking someone into thinking that their child died is a level of cruelty and evil that makes it not a prank anymore."
"Jess has pulled way worse pranks than egging a car."
"Cayley loved to pull pranks. Okay so she's an expert prankster. There she goes. She has the requisite twinkle of mischief"
"I almost forgot I completed all of the pranks."
"People don't take nearly advantage of the pranks you can play on loved ones with your will because you're not there for them to ask questions leave practical jokes in it."
"This is our favorite thing to do, the pranks are back out."
"They all passed with flying colors and never pranked my office again, it was glorious."
"Your plan: Ding dong ditch them, leave a phone ringing at their doorstep with her name on the Caller ID, and destroy any element of surprise she had. Smart."
"Vengeance is one of the best fuels for motivation and this was the case here because I ended up with an entire list of pranks I could pull off when I had the chance."
"If the prank you were to be playing on yourself would be to make yourself live a healthier lifestyle."
"It used to be a joke for us, like pretending like you would sabotage someone by like secretly recording them being like 'you're on live right now with a million viewers.'"
"As long as I help the little guys and prank the bad guys, I'm nice."
"He just wants to trip the man or maybe drop a bucket of water on him or something."
"The best pranks are the super harmless ones, like leaving tiny plastic camels all over the house."
"What is the worst present you've ever left in a changing room for another team to deal with?"
"Prank channels are sick. Pranking is sick."
"Have you ever just, like, what was, like, the worst prank you ever pulled on somebody?"
"It seemed like a good, low stakes, no one gets hurt kind of prank."
"Pranks are fun, aren't they children?"
"John was known for harmless pranks that made people smile."
"It’s Halloween, time for treats…and tricks. But some tricks go too far. So gather around the fire for these terrifying tales of the times that Halloween pranks went horribly wrong."
"I think public pranks suck it is the lamest content that you can make like you're a loser if you make public pranks or like fake pranks or pranks on anyone that isn't happy to be pranked by you so that's my opinion on pranks"
"Okay, best prank you've ever pulled on someone give me ideas for next year's prank day."
"We should do it and not tell Sass it's starting, and you just leave your computer open in his room. Yes, I would love to see him wake up and be panicked."
"This is the golden age of pranks."
"One of the reasons why he was so completely accepted: the pranks included pillow fights and using hypodermic syringes for water pistols."
"What's the good of playing those kind of tricks on someone if it doesn't bother them?"
"Both girls that have been arrested will face felony terroristic threats and could face up 3 years behind bars for what they rationalized as a prank."
"Cupcaking: the act of ceasing a pungent fart in the palm of your hand then presenting it to the nearest person's face and opening your hand so that the part is released directly on target."
"This whole prank thing may have backfired on me."
"It always feels like ding dong ditching someone to me."
"This is always my favorite day because you know what these four ladies have been walking around because I'm the jokester yes I know they scared because they think that I'm going to play a prank."
"I felt bad 'cause I've been pranking you guys a lot."
"Yo, I think this prank is going way too far."
"We're also going to play a few pranks on him."
"Honestly like a fair game because I feel like you all have the capacity to pull off some crazy prank."
"No pranks, no glory. Let's prank this camp back to the prank ages."
"I'm gonna put gold on these binoculars and tell her there's a cute guy outside."
"Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year; you do tons of mean pranks on each other all day long."
"If we ain't pranking me today, alright, let me know."
"Pranks are 10 out of 10, how people react."
"Nothing's gonna happen tonight, as the prank that keeps on giving."
"If you're bored on Valentine's Day just go up to random couples in restaurants and yell who the hell is she."
"Be careful with those, they are not a prank for everyone."
"I troll my friends with invisible creepers mod."
"Replace all of the like buttons windex with olive oil."
"That's a good prank, I love that."
"That's one of the greatest pranks ever."
"Never again will I fall for another prank on April Fool's Day."
"It's in general, but, you know, all pranks should be harmless. So, I thought they were really funny and in good fun. 100%."
"I love that, I love a good prank."
