
Unconventional Choices Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Don't be afraid to take risks and go against the safe path."
"I'm a 40-something attorney and mother who lives in a quiet neighborhood with a yard and a garage full of scooters and soccer balls. I'm not the type of person who would normally consider becoming a satanist, but these are not normal times."
"Maybe it doesn't matter what John would have thought because maybe John is dead and maybe you guys are alive so maybe if you want to do it in a shed during a rainstorm you can do it in a shed during a rainstorm."
"Most of my success has come from walking away from things that are objectively successful."
"You obviously go for the winners, but it's what you buy within those brands. There's so much value in going backwards."
"If you want to live the life of greatness, you need to be comfortable making different choices than what other people expect."
"You can create a rich life through planning and unconventional choices."
"You started scamming credit cards before you started smoking weed heavy, that is a bold choice."
"Breakfast for dinner is a great way to save time and money."
"Always make questionable choices and remember Do It For the Love of cars."
"It's better having something that protects you, even if it looks a bit weird."
"I had scholarships to colleges I wanted to go to, and my high school was very, very optimistic about me doing well in college, and excited. So badly in high school, I could only move up, and I chose to go to Clown College."
"Leftover mac and cheese for breakfast? Best kind of breakfast."
"Why are you breeding buffalo? Why wouldn't I just?"
"We are literally just weirdos. We went to a reptile convention while everyone else was at the VMAs."
"I just decided yeah but it sounds crazy so what let it sound crazy."
"The road least traveled is the road that many people do not travel."
"Having a baby at home, people have done it in caves."
"Didn't just beat the odds with winning against Chevron, he also graduated from Harvard Law and didn't work for Goldman Sachs so that's huge."
"Very few people in life have the guts and courage to take The Road Less Traveled."
"Deal with it. I just don't like the confines of a bathroom."
"You have to be willing to walk the path that doesn't exist."
"Maybe you want to do something completely off the status quo of the beaten path, but you're doubting it."
"I don't know if it's the in thing to do, but I'm so glad we've done it."
"Listen to your intuition, even if it doesn't make sense on paper."
"It may feel weird to say this, but I would still lean towards going with Brian Robinson." - Acknowledging unconventional choices while still standing by them.
"I got now but I'm not like 'oh my gosh I need to smoke with the bible paper.'"
"Life-changing things will happen if you take the road that most people don't go on."
"Sometimes it's not always the obvious choice."
"It is courage to leave what will be accepted for an idea that will certainly be misunderstood, at least initially."
"Sometimes the irresponsible thing is just you know the right thing."
"Why buy a square house when you can buy one shaped like a soccer ball?"
"I've been breeding him for this." - Dad defends 14-year-old quitting school for Fortnite.
"You don't expect to see a fabulous chandelier in a kitchen, but I think you should."
"We shouldn't be picking the things that ain't obvious."
"Avocado with everything... avocado on a hot dog yes I do."
"Radical diets, maybe even some diets that fall outside of your cultural norm, might be worth considering as a therapy."
"I gave up on year 12 and I just focused on videos which I would not recommend but it worked for me, just saying."
"Intuition sometimes means following that path less followed and doing something that people don't quite grasp just yet."
"Most people, when they make money, they want to go play golf. I wanted to play basketball."
"I agree, breakfast for dinner, yes."
"They could have left a job and everyone thought they are crazy, but it's worth it."
"I did marry Meow the Lioness. I'm a sucker for face tattoos, what can I say?"
"This one stands out for me because it's a pretty creative choice of side hustle."
"Instead of going on a honeymoon, they went to the Atlantic City boat show and bought a boat."
"Sometimes making the choice that makes the least sense makes the most sense."
"The family seems to have decided that they have no issues with any of the standard crocodile-based concerns."