
Financial Ethics Quotes

There are 284 quotes

"The fastest growing areas of the giving sector are private foundations and donor-advised funds... these are often slippery backdoor channels for appearing like you're donating when actually you're taking."
"I think it's a legitimate position for you to say that you're not going to take money from dictators."
"If you can afford to pay rent, pay the rent."
"People are upset you lied, bro, and you lied with a direct financial inducement to yourself and your company based on that lie."
"I got really, really pissed off with people with lots of money telling people who don't have any money they need to pay shit back."
"We must rid our nation of Putin's dirty money."
"The notion that several of these companies at Silicon Valley Bank taking a 10% haircut would have caused an apocalyptic disruption of innovation, it's straight up dishonest."
"Money is not evil. It's just money. It's how you act with it that can be evil."
"Don't make money at the expense of others; make money at the service of others."
"Take care of the serious matters first, especially what the Quran will highlight: money matters, how we make money and how we spend money."
"Our money must support things that create value and support our values."
"You had a group of people who said, 'We're tired of these hedge fund managers rigging the system and basically stripping our wealth away from us.'"
"It's privatizing the gains and socializing the losses."
"Why were customer deposits ever used for collateral?"
"Good financial services organizations have lots of checks and balances around because there will always be a person of conscience that will protect the organization from a group of fraudsters."
"Integrity over money always always money comes and goes but your trust in me does not."
"We want to crack down on dirty Russian money."
"Pump and dump is illegal. It is illegal. Pump and dump. Investopedia."
"She didn't have to be a whistleblower...continue to cash Rupert Murdoch's check."
"What I can say is that our company is fully transparent with all the monies that are generated from the Bisha mine."
"I would contend that these people are literally financially murdering people... it's a fact people committed suicide because they lost everything."
"Crime doesn't pay, but as I watch the shenanigans unfold on Wall Street, it looks like it pays very well."
"Wall Street could really use a JP Morgan-like character, someone who feels a responsibility for the system as a whole."
"Senator Loeffler apparently dumped millions in stock after a coronavirus briefing."
"Your money is a vote for what kind of future you want."
"Will the folks on Wall Street like me? No. Will they begin to play by the rules if I am president? You better believe it."
"This country can no longer afford to tolerate the culture of fraud and corruption on Wall Street."
"The last thing you want to do is give dangerous idiots money."
"The biblical reminder that the love of money is the root of all evil."
"No amount of money is worth this kind of suffering."
"This is the biggest wealth theft of all time that's going on right now."
"CFD brokers often don't have aligned goals with customers. They act as the house and play against you."
"He wasn't in it just for the money because, as he explained, big bucks often come with some serious strings attached."
"It's not so much money that's the problem. It's the lack of any other values to put money and finances and anything else in context."
"Jamie Dimon belongs in jail, has belonged in jail for a hell of a long time."
"Claiming you have money that you do not have does not amount to the art of the deal. It's the art of the steal."
"That money that you kissed on the forehead and tucked in ever so sweetly at your bank is out on the town right now funding the exact climate disaster that we're trying to avoid."
"We're getting a load of money from Qatar. It's this year, don't worry about it. Everyone will be going, but you're ruining the Integrity of the Premier League."
"James Westbrook distributing hundreds of thousands of dollars to the members of halo beauty partners llc for his own benefit."
"I could have kept it to myself and I still do not regret it."
"One of the key factors of bowing to the mark of the beast is tied to money. Are you getting what I'm telling you? Money and the mark of the beast work hand in hand."
"When you think of someone that wants to talk about God and love, you're not thinking of someone with their handout saying, 'pay me for it,' or at least you shouldn't be."
"Money's not the root of all evil... the love of money is the root of all evil."
"It feels criminal but so many of these Tax Strategies... straddle the line between tax avoidance which is technically legal and tax evasion which is technically illegal."
"When is enough enough in a capitalist society?"
"Quantitative easing is precisely counterfeiting."
"PayPal's new AUP goes against everything I believe in; a private company now gets to decide to take your money if you say something they disagree with. Insanity." - David Marcus
"Ridiculous that PayPal believes they can take people's money for the wrong opinions. Anyway, who decided what is and what isn't misinformation anyway?" - Elon Musk
"Your money speaks a lot about who you worship."
