
Disturbance Quotes

There are 418 quotes

"The general character of quantum mechanics is that you cannot do measurements on systems without disturbing them, and disturbing them can change completely the character of a question."
"The more something disturbs you in personal development work, the more benefit you know that it has for you long-term."
"Somehow or other it is the idle report that disturbs us most, for truth has its own definite boundaries."
"Now, there are times of the day, or times when you just don't want to be disturbed."
"The strange sound pierced my silent isolation, jarring me awake."
"Our time on this planet is limited. Do not start getting disturbed by the M word, for Christ's sake."
"These are people who have been treated to mental disturbance courtesy of the American federal government."
"I'd much rather not be disturbed now. Look at his little body, he's built like a bowling ball with legs."
"The ground was a-talking last night, heard whippoorwills so loud on Cold Spring Glen, he couldn't sleep."
"I found it so disturbing and so repugnant, and I'm just not someone in my life at this time who can stand by and see that without saying something."
"I don't know what to make of it I would love to make fun of it but I can't it's too disturbing."
"He's to use a Star Wars metaphor, a disturbance in the force."
"The spirit of our people were upset. Our ancestors weren't having it."
"Be wary, I sense a disturbance in the Force."
"Will ya shut up? You are ruining the whole trip."
"That was the most disturbing thing... I feel violated."
"Can you hear Alex Cinque like that weights it's so loud."
"This is a very, very, very disturbing revelation."
"We're just asking for paperwork, you're disturbing our peace."
"The poltergeist began disturbing the family in 1966 with a wide variety of paranormality."
"Something is really messed up in this house."
"I walked home to the sound of them loudly yapping their displeasure behind me."
"At that point it's not tea to me it's, and it's really it's kind of disturbing."
"Most people do not want raucous reveling into the middle of the night and smashing windows."
"This is a deeply deeply troubling and disturbing and shakes up the entire core of the nation."
"This entire situation is sickening and disturbing."
"There is no way to oversell how disturbing this case and this crime is."
"I found the very last scene in this movie very disturbing."
"Objects in the apartment had been moved around, including ornaments being shifted out of place."
"Around the world, people are reporting a low, incessant, highly disturbing hum."
"I screamed so loud I was sure I woke up everyone in the hotel."
"The cry of fire at midnight might sometimes rudely, harshly, and unpleasantly startle a person out of his sleep."
"I have a feeling that it's not an earthquake, it's just Wade's loud snores. I can't sleep, make it stop!"
"It felt like someone or something was intentionally just gently shaking it, pushing to sway it lightly back and forth."
"Welcome everyone to the new era. What is that sound? What is going on? Okay, the new era is starting off with a little bit of construction."
"This bothers me on a human level... that's insane."
"This case is certainly disturbing, the video shocks the conscience of anyone."
"I'm a very, very light sleeper, so if anyone does anything next to me while I'm sleeping, I'm gonna wake up."
"You are being disruptive and disturbing the peace."
"This really is starting to get very messed up."
"The whole situation is just it's very disturbing when you really think about it."
"Are you ready? Holy fuck!" - "I'm legit never had a neighbor's complaint, but right now, this is wild."
"I noticed that she began to undergo some extremely disturbing changes."
"It's like a complaint about my neighbors, they're being noisy."
"We've got a fundamental disturbance of the airflow in the main core of the engine which caused the engine to backfire."
"Our upstairs neighbors are the worst [ __ ] day people."
"I just don't get it. The thing is, why are they making those noises at 11 o'clock?"
"Instead of doing whatever you're doing that is creating all that disturbance in there, I'm asking you to relax."
"Many apps will want to bother you throughout the day, ping you with notifications, most are useless."
"Someone is real disturbed, someone feels like someone here is real disturbed."
"Your goodness disturbs their whole being."
"It was another strange occurrence, maybe a mountain lion or a bear disturbed them, who knows what dude, who knows."
"128 cars on their street of five houses between 10 p.m and 6 a.m 128 cars and and people were urinating in their yards people were ringing their doorbells looking for the party."
