
Metallurgy Quotes

There are 261 quotes

"The invention of the metallurgical sciences in various parts of Africa is an absolutely brilliant contribution to human civilization."
"This process could only have seemed like magic, as men took piles of rock and dust, then transformed them into the hardest material yet known."
"Bronze, with its many advantages, eventually established its supremacy."
"Ancient Indians were already familiar with metal works before the Europeans."
"The iron pillar of Delhi is in fact some 1600 years old, which is much older than anyone would expect for a metal column."
"The ulffbert swords: exceptional craftsmanship baffling historians."
"The iron Ashoka pillar of Delhi: a reflection of superior skill."
"Bronze making has developed uniquely in many places on earth, but arguably the earliest and the most important for our story was in Mesopotamia."
"The development of Steel making technology was a groundbreaking feature of the Iron Age."
"To improve this process, we need to keep the metal hotter for longer, encourage continuous flow, and remove as much gas as we can."
"Metals have been known for thousands of years."
"Metals are examples of the most pure simple building blocks of nature."
"Whenever metal is made, a huge amount of energy is released."
"You harden the bullet by alloying lead with antimony."
"The right question is what is the geo-metallurgy phase."
"How did the Ancients create metals that still preserve their strength and sharpness? State-of-the-art analysis suggests chromium, mastered in China 2,000 years ago."
"If you're gonna make steel, you start with iron oxide. If you're gonna make aluminium, you start with aluminium oxide."
"Essentially, the spine of the knife is going to be softer, whereas the edge is going to be treated to a higher hardness."
"The forging process of the metal required it to be heated to around 3000 degrees to liquefy it."
"In a modern quarter, for example, the outside layers are three-quarters copper and one-quarter nickel, while the filling is solid copper."
"It gives the steel a grain... reinforced in the direction that it will be hit."
"Enel could manipulate gold on the spot, melt metals, and reforge them."
"Gold has very valuable metallic properties; it's the most useful metal on the periodic table."
"Explosion welding does what no other welding method can—join nearly every kind of metal together, no matter the type or composition."
"The understanding of metallurgy happened at different speeds in different parts of the world."
"During the Bronze Age, the typical alloy ratio to create bronze would have varied from region to region."
"When it all completely liquefied I skimmed the top of it, and they removed some of the slag."
"Manganese is one of the most used metals in the world."
"You only need a couple of percent manganese in steel to make it stronger."
"Brazing is the act of joining two metals together with a second type of metal that melts at a much lower temperature."
"After we get rid of the concept of stamped and forged then we start talking about steel types."
"The last method that I'm going to talk about today is probably the first method that you would want to use to help you to determine what type of Steel you have."
"If I have a steel bar and I take from that bar two small pieces that I heat treat and quench, one in water and one in oil, I can use the results of that hardening operation to determine what the content of the original steel bar was."
"In the casting phase, we pour the molten copper into molds arranged on a large rotating wheel."
"Understanding microstructure: unlocking the secrets of steel."
"Ferrite: the soft heart of steel, revealed."
"Cementite: the rigid backbone shaping steel's resilience."
"Pearlite: the delicate balance between strength and flexibility in steel."
"This initial forging phase ensures the desired structure and properties are imparted to the steel."
"Detailed methods for making alloys, testing metals, and fractional distillation."
"The fact that bell making was a peaceful religious business didn't stop 13th century Europeans from grabbing the idea."
"Edge stability is the ability of the steel to handle an acute edge without deformation or chipping."
"Spencer actually sent me some steel originally that had little or no manganese and I could not harden it in oil at all."
"Metallurgy was one of several social processes that all came together during this very sort of magical period of the Bronze Age in Europe that laid the foundation for the emergence of the earliest States in Europe."
"...George doesn't run this because she doesn't want enough boost and it's quite a to need these..."
"This metal greatly enhanced the strength of other metals by releasing all of their power in a single use rather than over time."
"The Ulber Swords provide insight into the Viking Age's combat ability and artistry, demonstrating the excellent metallurgical skills used by Viking blacksmiths."
"Aviation Laboratories in Houston is the place we send oil filter contents for metallurgy analysis."
"Our goal is to not weld or melt the base metal. We want to just weld or melt the filler material in there."