"They've got to stop taking the dividends out of the club, it's a bad message from the very top."
"In pursuit of gaudy short-term profits and the bonuses that came with them that so many folks lost their way on Wall Street."
"Don't love the money and use the people, love the people and use the money."
"Some extremely terrible credit cards... borderline predatory... biggest scam in freaking history."
"If she can afford the car to be a blessing to his wife or sons of whoever he feels like she has been through him then kudos to him or her."
"They actually return the entire 10 million dollars which is honorable but I find it crazy that they were even able to get that loan in the first place insane."
"The Love of Money was greed and hubris that led to the fall."
"The number one word is greed that I have, and I'm really disappointed in how the NIL distribution has actually played out."
"The crime that we have committed as Wall Street and the media on individual investors is that we have turned the markets into a giant Casino."
"We're seeing how this type of industry can scam and swindle money from a lot of people."
"Just because someone has financial success doesn't mean they can't support taxing the wealthy."
"We have been at the vanguard of striking this balance between being an open economy but not allowing dirty money and those with blood on their hands to place their assets here."
"Money is not more important than the life of people."
"What in the world has TD Jakes and other pastors done for this black community they're stiening money off y'all have to wake up you got to wake up because you got to understand that's not what God wants for you."
"That money that that he been privileged to get that money is supposed to be spread around and and and helping other people Prosper not just you you're taking that money and that money is not even good you've made that money unlean."
"What we found out is that SAC knew the hand before everybody else did and acted accordingly."
"No human should be able to come to you and tell you that in order for God to do what he says in this book, you gotta purchase this, you gotta give that."
"We're not here to gouge the fans just because we paid a nice sum for the franchise."
"I would never compromise my honesty or integrity for any amount of money."
"That's a moral obligation. If you're capable of understanding the world, you have a moral obligation to become rational. I don't see how you become rational hoarding gold. Even if it works, you're a jerk."
"The Munger version of that is that easy money corrupts and really easy money tends to corrupt absolutely."
"I'm not gonna gamble with other people's money."
"We believe in enhanced transparency through robust and appropriate disclosure requirements."
"I don't see the purpose of all of that money going to this entire family. It does sometimes become a little bit frustrating."
"There comes a point in time that you should not want to have your finances impede upon a woman's right." - Michael Cohen
"If you don't talk about corruption, why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt? Okay, good point."
"What we need to do is change the perverse incentive structures that produce these recurrent epidemics of accounting control fraud that are driving our crises."
"Money does not mean anything if you have to sell your soul to get it."
"Don't get caught up in the oversimplification. This is beyond just an extramarital affair. This is the corrupt intent behind that. Let's line each other's pockets."
"Why are you even worried about yourself getting paid when I thought this was about standing up for the little guy?"
"The financial industry is a service industry. It should serve others before it serves itself."
"You privatized profits but you socialize losses."
"They make up their own rules... and steal people's money."
"Ultimately it all goes back to money that's obvious and I don't think anybody who's a capitalist is opposed to people making money we're opposed to people lying to us okay that's bad."
"Greed is not good money is not our purpose or goal in life and the love of money is the root of all evil."
"Sometimes you have to consider the long-term benefit may be better than the short-term inconvenience of not getting paid."
"It doesn't make sense for people like to Fed to say that meme traders are the ones who are presenting a risk to market stability when you have 182 high-ranking congressional staffers clearly abusing the system."
"Money, or in this case, debt, is the root of all evil."
"People are going to be screwed worse than they understand because most people have trouble believing such heinous financial crimes."
"I think we should get rid of payment for order flow. I think it's damaging to the markets at large."
"The practice of payment for order flow creates serious conflicts of interest and should be banned."
"All money ain't good money, stop celebrating black people just because some white guy in Hollywood is giving them money."
"Let no debt remain outstanding except to continue to love one another."
"All money ain't good money, sweetie pie. You don't have to compromise your integrity for nobody."
"This legal payment is just further evidence that in the Biden family, money's fungible. It sloshes around." - Peter Schweizer
"Your money and how you use it is a reflection of your values."
