
Captivity Quotes

There are 392 quotes

"She was one of the most famous actresses in South Korea, and now she had been kidnapped and held captive in a mansion with no way to escape."
"In the wild, 99 percent of orcas have dorsal fins that stand up straight. But in captivity, 100 percent of male orcas have collapsed dorsal fins that flop over to the side."
"There's no tank that will ever be big enough or specialized enough for an orca to live a long, happy life."
"Watching them in captivity is truly heartbreaking for me."
"Some animals strongly dislike being cooped up and come up with ingenious ways to escape."
"What do you think of keeping killer whales in captivity? Do you think SeaWorld is hiding the truth from its visitors?"
"He talks about the fact that this thing was alive, that it was being held sort of propped up by two military men with protective gear, gloves, and face masks."
"Bears are not our friends, even ones raised in captivity are known to kill people."
"Gorillas are still in zoos for the same reason they were when they were kept in small metal cages, to be an exotic attraction."
"Some animals just aren't meant to live in captivity. If you want to see a gorilla, visit one in the wild."
"Chloe had her own plan and after six days in captivity she'd established enough rapport with Lucas Herber, she was able to charm him into an extraordinary undertaking. He agreed to set her free even before any ransom money was paid."
"There is absolutely no reason why there should be more tigers in captivity than in the wild."
"Now, through these stories, we actually learn about BK's origin. He goes from Santy BK, you know, a couple different nicknames, he was an outcast to his fellow Wookiees on Kashyyyk and he ended up as a captive of the slavers, the Zhanti Brothers."
"Lions are the least predictable of the wild cats when held in captivity."
"The dangers of keeping exotic animals in captivity can be deadly."
"The mosasaur spent a big chunk of its life alone in her enclosure after her escape."
"Every thought that you don't take captive will take you captive."
"Animals forced to perform in brutal captivity, especially smart, self-aware animals, are extremely capable of learning and remembering both cruelty and compassion."
"Meet Mufasa, an elderly mountain lion who tragically had to spend his entire life chained to the back of a truck."
"Unfortunately, he couldn't be released into the wild after having spent all his life in a circus."
"Perhaps the real Natasha is likely alive out there, being held prisoner by the scrolls."
"The Thousand Sons are actually convinced that somehow they have Leman Russ trapped somewhere, and I imagine they have no intention of ever letting him go."
"The best way for Miscavige to make sure Shelley Miscavige does not escape from Scientology is to make sure she has no reason to want to."
"Look, people are literally held hostage in these homes."
"There is another final theory I want to talk about which is the theory that Amelia and Fred were captured by the Japanese."
"The goal here is to hold on to her until I can build prisoner cages."
"Until this happened were we just living under an illusion of liberty and freedom? Were we in fact always, as far as it matters, captive creatures?"
"The captive girl plans an escape but dies of an unexpected illness before she's able. Her captor lovingly buries her in his garden and then plans the kidnap of another victim."
"It is possible to be free and yet be a psychological captive."
"Every unbeliever is held captive to do his will. Where do people get this idea that there's free will?"
"It's just about freedom. Something even at this level knows it's in a cage."
"It's like looking at a caged bird."
"It's important to show that we're not just bringing animals into captivity and keeping them there forever."
"Great white sharks are one of the few creatures on Earth we seemingly cannot keep in captivity."
"Some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright."
"Dolphins that are born in captivity are very different from dolphins that are born in the wild; they're a completely different animal."
"Dolphins do not belong in captivity."
"The social structure of the orcas in the wild is completely different than the social structure that is manipulated and set up in the captive environment."
"This isn't something people want to be a part of. People don't wanna see dolphins in concrete tanks."
"The fact that killer whales are still being used in shows like at SeaWorld is a disgrace."
"It's never gonna be perfect, but it's gonna be a hell of a lot better than a concrete tank."
"Yet thou serve with thine eyes clouded in chaos, thou bound in the cage of madness."
"They caught them like wild animals and keep them like in a zoo."
"Capture thoughts before you can make them captive."
"You can't make thoughts captive until you capture them."
"You are in our home, children, and you do not get to leave until we say so."
"The guests rushed to the door but everything was tightly locked they found themselves held hostage but they had not yet lost hope of finding an emergency exit."
"Janet freaks out as she demands to be released, saying she would rather be free outside than safe in a hellhole."
"I remember thinking to myself, like, 'Man, I fought for freedom,' and now my freedom has been taken away, like, I don't... I felt like a caged [__] lion, dude."