"The elemental composition of a particular metal will tell you from which part of the world it came from."
"Metal loves heat to weld properly."
"Some of the hardest steels you can get are actually not the straight carbon steels."
"You know, Rolex had to literally go in the lab for years and years to come out with an alloy of these three elements niobium, zirconium, and oxygen."
"It's definitely iron as you can see the silverness behind it. There is no doubt that iron has been made."
"It starts turning gold first and as it gets hotter it'll turn blue and then purples and all kinds of cool stuff."
"Bendalloy, also known on Earth as Wood’s Metal for you collectors, stores caloric energy, or nutrition."
"Nature concentrates metals by a process of partially melting crustal rocks at depth, letting the melt rise through the crust and cool, dumping the valueless materials on the way and concentrating the useful materials and metals in the remaining magma or hydrothermal fluid."
"Grain structure does not tell you everything, but it gives you a really good idea of how effective your heat-treating methods are."
"The most important thing that I've learned is to do my own testing and my own research with each particular steel that I'm going to be using."
"The idea behind thermal cycling is that we actually redistribute those grains and we make them physically smaller."
"The smaller and tighter the grain structure, the stronger the steel itself."
"That's what really gives us a good heat treatment, in my opinion, is doing this thermal cycling."
"VG10 is kind of my lower echelon of steels that I'm generally pretty happy with."
"The wrought iron anchor chain is part of the blade, and the other part is going to be some pattern welded Damascus steel."
"Once you etch it, it brings out that natural grain, and it's a very neat look."
"The Mercury has their own alloy, XK 360 aluminum alloy; it's highly corrosion-resistant."
"Our ancestors would have never believed that we would eventually be able to get a forge hot enough to actually melt iron."
"Just imagine those massive metal blocks heated to 1600° C being shaped by a colossal mechanical system."
"Iron is strong, but when you mix iron with other alloys, it becomes steel which is stronger."
"Metals are extracted from what we call their ores; the ore is the raw form of the metal obtained from the earth."
"The blast furnace is a huge building where coke, limestone, and hematite are put at the top, and hot air is passed from the bottom."
"Alloys are mixtures of metals with other elements, formed by mixing the molten metals together and then allowing them to cool."
"Metals have high melting and boiling points, they're good conductors of heat and electricity."
"The earliest known Pulad steel blades date back to at least the first century AD in Central Asia."
"By the early 1200s, Pulad steel had acquired the name Damascus steel."
"When forged at relatively low temperature, the alternating lines of carbides and iron manganese alloy would form a beautiful pattern."
"We don't really cast the blade. What we do is we heat the steel up where it behaves almost like clay."
"They were one of the first people in the world to use bronze and to invent the number zero."
"When metal is heated past a certain temperature and cooled quickly, smaller grains are formed making the metal harder."
"The Inca were the most advanced civilization in the processing of metallurgy in the American continent."
"It's axiomatic in the study of ancient metallurgy that smelting is very hard."
"For ancients to have won all those metals that weren't native metals like gold was a very difficult process which required considerable expertise, many years of practice."
"Iron is the taproot of our material civilization."
"Copper and tin makes bronze, and that's the root of the expression the Bronze Age."
"Copper's distinct red color first got it noticed; it was one of the first metals discovered by man nearly 10,000 years ago."
"Metal is actually a crystalline structure of atoms and steel at the most of the atoms are iron atoms that sit in a lattice structure."
"Quenching improves a metal's performance by rapidly cooling the heated metal."
"It's all in the magic of the heat treat."
"The bond between humans and the beautiful metal looks unlikely to be broken."
"It's a really good compromise between all three of the great attributes of blade steels."
"The actual science behind the steel is pretty cool."
"Metals can be pounded into sheets; malleable, and they can also form wires; ductile."
"The iron pillar of Delhi... was made by sintering iron powder."
"The young woman says that it was a project developed for her Metallurgy class at school."
"The greatest nonfer smelter in the British Empire and one of the great copper smelters of the world."
"We can all learn together about the fascinating world of refining precious metals."
"Sterling silver is an alloy of 92 and a half percent silver and seven and a half percent copper."
"No precious metals are magnetic; that means gold and silver will not stick to a magnet."
"Thiosulfate is much less toxic... it's a little less efficient on gold but it's actually a little more efficient on silver."
