
Outdoors Quotes

There are 3205 quotes

"Get some fresh air and some sunshine every day...there are amazing health and mental benefits to the outdoors."
"For the first time in exactly 29 years, the Vikings play an outdoor home game."
"It's just nice to get outside even during like a quarantine. Sunshine, fresh air, it's all very good."
"Nothing states or yells at people, 'I love the outdoors,' like a fish mailbox."
"If given the chance to do it again, I would. That's the spirit of a true outdoorsman."
"It's a beautiful day out; there's a part of me that's like, maybe I just go outside, go for a walk, get some sun, you know."
"There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing."
"The best gift you can give anybody who's an outdoorsman is a personal locator beacon."
"Walking in the park... a lot of active outdoorsy stuff I'm growing plants on my roof."
"I took my son for a bike ride on a tandem with a trailer with surfboards behind it, bicycling down to San Diego."
"Hopefully the animals will be coming out and joining the sunshine."
"She derived particular pleasure from the huge grounds."
"Aaron ended up spending the night at the sixth by the fire fitfully attempting to sleep in his Tarpon blankets and generally failing to do so which made him even more irritated as the night went on."
"Honestly, I like being outside. That was nice."
"If you spend time outside, you'll be healthier and happier. But research released this year provided an actual amount of time you want to hit to get the benefits: 120 minutes per week outside!"
"This short clip we're taken to a large tree somewhere in Mexico where we hear a loud wailing sound."
"It's just refreshing to see lads their age channeling that energy into the great outdoors."
"Being outdoors even though if I'm doing something straining like hiking, running, fishing hard, it still puts me at peace."
"I just feel so happy these days, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, people were going by on bicycles with their little bells bing bing bing..."
"I love the way they hit the fire steel right there to light the fire. It's so great."
"He literally is an absolute National Treasure; he is the king of the outdoors."
"This is going to be a great all-around knife in the outdoors whether you're camping, taking it hunting, it's going to be great for hiking."
"What a nice day outside, a good day for some acupuncture."
"I've never met a person who said 'too outdoorsy.'"
"This has been just like the most unreal finale ever. It's been the most incredibly fun finale. Oh, don't do that, you'll put a hook in my hand. There she goes, oh, feisty little dude. That was fun."
"It was after hearing the noises that Hank suggested everybody take their rifles with them to the woods."
"It's basically a stripped-down form of fishing where you've got essentially a rod, a reel, and a weighted hook."
"It's just kind of cool having like this outside restaurant here."
"Stand out in the rain, we're gonna call it a day."
"Sometimes a well-packaged SUV is all you need for a great outdoors vehicle."
"This is something that I carry out in the woods more often."
"A bad day meteorite hunting beats a good day in the office."
"Feels good to finally get out here... the air is fresh and you can smell nature."
"It's a special thing to spend four to six months out on a trail."
"The trail has taught me to live a more simple life."
"Taking a risk and going without the rain flies."
"Start to move around, don't get frustrated, remember it's beautiful out, we're having a good day."
"This is something that could possibly one day save your life if you're stuck out here in the bush."
"Outdoorsy people seem to have unlimited energy."
"Another Saturday is upon us, the sky is blue, the sun is out, and we're about to go on the road."
"I'm actually not at the log yard all that often. I'm usually in the woods logging."
"One thing I haven't done yet is camping survival, it's a really fun thing we do."
"This is such a fun event. I actually had a blast doing this despite how hot it is. It was well worth it for you guys."
"The walk was really quite pleasant as long as you ignore the dents."
"Building a community focused on outdoor recreation."
"Let's hope the fishing and the rest of the day is better than getting up an hour before my alarm in the dark."
"Being out in the open on the back of a bike, and you'll start to notice just how palpable the sensory experience is."
"One of the most important survival skills you can have is the ability to create fire."
"He said, 'Don't mind me boys, just passing along,' then he briskly walked off and back into the woods."
"I really do value spending time with my family, going outside, connecting with friends."