"She was afraid if Sung Mo would grow into a heartless man like Geun Tae who had unhealthy obsession with someone and held them captive for years."
"He abducted her and held her captive for years so that he could be the only person who possessed her."
"Being taken prisoner was the most horrible thing I'd ever imagined could happen to me. It made me feel as if I was a coward."
"You think I want to get trapped in a dollhouse for 24 hours?"
"The last thing she remembered before slipping out of consciousness was a blindfold being pulled over her eyes and tiny metal handcuffs clasping over her wrists."
"They're likely to endure in captivity for a very long time."
"I hate this place. I must get free, and in this mind is the key. I have to get inside Zion, and you have to tell me how."
"It’s the hellacious side of everlasting life, as they aged but didn’t die, and since their mummified remains can’t ever leave, they are stuck in that attic, forced to worship Moder forever."
"That's what it means to take someone prisoner."
"My name is Latifa al-Maktoum. I'm a hostage and this villa has been converted into a jail."
"Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a beast who took a girl prisoner, and he fell in love with her. And then he let her go."
"I believe it's till 1951 up in the mountains going Way Northwest of Roswell up in the mountains in New Mexico One Survivor that we captured it lived about four years in captivity."
"We're in prison with the King and Princess."
"It was just like being trapped in this prison of suffering."
"Some people will feel utterly heartbroken at the fact that these lions are in this cage."
"This is a twilight zone like story about a couple who ends up getting lost in a town that they just can't get out of it's an interesting read."
"Put a lion in a cage for too long and it stops acting like a lion"
"No matter what Freedom was offered to him, it was useless."
"'You're not a prisoner. We're all prisoners now, son,' she told me."
"Never lie in captivity, no you don't have to come out and tell the truth all the time."
"The first steps in freedom are always difficult, especially when you've only ever set foot on the cold bars of a cage."
"I was gonna say that when I first watched this, I was like all this dude does is get captured."
"He's a POW. Oh, can't take him with us."
"Despite being a hostage, Yasu found solace in the relatively Humane treatment afforded to him by his captors."
"Together they transport into a weird 3D puppet world where Darwin is held captive by Frank and Howdy. If the crazy puppet realm seems like something straight out of the web series Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, that's because it is."
"Please do not support zoos where wolves are housed in small enclosures."
"They feel stuck, they can't stop thinking about you. They're consumed with the idea of you. Mentally locked up, entrapped."
"We're all prisoners here, even her,"
"It's quickly revealed that Shinji is actually being held hostage inside a secret location, and the man eventually manages to regain consciousness in front of Zarab."
"This is the kind of movie you get when you're lost in life something tells me they don't like this situation no they've been kidnapped and she's having a really bad acid trip."
"When you under captivity, something, when you got a yoke on you, you don't know what a yoke is, that's a stronghold. You're stronghold is so hard on you, you get delusional."
"Even in captivity, bears can lose their minds... as he is pushed over and falls to the ground."
"Anthony removed the girls from school, nailed shut his doors and windows and trapped his daughters, Tiffany and Amber, inside his house."
"When animals are free to swing and human beings are locked in cages, well, that's all the hint I need."
"Let me be free of this cage," the creature pleaded.
"The baby sharks would have still been developing when the mother was caught and the babies removed."
"You're released from a kind of bondage that was posing as freedom, very small freedom. It's like living in a golden cage, you don't need that when you have all of this."
"The problem is if the kidnapper constantly forgets that he's there kidnapping you, what do you do?"
"It blew my mind that Wade was captured and used as a weapon."
"I've been held against my will for about 10 minutes."
"But I forgot to tell him," I said quietly, opening the door, "That the villain is usually the person who locks up the maiden and throws away the key."
"They will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive among all nations."
"Some birds aren't meant to be caged."
"The time as a prisoner owned the United States is one of the nicest of my life."
"This is the largest sea water tank in the world, contains the only two humpback whales in captivity."
"The crew was taken as prisoners of war but they were treated really well."
"Encased in a tight weave of vines is the princess, her bloody trembling hands clutching a pristine blade."
"As the cages gradually filled with more and more trapped souls, everyone cried out in protest."
"...the Predators are finally contained in return to the zoo."
"Isn't it enough that I'm locked in your cabin, separated from my crew and unable to start working on my ship so we can get the hell out of your War?"
"...a bullet in the head is preferable to life in a small cage in Cuba."
"You can't keep us prisoners anywhere."