"Iron is so much more plentiful than copper and zinc."
"Where are all of the atoms going in a piece of metal when you stretch on it and force it into a new shape? It's actually pretty incredible."
"It's consistent all the way through, no layers, no coarse grain, no crystals of different sizes, and it should flake fairly easily."
"The Chimu excelled in metallurgy and textiles, showcasing the skill and artistic expression of the Chimu people."
"They succeeded in creating a steel sword in the 5th century BC, which is far before many other cultures."
"Tempered in the blood of a master swordsmith."
"Tin was a valuable commodity because it was needed for making bronze."
"Case hardening compound leaches carbon into the very surface of the steel, making an incredible high carbon surface."
"The most malleable metal is gold."
"It must be in my mind some form of high carbon steel."
"That's why they were so good at making metal."
"That's a serious step forward in steel."
"Rust is an interesting thing because for certain steel structures, rust becomes a coating and it kind of slows down the corrosion after that."
"At the eutectic point, if we see the transformation at 1147°C, then the liquid phase is transformed into gamma austenite plus cementite."
"If in iron we contain up to 2% carbon, then it is called steel; more than 2% carbon, then it is called cast iron."
"The metal solidifies, forming letters and symbols in relief."
"Cyanide was found to extract up to 96 percent of the gold, a far greater recovery than from mercury amalgamation."
"Metallurgy is the science which deals with the internal structure of metals and the relationship between those structures and the properties exhibited by metals."
"An understanding of the basics of welding metallurgy is not only helpful to welding personnel but often a requirement for many inspection functions."
"The process of electroplating means covering a matter with another metal using electrical."
"Steel has the ability of course to be tempered so that it is a spring."
"I'm trying to get closer to the original bronze that guys in the Bronze Age were actually using for making armor."
"Imagine that huge undertaking of human effort to go out of these woods, chop firewood, bring it back, probably by mule, burn it in order to refine metal."
"The metal reflectance mode outputs the colour of the specular highlights on certain metals."
"Metals, ceramics, building materials, everything came out of rock."
"I'm really excited because I finally got the assay results back from some tests I did about a month ago trying to figure out the best way to recover the most gold and silver through the smelting process."
"I have some more work to do. I need to refine the process of getting that super high percentage recovery of gold."
"We're past the point of not knowing how to qualify metal 3D printed parts."
"Steel is forged by exposure to the most intense heat."
"Niobium is another type of metal... when they add electricity to it you get these amazing brilliant colors."
"That is how we use our electric furnace to melt down our scrap silver."
"Well, there you have it. You can actually achieve green with weld and iron."
"The Iron Pillar of Delhi is famous for its rust-resistant qualities."
"This was a huge step in the evolution of mankind when we discovered how to make bronze, which is a mixture between tin and copper."
"The iron pillar in Delhi is an absolute testament to the high level of skill achieved by ancient Indian iron smiths."
"Damascus steel was way stronger than anything their contemporaries could create."
"Liquid metal gives you that beautiful surface tension, and that's what makes it make that perfect circle."
"I've melted a billion granules in my life, and yet I still find it endlessly fascinating."
"That is how iron is turned into steel."
"I suspect 99.9 percent of the gold is probably sitting right here in this beaker right now."
"That black stuff is most likely good gold."
"The triple laminated steel... sandwiches the high carbon steel in the middle of a softer stainless steel."
"The normal way that most people would make manganese metal is to do it by a thermite reaction."
"Increasing the number of dislocations can actually strengthen the metal, which is the idea behind cold working."
"When moving continents push up mountains, they also push out metals, the materials by which humans transformed themselves from a pack-hunting animal to a creature that could, among other things, fly to the moon."
"Crete had no mines, but agriculture, civilization, and the sail had brought them bronze just the same, and that other metal, the one that never tarnishes: gold."
"An iron pillar was forged 1,700 years ago in India; it confounds the laws of metallurgy."
"Every pure silver bar or pure silver round coin on the planet began life as pure silver crystal just like you see right here."
"It's a very unusual alloy that was experimented with in the '50s and '60s and basically was of no use to the Aerospace sector."
"MagnaCut is the first to have extremely high marks in all of those categories, game-changing steel."
"CTS XHP is a wonderful steel, it's one of my favorite steels."
