
Disguise Quotes

There are 636 quotes

"He might be able to get back into the city if he guises himself with a robe and a mask."
"Just breathe, remember to blink, flex the corners of your mouth up, lift your chin—not too high. Don't let them see your empty eyes."
"Lupin carries an unassuming and playful demeanor, masking unrivaled ability in virtually every facet imaginable."
"Harry, Ron, and Hermione spend a good like 20 minutes of this movie as random middle-aged people that work at the Ministry."
"I always figured the truth would be a letdown but I have to admit masquerading as Gotham's least interesting socialite is one hell of a cover story."
"The lady-like veneer is always there, but the veneer always masks an undercurrent of passion."
"I mean, it's kind of true with the juggalo makeup," in public he's trying to make up some story about how actually there's a good reason why I did that," another commentator remarks."
"Batman wears black and wears a mask and throws Molotov cocktails."
"Teens are dressing up as mask-wearing grandmas to score alcohol."
"That blows my mind thinking he could be out there just in normal society under a fake name maybe wearing a disguise."
"This officer is being made up to look like a mild mannered church lady."
"The whole theme of the story, the whole spirit of the activism of the story disguises."
"Sometimes some knights decided to participate in disguise, presenting themselves as the red knight, the white knight, the black knight."
"It's an opportunity for love disguised in their situation."
"Mother Emma stated that night Iris took off the very heavy mask that she had been wearing."
"I thought I had the perfect disguise, but you girls saw right through it."
"I win. Oh yeah? Were you disguised as like mobs the whole time?"
"In this reality, a coat and hat are an adequate disguise for human-size mutant reptiles without anyone noticing."
"Celebrity was a wonderful cover." - Noël Coward
"Now that Baloo had narrowed her search to one wig, they would be able to show that he had been at the scene of the crime disguised."
"Brazilian gang leader has been caught trying to escape from jail disguised as teenage daughter."
"According to WKRN, someone in a clown mask and green hair, snuck up on Hunter, causing him to turn and swing at the clown, during which the perpetrator cut his hand with a knife."
"He dressed up like some dumb decoration and just stood there still as a statue waiting for the pranksters to arrive."
"Is it simply just an ordinary what up CJ person dressed in a white robe hoping to scare it?"
"I am the platform shoes bandit with a little notch for my nose cut out in my face mask."
"Consider that it may be a blessing in disguise."
"Everything here that's happening for you is a blessing in disguise."
"Yaelon is a master of disguise and an expert at seeing through people."
"The holographic shroud masks not only your clothes but your face and fingerprints. It modulates your voice and sweetens your breath."
"He removed Mikaelson's boots and put them on his own feet."
"Millions in cash and gold bars, a disguise collection, and a giant sledgehammer."
"The nation hasn't changed but the time I rose for the weary to go into disguise, so the way it is in these guys, just like each and every one of all of us living in Nigeria who pretend to be sane even when our entire country is one giant asylum."
"Sometimes you have to go incognito to really get the job done."
"Carvana is a used car originator disguised as a car dealer, masquerading as a tech company."
"Would an imposter wear such a nice party hat?"
"This is a cell phone tower disguised as a tree."
"The makeup pattern itself is actually extremely similar to the design that serial killer John Wayne Gacy used to Don when performing as a clown."
"Perception is your weapon. That's why we wear the mask."
"This is my incognito outfit to sneak in and make it look like I'm totally not filming a creepy YouTube video in here."
"Sakashima the Imposter of a Thousand Faces has gone from a lowly orphan to the number one rogue when ranked by lore, with mastery of disguise so perfectly captured on two cards."
"So I literally had to walk out like disguised like that."
"People who don't wear camouflage can work undercover behind enemy lines."
"Dain is at one with the makeup brush and is quite the master of disguise."
"When I put that mask on, I can do anything, be anything, but it's wrecking my life."
"None of those thoughts crossed my mind because the guy who watched me was wearing two masks. Isn't that interesting? Yeah, no respect. He's a persona non grata."
"The true origin story of the New World Order started with Big Nash wearing a rubber mask."
"The man flung the trench coat open to reveal that it was not a coat at all but a large pair of wings."
"Guys, I think this review read my mind. Helped me decide. I had to buy a Netflix subscription for this movie."
