
Leo Quotes

There are 216 quotes

"Leo is a sign of life, rules the heart, joy of life, and being present in the moment like children are."
"Leo's are attractive because you make everyone have fun even when they don't want to."
"Leos know how to take care of you. In the relationship, it's all about you."
"Leo is fun, vibrant, has a good time, makes good memories."
"When the Sun is in Leo, your world is on fire in a very, very positive way."
"Victory comes to you when the Sun is in Leo."
"This Leo full moon's really emphasizing that."
"2020 is going to be a very interesting year for Leo people."
"In this coming week, Leo, you will be able to materialize a lot of your plans and imaginations, overcoming major obstacles and delays."
"March 2024 is set to be an exciting and transformative month for those born under the sign of Leo."
"Celebrate Life, Leo; engage in your passions, what you seek is seeking you, love with your whole being."
"You've earned all your stripes; own it; celebrate your hard work, Leo."
"The tower showed a lot in Leo's reads, get ready for some sudden change."
"Nothing's going to put your fire out, Leo."
"Build bridges, Leos, and over the next one year expand your circle of influence."
"My name is Leo, I'm from Brazil, and I have helped more than 3,000 students teaching how to produce maps in QGIS."
"Leo's are ruled by the sun, so then there's that. We shine like one."
"A Leo man will never be sitting in a corner in social gatherings unless he's upset about something."
"2024 is a year of greatness, of prosperity, of leadership for Leo."
"You are tapping into your power, Leo. I feel it. I just got warm just talking about it."
"When it comes to these Leos, if you say no, they would have a [__] heart attack about it."
"Leo personally made me a better artist."
"Leo in the tenth: balancing sincerity with performance."
"The room just lights up when a Leo man walks in."
"Leo was nothing short of perfect."
"The heavens do not bode well for anyone born under the sign of Leo."
"Leos are dramatic as hell and they are dominant."
"Listen, if you do not have a Leo in your friend group, girl, get you one of us because we are crazy and we love to have a good time."
"Your biggest challenge here Leo is not giving up."
"You're coming in with this Leo energy. Lions stalk their prey. If a Leo wants you, they will go get you."
"Leo Venus is about romancing what you desire, feeling it in your chest, and being dramatic about it."
"It put Leo on a path of Superstar him that no one's probably ever seen."
"Leo women are very positive people, always smiling."
"At the core of every Leo, beyond all the stereotypes, is really two things: the hero or the heroine, and the romantic."
"Leo energy honestly feels like a special destiny they feel as if they were born for this remarkable thing this remarkable life to live."
"Leo is one of the most positive signs among all the 12 Zodiac signs."
"Happiness in Leo's life is determined by watch movements and how well they run."
"Saturn in Leo means a consciousness structured and defined through creative self-actualization."
"I'd like to begin by congratulating Leo for organizing this really terrific exhibit."
"The main lesson for the sign Leo is to gain power over themselves instead of trying to control other people."
"Leo people, they're great leaders, they are very attractive."
"The liquid life filters back into one's soul after just a wee squiggle of Leo."
"The beauty of Leo is indescribable; it has not reached the imagination of the language of human beings."
"The Leo Moon man is playful, he's charming, he's affectionate, he loves to cuddle, he's endearing."
"Leo does want to be seen, you can't help but notice a Leo."
"Leo rising... they can razzle dazzle you with a big generous heart."
"Venus and Leo will never give up on love."
"Venus and Leo when they're in love, they feel most real, like they're most alive."
"If your moon is in Leo, you're gonna feel very creative, passionate, your heart is gonna be full."
"The best way to appreciate and benefit from the energy of Leo is to allow them to be themselves."
"Leos are regal, lavish, caring, creative, dominant, they're fun and fiery, they're very powerful and very proud."
"The amount of work and dedication Leo put into this project was truly incredible."
"I'm a Leo, and yes, it's true, I think I'm a queen."
"Love makes the world go round for Leo types."
"Leos are known for being extremely bold, they don't mind the spotlight to be on them."
"Mars in Leo in the tenth house, you are working with the king, this is very favorable."
"The color of the Leo heart is green, because it's abundance, it's prosperity, it's heaven."
"Leo is the lion, the lioness, so immediately the Leo comes in front of your eyes."
"Leo's have a wonderful, wonderful sense of humor."
"They are generous souls, very, very generous."
"Leos are literally the most generous people in the entire world when they're at their utmost highest strength."
"A Scorpio with Leo moon is going to be very charismatic and unique."
"Leos are very determined people and whatever they set out to do, they will get done."
"When I think of a Leo, what I see is lights, camera, action."
