
Democratic Party Quotes

There are 318 quotes

"The only way that Democrats are going to get out the base... is because whoever is running is talking about these issues that you and I have been talking about."
"If you want to support a party that believes in climate change, I think that it's probably more important to support the Democratic Party."
"Governor Cuomo has become a national leader for a lot of people and Andrew Cuomo has become the leader of the Democratic party."
"Democrats are the only party right now that's trying, that has a positive message."
"The Democratic Party is kind of turning on itself."
"Tonight, Democrats have overperformed pretty spectacularly."
"The Democratic Party is the world's last best hope against fascism."
"If you want to actually pressure the Democratic Party to do the right thing, you're going to need to organize."
"It doesn't really make sense for the Democratic Party to constantly vilify 50% of the electorate."
"Bernie is winning right now because the Democratic Party is a Progressive Party and progressive ideas are popular ideas."
"It was electric in that room... it was a rockstar night for the Democrats and for President Biden."
"We all objectively have to realize that this 'vote blue no matter who' strategy is giving Democrats permission to [expletive] you over."
"The Democratic Party needs to beat Donald Trump and have a sweeping victory across the country."
"How long is it gonna be until... well can a Jew run as a Democratic party?"
"The Democrats are intentionally destroying America."
"I just really don't like the way uh black people are just like forced to vote Democrat."
"The beating heart of the Democratic Party is cultural liberalism."
"Democrats are losing because they are disconnected from the everyday reality of most Americans."
"This is a galvanizing moment for Democrats in Tennessee and across the country."
"The Democratic Party is in fact the party of slavery and segregation."
"The Democratic Party is, without dispute in this country's history, the party that promoted slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, racial terrorism, the Ku Klux Klan."
"The Democratic party doesn't care at all, they say follow the science."
"The Democratic party should stand for more than the amelioration of stress... It should stand for ending the injustice."
"If the Democratic Party ends up using that nicer strategy, they will not have a leg to stand on. Voters are already distrustful of the process."
"The Democratic agenda truly is radical and most people understand that."
"My confidence is when you get to the legislative political side Democrats are in enough important positions."
"Please vote, especially if you're a Democrat because Democrats tend to not show up for midterms."
"A motivated young multi-racial multi-class base is exactly what the Democratic Party needs."
"The issue we're dealing with is will the democratic party... have the courage to address the crises facing the american people?"
"The Democratic party is a center-conservative party and Joe Biden would be an extreme radical right-winger in any other country in Europe."
"The fact that there is even a one percent chance of Dems holding the house this far in after all the [ __ ] we've seen that's a goddamn miracle."
"Black women should not be excluded; our Democratic party has really benefited from the work and the Blood Sweat and Tears of black women."
"The fact that on this issue that has been really central to the democratic message and ideology that they have so clearly failed to meet the moment."
"For every Democrat to basically say we're not speaking to a pro-Israel group because it would signal to our base that we like Israel is pretty astonishing."
"How could we go four years with the Democrats screaming about interference and election security and now be like 'no, no, stop looking'?"
"Hillary Clinton is the best candidate they have."
"As Democrats, we need to embrace law and order in a compassionate, empathetic way."
"Democrats, you best be building your Ark now."
"Rhetoric has its own internal logic. Democrats are doing it right now."
"Bernie Sanders is on a trajectory to be the Democratic nominee."
"The answer isn't to move to the center. Democrats need to make good on promises."
"Democratic party politics is now completely disconnected from the American population."
"The reality is that if Democrats want to keep saying this they can say it as much as they want it ain't true."
"What I want from the Democratic Party is to be full-throated and proud of diplomatic solutions to problems."
"The Democratic establishment decided...like a ton of bricks on Bernie Sanders."
"It's a really easy choice for me if I were Georgian to vote for the two Democratic senators."
"The Democratic Party is an absolute frigging train wreck on race."
"Democrats have gone nuts on two issues: abortion and January 6th."
"Democrats are going to have to figure out how to do better with rural voters."
"Democrats are willing to do anything and to hurt anyone to get their way."
"Democrats are working hard to keep the promises we made."
"The Democratic budget Resolution is transformational."
"Democratic Party leaders and voters decided Joe Biden was more likely to achieve their ultimate goal."
"I am the Democratic Party right now." - Vice President Biden
"The Democratic party has got to reclaim what it once was - the party of the working class."