"What was meant as a sign of love and devotion for other couples was nothing but a testament of his ownership of me, a daily reminder of the golden cage I'd be trapped in for the rest of my life."
"Finally, the workday ended and the prisoners were herded together for the walk back to camp."
"Sante raid itself was the most memorable moment of my captivity. We knew Uncle Sam wouldn't forget about us. Sante raid proved that."
"ADX Florence: a fortress where every detail is a testament to The Pursuit Of Control."
"I feel like a rare Panda that's been brought into a zoo."
"These giraffes thought they would have to spend their entire lives in captivity, so they just can't believe they're seeing their real home again."
"After years in captivity, these wild horses have the chance to run free again, to feel the wind in their mane and the ground beneath their hooves."
"So afterward, it's like this trauma of being like held somewhere against your will basically for three days."
"They're really fascinating to watch explode in population with the many species that are available in captivity nowadays."
"Then Sauron said, 'I hear now thou wouldst barter with me what is thy price?' And Gorlim answered that he should find Alienel and with her be set free for he thought that Alienel also had been made captive."
"Well, most scholars believe that they were released from their captivity in Babylon on July the 23rd, 537 BC."
"Birds are too bright to be caged."
"I had the dubious distinction of being the only doctor captured in that long conflict."
"It is easy to imagine what an impression such fearful instances of Cruelty make upon the mind of a poor captive."
"These walls have had a varied history but in the 17th and 18th centuries it was here that pirates and prisoners of War were kept after their capture."
"...Spartacus offered L a condition for helping find the seal: once they left the city all captives would be freed."
"Starfire's father agreed and Starfire was forced to be a slave under Blackfire."
"How can you jubilate, sitting in cages, never taking wing?"
"The time outside of a bird's cage should be just as enriching and enjoyable as their time in the cage."
"You are a child of God but you're also a lawful captive."
"Any thought that you haven't taken captive has you captive right now."
"This poor apex predator has been trapped in its shrinking woodland for far too long, deprived of adequate stimulation and toys to play with."
"I'm blanking on this... Birds are not meant to be in cages, man. They're meant to fly."
"I first got to know Fred through representing him in 1992... the care proceedings revealed this scenario of children who were kept locked in a cellar who were brought up for the purpose of being broken in by their dad."
"All the animals get enrichment here, so like toys and stuff, so they can engage in natural behaviors. Keeps them happier under human care."
"After 44 hours in captivity, 13-year-old Amy McNeil was finally safe."
"Enrichment is essentially animal toys, stuff that we give them so that they can practice natural behaviors in captivity. Keeps them mentally stimulated and happy."
"I feel like birds are not meant to be in cages."
"Charles shot Robert and held Carol captive for a short while. He did his best to physically assault her."
"Before he could see the rest of his life pass by from inside of his cage, he was convinced to accept freedom in 1980."
"I tried begging for him to let me go."
"Why should I be civilized when I live in a cage?"
"they said where you know we're not going to be in captivity a long time wrong."
"Never left captives alive, murdered by pirates is good."
"None can free him. I made certain of that."
"Lions when they're in the wild and they get put in the zoo... that's not dangerous. What makes it dangerous is if you walk into the cage."
"Your time belongs to me now, just as mine belongs to you. Do not worry about escaping, there is no escape."
"It was just, I mean, dude, you'd go to the tiger exhibit, that tiger is pacing and he's looking."
"The animals that usually do the worse in zoos are the ones that are highly intelligent highly social and normally travel huge distances elephants are three for three."
"The best Queen is the one that never sees a cage."
"He's delivering this one... chained up, like he did my old man."
"I am Frim, king of the frost giants," he said. "And you, Loki, are my prisoner."
"They're beautiful animals, and they were in the guy's trunk."
"A former king launched a campaign to capture these terrors of the high seas, but rather than imprison them force them into hard labor at No Man's Wharf."
"Cheetahs in captivity need emotional support dogs, that's sad."
"The meth monster captured me man."
"So even these so-called nocturnal animals will come out and bask, I mean, I've seen it enough in the wild but even in captivity it's happening."
"The Babylonian captivity is a very important event for Jewish identity."
"This is the kind of stuff that I always want to see, healthy animals behaving in a natural manner even in captive management."
"Providing enrichment allows you to see behaviors that you might otherwise miss in your captive animal."
"I cook your meals, I tend to you practically 24 hours a day. You kidnapped him, you're holding him captive, and you want him to thank you for that?"
"I felt like I was being held captive and having a brain experiment."
