
Presidential Campaign Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Joe Biden finally on Tuesday decided to launch his not really awaited presidential campaign."
"The speech is for marketing. He's running for president, and he's touting his accomplishments."
"Georgia is one of the key states that Mr. Trump would need if he is in fact nominated and wants to win the White House in 2024."
"It takes a lot of courage to run for president."
"I am really excited for a Ron DeSantis presidential run."
"I'm running for president because I see the future we're leaving to our kids."
"If you get tired from doing a modest number of campaign events like Joe Biden is doing, how on earth are you going to stand up to the pressures of being president?"
"Trump has been just everywhere this campaign season."
"Donald Trump is going to provide the leadership that this country has not had in a very long time."
"Donald Trump will deliver remarks in Gettysburg tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time. So another busy day three live events for Trump tomorrow."
"Nobody took Trump seriously when he ran for president. Nobody took much of what Trump said seriously."
"If you've heard anything about me and my campaign, you've heard that someone is running for president who wants to give every American $1,000 a month."
"Trump DeSantis 2024: Tears in my eyes, fear in my heart."
"Hillary doesn't just have a powerful vision for this country, she has the policies to actually make that vision a reality."
"There was never a tangible thing to latch onto and say, 'This is why she should be president.'"
"It's time for us to bring character back to the White House."
"Tulsi Gabbard is the only presidential candidate who has gotten it right."
"Donald Trump never wanted to run for president he never wanted it."
"What Donald Trump did in 2016 will go down as one of the most, if not the most legendary accomplishments we will ever see again."
"DeSantis has the potential to be a generational politician. He will run for president at some point in time."
"Thus again, an entire presidential campaign was set around one black male who happened to be a criminal."
"The roads to the White House runs through here."
"If you're going to beat Trump, we need a candidate that brings people together, and Andrew Yang's messages about jobs, the economy, the future of technology, artificial intelligence, cyber warfare, etc., are going to do just that."
"If they silence the Republican party's leading presidential candidate... it's not good for the country." - Concern about silencing Trump.
"Running for president is not a ticket to criminal impunity." - Jessica Denson
"My mission is to win the presidency and at the same time it's to take down Donald Trump because of what he's done to my party and what he's done to our country."
"I'm not running for president, I'm walking." - Kanye West on his presidential run
"I don't see America that way. I'm running as a proud Democrat. I will govern as an American president for everybody!"
"Nikki Haley has decided to go against that statement and to run against Donald Trump for president in 2024."
"They're going to replace Joe Biden at the convention."
"And imagine, ladies and gentlemen, if they can do this to the candidate for the President of the United States, what could they do to you?"
"I thought a woman could win. He disagreed." - Elizabeth Warren
"It must be Trump. I really do want to see a second term of Trump. Can you imagine the ultimate comeback kid's story?"
"President Biden is on a track for victory this coming November."
"Former president Donald Trump announces a White House bid for 2024."
"I pick this as number one because of all the hints Trump has given about 2024, this is the one that leaves no doubt in my mind that he's running again. He's angry, he's humiliated, he wants revenge."
"He has made this clear that he is willing to be the candidate who makes race a story more than any other presidential contender since George Wallace in 1968."
"Joe Biden's winning presidential campaign in 2020 wasn't his first rodeo."
"We are not here just to protest their corruption. I am running for president to take the Democratic Party and our country back."
"It's President Trump's opportunity to convince the American people that the next four years can be exciting, not depressing."
"I'm running for president to revive the ideals that actually set the nation into motion."
"It should come as no surprise that I will not be endorsing Donald Trump this year during my presidential campaign. I made it clear that there were profound differences between me and President Trump on a range of issues."
"Trump was the first truly multinational presidential candidate."
"We are going to elect Senator Bernie Sanders the 46th President of these United States of America."
"Former president Donald Trump will announce next Tuesday that he's running for president."
"Tulsi Gabbard who ran for president on the Democratic ticket in 2020 has just now left the Democratic Party."
"If you cherish faith and freedom and law and order and life, we need four more years of President Donald Trump in the White House."
"The move would also be a reward for South Carolina, the state that saved Mr. Biden's candidacy two years ago." - The New York Times
"Our future will be more secure and more productive if Andrew Yang is in the White House."
"Great pick for a crossover, great execution, and a great choice as the number one guest character in modern fighting games."
"I'm running for president of the United States."
"Then she announces she's running for president and her slogan is 'Make America Dance Again,' iconic."
"I'm running for president because I believe it is just too late for establishment politics and establishment economics."
"She brings that activist fire that I think is so inherent in his presidential campaign."
"It sheds enormous light on what is happening in this presidential campaign and in many other aspects of social life."
"I'm running for president because America deserves to have someone listen to them."
"Richard Nixon campaigned on peace with honor."
"I believe in my heart those ideals still exist; I'm running for president to revive them."