
Personal Healing Quotes

There are 381 quotes

"I didn't set out to reclaim my narrative; I set out to heal."
"He begins to remove the clutter, the idols, the names of every single person who's ever hurt you."
"I prayed for many years that this day would come, and I'm not standing up here a bitter man, but I just want to enjoy my life now while I have it."
"At chapter 33 in my life, it's time for me to heal."
"Therapy is not going to make things worse... it's got me to a place where I finally feel like I'm whole again."
"Healing the inner child is one of the most important things you can do to completely transform your life and relationships."
"Forgiveness is not for them; forgiveness is for you."
"I started working through the trauma once I realized how significant the trauma was."
"I'm on a journey of healing past pain and freeing myself from negative self-beliefs."
"I'm willing to try anything, even if it's believing in God, if that's the medicine I have to take."
"I still think that we are treated with a lot of love which is why I can smile and talk about what happened now."
"I know this album has definitely helped me through some tough times over the last few months."
"It's all coming from this healing, which I feel like has been done on both parts."
"They can resolve this issue now, whereas they couldn't resolve it as a child."
"Healing from your past is crucial to moving forward."
"Are you a king in your house because you made peace with your wounds, or you're a king in your house because you bought it?"
"Every time you heal someone else, you heal yourself as well."
"The cherry blossoms that she uses in her art bloom out of the scars that they bear, which represents the overcoming of past trauma."
"Forgive everyone that has ever harmed you. It doesn't matter if you had a horrible childhood; forgive everyone. Let it go."
"Healing from a father wound may involve recognizing self-destructive patterns, developing self-compassion, and learning healthier ways to cope with relational challenges."
"Intuition development is not about talking to dead people... it's about healing."
"No longer hold on to grief, it's time to forgive yourself."
"Integration is the only way a person is ever healed."
"Your healing journey is the most amazing thing you'll ever do in your life."
"We do not forgive in order to let someone off the hook, we forgive in order to lighten our own energetic baggage."
"Capricorn, hard workers paying off. Time for healing in reverse, confidence is your key to success."
"Take the time to mend your heart, Aquarius. It's okay to take a reprieve for yourself right now."
"We all go through pain, we all experience heartache. You have to face it, you have to face your pain, you have to purge through it, you have to heal through it."
"The only person that needs to understand you is you, and the more you heal, the less you need other people to understand you because you understand you."
"Forgiveness is for yourself... it's forgiving people, situations."
"You can't have your future held up by their acknowledgement of what they did to you. You got to move on without it."
"Forgiveness isn't necessary, but it's rewarding if you get there."
"You don't have to live in sexual perversion, you don't have to be controlled by those appetites, this does not have to break you."
"The real key that's taking place right now for everyone to do is the inner work and the inner healing and there is a science to that too in a way, you know."
"When I got back from Iraq, I wasn't able to leave my house. Yoga was the one thing that provided me relief and peace of mind."
"You have no chance to serve the world until you want to heal the world."
"Stay true to your authentic healing journey because it is working."
"Your future self is leading you to personal healing and happiness."
"If someone has to want to heal themselves, if they don't want to heal, then it's virtually impossible to help another."
"Somatic therapy really helped me to push that out of my body."
"Forgiveness is what Bruce Wayne needed to heal himself."
"This album is the results of that healing process, and it's like... like I'm not telling you not to interpret the album in whatever way works best for you, but I don't think you can talk about this album in its true form if you are not a black man."
"Healing is an act of defiance when it comes to narcissistic abuse."
"The best revenge you can get on somebody: move forward, heal, and do better."
"A solo trip doesn't heal you. The healing really happens in the silence, in the nothing moments."
"Heal and love yourself; forgive our mutual flaws."
"As you get these as you get this knowledge of what was going on in your childhood use this to understand, to forgive and to really heal yourself and to love yourself."
"Heal your inner child, heal from your childhood wounds."
"Hug your parents if you have a bad relationship."
"A grown woman is focused on healing, not weaponizing her pain."
"People can heal, people can rewire themselves, people can find equilibrium."
"Forgiving them doesn't mean they were right, forgiving them is for you."
"Let go of this person, let go of this past person, and you're definitely gonna be doing a lot of healing the next couple of months."
"Healing is going to be a big theme for you in the near future."
"No matter what wrong has been done to you, no matter how mean you think somebody did you, at the end of the day, it's on you to heal yourself."
"You might have stepped out of the darkness and you're like, 'Alright, ready to go, ready to do it,' and the universe is like, 'That's fine, sit down and you need to do some healing now.'"
"Love yourself and heal your life. Forgive the past, move on, and live in today."
"Make peace with yourself and let go of what no longer serves you." - Find inner peace through releasing what holds you back.
"This conjunction can see you healing on such a deep and powerful level and basically claiming your power back."
"Authentic forgiveness doesn't mean you just forgive. It means you engage in a process that is not mandated or scheduled. It means that you put your healing first and work on feeling whole and safe again."
"This rest, recharge, and healing period is going to help you chart your new course."
"Even if you're like well I don't know how to forgive... the forgiveness is for you it's not for them."