"They feel pressured to put on some sort of mask."
"Favorite part of Super was Beerus wearing Monaka's costume while fighting Goku."
"Because if someone is wearing it, who is in Luffy, then chances are, you should take a moment to examine that situation."
"The story continues as bye, disguised as Yeezang, is on a ship headed to the spirit stream sector."
"Within weeks, sometimes even days, that wrestler will come back wearing a mask and pretend to be a whole new person, despite doing little else to change their appearance and adopting the exact same voice and mannerisms as before."
"If I dress like Waldo, no one will be able to find me."
"This ship is an h-type Nubian Naboo yacht. It's the same ship that Padme and Anakin rode around in when they went to Tatooine and then Geonosis. When they were being inconspicuous and traveling as refugees, right?"
"Take off on a win, the disguise supports you."
"Our villain, however, bought his bigger boots in order to accommodate another pair of shoes, leaving the footprints of a bigger man than he is himself."
"The answer is not to lower your ambitions but rather to disguise them."
"How do I know you're not Envy in disguise? Come on, do you want me to recite the hotel room service menu from top to bottom?"
"It's a wolf in sheep's clothing. I want people to look at it and say that's an RX-7, but it's not."
"Shinobu disguises herself as an alluring barmaid to gather information from the Buckwald soldiers."
"Maybe it's a blessing in disguise."
"We're super duper snoopers, first-class private eyes, figure outers, clear uppers, mistresses of disguise."
"She adopts the persona of Ping because as a woman she can't just join the war in her father's place, something that sets forth her fight to become a good soldier and bring honor to her family."
"What if I dress as Santa? It worked for the Grinch, and that [__] was green."
"It looked normal, but it wasn't normal; it was Nazi."
"Clark wasn't as bold or daring as Superman; he even wore glasses that obscured the way that people viewed him, obscured his true self from the world."
"A new beginning will arise from a figure in disguise."
"It masks that these could have been cooked carrots for all this happened."
"They're pretty good at it; they put brand new clothes, they send you the receipts, so you think it's a legitimate purchase."
"Make sure to check out this brand new anime about the strongest hero who pretends to be normal to live a quiet life."
"Something is a blessing in disguise."
"It's like a social butterfly that's trying to act like they don't have wings."
"Real monsters walk among us, looking and sounding just like our friends, neighbors, and family."
"With a wig, they could be mistaken for each other."
"Dare I say, this is more or less a blessing in disguise."
"Love doesn't always recognize the face it wears."
"Hide your villain in plain sight. It's such a powerful tool."
"Why did you disguise yourself as a boy?"
"A wolf in sheep's clothing, Lauren Malvo is capable of blending into society with a well-crafted facade."
"Walt fakes falling into a medical fugue state."
"Shan Yu is also a great strategist, as we see when he and his men are able to sneak into the parade with their dragon disguise."
"That’s why we’ll need a Master of Disguise."
"Hopefully Daniel does not recognize us."
"An extraordinary something had come into her face and seemed to spread over her features like a mask."
"Chevalier d'Eon was a lady-in-waiting who turned out to be a fully formed man. Now that's what I call undercover."
"When I am open to finding the blessings in disguise, the alchemy has already begun."
"My dear fellow, I've adopted many disguises in my time, but Father Christmas has never been one of them."
"This person is dragging their feet because they are possibly confused... it's almost like this person could even be hiding in plain sight."
"The woman was posing as an elderly woman and had changed her appearance entirely."
"I like how he's doing a lot of his detective work not in costume, not as Batman. Because obviously Batman's pretty ostentatious. Unless it's Halloween, he's not in the batsuit during daylight in this film."
"You can't shoot and you can't be seen. Look at you, you look like a monster."
"They could appear to you looking like Carlo, for instance."
"Colonel blood disguised himself as a reverend and enlisted a female accomplice who pretended to be his wife."
"Can you see my legs under this? Thank god you can't see my legs."
"In Quantum Computing, we use bracket notation, which is really just a way to disguise linear algebra."
"'Who goes inside? I don't need them seeing my face.' 'Why not? You look like his typical clientele, dick.'"
"...they've been known to approach people in their human form."
"We all wear masks metaphorically speaking."
"The Toad Sage is only my cover. Allow me to reveal my true identity."