"Austempering is to get bainite by isothermal transformation."
"When we discovered how to make copper from scratch, it was the end of the Stone Age."
"Annealing comes from metalwork; you heat it up and then you cool it, and depending on whether you cool it quickly or slowly, you change the crystalline structure of the metal."
"The goal of every smelter assay is to get just two phases: the slag layer and then your collector metal."
"This would be the close-packed plane for an FCC unit cell because all of the atoms are touching."
"It's going to make the ingot more structurally sound."
"Whenever the surface of the metal reflects back an orange flame back towards the torch... we are annealed."
"Tempered martensite is something much more usable and that's alpha plus very fine iron carbide particles."
"The iron-carbon phase diagram forms the foundation of steel."
"This heat treatment oven is a very useful tool where you can heat pretty large pieces of metal to almost any temperature up to 1250 degrees Celsius and hold them at that temperature for as long as you want very accurately."
"Metals and alloys have the highest values of fracture toughness; they will require higher stress levels for cracks to propagate."
"Cold work really makes a material much stronger."
"Recrystallization forms new grains that have low dislocation densities."
"How much heat does it take for iron to grow soft, to bend?"
"The eutectic composition, with the symbol E, reaches a minimum melting point of approximately 779 degrees Celsius."
"This is what makes the metal ductile, which is a good property."
"Cool, that is solid and heavy, it's mostly copper, copper is pretty heavy and dense."
"Bronze, the oldest alloy used by humans, is composed mainly of copper and what other metal?"
"For 10,000 years, metallurgy has accompanied the march of man, transforming his way of life, filling his material universe, yet never quite losing touch with its ancient origins."
"The last 2 digits will be responsible for telling us the composition of the alloy."
"Iron was being smelted, or ore was being captured and smelted more than 25,000 years ago."
"TTT diagrams provide us information about the time and temperature dependence of the transformation."
"The eutectic reaction is a little bit modified: liquid goes to lead solid solution plus tin solid solutions."
"I've learned a lot about various grades of stainless steel, metallurgy, and engineering. I find the whole topic extremely enlightening."
"The luster of the pearlite is just like a pearl, and that's why it is called pearlite."
"Ductility is defined really as the ability of a material to be drawn into wires."
"Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity; they're also malleable, ductile, lustrous, and tend to lose electrons and become positively charged cations."
"A material can be hammered into shape means it is malleable."
"Transition elements are harder and stronger than Group 1 elements."
"The way they get this metal to look white... they reduce the amount of copper that's added to the alloy and they increase the amount of silver metals such as nickel, zinc, and silver."
"Diffusion is one of the most important processes which takes place during any heat treatment process."
"The martensitic transformation begins at the martensite start temperature, Ms."
"There's an important class of alloys which are precipitation hardened."
"A very light caramel brown color indicates that we've got a high purity gold precipitation here."
"The Indian Wootz steel is really something which was one of the first ventures towards making a good product out of iron."
"TTT curves, that is Time Temperature Transformation curve, and CCT curve, which is Continuous Cooling Transformation curves, are technologically very important to know."
"Pearlite, which is a lamellar microstructure containing alternate layers of ferrite and cementite, forms due to eutectoid reaction in iron-carbon alloys."
"Martensite forms when austenite is rapidly cooled, quenched to room temperature; it forms nearly instantaneously when the required low temperature is reached."
"Martensite is metastable and can persist indefinitely at room temperature but will transform to equilibrium phase on annealing at an elevated temperature."
"Since martensite is a metastable non-equilibrium phase, it does not appear in the phase diagram."
"Continuous cooling transformation is what we do in industry."
"We will get a plethora of microstructures due to continuous cooling."
"At a temperature below eutectic transformation temperature, this is where the colonies will form and you can get this fine microstructure."
"Pearlite gives steel its strength."
"Martensitic transformation is so fast, you take the sample at 950 Celsius, quench in water, immediately the steel gamma will transform to martensite."
"Rose gold is a blend of 24 karat yellow gold with copper and silver."
"Iron was discovered tens of thousands of years ago by man."
"The difference between iron and steel comes down to the microstructure and the carbon content."
"Chemistry is not the only aspect to making steel."
"If I have a finer grain size, I end up with a stronger steel."