"Do you really think that the Democrats are gonna be able to nominate their own Jeremy Corbyn?"
"It'd be a very good thing for the country if the Democratic Party would move somewhere closer to the semblance of sanity."
"Parents are fed up and they're not gonna sit down and shut up."
"To say that Bernie should compromise or that Democrats should be weaker is absurd to me."
"The reality is the only reason we have Donald Trump as our president...is because of the unadulterated failure and corruption in the Democratic Party."
"Let's get back to being Democrats, and that's why Bernie starts off by saying, 'It sounds like you're ready for a revolution.'"
"Talking about health care won the Democrats victories in 2018."
"Maybe instead of running less shitty, the Democrats run awesome."
"The attempt to turn the Supreme Court into just another avenue of power has been the legacy of the Democratic Party."
"This is the Democrats tearing each other apart."
"The move to the left from the Democratic Party is long overdue and it can't wait any longer."
"Democrats have to dance with the one who brung him."
"The goal is to realign the Democratic Party around a multiracial working class."
"Showing up and taking care of people, that's why I'm a Democrat. I think that's what the Democratic Party is doing and that's why we need to elect Democrats, especially this cycle."
"This has been a disaster for the Democrats." - President Trump
"So, again, Donald Trump made possible because of the corruption in the Democratic Party."
"That's why we hate these corporate democrats because they never fight for us."
"Bernie had always said that he would support the Democratic nominee."
"The Biden team has been reviewing ongoing experiments run by the national party and looking at Democratic Senate campaigns involving once obscure organizing strategies."
"Bernie Sanders is on track to lead the Democrats to a resounding defeat."
"Tulsi Gabbard should have been there. She's actually a Democrat, that's a little more of an old-school Blue Dog Democrat."
"The Democrats are the party of ideas, solutions, and results."
"Democrats really outperforming in these special election you know offe elections that we've seen um this year and before."
"The Democrats, um, they did exactly what they said that they were going to do here. Okay. So you have to understand that they actually did come through for the categories of people who we've been talking about for the past several months."
"He must go. He is a clear and present danger to the nation that we all love." - Democrats united.
"Imagine if a Democrat had the balls to say this and actually follow through on it."
"The Democrats have put forward some new modest reforms."
"The only reason we have Donald Trump as our president and these horrendous Republicans is because of the unadulterated failure and corruption in the Democratic Party."
"Democrats are clearly the party of anti-racism."
"Democrats aren't doing enough to constantly keep engaged Democrats."
"Phillips bold remarks underscore the pressing need for change within the Democratic party ahead of the 2024 elections."
"We're coming after you, the corporate Democrats, the establishment Democrats, the Democrats who lost their way."
"Democrats brought out record number of voters."
"The Democrats are furious because they did not live up to expectation... it was supposed to be a blue wave."
"Democrats on the other hand leading up to a general election, do you hear them make a big national push?"
"This is why hardcore Democrats black Democrats voted for Trump."
"The only path forward for the Democratic party."
"This demonstrates that political expression is an issue that divides the Democratic coalition between centrist Democrats and their left flank."
"Even far leftists, they're taking charge man. A lot of the younger far leftists are challenging establishment older democrats."
"It's a dire sign for the Democrats, but ain't nothing gonna happen unless you go out and vote."
"Democrats have the opportunity to be the party that's about fixing a thing which the vast majority of Americans want fixed."
"This is about a radical hijacking of the Democratic Party."
"The Democratic party has adopted arguably the most cynical approach to politics that you could possibly adopt."
"One of the struggles that you are gonna be seeing in the Democratic Party is whether we go beyond identity politics."
"Here's the thing it ain't gonna work it ain't gonna work because Democrats are going to lose."
"He is the essence of everything that we fight against as progressives and ostensibly as Democrats."
"The Democratic Party has become increasingly desperate to hold their party together."
"My job is to win elections for the Democrats, and I take that seriously because the moral imperative is keeping the gavel out of the hands of Kevin McCarthy."
"Newsom, who's facing a recall vote on September 14th, told the editorial board of the Sacramento Bee that his fellow Democrats have been far too complacent about the risk that he faces and how damaging his loss would be to the national party."
"What's happening now is the democratic party becomes more authoritarian and it enforces more edict across the country."
"For me right now being a democrat is like being in an abusive relationship."
