
Practical Learning Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"The only way to learn finance is to do finance."
"If you show me how to do something as opposed to tell me how to do something I'm gonna learn faster."
"Without a doubt, the easiest way to learn is by example."
"It requires a lot of practice. It means breaking things down to the component pieces, understanding how they work, and then putting them back together."
"With your videos, I was able to improve my soldering skills and have fixed a very expensive broken PCB of a machine in the company where I work."
"So, we're gonna be building out one of the case studies."
"Focus on high education and more on apprenticeships and Hands-On learning."
"You learn more doing the job on the job than you do in school."
"The best way to understand native speakers is to study and analyze native speaker conversations."
"The only way to get good at fighting is to fight. Nothing else."
"Taking the class to see firsthand where their garbage goes will demonstrate real world relevance."
"What do you think is the best way to learn something? Is it lectures, exercises from a textbook? Well, not for me; learning something in a practical way has always been the best way I've found."
"Virtual labs: where theory meets practice, without the constraints of physical limitations."
"Education is not simply working your way through Wikipedia. Education is about understanding what you're trying to accomplish and getting the knowledge that you need in order to bend reality to your will."
"Our focus is on building a real-world application, not exploring all features of Angular or .NET Core."
"Know your home—understand its functions, weaknesses, and flow. Take time to learn before diving into renovations."
"Know when to stop doing research, know when you understand enough."
"Learn what solves real problems and what your company uses."
"You learn more from this than you do from any textbook or any master's degree because this is like the horse's mouth."
"The only way you're going to learn is by immersing yourself in the market conditions."
"That's why I keep coming back over here to the demonstrative chart, the cognitive stuff. I think everybody is doing the cognitive stuff. Get the hands-on. Focus on the hands-on. I can't stress this part enough. Focus on the hands-on."
"If you do this with your kid for 3 days and you don't let them flush they will learn why you flush toilets."
"High schools spend so much time on various subjects you'll probably never use, ignoring basics like mortgages, insurance, or buying your first car or home."
"Boy, they ain't studying nothing, they get right to the economics."
"A lot of people learn with their hands more easily than studying a book."
"What's really special about this course four is that you do get to see how these products are being built from scratch."
"Prove to an employer that you can do it by doing it."
"There's no better education than hands-on education, in my opinion."
"Diplomas don't do the work, only getting knowledge does."
"You've got to make chess fun and practical. Those two things, right? They need to be fun and practical."
"Do in-person or online language exchanges, learn by talking with somebody."
"Well, that's a start, but I don't reckon you came to me to learn to fight sarsaparilla bottles. Tell you what, I gotta go chase geckos away from my water supply anyway. Darn critters are attracted to it. Why don't you come along?"
"Babel is a great app that gives you the right tools to learn languages in quick and practical ways."
"Experience is the master. The best way to become good at something is to actually do it rather than study it or observe from a distance."
"Experience is more important than anything that we could learn in school." - Nguyen Phi Vân
"Build more things that get into people's hands. Learn by doing."
"These videos are not just theory-based, they are practical."
"These are not just theory based, they are practical videos demonstrating everything."
"If you actually want to learn how the economy works, there is a second economics department in every university... and that place is called the business school."
"Getting hands-on practice with statistical reasoning and probability is definitely the best way to become more comfortable with all the numbers you come across every day."
"Go get a trade man, go learn how to do something with your hands."
"We get to learn so many different things in real-life cases that you probably don't learn in law school or any kind of schooling."
"I may not be a smart man, I may not love to read, but I love learning how things work."
"From the next video, we are going to be creating our game, we are not going to go into theory and stuff, we're just going to start with practical stuff and actually start creating a game."
"Field experience will always Trump classroom experience."
"Watching 100 trading videos won't make you profitable, but implementing what you've learned in one single video just might."
"Isn't it better for a random stranger on the internet who's passionate about teaching to be the person that tells you about how to tie a tie..."
"Experience teaches you a lot more than just a degree."
