
Anti-fascism Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"We are stronger when we work together to fight back against fascism."
"Let's get rid of fascism all around the world."
"We need to normalize civilians fighting against fascism."
"A simpler explanation is that anti-fascism is activism. It is activism against fascism."
"The prominence of fascism was never repeated because of anti-fascist organizing. It was necessary before the war, necessary after the war, and necessary now."
"Moderateness to injustice, compromise with hatred, tolerance of intolerance, they are all in effect an expression of solidarity with fascism."
"I don't fight fascists because I will win. I fight fascists because they are fascists."
"The most important thing to do in American politics is to fight the fascists, and that is equally the case if you're a liberal, progressive, socialist, or communist."
"The political climate currently favors liberalism because it's seen as a safe and proven alternative to fascism."
"The Democratic Party is the world's last best hope against fascism."
"What I think this outrage missed out on is that this story is making a very anti-fascist statement, one that was missed in the rage of the Marvel event frenzy."
"A world with fewer Nazis, however many of them there were before or now, is the world more likely to have fewer people die needlessly in the future."
"It seems like anytime somebody is forced to actually look at the facts before them, mainly 'Is Donald Trump an insurrectionist? Was January 6th an insurrection?', they come to the same conclusion. Yes, obviously, of course."
"Ultimately, we need to come together under the pro-democracy banner when it comes to this 2024 election and ensure that fascism and MAGA does not prevail, because then we will never have elections ever again."
"The truth is these people are more offended to be called fascists than to stop doing the fascism, right? Like, you know, you don't want to be called fascists then make it so people can vote."
"Community defense operations involve protecting vulnerable people and activists who are threatened by fascists and state violence."
"Direct action has proven to be much more effective than censorship when it comes to de-platforming fascists."
"Kindness and compassion will give us a natural edge over fascists."
"The longevity of Donald Trump is actually critical anti-fascist action... what a time it'll be what a Time content homie that's how I'm feeling."
"You're not crazy, you're not paranoid, you are perceptive and vigilant, and the world is going to need your strength in the times to come. Stay brave and keep on opposing fascism wherever the fuck you see it."
"Now, violence against fascists and Nazis might be illegal, but what's legal is not always what's right."
"Honor and integrity will replace conspiracy and fascism."
"How do we confront fascism? Confronting fascism with violence is self-defeating."
"A progressive Democrat is preferable but you can never take away from the real Victory which is one against fascism."
"Shout out to the might is mighty the standing strong against the fascist."
"Antifa's an idea, not an organization, not a militia."
"We need to win in November. November is about stopping fascism in the United States."
"Argue against fascists insofar as it is good for discourse."
"Capital will break fascists because it will protect capital."
"The constitution... is the only thing standing between individual freedom and fascism."
"We will do everything in our power to empower those people, to stand strong, not give in an inch to the fascists."
"Power to the people, death to the fascist Pig."
"Surviving with democracy is better than dying to fascism."
"Democrats should be like a big dumb wall against fascism."
"In order to stamp out fascism, you have to do it aggressively, early, and with overwhelming force."
"A socialist coalition in the U.S. ain't gonna break back a fascist republican takeover but a liberal socialist coalition would."
"We shall embrace harmony and get rid of fascism."
"Confronting coded fascism with a new Nuremberg trial so this never happens again."
"Sunlight's the best disinfectant to fascism, and that's what we do here on the Midas Touch Network. Bring sunlight."
"Standing up against fascism and the rise of Nazism in this country is not a crime. We have a right to defend ourselves."
"I swear to you that the crew of the Fighting Girlfriend will not leave you. I will smash the fascists while my heart is beating."
"It's not easy to beat fascists with milk toast republicanism."
"In supporting Ukraine we are opposing these fascist views and supporting the Urgent principles of democratic pluralism."
"They've learned a valuable lesson: if you say you're anti-antifa, that means you can't be a fascist."
"We should be the greatest enemies of fascists."
"We are very privileged right now to live in a point in history where it is possible to disempower fascism through law."
"There's a big difference between confronting fascism and confronting other forms of violence."
"He was staunchly anti-Nazi until the day he died."
"We are fighting Fascism and authoritarianism right now. We lose everything if we lose our democracy."
"The dichotomy between prioritizing human beings versus pocketbook interests is stark. We must fight against Fascism and authoritarianism."