"Why aren’t the Democrats, who are so obviously correct, winning by a huge margin?"
"The Democratic party is under the complete control of an elite cabal of warmongers."
"We're not going to want to do it, what can the Democrats do now to prevent what they don't want to happen from happening?"
"Deep frustration that President Joe Biden, Democrats have failed to deliver on their early promises."
"It just means that African American voters feel the existential threat more than other subsections of the Democratic Party."
"If you truly want to support things like a more robust economy that supports workers at the bottom, healthcare that works for everybody, and relatively less hawkish foreign policy, support the Democratic Party."
"The Democratic party needs to tap into this energy, this hatred for Donald Trump."
"Democrats are more likely to deliver on the issues that are important to our community."
"The Democrats have no intention of pulling you all the way up... they've got to have it where you are subordinate to them."
"There's signs of hope even in this room full of proud Manhattan Democrats."
"The Democratic party is our party. The problem is that we haven't called on them with the specific black agenda and demanded of them what they owe us."
"I will not be leaving the Democratic Party I will not be running as an independent or a third party candidate."
"This next year is gonna get absolutely crazy. It's a midterm election season, and the Democrats shouldn't panic. They should go into shock."
"I thought that uh it was a mistake for the Democratic party to try to run a two leftwing candidate."
"I think whatever way we look at the election it's pretty clear that the Democrats Nancy Pelosi being the leader in the house there they're going to hold on to the house so it is a serious threat it is a serious threat."
"The truth is that Democrats invented gerrymandering."
"Your new Democratic Party is, in fact, the AOC Democratic Party." - Ben Shapiro
"The past, the black community has been promised everything from the Democrats and they've got nothing."
"Democrats gave a master class in self-destruction."
"Ninety thousand wanted to send a message to the Democratic Party: 'You forgot us a long time ago.'"
"We've got to continue to have strong messaging, very, very, very strong messaging from Democrats."
"The evidence is mounting that with just under three months left until the midterms, the political environment is shifting in favor of the Democrats."
"You can't be less open for critical evaluations than the Democratic party. The door is slammed shut, ain't none of that."
"If someone said to me does RFK Jr have a chance I would have to say in the Democratic party nobody has a chance that door is slammed."
"We need to communicate the idea that the Democratic Party, including the Justice Democrats, are not your friends. They're not your allies. They're the allies of the establishment and their own careers."
"Louisiana is a state of four million people... if the DNC can't invest in Louisiana and flip Louisiana, fold the tent up and close the whole thing up."
"Breaking up with the democratic party feels like the right thing to do because I believe I can have a greater impact this way." - Andrew Yang
"Democrats are in serious trouble... because they're completely disconnected from the top priorities of Americans."
"I do think Democrats have put their best possible candidate in the race."
"Former President Obama said the other day... Democrats have accomplished more than they're getting across."
"Michelle Obama has always been a very popular figure in Democratic circles."
"The momentum is clearly on the Democratic Party side."
"We gotta flip Florida blue in 2020 and beyond."
"The Democrats outperformed significantly and may be on track for victory."
"Overall, Democrats cannot continue to promise a bunch of things that they have no intention on ever delivering."
"It's a very bad sign ultimately for where Democrats stand across the country."
"Nancy Pelosi has just lost her gavel and with great confidence in our caucus I will not seek reelection through Democratic Leadership in the next Congress."
"Ultimately, it will benefit the democratic party in the long run."
"President Biden is facing a disaster with young voters, increasing fears among Democrats that they are in danger of losing a generation if he doesn't improve his standing with Generation Zed."
"She’s the answer to almost every question I hear Democrats asking."
"It's time for your fox news commentary what's on your mind senator bernie sanders acted in the best interest of the democratic party and the nation when he dropped out of the race for the Democratic presidential" - Fox News host
"The reason I'm a democrat is I believe it is the party that is fighting for the workers."
"That's why I am proudly a Democrat... because Democrats are truly the party of workers."
"We want universal healthcare... That's what a lot of people just, you know, I feel like a lot of the Democratic Party's messaging has been centered around."
"The Democratic party likely has more support among their base because they're fighters."
"We Democrats need to make public safety a central issue."
"The average American's life gets meaningfully better under Democrats reliably."
"The Democratic Party needs to embrace unions and workers."