"I could stay out for probably several weeks without any major issues. Wouldn't be fun but we could do it."
"We out here in the streets, we out here in the grass, we out here in the ocean."
"It feels like the park. Oh, it's a beautiful day. You can feel the energy from everybody."
"Part of the pleasure, part of the joy of the subject was the opportunity to be out in nature."
"We like to get out, get in the fresh air, it's kind of like having a cold shower but in a much more enjoyable way."
"There's nothing like getting out there in the streets, in the fields, out there to really energize who you are."
"Well, the first thing I look for is this wood line. You potentially get one, two bills."
"The outdoor boys do the most wholesome camping and outdoor content."
"I just love how Sig put their own twist on the 1911 design."
"If we're talking about grunts going out into the field or even just the more hardcore outdoorsman hunters."
"If I can walk into the woods I can walk out."
"I want to thank you for taking us out today was beautiful and really appreciate you taking the time to show us around this beautiful area of Vermont that you have."
"No matter what you're outside, you're enjoying nature. This is gorgeous."
"Accidental falls are the most common cause of death in the outdoors."
"You need to have the equipment for someone to find you rather than self-rescue."
"If you're an outdoors person, you will absolutely love it."
"Mountain climbing just takes a little bit of skill."
"You saw it here first, folks. The first time duct tape has ever stopped a tire leak. Ever. In the history of the world. Right here, right now, on this sandy trail."
"Finally made it out to the big bright sunny world."
"If I were solo camping, I would just lay my mat right out here."
"Seeing everybody out and enjoying like the sunshine and walking and cycling and just like getting back to the simple things in life made me actually really happy."
"Getting that vitamin D in, hell yeah, let's do some minute man stuff!"
"Let's go to work while there's still sunlight."
"It's a nice day outside, the weather is perfect."
"Monica is a huge fan of copper and when she saw us install the copper capped raised beds from Gardener Supply at my sister-in-law's house this spring she was like oh I love those."
"Being outside today was the best thing ever for me, honestly. There's something about being outside, being one with nature that brings you so much joy."
"Being out in the woods is never a waste of time."
"It's like a great feeling when you're used to just being a public land hunter."
"It's finally summer here in Nashville and when the weather is this nice I love to grill out in the backyard with my family."
"Happy young violet loved to put on her little wonder woman cape and hop on her little bicycle, racing through the sunshine."
"Don't buy too many plastic items for your outdoor space."
"You know, I actually wanna do some snaking, so I'm just going to go out here and do some snaking."
"That's what it's all about: saving time out here mowing."
"I just love it, I love camp, and I've always been an outdoorsy kind of person."
"The outdoors is so much fun that you can do so much with it if you know what you're doing and you know how to do it."
"I still carry because it still stays with me, and I am always scared I will be out in the middle of a backpacking trip and something like that will show up again."
"There's nothing like sitting around the campfire comfortably cooking food, drinking beer, and just hanging with your friends."
"Outside is genuinely like my only... number one solid."
"Get outside, exercise, fresh air, vitamin C, vitamin D. Talk to people in real life."
"So, guys, thanks for watching today's video. I know a lot of people are interested in an outdoor or rural or homestead-type lifestyle."
"I to the park and I'm the kite I catch and I'm the ball but you know I like it a lot, it feels good, it feels like you know I don't have a lot of connections."
"Another tip to help you survive is to basically if you find yourself in an open space like a open field or clearing don't run in a straight line."
"Always keep backup camera handy." Thank god these little blood suckers are getting thick.
"This particular one here is kind of the more rugged adventure-seeking model..."
"It's such a beautiful day out today. Perfect day to be here."
"As soon as you get outside, you can take these bloody masks off."
"We made it down after leaving a few 11's on the hill."
"Mother Nature, the great outdoors, a place of sheer majesty where waterfalls cascade with unimaginable power, trees tower across titanic forests..."
"Be brave, stay wild, we'll see you on the next Base Camp adventure."