"Seems often when we disturbed things that have been at rest a long time, it can trigger activity."
"It sounded like a really violent, loud, and disturbing dog fight."
"Men are disturbed not by things, but by the view which they take of them."
"Sound of Freedom is a disturbing unflinching depiction of something Beyond abhorrent."
"That's the great thing about having a nice mature plant is that it doesn't mind too much if their roots get a little disturbed."
"...he accused her of disturbing everyone's peace."
"Are you ready to be disturbed, to confront The Unexplained and leave your preconceived notions at the door?"
"Since we've moved in here, we've heard knocking above us."
"This one gets crazier and more disturbing the more we go on."
"There is something deeply troubling about this result."
"Being disturbed isn't always a bad thing; there are some things in life that you should be disturbed about."
"At around 7:30 there was a long line inside and out of nowhere there was some commotion."
"The door shook violently as someone kicked the door as hard as they could."
"I must have woke up half the island when I screamed."
"She's screaming, the windows are open, they could hear her on the street, and the phone, and stereo, and [ __ ]."
"The audacious act was complete, leaving the homeowners in turmoil."
"I saw someone walking over to the window. They stopped and stared straight over at me through the window. It was the most disturbing thing I had ever seen."
"The last bad thing about this movie would have to be the four teenagers in the back of my theater who talked the whole time."
"I heard something land on the floor above that was so heavy that it shook the ceiling above my bed, waking me from a dead sleep."
"I sensed a great disturbance in the force and suddenly millions of voices cried out in relief."
"If you disturb that you disturb the entire Universal order."
"As if what we were talking about wasn't enough, there's something that feels even more disturbing underneath."
"This person wants to rock it. This person wants to like have the ability to disturb your peace, and I just don't think you give people the ability to disturb your peace."
"It was really weird, yeah, because she doesn't ever usually have nightmares or anything and she just like wakes up in the middle of the night, like just walks there."
"A flare was thrown onto the pitch."
"But um already even with just the one power supply plugged in here just a little bit of noise."
"I feel a disturbance in the forest."
"We're already dealing with this counterfactual counternarrative, and so it's no wonder that we're disturbed."
"My belief is the more you present somebody as he is the more scarier they become because it all seems so rational but actually it's deeply disturbed and that's what becomes disturbing for the audience is the rationality of somebody's behavior which is pretty vile."
"I'm currently under medical quarantine. I cannot be disturbed."
"It was too loud, it was in the middle of the night, and it was generally unsafe."
"The piercing, high-pitched sound tore through the McAllisters' dreams, shattering the peace of their slumber."
"Horror exists to disturb us so it's expected that it would include elements that are in reality disturbing."
"I woke up at 4 a.m. to the sound of banging downstairs."
"Light is a disturbance in the electric field of a charged particle that makes a disturbance. That disturbance propagates along and that disturbance is called a photon. That's light."
"Despite the events being chronicled centuries ago, it remains a disturbing account of a poltergeist incident."
"Can this be true? When I think of God, this disturbance comes."
"Everything that is disturbing to you is because something inside of you is not properly aligned."
"Nothing else appeared to be disturbed. TVs, video recorders, stereo systems, everything appeared to be where it should have been."
"This movie is not as scary as I thought it was going to be, but it is way more disturbing than I ever want to be disturbed."
"It's almost like she was laughing but in the most perturbed way."
"One Sunday afternoon I was home alone cleaning my kitchen, the man upstairs was having a very loud and long round, and for the first time I heard a clear response."
"I almost felt like how the priests feel now. Like where you just feel drained for some reason. I feel like physically disturbed. Yeah, mentally disturbed. Spiritually disturbed."
"There's a great disturbance in this moment in the world, the Church, and thus is the faith that is in question."
"Sometimes, there would be loud phone calls."
"The killings were made even more disturbing to us by how rare it was for anything like that to happen in this area of California."
"If you live in an area where you can't really control the noise, you can use earplugs or a white noise machine to drown out startling noises."