"Important to as you heal and recover to find those things that are going to help give you what feels like your life back."
"It feels so good to say that because for a long time I was so hurt."
"I'm praying that God will let me forgive him."
"Accept that there's going to be a whole new direction, healing in your life."
"Part of this happy ending and this spiritual opening comes from you forgiving yourself."
"Sharing your story with the world is healing for you."
"The ultimate revenge is to heal, evolve, and do better."
"It's a clear incoming, a cutting and a clearing that's going to allow your inner child out to play."
"Every day find a way to gently and wisely parent that little boy or a little girl inside your head that lived through hard times."
"This Saturn Transit will be an incredible time of healing of self-discovery and a true reinvention of who you are inside and out."
"Focus on personal forgiveness; it's hard to forgive others, but we should start with ourselves."
"You did nothing wrong and the person who did this to you, they're the ones who should be ashamed of themselves."
"Revival of energy, ascension, uplifting each other, healing of inner child."
"Remember, forgiveness isn't about them, it's about releasing yourself from the energy."
"I had to really release these skeletons from my closet."
"Ninety percent of your problems just fall off of you when you turn toward the light."
"I want to forgive Benedict, I want to let it go."
"If you want to heal the world, you have to heal yourself."
"You're healing, you're aligning... being honest with yourself, being honest with others."
"May you be showered with deliverance, healing, and triumph."
"Part of our real healing is acknowledging the dark part of ourselves."
"July 30th, a time for grounding, healing, and recognition of your own power."
"I believe you can feel safe again in relationship without ignoring the fact that you've had some real breaches of safety."
"The Gen Z Bible is good. I make fun of Christian antics on this channel a lot, and I do that to, I guess, kind of spitefully avenge the years that I spent in a shitty homophobic environment growing up."
"You should date when you're ready to date, when you feel healed."
"Once I forgave myself for my past mistakes, slowly but surely other people are forgiving me as well."
"Sometimes the only way to heal our wounds is to make peace with the demons who created them."
"Rebecca will share all of the details regarding what she has healed and how she eats now as a three-year carnivore."
"Forgive, whether it's towards yourself, another person, or life."
"Cooking saved me, you have watched a flawed man heal. I will continue to heal and learn. Thanks for being along for the journey."
"Don't just go jumping into another relationship, take time out to heal."
"I hope you find your healing in whatever way that you need to."
"Healing the sense of something wrong with you."
"It's not begging God for forgiveness, it's just asking him to help you heal."
"You will come into this awareness and knowingness and it will bring you much better relationships and a healing in your own life."
"Forgiveness isn't for the person, it's for you."
"He can take the last 20 years of pain in your life and bring you to a place where you look back and say, 'Man, it was all worth it.'"
"You have to reset and you have to heal first yourself and then others, and then we can all get along, be happy."
"You can't fix broken, broken has to fix itself."
"Spending time alone allows you to learn to love yourself, heal, and become ready to love again."
"Healing yourself, not just going around relieving everybody's pain."
"Some people need to sit down with themselves and learn how to heal on their own."
"Forgiving your body is crucial. Your body didn't fail you, society did."
"Forgiveness for others almost becomes irrelevant when you forgive yourself."
"Self-forgiveness... you don't have to forgive the cult leader."
"My relationship with my daughter has grown and healed as much as my home."
"If it took this to help you move on and find some peace, it's worth it."
"This album helped me, it was like a self-help album."
"Find what's healing for you, understand yourself better."
"I feel like I'm actually in a good place where I still deal with the grief and the guilt and missing him but I'm in a good place."
"I have to let you know that this has been more healing than any counseling I think could have ever been."
"Essentially, it's a woman who has healed from her past and she knows God and she knows who she is."
"Get out of your head and stop asking yourself why you weren't good enough."
"If you want the antidote to whatever ails you, just start helping someone."
"Forgiving somebody isn't justifying what they did."
"Unforgiveness is like drinking a rat poison hoping for a rat to die from it."
"You're going to have the understanding and everything you need to finally come into a place of healing."
"This Divine Feminine is in a rotten place but she has stopped trying to control things."
"I've been celibate because I'm tired of like fixing people and honestly it's I can't be like oh no one fixing me there's there's no one on this planet that could fix me but God."
"Free speech is fundamental and essential, but it's under wide-scale broad scale attack in the United States today."
"I pretty much didn't leave the house except to go hiking or just did yoga and got in the hot tub and cried a lot."
"Everything that you've gone through with men is not gonna touch your children."
"Forgiveness is a 100% act for you and only you, it has nothing to do with them."
"Never trust your tongue when your heart is better or broken. Hush until you're healed."
"But it's still trauma, and being able to speak out, you connect with other people, you realize you're not alone."
"You can't heal from anything until you stand up for yourself and stand up to it, you know?"
"It's weird to say but kind of like a spiritual healing."
"I received one photo from a lady who posed naked next to a waterfall and said that this whole concept of being naked in nature helped her overcome sexual assault."
"There is going to be healing and balance but you need patience before that really happens for you here, okay?"
"When you forgive people, it's for yourself. It's for you."