"It's about the process that they are doing something hands-on with you they're spending quality time with you they're learning how to use a crinkle cutter or a regular knife or they're scrubbing a vegetable they're like living in the moment."
"It's awesome Hands-On is always the best way to learn."
"Skills matter... and what makes this practical is that when it comes to learning skills and software, there are many affordable ways to do that."
"Solving real problems is definitely the best way to learn something."
"There's nothing that will teach you more about code than doing just that."
"The morgue, particularly for my area of expertise, medical legal death investigation, you learn more there than you ever will sitting in a classroom."
"Students need to know how to measure and do the mill relation formula."
"I learn a lot of stuff and then what works, I try to share."
"Labbing is the most important thing you can do to advance in your IT career and to ace that CCNA exam."
"We're really excited to learn all the ins and outs of building a vehicle that we're planning on trying to live in."
"If you actually want to use Spanish out in the real world, you need to do things that are going to prepare you for doing Spanish out in the real world."
"It's really important to be able to provide people with Hands-On learning."
"When it comes to taking that next step, you really do need to be building projects and working on projects."
"I can't think of a better way to learn about details and budgets, form and function, than a do-it-yourself remodeling project."
"You cannot learn how to be an entrepreneur in a classroom setting."
"Building something can give you an Insight that you really were missing beforehand."
"Build something and then analyze it. This helps both sides of the brain."
"If you're looking to learn how to use a new piece of equipment, actually use it."
"Learning skills that work with human behavior."
"Science is fun when you know what you're doing."
"How do you study entrepreneurship? You do entrepreneurship."
"The most effective way to learn is by doing."
"Grab an example, run it, change some things, break it, and learn along the way."
"I actually used a tutorial because I actually want my farm to work."
"You're trying to demonstrate that you can actually make something."
"Experiment with experiments: Virtual Labs promote experiential learning, a recommendation of the National Education Policy."
"Sewing is an apocalyptic survival skill everybody should know."
"Living in a small home has taught me to live with only the things that I need."
"Each project that I put on this list will teach you a different skill, it will be something practical that you could actually apply in the real world."
"Did you know that you're building some crazy skills, marketable skills like Linux and networking knowledge that you can put on a resume?"
"I was pretty happy that I was practicing this on the simulator and not real life."
"You don't learn to weld in a classroom. You can only learn to weld by actually doing it repetitively."
"There's so many things that are Hands-On with drag like you know that you wouldn't get unless you were in a space with somebody doing Drag and learning how it goes."
"I often wonder what we go to school for; we never seem to learn anything really useful."
"Real world scenarios can give you a better perspective on learning as it is tied to something that makes it easy to comprehend."
"The schh hark or practical learning movement emerged promoting ideas of practicality and statecraft."
"You learn the most by doing. You can watch all the videos in the world, but if you don't actually go and do it, you're not going to learn anything."
"It's so much better to learn it practically in a real project - it's gonna stick, you're gonna learn how gesture is applied to something real rather than to this exercise and that's so much more useful."
"Don't think like a learner, think like a native. Focus on situations, get lots of examples."
"That's an education guys, that's an education you're never going to get in college."
"...learn both at the same time because you learn a lot by actually doing... it's also a lot more fun to learn both at the same time..."
"The analysis of electronic circuits is best learned by practice."
"I think we should be learning really practical things."
"Our students not only get their theory in the classroom but they also can get the hands-on training part here on location."
"You're never going to learn how to be a nurse until you're out there doing the nursing job."
"High school should have a class called 'Life'."
"Learning how to connect the pieces of JavaScript is the only way to learn JavaScript."
"We teach the fundamentals of FreeCAD with practical examples whilst following and understanding workflows."
"By the end of this course, you're going to have a fully functional SwiftUI Airbnb clone."
"The new medical education was practical instruction, and it was hands on, with training on the ward from day one."
"It's much better to do it with a real world example with something that's real."
"School wasn't teaching me about this stuff... these are things I can actually just apply and see results from."
"Kids develop actual real-world skills, crafting techniques, while expressing their creativity."