"...it Disturbed me but not in the sense of like the context of the lyrical themes or what the album's about but this is the only album that I've heard that just how everything is played out musically really ends up disturbing me."
"The timing was just a coincidence but definitely a disturbing one."
"Bauer started screaming uncontrollably the manager came out to calm him down but he just kept screaming uncontrollably finally Bauer calmed down."
"It was also disturbing to hear someone who had the lives of so many people in his hands speak that way."
"This movie exists to disturb you, and it will."
"...it was about 4:30 before the Sun had begun to rise up into the gray winter sky—the entire family was awoken by the sound of glass shattering."
"Cosmic disturbance something happens to the sun moon and stars."
"In the end, their disturbance and their honesty led them to God."
"Neighbors heard them screaming at each other."
"I'm disturbed. I am thoroughly Disturbed."
"Neighbors started complaining about loud banging coming from their apartment at night."
"By this, he meant not someone who would come up with a new philosophy or a new doctrine, but rather someone who would disturb and provoke people, someone who would shake them from their complacency."
"Great music can deeply disturb, yet in a very powerful, important, and beneficial way."
"Harmony and peace on the fence, something was very disturbing that someone seen surrounding a marriage or a partnership."
"You guys are arguing so much, you can hear about the whole house."
"It was not a pleasant sleep and for a second I was not sorry for the echoing shriek which clove through the barriers of dream and flung me to a sharp and startled awake."
"It sometimes just meeting someone else or again someone in your life who becomes a Christian... becomes very unsettling."
"Black Flame apologizes for disturbing them."
"It's really disturbing, but also, it's like the softest thing and I lowkey kind of love it."
"Shocked and a little disturbed, the couple returned to the store and realized that the spot it had come from was facing into the storage room, implying someone was using it to keep an eye on staff."
"We're disturbed not by things, but by the views that we take of them."
"In a world in which most things have a reason, Radagan was disturbed."
"Nothing about that trail or the direction of travel made sense, and Tom Radgan was a man who was disturbed by the illogical."
"Their peace was fairly short-lived because as they were lying there in their tent, just quietly talking to each other and slowly drifting off to sleep, there was a sudden disturbance that would shatter the calmness of the night around them."
"I'm sorry to have disturbed your night, Sergeant,"
"It's very disturbing and upsetting, but it's also very moving."
"There is nothing good that can come from disturbing that dreadful place."
"I didn't want you disturbing him, no."
"You know there's a disturbance in the force when it's me doing an ad read."
"This entire situation is extremely disturbing."
"Finally, in the last two weeks or so, sometimes at night, I will hear banging and stomping from the flat below ours."
"The tranquility of the campsite was now tainted, replaced by a creeping dread."
"The whole front door started shaking the men were banging on the neighbor's door and still yelling things."
"...this is by far the most disturbing thing I have ever experienced."
"In my opinion, the construction worker disturbed a burial ground, bringing forth the spirits of different time periods."
"I did not expect that twist but that is disturbing man."
"For a long time afterwards, I had dreams about him that I would talk to him and he wouldn't say nice things back, mainly about how angry he was that I disturbed his resting place and that he wanted to kill me."
"Everyone sleeping over it's the demon argument."
"I woke up at around 5:00 a.m. hearing screams mainly from a woman but also very aggressive shouting from a man."
"Hey, they took away them kids, chatting, look look don't touch it damn they [__] up Mr. Barrington, bro."
"We're outside Yorktown, everyone's a little shook up. Just had a group of people tried to break in, tried to break in."
"I know it's not the most insane thing that's ever happened to anybody but it was intensely disturbing knowing that this thing could easily kill me and wasn't afraid of me and didn't want to leave."
"The noise around him grew more and more harsh."
"Frank Walker was a man who was not easily surprised nor easily shocked but what his wife had just revealed to him deeply Disturbed him even after reading the note that warned him this might happen for a brief moment he lost his composure."
"Maybe in the middle of the night, two or three o'clock in the morning, maybe four, two people were drag racing like really fast."
"Stillness means you're not disturbed by the disturbances."
"That's got to be one of the most disturbing endings in Horror history."