"Nothing could ever change the past or undo the trauma we both experienced, but knowing the guy was suffering in such a way was almost like proof that there was a god."
"The cycle of abuse and Trauma stops with you."
"God will give you beauty for your ashes, turning your pain into purpose."
"Forgiveness is really not about the offender; it's about you."
"I'm just doing what I got to do here. I'm trying to heal my body, trying to make the world happy."
"I would rather heal, get it right, therapy the out of this, and get a good partner that we can have some longevity with."
"One more chance. To be Amity is to forgive others and yourself."
"There was a time in my life where I was just not happy with myself at all, and the only thing that made me happy was taking care of animals."
"Remember, full moons are all about necessary endings and healing."
"Recognize them as grief, and when you can let the feelings flow, then you may get to the other side instead of always fighting these feelings and always being mad at the world."
"Forgive, there's a need for forgiveness of self or others here, and to look for the hidden blessings as you move forward."
"Give yourself some time and then just keep going."
"It's okay to find forgiveness in yourself and to let go of things."
"This season helped me let go of the past and let new relationships into my heart."
"I needed to distance myself from it, I needed to heal mentally, physically, and just reorganize my brain."
"Forgiveness is for you. Forgiveness is for you and I."
"Forgiveness is truly freeing yourself from the shackle of that lower vibrational energy."
"How do you navigate your healing? How do you navigate the things that you need? For me it's different, for you it's going to be different."
"It's like you're starting over again healing you know past um healing from what you thought needed to be or what was always going to be but wasn't meant to be."
"Healing oneself sets a foundation for the healing of others, even if indirectly."
"Bring those two sides of yourself that have been separated, bring them back together."
"There's a healing moment with you and someone from your past this month."
"It looks like it's going to be a very positive movement forward, Aquarius, whether you heal this with this person and then move forward with or without them. That is your call. We all have free will. There is love."
"I think when I released myself of needing him to understand and own what he did to me in my life when that was the weight of that was gone it was like I can actually have a great relationship with you now wow"
"There's definitely like a healing or a renewal."
"I was healed from food addiction idols and back pain."
"A moment of weakness isn't a weakness. It's allowing your body and your inner child to release something that's been pent up."
"The pain of hate is never something to hold on to."
"Fix me - having someone in your life that you think could fix everything."
"I'm not afraid to love wholeheartedly again."
"Forgiveness is a gift that you give to yourself."
"Forgiveness is like a key that opens that door."
"Feel it all, connect with it, grieve it, and then give yourself permission to close it back."
"Forgiveness is when I know the real you is love."
"Resolve old patterns, heal at the soul level, overwhelming joy, and self-acceptance."
"Each person must be accountable for his or her own healing."
"I don't make it for nobody else I make it for me so that I can heal."
"So loving yourself as well self-love is going to be huge a lot of this sort of healing of confidence issues is going to be coming in for you guys."
"Closure for you is ending in a way where you're realizing your self-worth."
"The reason why you were not able to give and receive love is because there was something broken inside of you that needed to heal."
"This is your sign of healing... trusting that you are being guided to the right direction."
"What could life be like if you were to heal from childhood stress responses?"
"Everything happens for a reason and that reason is always about healing."
"Something has been already put in motion for you to meet your person... but you need to heal."
"Decide today to heal your life and it will never look the same again."
"You're healing, you're becoming the person you're meant to be."
"Acquaint yourselves now with God to receive healing."
"They're overcoming anyone who's hurt them and choosing happiness."
"Overwhelmingly grateful for the healing I've been sent."
"Your dream relationship is actually possible all right, so getting rid, getting whole, loosening the grip on anything that just wasn't, it just wasn't good enough you know it wasn't okay."
"Forgiveness is not about the other person, it's about you, it's about releasing your blessing."
"Sometimes you can't expect forgiveness from others but you have to still learn to forgive yourself regardless."
"Success is on the horizon. Once you heal from this codependency connection, a successful long-term committed relationship is on the horizon."
"You made the right decision to snatch those swords out of your back."
"It's time to heal... embrace the power of self... move forward."
"I don't think I could thrive as a rapper being healed all the way. And I'm scared of that."
"It's up to us to just bring our own compassion to ourselves, our forgiveness to our childhood, and bring that to them."
"I've been healed several times miraculously."
"When you heal yourself, you heal everybody around you."
"Personally for me, that's like the best form of how I can heal mentally is just talking to someone about all of my issues."
"Forgiveness is like this thing for you that's going to not only heal this circumstance, but essentially you're removing a blockage and saying to the universe, 'Okay, I'm ready for all of it.'"
"I just kept affirming to myself, 'I am healing from this.'"
"I honestly feel like all of these protests have done more healing for me than most of the therapy I've done."
"Love does not mean access, and forgiveness does not mean trust."
"Forgive them, let them go because this will actually set you free."
"If I'm going to ascend and come into my highest good, if I'm going to let go of all my inner rings of pain and past life stuff, well then I want a life to match that."
"Focusing on other people, society, and the past drain your power. Present time is where all your power to heal your own life resides."
"You have to be gentle with yourself, you've been through a lot and need time to heal and recover."