"So part of the biggest problem for Democrats and here's where I think it's going to help and here's where I think they need to be aggressive on it is that you may have noticed that Joe Biden is not doing great with people age 29 and younger right?"
"We have to insist that the Democratic Party begin to reclaim its historic mission."
"After Bernie absolutely kicked everyone else's ass in Nevada, most of the other candidates in the Democratic primary dropped out."
"The Democratic Party moved to the right even further right when the DNC decided to start taking corporate lobbyist money. So they got even more corrupt."
"The last two years of activated noggins jogging and outright hysteria from the Democratic side has all been for naught."
"You gotta give Bernie Sanders a lot of credit. He has a progressive base and there's a big part of this party."
"This is suicide for the Democratic Party to try to go into a midterm election not in danger of not delivering on stuff that people went out and voted for."
"Will the corporate Democrats even allow a challenge to Biden?"
"I cannot stand the Democrat party and what they've become."
"Democrats are supremely off-putting to men, and this is why you're seeing the polls close the gender gap."
"Republicans are responding because Democrats are terrible at everything."
"Anytime people are like spending money on something and then not getting the service or the product that they're expecting it's worth talking about."
"I really do think for me like are you going to be a strong leader who can stand up you know who can stand up on the Democrat side better than anyone else is tulsi gabbard."
"Joe Biden is the leader of the Democratic Party. It's on him to corral the narrowest of congressional majorities."
"Do I think that the Democrats have a better chance of winning if he's the nominee? I do."
"Joe Biden and I with the help of the Democratic Congress rescued the auto industry."
"Our health is our wealth. Let's talk about what we would do, Democrats, if we got the power back."
"As of next year, all four of those campaign committees will be led by Democratic women, for the first time in history in either party, all the campaign committees will be female-led."
"Democrats in two years have won back nearly half the seats they lost over President Obama’s time in office."
"Bernie Sanders is closing the gap in early States and remains the most favorable candidate running for the Democratic Party nomination."
"Running for office is a real eye-opener. I got a front-row seat to watch well-funded Democrat incumbents sit on their asses and refuse to help dem challengers."
"The only reason we have Donald Trump as our president is because of the unadulterated failure and corruption in the Democratic Party."
"I really wish people would stop and just think about why the democratic party lost."
"We Democrats want to do more on climate, we must."
"You can see in the response to that extraordinary impassioned speech just how hungry as you rightly stated voters are, Democrats are, disaffected Dems in particular."
"This is a strategic retreat by the Democrats."
"At the end of the day, look, okay, I get it, Joe Biden and the Democrats, they're politically inept, you know, great."
"Tulsi Gabbard is quickly becoming a top candidate for Democrats."
"Top Democrats and donors have reached out to possible replacements for Joe Biden."
"If your priority is in not making enemies out of Nancy Pelosi and other powerful people, you will betray."
"We do this by running primary challenges against out-of-touch Democratic incumbents and organizing to hold the party accountable to our issues."
"The reason Bill Clinton was so powerful or influential in the Democratic party along with Hillary for so long is that he saved Democrats because that was could have been 16 years."
"The Democrats are being far too timid... it is an arrow in the quiver of politics."
"There is this compassionate pro-democracy Community out here of people who want to solve problems."
"Democrats are the only major political party engaged in that adult intelligent exercise."
"I think the Bernie campaign, one of its legacies will be, is that it has emboldened the base of the Democratic Party at the voter level." - David Sirota
"Democrats are setting themselves up for a disaster if they continue down this status quo politics and don't actually fight for real people's needs."
"Democrats need to wake up to political reality and focus on inflation and economic anxiety."
"When you can just put the issues in front of people... overwhelmingly the policies and platforms supported by the Democratic party appeal to 65-70 percent of Americans."
"This is a day where the Never Covers in the Democratic party joined Hands in Harmony and ousted Kevin McCarthy as a house Speaker, the first house speaker in history to lose a no-confidence vote and end up losing their position as house Speaker."
"I love looking at a historic [__] up that is like absolutely blowing up the Republican party and saying wow they really should have done the force to vote on the Democratic party."
"No Democrat has hit over 400 electoral votes since LBJ."
"It's time for the democratic party to knuckle up and that's exactly what needs to happen."
"The Democratic Party will be dominating in future elections if current political party policies stand."
"These are issues that are unifying issues, particularly for young people, and young people when they come out and vote they vote overwhelmingly Democratic."