
Xenophobia Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Genocide is what they're going with now. In response to the alarming trends of growing xenophobia, racism, intolerance, violent misogyny, anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim hatred around the world."
"The fear of the other and that's a very interesting fear that a lot of us can have and it can range from a number of different things, whether it's politics, immigration, whatever, people sometimes can fear what is other than themselves."
"Undoubtedly, we are living through extraordinary times today; violent extremism, anti-globalization sentiment, and xenophobia is on the rise."
"The president also put an end to the Muslim ban, a policy rooted in religious animus and xenophobia."
"The president put an end to the Muslim ban, a policy rooted in religious animus and xenophobia."
"Viewing others with suspicion because they're different is xenophobia."
"There also have been many cases of people discriminating against Chinese people."
"Calling food exotic reinforces xenophobia and racism."
"If you tell people they're aliens, they become less racist."
"Taking a closer look lays bare the same problems we are facing: losing trust in democracy, the channeling of xenophobia as a political tool to divide the working class, and the wish for a strongman to make everything right."
"I reject Donald Trump's xenophobic comments meant to divide our nation rather than attack members of Congress."
"The fear of the unknown is the basis for a lot of hatred in the world."
"I felt so incredibly unwelcomed and so like, I mean, you don't need how many people do you need messaging you like 'go back to where you came from, we don't want you here'?"
"State media here will call on every Chinese citizen to go be xenophobic. Yes, right? Whereas the American government say we put together this team. They don't say Americans, let's all stand together."
"Blatant in-your-face racism and xenophobia on display for the entire world to see."
"Exiting it is going to spearhead xenophobic right-wing processes."
"People hate China to the extent that they even extend that to hating Chinese people."
"Xenophobia ran rampant in America, with Executive Order 99066 authorizing the imprisonment of Chinese and Chinese-American persons."
"Can we like stop telling people to go back to their country?"
"It's okay, we didn't have to be scared. Aliens from other worlds could very well be our friends, and not our enemies."
"People are proud of where they're from, it doesn't make you a xenophobe."
"A xenophobic anti-alien organization known as Terra Prime."
"This is very personal to me... if I can't make it better, I have no business being here."
"Apparently I'm xenophobic now, just because I think we should focus on foreign players."
"Sovereignty and homogeneity are vital to Dunmeri culture; imperial occupation was a constant source of vexation to the natives who do not abide Outlanders."
"How do you win an election? What you say is: 'See those undocumented people? They are your enemy. Stand with me, hate them, let's divide this country.' I think that is an incredibly ugly and dangerous thing to be done."
"Mom, how is progress possible if our growth is stunted by perpetual tribalism and xenophobia?"
"I feel like oftentimes, when people critique K-pop and the exploitative nature of the industry, there's, um, a hint of xenophobia in the way they discuss it."
"We are now awash with xenophobia and nativism. We are now awash with islamophobia and anti-Semitism."
"Terms like politically correct or correctness are xenophobic coded terms created by people outside of our own cultural groups who try to detour our groups from the understanding of our cultural struggles and our stories."
"A lot of this goes back to xenophobia."
"Colored immigration threatens your children's health."
"Xenophobia turns out to be a terrible economic policy for advanced economies."
"It's a move that adds to Growing racism and xenophobia."
"Xenophobia or nativism is a term and topic that could be brought up in any time period including today."
"What's wrong with this old lady? She hears somebody's from a different country and just immediately tries to get them deported for no reason. What's wrong with this lady?"
"I think in our country, what we've got to face up to is that many millions of people are attracted to this English nationalism, the xenophobia, the bit of racism, the casual racism, the authoritarianism. They're attracted to it."
"Families can form lasting relationships over many generations. It's an inspiring ideal in our time of xenophobia and hostility to immigrants."
"In times of social and political instability, forms of xenophobia, group hatred, and anti-semitism arise."
"...the fear of the other grows with the absence of the other..."
"I grew up in a french-speaking household at a time where the fight for Quebec independence had very xenophobic undertones."
"We identify as French Canadians but when we were both growing up there was tremendous xenophobia associated with the french-canadian nationalist movement."
"The viral pandemic has run in parallel with a social pandemic: general xenophobia and specifically anti-Asian racism."
"I'd never seen anything resembling racism or xenophobia until I moved to Australia."
"We cannot call black people foreigners; let's call it maybe Afrophobia, the hatred of fellow Africans."
"Analyzing the role that narrow nationalism, xenophobia, and often outright racism played in the Brexit campaign."
"What would you hate if you were xenophobic?" "Foreigners, anything foreign."
"The rise of nativism was hatred and fear of foreigners."