"Senior Day pranks, a time-honored tradition."
"Ian always enjoyed a good prank either pranking or being pranked; he loves to laugh."
"April Fools! It's a day where people make each other laugh by playing silly jokes."
"I'm the king of prank phone calls."
"If you like the video, drop a like for my mom because I put her through too much stress in these pranks."
"You have a buzzer that's... you have an acid flower, you have a shocking buzzer, you have a gun with a little bang flag."
"A prank is supposed to be a joke where you guys can both laugh at it."
"Please let me know if I ever make you upset or uncomfortable with my dumb pranks or when I break the laws of physics."
"Pranks are only funny if the recipient finds them funny, and I definitely didn’t."
"Pranks are great, especially when they're pulled off in such a great way."
"Pranks are only fun if both parties laugh."
"I've put a lot of thought into each of these 12 pranks, so I hope you enjoy watching them as much as I enjoyed pulling them."
"That's so much better, now we're officially ready for the 12 pranks of Christmas."
"Once I started to do pranks, they were fun. It's another thing that you can do with your family, just have fun with it."
"What was the funniest prank that you saw?"
"Childhood is a time for pranks, especially if you're from The Addams Family."
"We've decided to call a truce in this house. We will no longer be pranking anyone in this house anymore."
"I've had a few pranks pulled on me that we believe Josh does to basically congratulate my boyfriend on being with the woman that he waited for."
"Prankster, chortles, jokes, and more."
"I love harmless pranks, and this is one of them."
"The best thing about pranks is in the end, we all love, we all laugh."
"We've got some hidden camera pranks on celebrities who don't know we're working with them."
"I don't mind being pranked when it's an excellent prank that doesn't hurt my feelings."
"I think mooning's the perfect prank; it's like the right amount of 'gotcha' but it's still a little wholesome."
"This one has a new twist on a classic prank that's perfect for Halloween."
"It seems like a practical joke kind of a thing."
"I'm never this excited for a prank."
"I'm so good at organizing pranks."
"April Fool's is only until noon. After that, you're just being a jerk."
"It was light-hearted pranks like these that made Wilbur loved among the other players."
"We all learned a valuable lesson today: if you start pranking each other, you might get your butts bitten."
"I do love a good joke, and this is the best ever: a joke on the children."
"Never prank your girlfriend's pregnant on camera because she doesn't find it funny, not worth it."
"He's going to make a lot of funny phone calls to the station."
"It's better, I feel, to prank the public than to hurt the people closest to you in your life."
"You know one of these days your pranks are going to come back to bite you."
"I spend the whole day with tears in my eyes from laughing so much at all the funny pranks and jokes."
"I love scaring people with the train horns."
"Some will think it was my sister playing an elaborate joke, but this was three years after the board, and she's not a prankster."
"You must forgive Ethel's crazy sense of humor. Some days she gets the urge to play practical jokes, and when she does, there's no stopping her."
"I think pranks are funny as [__], dude. I don't care, just don't do these in Folsom anymore."
"Look who fell asleep first, prank them, John, you already know."
"The rumors are true, for you see, the house is full to the brim with the Ghost Tricks who eagerly lie in wait for visitors who they can prank and scare."
"Dylan was known as a trickster because he frequently pulled pranks on his four best friends."
"I have the most amazing husband in the world, and that's why I'm gonna prank him."
"If you can make money making prank phone calls, that's the American dream."
"The earliest recorded association between April 1st pranks and foolishness can be found in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales."
"Remember, this is a fun prank, it's super fun, and there's nothing harmful to this at all."
"My day is incomplete if I can't at least prank someone with my voice."
"I actually really don't like April Fool's; I've never liked it, I've never understood the amusement in tricking people."
"The root of pranks is evil... you're finding humor and joy from tricking or scaring or hurting another human being."
"I'm sweating because I was nervous doing this prank."
"Pranks should be funny for everyone; if you are the only one laughing, then you're doing it wrong."
"He was always into doing practical jokes on his family and friends."
"I'm just trying to do funny little pranks."