"Rule number one of life is like don't [ __ ] with people's money. If you're gonna charge someone money for something, there needs to be a fair exchange of goods or services or something or else you cannot charge them."
"We can't serve two masters; you cannot serve God and money."
"That's some shady accounting, just pumping up your balance sheet to make it look better."
"There's no product and they're still asking for people's money."
"It all comes back to greed. It's great when everyone's making money like who cares man you know what I mean like you get lost in that sauce."
"It's about integrity. The point where you decide integrity is more important than cash."
"The work you do every day to go after scammers and those who peddle unsuitable financial products is critical."
"Modesty goes out the window when you can cash a big check for a birth special."
"Money is something that God deeply cares about."
"Treason has been committed at the very highest level by financial elites."
"Careful who you support and where you put your money."
"Be wise in who you watch, who you support, where you give your money."
"Clean money means a lot of things, but it means clean wealth."
"The financial well-being of all these guys are intimately intertwined. They're all compensating each other for preaching at different churches and conferences."
"The bottom line here is as follows, the FED started cracking down on the way that Trump paid off porn star Stormy Daniels."
"Every day a new celebrity is getting in trouble for pumping and dumping, you know, some cryptocurrency."
"If he wants to give to charity, he should pay the correct amount."
"You can't be asking for money over and over again when you have the power and you are unwilling to actually use that power to help people."
"Money can buy certain things, but not everyone is willing to put a price tag on their dignity." - Chen
"Kingdom wealth is not acquired; it is entrusted."
"That's fraud, that's theft, and that is embezzlement."
"It affects Main Street because Wall Street was - greed, the greed of Wall Street broke mainstream."
"The reality is a minority cannot speak for a majority."
"Eventually they going to have a whole suit for [__] CU that's where is gone I'm not talking about it no more I'm let Kim y'all two figure it out I'm done."
"Wall Street can't have that, they got really upset."
"Robinhood showed they don't care about the democratization of finance."
"If you have that kind of money and you still need more, there's something deeply wrong with you."
"This shows you how sick the banking industry is."
"You don't have Ninja loans which were no income no job no asset loans where basically dead people were able to get loans."
"I think it's been an immoral and unethical activity for the Federal Reserve and the US government for that matter to really minimize risk of investing to the point where we've seen what I would call rampant and really Reckless speculation."
"Affordability isn't about the salaries of the professors... it's about turning universities into hedge funds."
"This fraud affects us all, creating a potentially unfair market by increasing the number of buyers."
"Money from heaven will be the path to hell." - Robert Kiyosaki
"Even pleading guilty to fraud and insider trading, Huang was still seen as somebody who could make them buckets of cash."
"It's sort of where personal finance meets true crime, and it's all about exposing the various scams and MLMs and cults and predatory financial services."
"The love of money is the root of all evil. It destabilizes everything. You're not supposed to do that."
"They're laughing about market manipulation. This is a crime if this was stocks." - Phillian
"The dumbest thing in the world: to take money from people who have been responsible to give to people who over-leveraged their debt."
"Money is just a tool; it's the love of money that's the root of all evil."
"Short sellers do us all a public service by revealing negative information about companies."
"Money in ministry: You show me a person who preaches the money gospel and I'll show you a person who's been corrupted by the love of money."
"I'm not worried about that, I'm more worried about how you have three million dirty money in you."
"The love of money is the root of all evil, but if there's anything more evil than the love of money, it's the lack of money."
"Change the way we conduct our money matters, be honest in your dealings."
"Make us of those who don't have hesitation in spending on others and make us of those who keep away from using their money for purposeless things."
"America is basically stating its claim here and saying we're not going to have scams or money laundering. We're going to be number one in Innovation."
"She's been fighting against the predatory practices of banks and credit card companies, and this was long before it was cool."
"How crazy is that? Every move they make is insider trading."
"Money is not wrong, but the misplaced perception of money is."
"No man can serve two masters: God and money."
"You cannot blow up these people's spot on the left hand and demand their money on the right. That's just the short of it."
"It is biblical for a minister to receive finances from the gospel."
"Financial frauds are not victimless crimes. He engaged in this massive amount of fraud and it wasn't just a simple mistake."
