
Semiconductors Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Taiwan produces around 50 percent of the world's semiconductors... semiconductors are important for every single gadget in your life."
"Taiwan is responsible for nearly all advanced semiconductors on planet Earth."
"Taiwan's more important than Cuba ever was because Taiwan is where 92 percent of the most sophisticated semiconductors in the world are manufactured."
"Semiconductor chips are critical to enabling the development of future technologies."
"If AI is the future, then nearly all roads also lead to Taiwan Semiconductor."
"Semiconductors are by far the most important components that keep the world functioning."
"India plans to go from being an importer of semiconductors to a major exporter in the global market."
"Understanding the semiconductor market can help you make more informed decisions."
"Taiwan is a critical cog in international trade, producing over 90 percent of the most advanced semiconductors."
"Taiwan or Taiwanese companies produce an estimated half of the world's semiconductors."
"Your PC has a chip with layers of semiconductors about 20 atoms across... In the coming decades, it'll be five atoms across."
"The entire future of humanity is dependent on the development of these semiconductors and these technology AI, you know, everything involving space travel will be dependent on the continued advancement of semiconductors."
"From our phones to computers to OpenAI's chat GPT, semiconductors power our modern way of life."
"The industry standard for wafers is 300 millimeters."
"Now China has demonstrated it can produce at least limited quantities of chips... inching closer to its objective of self-sufficiency in the critical area of semiconductors."
"This is now the golden age of semiconductors."
"U.S. lawmakers are pushing to boost domestic production of semiconductors."
"Semiconductors: still pullbacks in time, sideways markets."
"A semiconductor is more important in the security game than a gun."
"Semiconductors can transition between conducting and not conducting."
"Semiconductors have a special property: their conductivity can change."
"Many of our military capabilities are powered by advanced semiconductors, and recent years have shown how fragile these supply chains can be."
"Our semiconductor group is a very special one because we want to give a presence of semiconductors in the context of computing history."
"Semiconductors are probably the poster child for the globalized hyper-specialized economy."
"The progress of semiconductors allowed us to invent the GPU and accelerated computing."
"Semiconductors are the brains of a computer; it's the processing power."
"The late 1950s and early 1960s was an extraordinary period in the development of semiconductor electronics."
"We have joined hands with many volunteers to help us authentically represent the contributions that semiconductors have enabled."
"If the world could come together and coordinate and collaborate on the further R&D of semiconductors, we will be advancing this technology much faster than before."
"The real story about semiconductors is really complicated; it is not just about economic competition, there is a very strong national security dimension to the whole story."
"Semiconductors are the new frontline."
"Semiconductor chips have become the backbone of new technologies."
"The country that succeeds in becoming the technological leader in the semiconductor race will be in the best position to overtake the military and economic power of any other power."
"Semiconductors are no longer just components but strategic resources that all major economies must secure."
"Semiconductors are the building blocks of computers... pretty much every system in the world work."
"Quantum dots are tiny semiconducting particles that have properties significantly different from larger bulk particles."
"We coexist with TSMC in the same package."
"To achieve this vision, we will need a reliable supply of the most advanced, high performance and high quality semiconductors."
"Securing the future of the semiconductor industry is vital to renewing American innovation."
"The process of designing and manufacturing chips is the most complex technological process humans have ever undertaken."
"It's the production of semiconductors, their design, and their proliferation throughout society that has explained not only the shifts of military power but also the broader economic and technological importance of chips."
"These are really special materials, these semiconductors."
"Semiconductors are more conductive at high temperatures."
"Semiconductors fuel every secular growth trend imaginable."
"If Taiwan Semiconductor is doing well, that's generally good news for the semiconductor sector as a whole."
"Semiconductors are the vital component for the technologies that you and I depend on every single day."
"Chips have become a battleground for international capital, as all electronic devices require chips, so much so that chips are now considered by all countries to be a technology of national security."
"All of these technologies have one thing in common: they only exist because of the crazy pace of innovation in semiconductors."
"Making a semiconductor is one of the most complex manufacturing processes out there."
"The foundation comes from semiconductors."
"The energy versus momentum relation is an important relation for electrons in semiconductors."
"Well now that we're comfortable with some key concepts of quantum mechanics, we can talk about a really important topic for semiconductors: the density of states."
"The introduction of the Pure Play Foundry model... has fundamentally changed the landscape of the semiconductor industry."
"Over 90 percent of the world's most advanced semiconductors are made in Taiwan."
"CMOS is complementary metal oxide semiconductor technology."
"Quantum dots are really, really tiny particles of a semiconductor."
"It's very remarkable that you can start with a piece of semiconductor with an Avogadro number of electrons and be just left with one little electron on the island."
"Solid-state storage is a non-volatile storage that is built from solid semiconductors."
"Unlike oil, which is produced in lots of countries... only a couple of countries can produce advanced semiconductors."
"With advances in semiconductor devices, Power Electronics becomes a solution in renewable energy systems."
"Semiconductors: the senses of a device, the brain of a device, and the muscles."
"Semiconductors are elements in new discoveries that are being made."
"Semiconductors are materials that can be altered to function as either a conductor or an insulator."
"An integrated circuit combines several semiconductors and other components into one package."
"High-performance computing is one of the most exciting spaces in semiconductors today."
"Taiwan is responsible for making 70% of the world's semiconductors."
"You're really talking about obliterating the global economy if you're going to do that right now with the way semiconductor supply chains work."