"In an effort to analyze this crime scene and see what's going on, Wolverine and Ghost Rider actually pose as forensic guys."
"So you were acting like a weirdo in the hospital to avoid revealing your identity."
"They said that they actually put it all inside somebody made it the Home Depot trash with the plaque with the trash bags by the way."
"Changhai tensed up and thought that according to what zumu had taught him a true contract master would not allow an adventurer disguised as a novice to enter the dungeon so as not to lose a buyer."
"This new love will pursue you, but you still wear a mask, needing to come back to life fully."
"...it's definitely one of those knits that you could wear and on the street no one would think that it's handmade."
"You better switch your wig up so he don't spot you. Maybe you can get away with it with the dim lights, I don't know."
"He looked very impressive in it, like a completely different person."
"She Ventures on a little slang that sounds quite Brusque and mannish but show her once a mouse or worm and see the disguise vanish."
"You may ask, guys, this is Channing. She's a special effects makeup artist. She's going to cover my face in prosthetics and make me look completely different so that I can trick Grayson into thinking that I am NOT his twin brother."
"He let his human mask slip, he forced his face back to a normal one, dabbing at the corners of his mouth with his shirt sleeve."
"He's making himself a woman's suit, Mr. Crawford."
"This wasn't a genuine horse, this was maybe two guys in a costume."
"Dany decides to disguise himself as a doctor to steal drugs."
"Then we get peak Disney Star Wars as Tala, Kenobi, and Leia reunite. They decide to hide Leia under a trench coat."
"The name of the game today is stilt, which is why I'll be going undercover as a tourist on his honeymoon."
"...if it's camouflaged and if it's elevated and if anyway whatever doesn't matter."
"Wigs hide a multitude of sins, including side butt."
"Nobody would know, but wigs always know."
"Back at the palmwoods Carlos is able to eliminate all three Jennifers by putting fake labels on glue sticks and giving them out as free lip gloss samples while disguising himself as a girl."
"If I use a plane, they'll know for sure I'm a billionaire. This way, I just kind of look like a lunatic."
"He's a master of disguise not just with the floater turned lob here's one where he extends his arm as if going to a finger roll which of course ends up being the perfect setup."
"We need to find a group of hackers so we can take their suits and blend in."
"And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."
"...sometimes we just got to get an empty water bottle, pour some vodka in there, shake it up a little, and it looks like water."
"He's also said to have long tentacally arms but she's able to pass off as branches when he wants to be disguised."
"Unique writing style made it obvious it was actually Chris in disguise."
"Wandering around in disguise is one of Odin's favorite things to do, right up there with fighting battles and seeking out magic."
"What do the Nazis know? They look different, they talk different, they dress different. Kalas, they pretend to be Muslims."
"Clark Kent is actually a really good disguise for Superman."
"...brilliantly hiding in plain sight through his concern for the DEA office that he so adamantly supports."
"What he couldn't dress up like a woman and lure him with his feminine wiles?"
"...you're not even going to notice you know it's not like you're going to be able to tell that this bike has a 2,000 watt capacity and can go 40 mph it just doesn't look like it which I think is the best part about this bike."
"Disguise as a dog, a cat, a rabbit, and a canary. Who could resist us?"
"He's a little sheep right now and wolf's clothing, you see him, and I was playing possum, mm-hmm."
"When I saw Colin for the first time in this makeup... people did not know it was Colin."
"Trunks would not enter under his name, using the name Murray instead."
"Even if I mess up with the frosting and it's not perfect, there'll be so much coconut on this cake you wouldn't be able to tell the difference."
"The devil don't show up acting like the devil. He always shows up acting like a saint."
"If you needed a perfect disguise, then you should become my wife."
"I was about as broke as a person in the United States could be and look like they were not."
"You are the blessing in disguise."
"Just wearing a disguise to assassinate someone in the middle of a massive crowd would be MUCH more difficult in real life."
"We attacked the bunkers dressed as Adam, naked."
"Even the own stepsisters and stepmother didn't recognize her."
"Incognito," she pulled the glasses from her face and wiggled her brows.
"Overwhelm can feel like drowning beneath a mask."
"Hey, almost didn't recognize you without the get up. Actually, that's what I came by to talk to you about."
"Halloween parties, because one, you can't see your enemies wearing a scream mask or not, you know what I mean?"