"Leos are selfish but they also have this selflessness, this generosity, this giving nature."
"They're entertainers, so they're definitely going to make your life worthwhile and make you have fun."
"Leos are reliable and they are very smart, and they're always wise beyond their years."
"Leos notice everything; they're very receptive, they're very observant."
"Leos love kids and either they can't wait to be a mother or a father."
"Leos have really long hair... and that's due to the whole lion mane fact."
"The Leo woman knows her power; she knows what she got."
"Leos are in a relationship to experience being in love and all that it has to offer."
"The Leo woman is a warm and emotionally proud person who seeks to be loved, admired, and appreciated."
"She wants to be loved because she has so much love to give."
"She wants to be admired because, come on, these are some of the most beautiful women in the world."
"The Leo woman wants to be appreciated because if you don't appreciate her, you are going to insult her dignity."
"Leos are the natural leaders of the zodiac."
"Leos are radiantly joyful, liberal with their appeal and endowments."
"They love and live life to the fullest."
"The Leo mood is festive, it's fun, it's all about pleasures and hobbies and excitement and creativity and passion."
"...the Sun was assigned to Leo because that’s the height of the summer in the northern hemisphere when the days are the longest and the brightest and also when the heat of the Sun is the most intense."
"Find time for yourself here, Leo. Find time for yourself."
"Leos are very driven, you would take the clothes off your back to give to somebody."
"Love for Leo is this huge display of drama and excitement."
"Leo is in love with being in love."
"Leo Venus is dramatic, flashy, flamboyant."
"Leos can be generous, creative, enthusiastic, broad-minded, and faithful."
"Leo being fixed fire... they shine naturally and that warmth, goodwill, and beauty radiates from them."
"Leo brings this larger-than-life exuberance to the relationship, and they just have this flair for the dramatic."
"Leo's don't do anything halfway and whatever it is that they decide to engage in must be top of the line."
"When I think of Leo, I think of the sun, radiating its light and energy out from its body, which keeps our planet here, the Earth, alive."
"Leo has a colorfulness, a sparkly, energetic, charismatic energy that comes from them."
"When I think of Leo, I think of the Sun... our Sun radiates its light and energy out from its body, which of course keeps our planet here, the Earth, keeps our ecosystem working, keeps us all alive."
"A Leo is here to self-express, they're here to be heard, to be seen."
"Leo has a colourfulness... there is a sparkly, energetic, charismatic energy that comes from the Leo."
"They like to demonstrate and express their love when they're really in love with someone."
"Leo's biggest fear is... they need to be recognized, they need to feel like they're doing something with their life that's important."
"Wow, Leo, it looks like a really important month for you here."
"Leo's... if you're around them and you're very social, you guys are gonna get along so fast."
"If you have a Leo that loves you, you are really loved because they will go above and beyond to give you what you need and to show you a really great time."
"Leo's are loving, they're warm-hearted, they're trustworthy, they are giving, and they love to live life."
"Leos are very warm, they're very kind, they're usually very friendly."
"Leo's always want to be seen, they need to be heard, they need to be recognized."
"Leo's are very driven type people, very ambitious."
"They rule the fifth house, the house of creativity, children, just having fun; it's the fun house."
"Leo's are the type of people who are just really creative, cut out for much success in their life."
"They have the talent, they have the drive, they have every single thing, and they love attention."
"Leo's are a part of the royal air, they come from royalty, they feel like they are royal."
"Leo's are the type of people who definitely is cut out for the entertainment world."
"Leos are all about inspiration, forward movement, and bringing light and excitement to the world."
"As a Leo, your energy is very much... you thrive being in the moment."
"Leo has a colorfulness and not literal colorfulness necessarily, although it can be, but there is a sparkly, energetic, charismatic energy that comes from the Leo."
"Leo temperament is quite protective of loved ones, it's a fire sign, they have a natural leadership quality to them."
"Leo is, after Scorpio, the most misunderstood sign."
"Leos are very dependable; you can count on them if they're in your best interest and they're part of your group of people."
"Being a fire sign, they do tend to be very energetic and playful."
"Leos are the best at hyping others up ever because they know the way to complement other people."
"Leo... they're just a good freaking time, like they are so fun."
"Leo is ruled by the Sun. The Sun is the light, it is the way, the truth, and the light."
"Your Leo man is extremely charming. There's something about that damn smile of a Leo man."
"Your Leo man is extremely confident. Now, there's a little twist to the confidence of a Leo man."
"You are the gift, Leo, don't you know that?"
"For a lot of you Leos, you have taken your freaking power back."
"You're going to reach the top of that mountain, Leo. Very powerful energy coming in."