"There's more in the world than your financial returns, such as the impact you have on others."
"Why name a think tank after a man who can't think and pay him a million a year for not doing anything?"
"Senators who apparently personally enrich themselves to the tune of millions of dollars because they knew a major crisis was coming will be determining if the rest of us receive a thousand dollars."
"It's better to live in the truth than a lie if you've been putting false fronts to make money it's time to remove that mask."
"Why don't we turn the UK into a haven for dirty money?"
"Money should never change who you are in that sense. It is what it is."
"Premier League clubs had avoided almost half a billion pounds worth of tax over the last eight years."
"So many people worrying about how much they're going to make instead of all the good they can do with it."
"You cannot say I am going to advance the interests of Wall Street traders whose job it is is to find anomalies in the marketplace to maximize returns for shareholders and extract wealth that they did nothing to help create an added zero value."
"I worry that this would be scientific group are continuing to bilk the public while they fatten their wallets because harsh words are now being spoken with increasing frequency about my ideas and my person." - Dr. Campbell
"Some may argue she built a large amount of her income based off the backs of black people."
"Forgiving their debt would be a slap in the face to people like me and everyone else who said I'm not gonna take on that burden."
"Tax havens are legal, but tax havens have been used over the years for illegal purposes, for hiding money from authorities, avoiding taxes that you owe, parking illicit gains from white-collar crime..."
"The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, not money itself, not shoes themselves, but the idolatry that our hearts just so quickly go to."
"Your neighbor is paying for your Netflix movie."
"Principles matter more than money." - Elon Musk
"Binance is currently under investigation by the U.S justice department for possible money laundering and sanctions violations."
"It's embarrassing for the church to have this much money."
"It's assumed that you're inflating the value of your assets but let's hear from a true expert."
"What I'm not excited about is the rank speculation and... fraudulent selling to retail... simply by buying something."
"You built your money by using other people. I knew you were lying as your lips move. I have a fortune and don't need fame, clown."
"Internalization should not be allowed to hide a transaction." - Citadel Investment Group
"Paradise papers reveal the Queen's offshore tax haven, sparking controversy and raising questions about royal finances."
"The question isn't if he had an affair, but did she financially gain?"
"He's a good guy, he brought the money back, he brought two stacks back."
"Everyone is obsessed with money. You must put rules in place and you must enforce those rules, otherwise they're always going to lean to the green."
"They would use it as a no, this money's not for me... they were using a lot of the money for their own gain."
"Money for the sake of having it, you want it for us to build and everything else, but you don't want it at the expense of your people."
"The best interest should always be for Britney because it's her money, it's her career, it's her name that's bringing it all in."
"Why you do what you do with money is important too."
"It doesn't matter if it's $100 or $100,000, that's the principle."
"It's an offense to the Lord... to place a price on the gospel. I'm done with it. I will never again ask you to give a thousand or whatever amounts because I think the Holy Ghost is just fed up with it."
"Morality changes when the dollar signs go up the zeros get bigger behind a number."
"I don't want your money if you don't want the game."
"The pursuit of money without the pursuit of meaning will leave you emotionally bankrupt."
"Money is the root of all evil if you don't know how to use it."
"The Bible does not say money is the root of all evil. It says the 'love of money is the root of all evil.'"
"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils."
"Not all money is good money, and not all fame is good too."
"Wealth is not an escape mechanism; it is instead a tremendous responsibility."
"How is it legal to sell more paper Gold contracts when the gold does not exist to back it up?"
"Your fans deserve to know that you're literally ripping off the government because you don't need to take these loans out. Everybody, you don't need them."
"Those who consume RIBA are going to live like a people driven to madness."
"Money is a tool, but if we love money, we turn it into an idol."
"I'm about the gospel, not collecting a Legal Defense Fund."
"Even a hundred thousand dollars is worth nothing when it costs you everything."
"But Mark, in all honesty, isn't it about what you can do with the money? If you can do good things, it's beautiful."
"Fundamentals matter, man. Having this, getting rid of these predatory lenders, it matters."
"Why keep harassing? You have fifty-two billion dollars."
"FTX's demise would ultimately reveal that this image of wealth and philanthropy Sam had constructed for himself was a facade."