
Daily Choice Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Fully committing is waking up every day and choosing you."
"Think about it. You're frowning, you're sad, you're depressed, but we, every single day, we decide how we're going to think."
"Marriage is a choice you make every single day."
"Love is not just a feeling; it's a choice we make every day to cherish, honor, and respect one another."
"Love is not about that exciting feeling; it's a decision that you make daily."
"Every day you wake up and get to decide, do I want to be happy today?"
"Happiness isn't an emotion that accompanies a perfect circumstance. Happiness is a decision that you make every single day."
"Sometimes being positive is a choice you have to make daily."
"You have to choose this love every single day."
"Every day we as Americans have the opportunity to choose to be like a little bit more kind."
"Because we believe in love, we decide to see each other, hear each other, respect each other, and choose together, every day, differences and all."
"Every person can take a decision three times a day to enhance their health."
"The TW is the bike that I would buy among all these hands down, hands down every single day."
"Surrender isn't just a one-time decision, but a daily choice to follow Jesus."
"It is a choice that we make each and every day to live in independence or in slavery every day is independence day."
"Honor is a choice you're gonna have to make every day for the rest of your life but on the inside of you the Holy Spirit has empowered you and will empower you to make the right decision."
"Being in a relationship is essentially an intentional conscious choice every single day."
"You have to decide every morning that regardless of everything else, I am going to overcome every obstacle."
"That's how this person views you they view you as someone who day in and day out you make the choice you make the decision to approach your life from a place of love."
"We have to choose to honor each other every single day, even and especially when it's not easy to do so."
"Every day that you wake up, you got two options: you can either pick faith or fear."
"You have to get up every day to choose your spouse every day."
"Choosing to seek God and his righteousness is not just a one-time act, but a daily decision reflected in every aspect of our lives."
"What to eat tonight? This is a choice that everyone cannot avoid."
"You want to make sure every single day you're choosing to stay human."
"I love you and I promise to choose to love you every day."
"Love isn't just this emotional high, it is a choice, it is a choice every single day to choose the other person."
"Every day, I literally make a decision to love you."
"I'm very grateful every day that I chose Jesus and that I will continue to choose Him."
"You choose to love the person every day, even when you don't want to love them."
"Loving yourself means choosing yourself first and continuing to choose yourself every single day."
"You wake up every day and come out of the closet, you make a decision every day to live out loud."
"Love is a choice you make every day."
"Choose to be a winner every single day."
"The one is the person you love enough to commit to and choose every day for the rest of your lives."
"Every day you say yes, every single day, and I'm so thankful for that."
"We have to make a choice every single day as believers to walk in the spirit."
"You have to choose every day... whom you will serve."
"You have to decide to recover every single day."
"Every day I wake up and actively decide not to do it."
"I hope that every day when you make this choice... you feel good about the decision."
"She chooses to be brave every day."
"You have to choose to love that person every single day, and there are some days where it's easier and there are some days where it's not."
"Choosing each other... you have to choose each other every day."
"You're choosing happiness every day."
"Allowing God to lead your life is not a one-time decision, but a daily choice to trust in His guidance and surrender to His transformative work."
"Magic is a decision I make every day to believe."
"Love is about choices, and when you meet somebody... you may make that choice every single day to choose them."
"You're choosing love all day, every day, by choosing yourself."
"What I choose on an everyday basis is love, which is self-love, self-care."