"And the next time you're on the trail enjoying your InReach device, have fun out there."
"I'm feeling like weather has actually cleared up guys, beautiful but bloody hell is it hot."
"There's no such thing as bad weather, just improper clothing."
"He had a passion for the outdoors, loved camping and playing sports, and developed an appreciation for history and travel early on in life."
"We've been outdoors in the last few days, we've been fixing up the garden, we've been making amazing recipes from the garden."
"I think I'll go outside and be with her soon."
"I'm not particularly athletic, but I know it's good for me to get some fresh air and move around."
"I would just go bike somewhere from friend's house to a friend's house, go to the park."
"Spending time outdoors and connecting with nature is a great way to reduce your stress level."
"I love nature and being outside more than anything."
"It's a beautiful day out here at the rally ranch."
"I could hear loons, the beavers smacking their tails on the water, and crickets, all the outdoor sounds."
"I have over a 100 days in the backcountry this year in all kinds of climates."
"Camping has evolved far beyond the days of roughing it in the wilderness."
"The OGT Survival Axe Elite stands as the ultimate outdoor multi-tool tailored for camping, hunting, and fishing excursions."
"This fire pit area is one of my personal favorite areas. I love the smell of a campfire."
"You want to be outside, you want to be in nature, you want to be somewhere friendly."
"REI believes a life outdoors is a life well lived."
"Angel wakes the sun up, Angel go outside."
"Most of all I'm a lover of The Great Outdoors."
"This is such a gorgeous day outside, it's actually quite warm."
"We survived a very windy night camping, and we are ready for day two."
"It's really nice to get outside and climb some rocks man, it feels good, it feels really good."
"I guess we're gonna be hiking all day so we'll see."
"That's what we're after right there, guys, a nice white crappie."
"I'm a hiker, I love the mountains."
"You've seen everything, go outside."
"Stay safe out there we'll see you on the trails."
"The act of going out and pursuing and harvesting it is absolutely healthy, it gets you moving, gets you connected with the real world, and it's all absolutely healthy and good."
"A woodsman should carry a hatchet and he should be as critical in selecting it as in buying a gun."
"When it comes to cleaving carcasses, chopping kindling, blazing thick bark trees, driving tent pegs or trap steaks and keeping up a bivouac fire, the knife never was made that will compare to a good tomahawk."
"But this is a beautiful, beautiful axe."
"What a beautiful little axe that is, isn't that nice, man oh man I am absolutely in love."
"Nothing beats an outdoor childhood."
"So far so good, let's get out here; this is what this thing's made for, being on the beach and flying."
"Great project for kids, like parents out there with kids, what a project to get kids into the outdoors."
"It's a great way to get outside in Nashville."
"Welcome back to another video, thanks for joining me out here in the beautiful outdoors of the Rocky Mountains."
"Get outside, that's the key to everything. Get out, enjoy life, be involved."
"Happy to be here, happy to be outside."
"We are out in the great outdoors, and I just feel so much better when I get outside at some point during the day."
"I love being outdoors... and I love animals which I have a lot on the property."
"I love the outdoors, I love the woods, I love the sky, I love the weather."
"I'm an extremely outdoorsy female and loved to spend a lot of time in nature."
"I grabbed my nets and quickly pulled my pole from under the water and begin walking towards the trail."
"She loved the outdoors, the sunshine, the beaches."
"Both cities have great outdoor activities and tons of things to offer as far as the outdoor goes."
"Being outside is the superior place to run because it offers way better motivation."
"We're camping, we're sleeping outside."
"Get out and enjoy the explore life."
"Like, let me know you like this stuff and you like the outdoors, and I'll see you back in the next one. Cheers guys, peace out."
"It's been like a trillion degrees, and now it's nice out."
"The connection with nature is really sacred and at this time of year, it is ideal for getting outside and spending a little time reconnecting with it."
"Nothing's better for the insides of a man than the outside of a horse."