"We're going to try everything on real projects, hands-on, and in all details."
"Skillshare is all about hands-on learning."
"Having that access to hands-on learning and state-of-the-art technology is awesome."
"Instead of just reading about it, they can actually see it in practice."
"The best way to learn cybersecurity is through hands-on and practical exercises."
"The best way to figure out how to make a working sawmill is to visit a working sawmill."
"Given a choice of reviewing notes or doing problems, always do problems."
"I really believe that if you want to learn something, you have to apply it in real life."
"My Philosophy in general in life isn't to learn everything; it's to learn the things that I need and get a strong enough grasp on them so that I can apply them for benefit in business, pleasure, hobby, whatever."
"We take a project-based approach, using datasets from high-impact publications for practical exercises."
"It's interesting to have this perspective of learning the practical side first and then a bit of the theory which you can apply."
"I have a bias towards learning code first because it's practical."
"The level of experience you can generate for yourself is almost equivalent to real-world experience."
"It's so applicable to day-to-day life; you get to learn about the body but also ecosystems."
"Management courses at Bucknell aren't dress rehearsals; they are real life."
"English textbooks can be like the gym, so find a great challenge for you in the real world."
"It is important for me that students can learn something that is useful outside the classroom."
"Don't just spend all your time studying grammar and learning vocabulary lists; you've got to learn language in context."
"If you actually want to learn React well enough to be able to use it, you'll need to be actually writing React code."
"Nothing replaces time on the trapline and the experience that it brings."
"I strongly believe that you only have to learn roughly 10 to 20% of music theory because that 10 to 20% you use almost 100% of the time."
"You guys know I'm real big on the real world and how we apply this stuff that we're learning to outside these walls that we call schools."
"The best way to learn anything is by doing it Hands-On."
"I appreciate that because I think it's good to be taught by someone who actually is out there in the real world installing the stuff."
"If you were an apprentice for a company for a year, the things that you would learn would be far more than sitting in a classroom."
"The theory is fine, but it's much better to learn the stuff practically."
"That hands-on building is so helpful for people."
"I think at level three, because it's so close to practice, that working with somebody else adds a lot of value."
"This hands-on approach is crucial in programming."
"To realize what yoga is, you need a practical experience."
"The knowledge you gain from a university can be beneficial to you... make sure that you're actually going to learn from it."
"This lesson is going to be purely practical, so no theory. I'm gonna walk you through examples and show you exactly my approach in doing a higher time frame analysis."
"Don't come here if you want to go to a school where you're going to learn all the black-letter rules in class."
"It's different, isn't it, compared to what you learn to pass an exam compared to like in real life having real-life conversations."
"Practical work introduces pupils to the objects, phenomena, and methods of scientific study."
"It's ridiculous, you could learn more about business flipping burgers at McDonald's than going to school."
"I'm a huge advocate for learning things in real life."
"I could read it till the cows come home, it doesn't mean anything to me. I need to see you actually physically do it, and then it clicks."
"Everything you need to know will be explained using practical examples with real-life data sets."
"I rebelled by learning skills that had a practical application."
"You're only going to learn so much in school, and they're not necessarily going to teach you things you're going to encounter in the field."
"There's nothing like seeing it and being a part of the problem in the field, that's the way you're going to learn the most."
"Instead of learning this debugging way by just learning how to arrange stuff, how about we put an application in mind and we try to replicate it while we are learning."
"Learn by example as we build these four different projects together."
"By the end of today, you could theoretically dissect a fish, point everything out, and understand the basic function of everything that you see."
"The research that we want you to do will be practical work with plants."
"It's way easy to learn something in a practical setting where you have some hands-on experience, as opposed to just sitting there and watching a bunch of slides."
"All this hands-on is great, right guys?"
"If you're gonna learn plumbing, go learn from a plumber that's actually seen a pipe, not just written about pipes."
"Teaching kids like practical stuff is so underrated."
"Solve real problems and build real interfaces or real objects."
"A lot better than sitting in a classroom learning."
"That's better than school any day of the week, I'll guarantee you."