"Mercury entering Leo is also a major thing."
"Leo rising people naturally stand out; they naturally get attention without even trying to get attention."
"Leo rising people are very careful and do a lot of thinking and planning when it comes to things that they value."
"Leo was considered a royal constellation since it was dominated by the star Regulus."
"Things are changing here for you, Leo."
"The cosmos have your back right now, Leo."
"Leos by nature are the actors of the zodiac, they like attention as long as it puts them in a good light."
"Leo is the lion, it's ruled by the Sun, it's a fixed sign, and it's a fire sign."
"People are on your side this month, Leo; you don't have to do it alone."
"The sign of the zodiac that rules over the hottest period of the year is Leo the Lion."
"It's your time to shine now, Leo."
"You have the power to manifest whatever you want Leo."
"The world is your oyster here, Leo."
"Leo, cutting you out of their life was the worst decision that they could have ever made."
"Move away from anything that is keeping you second guessing, keeping you doubting, making you feel like you're not worth it, because you absolutely are, Leo, in every way."
"This is a good reading. I love this reading for you, Leo."
"You're seeing yourself in a whole new light here, Leo."
"Let's go ahead and take a deep breath in, tune into the energy of Leo."
"They can't have their cake and eat it too, Leo."
"You've always had that magic to you, Leo, where you just walk in a room and people notice."
"Leo, you made such an impact on this person's life."
"Happy birthday to all of my Leos, you guys are truly loved by me."
"Welcome Leo to your January bonus love reading."
"You pivoted, Leo, you pivoted, and that's a marvelous thing."
"This is the moment where you really rise, Leo."
"You are going for what you want here, Leo."
"The sun is always strongest during Leo season because it is said that the sun rules the sign of Leo."
"June is going to be a very beautiful month for you, Leo."
"Someone that you manifested, Leo, is here."
"Things are finally going in your favor, Leo. There is a turning point here."
"Leo is more about the art, the creativity, the fun of it, the joy of it."
"Something is truly ready for you, Leo, after holding on to it for so long."
"Shine your light bright, Leo, and Venus will be in Leo for four whole months."
"Life is about ebb and flow, Leos, and this Taurus season and this Venus transit through Aries are a very nice time of flow for you."
"The Sun is also in Leo, and the Sun is all about independence, identity, ego, authenticity."
"Embody that sun energy, Leo, because remember, the sun blocks out all the darkness."
"Strength really does represent really powerful Leo energy."
"I've never met a Leo who didn't have the willpower to overcome, so I know you got it."
"You're connecting the dots, Leo, and it's all coming together now."
"Where Leo is, is where we want to shine."
"Seeing Leo in their most passionate expression is one of the most wonderful things to watch."
"This is the time of year that we dream about as the planets move through Leo."
"The sun will be coming up for you here, Leo."
"Leo gives us the courage to take a risk, to claim who you are."
"Have faith in your dreams, Leo, okay because you're about to be in strong manifestation mode."
"Your inner roar is coming out, Leo. I feel like you're having that courage to follow your dreams and you're releasing the beast within for the better."
"Speak your truth, Leo, even if your voice shakes."
"With this August 16th New Moon happening in the fixed fire sign of Leo, we're seeing very energetically supportive opportunities for connecting with our inner child."
"When we have a new moon in the sign of Leo, it can be a very beautiful time to reflect upon how we're connected with our inner child."
"Happy birthday to the Leos out there. I hope you have an absolutely amazing and blessed solar return."
"Embodying the energy of the Leo right now could be very beneficial."
"For Leos, the solar eclipse in Libra on October 14th is happening in your third house, which is about our mental faculties, reading, writing, talking, discussing, publishing, selling, teaching."
"This person's feelings and emotions for you, Leo, are deeply rooted."
"There's a lot of beautiful messages, there's a lot of attention that's coming your way, Leo."
"It's your season, it's your time to shine, Leo."
"You're fearless and free, Leo. Jump off that cliff; you're gonna fly."
"The planets moving into Leo are going to start adding zest, excitement, creativity."
"The fire of Leo season is so pervasive, it just lights you up."
"Important doors are opening for you right now, Leo."
"The energies going into Leo make a trine, the most favorable aspect in all of astrology."
"A new moon in Leo: It's time to shine, it's time to be that beacon."
"Leo is symbolized by the lion, which is a symbol of courage and of strength."
"Leo season will be extremely abundant for you."
"The way to get the best of Leo is to have a spiritual practice in place because 9 is about spirituality."
"You're getting a new beginning, Leo; this person sees you as the sun."
"Many of you Leos are going to be taking a big step towards some really big, fantastic goal."