"Bearded dragons and Northern blue tongue skinks here in the United States are all captive bred because of Australia's super strict export laws."
"He just was fascinated that the fish could live that long in captivity."
"if you refuse this defeat and lash out at your captors they would have a name for that - a name that could cage you just as good"
"In North America, most captive elephants are housed in small confined spaces, chained for up to 18 hours a day, dominated, and sometimes brutalized by keepers."
"If you took this in the right context, this could be really dark to think about how zoo animals actually feel about being in captivity."
"The alpha wolf concept was based on wolves in captivity."
"Rescue Puma can't be released into the wild, so he lives as a spoiled house cat."
"Jake barely can register the tragedy before the group is surrounded by a group of Chiricahua Apaches that capture him and take them to their tribe."
"First prisoners appeared with upraised hands and eyes wide with fright."
He began keeping track of how much time passed, as best he could. "Two weeks, three days, seven hours, and fifty-eight minutes. Oh… Jesus."
"I consider myself a hostage, actually. I do consider myself a hostage in the house of Injustice."
"You can never provide a wild animal with the quality of life that it would have in its natural habitat where it should exist."
"Some birds are just not meant to be caged. That's all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild."
"They're all effectively being held prisoner and put on display for the world to see."
"A father's secret: An anonymous letter led people straight to an attic where Blanche Monier was found locked for 25 years."
"Lobsters got hungry started biting off all their tentacles that means that they were in there for a long time that they've been out of the ocean."
"For I am enchanted and cannot leave it."
"Look, I am very much alive at the moment but I'm trapped in Carol's basement. She broke out of jail and then she kidnapped me. I'm absolutely serious."
"I opened my eyes. I was sitting uncomfortably in a small wooden chair in my living room. Uncomfortably was perhaps an understatement. I had been bounded to the chair and the ropes were digging into my flesh."
"When you open the cage to feed them, they somehow fly out past you, and part of you knows that it was wrong to imprison them in the first place."
"Tigers will on occasions visit an animal that is tied up for several nights."
"Do not be taken captive through philosophy and empty deception."
"All 44 beasts appeared, and none of them tried to escape. How is this possible?"
"Sauron did not know who he had captured though and he left them to languish in the dungeons of Tol in Gorthaur on the his isle and one by one the company was slain by a werewolf there in the dungeons until only Beren and Finrod remained."
"One generation's compromise leads to a next generation's captivity."
"She was held against her will for the past 5 years."
"Don't let your mistake hold you hostage. Don't let your failure hold you hostage."
"According to the schematics, this should open up into a large cargo hold with a series of ancillary storage rooms on both port and starboard. That would be a good place to keep a few captives."
"Marvellous it is, great fun. It's like having up your own captive fairy malice."
"It would never be possible for us to recreate the wild, but what we can do is strive towards the best possibility for them in a captive environment."
"Dimma cried herself to sleep every night. She was caged in a life where she couldn't experience freedom."
"Same-sex penguin relationships do exist. They mostly occur in captivity."
"And it's that's the nature of keeping stuff in captivity is it's a trade-off no matter what you do, you know?"
"The main ethical dilemma of keeping animals in captivity is trying to replicate their behavior that they do in the wild and especially the caloric deficits that they go through in the wild, the amount of energy that they burn."
"The environment plays a crucial role in animal welfare and health; understanding how animals function within their environment is key to proper captive management."
"Right after Vader had finished his conversation with Palpatine, he discreetly ordered the Imperial officer to transport kaiman to the inquisitor's Fortress on the planet of ner. Since Vader did not wish to dispose of the Jedi Master just yet, he had personal uses for him."
"There isn't any amount of money to keep someone in captivity."
"The importance of using nature and trying to replicate that as best we can in captivity."
"There are more Tigers living in captivity in America than there are actual Tigers in the wild."
"That's terrible and sad the great news is they're easy to breed in captivity and we have tons of them."
"So in captivity we like to offer them as much variety as possible to try and replicate this where we can."
"I just love giving the animals what they deserve, if they're going to be in captivity."
"On the following day, everyone knew that a flesh and blood angel was held captive in Pelayo's house."
"Many of these men became prisoners of war when South Vietnam fell and they were imprisoned in re-education camps."
"She's a pretty girl, likes to eat, loves Fluker Buffet Blend aquatic turtle diet, fish, invertebrates, anything she can capture."
"I don't believe that whales should ever be in captivity."
"There's more tigers in captivity in Texas than there are in the entire world in the wild."