"I just loved the outdoors so much that I wanted to immerse myself in it 24/7."
"At the end of every brutal South Dakota winter, I'm all amped up to shake off the cabin fever and get back out into the field."
"Be mindful of your sun exposure when you're spending time outdoors."
"David was a young man with experience in the outdoors; he had no known health problems and should have easily been able to complete the 3 km hike."
"Get yourself a good axe. Doesn't have to be Grand Forest Brooks, but if you do spring for one, you won't regret it."
"You don't have to spend top dollar, just get something reliable, get yourself out in the woods, and enjoy nature. That's actually what I recommend the most."
"Individuals on Mars experience the Newfound Liberty of walking Outdoors."
"Not having to coil up a hose is so amazing."
"Outdoors, think large format tiles, olive trees, eucalyptus—modern with a natural, earthy touch."
"I would argue that the garmin inreach or devices like this... is a great thing to have."
"The priority with this device in my opinion is safety and to have peace of mind when you're out there in the backcountry."
"Bring your water, bring your sunscreen, bring your hat, alright. Hide Your Kids, how'd your husband too because they're giving towards everybody out here."
"...we've noticed that like the outside area has become our hangout."
"Can't find them anywhere locally but conditions are perfect today for Soca fishing crappie fishing so that's what I'm heading out to do come along with me."
"Catching grayling is one of my favorite pastimes."
"Getting a good night's sleep on a Backcountry trip is one of the most sought-after but also one of the most elusive aspects of backpacking."
"Got him! Biging! Biging! Biging! Big red ear! There's his big daddy! That is a nice red ear, bluegill hybrid, I do believe."
"It's free, it's an amazing Campground."
"Can you get a fire going with a Swiss Army knife?"
"Just a great relaxing experience I would highly recommend this to anybody who likes the outdoors."
"Embrace the freedom of the outdoors with the Hang Duan, the ultimate mosquito repellent companion."
"Boasting an impressive effective range spanning from 10 to 30 ft, this remarkable device creates a barrier that keeps mosquitoes at bay, ensuring a serene and enjoyable outdoor experience."
"Look at this sucker now. This is some serious, serious hot tent camping. Look at that bad boy."
"When you're out on the trails or OHV systems, you can actually watch the map where you are on your phone."
"Summer is almost here so my brother and I are outside more we have a basketball hoop at the edge of the road right across from the house"
"Playing and walking out here, it doesn't get any better than that."
"Fishing when you want to get outdoors but aren't big on the whole being sober thing."
"There we go, guys. That's another double figure fish."
"I think everyone should go out and be able to see the adventure that they're wanting and especially when it comes to the outdoors if it's legal you should be able to go and and experience that adventure."
"Go outdoors and enjoy yourself in Mother Nature!"
"We're gonna be taking it around today to stay hydrated while we feed the animals, we catch some bait, and hopefully catch some fish."
"Thank God for technology, we're out here, dude."
"Someone who hated the outdoors ends up in his last resting place in the outdoors."
"That's a nine-inch crappie. That's going on the ice. I don't even care."
"If you're struggling to feel motivated, get outside first thing."
"That's what it's about, getting outdoors and enjoying nature."
"It's basically an inside out RV so you get to enjoy the outdoors."
"I just want to get back outside and enjoy riding it"
"This is very freaking good, and I can't wait to take it out. I hate that I'm gonna hurt it, I'm, I hate that the doors stick out because I want to go do some trails."
"I think he's gonna cook like some bacon out there."
"This channel is all about getting people off-road and outside to explore the outdoors."
"I think living in the van kind of makes you appreciate being outdoors more."
"This is a great spot to go hunting."
"If it's not 75 and sunny, I'm not going outside."
"For outdoors folks that don't need Bronco or Wrangler off-road chops, Crosstrek Wilderness is an excellent tool."
"Nothing like a hot cup of coffee and fishing on a beautiful morning like this."
"One of the best things about the CrossTrek Wilderness is just the general practicality of everything you really need."