"I feel a great disturbance in the force. Thanks. It's okay, I know who tried to be boring."
"It's late at night and Hank is watching TV in his house when he hears a car engine rumbling."
"When light enters into darkness it disturbs it"
"They were woken up in the early hours this morning because they heard screams."
"A dark flame erupted out of nothingness, making the entire camp tremble under the force."
"The silence of suburbia was shattered by gunfire..."
"Expression creates disturbance outside, suppression creates disturbance inside."
"I do not give a crap that she dreamed about it, it's the fact that she decided to tell my boyfriend that is really just so disturbing."
"Peace is a lovely language. Please don't come interrupt my peace. Don't come disturb my peace."
"You've left very little disturbance to put that beaver on edge, and that's how you do it."
"...they got a call about a guy walking around the store waving a gun around."
"Disturbing literature can evoke a sense of plausibility, making readers question the boundaries of human nature and the fragility of societal norms."
"He was deeply disconcerted by all these developments."
"These donkeys these burrows here have been coming to my tent every night and then stand out there and make all kinds of noise flak their hooves on the rocks."
"Thankfully, there was no riot, but it was a horrible, horrible thing to see."
"Disturbances are fun until they upset a conviction, a belief, a value, an image, an idea."
"There's just something incredibly disturbing about the realities of a public execution."
"This film is disturbing and sometimes it's just good to be disturbed."
"That's literally disturbing, what the hell was that?"
"Are you disturbed? You should be disturbed."
"I won't ask him because you know you don't want to disturb a cat's sleep, that's for sure."
"The unexpected rarely disturbed Bourne; it did now."
"I don't recommend you do it unless you're prepared for how disturbing it is. It's really, it's really really disturbing and sometimes it's hard to get out of it."
"All perturbation lies in perception."
"The sense of suffocation is always there, always disturbing."
"The slamming continues and the noise that echoed in my room started to get into my head."
"Last night I was woken up by three loud knocks."
"It was like somebody was banging on the wall with an ax."
"We start to hear footsteps outside our doors. These I also do not fear, they just kind of annoy me."
"I heard loud banging at the door,"
"Imagine being woken up from a deep sleep thinking that you're hearing gunshots in a college dorm."
"I woke up to being shaken roughly."
"I woke up after midnight to knocking on my window."
"Sweet potato coconut doll, um, there's a noise above us, which is Anna's air conditioning."
"Hey, man, that's my electric bill and my heating bill. Could you not? Dude, please, not. Hey, you're scaring me. That's fine. You're messing with my financials."
"...something huge and heavy and fast is stomping and running around in the attic upstairs it is stopping and running so loud that it is quite literally shaking the walls at this point."
"I saw him all right. He wakes me up when he comes to bed every night."
"I'm a very light sleeper, like gosh Brandon wake up over a feather dropping on his pillow."
"The most disturbing thing I'd ever experienced."
"That night I slept on the couch and ignored the sound of footsteps walking across the roof."
"That part still deeply unsettles me."
"It's perpetually lit in that sort of uncomfortable state right at the moment when a car drives by and its headlights beam right into the window."
"Desire arises within us in various forms, as likes or dislikes, as cravings or aversions, as hopes or fears, but in whatever form it rises, it disturbs the natural peace of our mind and thereby obscures the happiness that is always within us."
"It's not difficult to imagine that perturbing a system this massive with this large a disturbance might result in something anomalous."
"These fish are not used to seeing unnatural light."
"Our mission is to investigate a disturbance emanating from the planet which is interfering with subspace communications throughout the quadrant."
"...a haunting kind of developed... he would hear knockings on the walls."
"I was startled awake by the sounds of screaming."
"What an amazing week in Otter Creek, cops being called."
"An outstanding ballgame to have the finish like this is kind of disturbing."
"I felt like this was a charming disturbing little creature feature and I loved it."
"The family spent a disturbed night waiting for the knocking to stop, which it finally did as the sun threatened to rise on the horizon."
"It's much funnier than I remembered, but honestly, it's more disturbing than I remember as well."