"Clark Kent is the person, Superman is the costume."
"Back on Cybertron, didn't have to sneak around in these ugliest disguises."
"There is the equipment here available to make someone up to be unrecognized as to their true identity."
"If I get a couple uses out of it and no one can tell it's a wig, I'm happy."
"Polygamy was disguised whoredom, but the disguise was so good that it metamorphosized the system into something quite different."
"Nothing around your the top of your head or the front hairline will ever give the game away that this is a topper."
"Myra did, and for 20 years no one ever guessed that her famous Shawls were clutched by pitiful maimed stumps."
"I only grew the beard so people wouldn't recognize me at the school," he said proudly.
"Playing with disguise can not only protect us but also help us to see the world in new ways."
"It ended up being a blessing in disguise."
"I don't think they suspect I'm anything but a tourist just yet."
"His unparalleled expertise in disguise made these high-end stolen vehicles appear completely legitimate, successfully duping even the most cautious buyers."
"All we're attempting to do is put really high-quality lipstick on the pig."
"...Clark Kent versus Superman petty theft and traffic violations you know what Clark Kent does he keeps his same boring outfit on."
"It was a blessing in disguise. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't be the person I am today."
"Nancy's talent for disguise amounted to genius."
"Sometimes our blessings come in disguises, sometimes our blessings don't start out feeling like blessings."
"Dude, it's a blessing in disguise."
"I'm a dude playing the dude disguised as another dude."
"'I don't think they'll ever hear from her again. She's a very clever person and she can become just about anything she wants to become, changing her looks and blending into the environment,' said Mike Hilly upon learning of his mother's escape."
"No wonder, for Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of Light."
"It's like putting on a cloak. Like with the gang bangers and the police. Like... so you just become invisible?"
"Bud Jablonski, a vampire hunter who disguises himself as a pool cleaner in order to stay under the radar."
"He could be the telephone man, the plumber, the gas inspector; he could even be a clergyman."
"I had given my own name in every communication as soon as the soldier saw that it was truly a woman of their own race and that I was in the power of their enemies the excitement of their feelings became so great."
"...literally a race car that's disguised as a sports car."
"You're kind of looking at your angel in disguise."
"Evil doesn't come in the expected package."
"I'm a dude playin' a dude disguised as another dude."
"Racism is concealed beneath ideas like colorblindness, meritocracy, individualism, neutrality, and objectivity."
"Never trust Door Dashers. Is he going to steal the food? I wonder what he's going to do... Wait, he didn't take it though, it's the jacket! Oh my God, he's so disguised, I can't tell who it is."
"So, you look exactly like whatever that race or gender is. Nobody can tell."
"...but with his foot so heavily bandaged he still made a convincing disguise."
"He appears here as an angel of light. He didn't come with horns, a little tight red suit, a little pitchfork going up to people. He comes as an angel of light, a shining one."
"Its true appearance is unknown as the only people who have seen under its disguise they have all died within a few hours of exiting."
"The devil is hiding in the open space, using devices to deceive."
"I may be known as the clumsy Spy Ninja, but I'm also the master of disguise."
"Whenever I was asked, 'And what business are you in, Mr. Lime?' I would smile to myself and answer, 'I'm an investment broker, Lady Barbara. It is the Lady Barbara Foliot, isn't it?'"
"If you're really brave, you can go undercover as a Project Zorgo hacker using the Project Zorgo hacker mask and voice morpher."
"Right from the first time he emerges on screen in costume, out of the shadows, he seems to use the mask and suit to his advantage."
"If those disguises sound completely impossible, that's because they are."
"I'm trying to do like a mask, like a cult mask. Yeah, cultists often wear masks."
"It's really good for stealth camping... you can't really tell unless you know what you're looking for."
"The first group of disguised clues are all awards."
"A chameleon knows how to disguise himself by changing the color of his whole body."
"We're the detective Samurai, they don't know it's actually us, the Spy Ninjas!"
"The next question, they know now by the way, they know what Bucky's wearing, he might want to change jackets and hats to get out of here unscathed."
"It's just so extrovert in everything it does. It's a muscle car masquerading for the state car."
"they are best at using insults that are disguised as kindness"
"You never know what's behind someone's mask."
"Maybe you should hide in plain sight."