"The left needs to speak out and stand up for Trans Folks at this dream just trying transphobia is a pipeline of fascism."
"Let's win and let's prove finally that we're smarter than the fascists."
"If you're not a fascist, you have the potential to be an anti-fascist."
"We need to focus on positivity, compassion, decency, and rejecting fascism."
"Stand with democracy, we stand against fascism."
"Nothing is more certain than that every trace of Hitler's footsteps... will be sponged and purged and, if need be, blasted from the surface of the earth."
"Pinocchio is a movie that is anti-fascist, anti-capitalist to its core."
"We must stand together against hatred, prejudice, and fascism."
"Without us there, other democracies can creep into fascism."
"We saved the country from fascism by standing our ground."
"I don't fight fascists because I'm gonna win, I fight fascists because they're fascists."
"You squash fascist movements by winning the violent clashes."
"Stop normalizing Nazis, Nazis are bad, okay? If you need to be told that Nazis are bad, you're a piece of [ __ ]."
"This is just spitting in the face of the efforts of all these men and women who actively fought against fascism."
"The best way to stop a fascist is to out them as a fascist."
"Anti-fascism should be the ultra-majority position like 90 against 10."
"There's nothing anti-authoritarian about smiling and nodding as fascists take over your government."
"If race issues are the key of the moment right now let it be known my politics are anti-fascism first."
"I fight fascists not because I'll win, but because they are fascists."
"I hate fascists. Why are you guys not protesting? Why do you hate fascists?"
"Every step you take will have you trampling on the vile fascist enemy."
"The M1 Garand... it just screams defeating fascism all day long."
"Stopping fascism will require us to step up and to stop thinking that this is over."
"Voting isn't fundamentally the most important form of fighting fascism."
"I want to be part of a movement that's ready to fight encroaching fascism, non-violently and lawfully."
"As we work today to confront the most important challenges of the 21st century, we pay tribute to the valor and the courage of all those who fought together to defeat fascism."
"As long as they take votes away from fascists all right in no other circumstances am I okay with it."
"It's futile to be anti-fascist while attempting to preserve capitalism."
"I wish this wasn't our task of this lifetime. I wish it was just climate change. I wish it was just about like high-speed rails which we totally need. But sadly, our task is also stopping fascism from growing in this country."
"Turfs will not be part of the contemporary struggle against fascism because they are the fascists."
"Vote out hate, vote out fascism, vote for democracy."
"The alternative to Fascism is an agenda that says your life could be so much better."
"Nazis are bad in any way, shape, or form. Stop trying to make it work."
"Everybody is anti-fascist except for fascists."
"Be good to the ones you love, eat good food, get outside, and resist fascism."
"Harnessing intuition right now is a very unique way to fight fascism."
"The scapegoating of communism is a convenient cover for fascism."
"This is about the purest distillation of what bruising anti-fascist music can be in the past couple of years."
"With an interesting backstory and an anti-fascist agenda, V takes on a dystopian government."
"I fight fascists because they are fascists."
"Violence is the only way to stop fascists."
"The ideas of fascism, the ideas of racism, those things we can kill."
"We have an anti-fascist tradition in the United States."
"We are talking about fighting racism, supporting the welfare mothers in their struggle. All of these are things which will push back the threat of fascism."
"Punching Nazis is good. That’s not one of the Beatitudes, but it should be."
"Young Justice Phantoms is staunchly an anti-fascist piece."
"American exceptionalism since World War II has traded on the notion that America is an anti-fascist power."
"I sent an email to all the promoters in Germany and I canceled all my bookings until December with the last sentence we don't entertain neo-nazis."
"But the heart of anti-fascist ideology is to fight against white supremacist groups, groups that the Department of Homeland Security has called the most persistent and lethal domestic terror threat to the country. And that's something we should really be afraid of."
"Maybe we focus our ire on the fascists and not each other, just a thought."
"It's time that you left all that Nazi [ __ ] alone."
"1999's Jinroh: The Wolf Brigade is an anti-fascist anime told from the point of view of fascist authority."
"What makes Jinroh an anti-fascist anime is how it observes fascist power structures stripping away humanity."
"I've been highly active in anti-Nazi work."
"Standing up to Nazis is essential; there are no good Nazis or Klansmen or terrorists."
"...we should be front and center in the anti-fascist movement."
"...there's nothing more important than establishing strong anti-fascist and anti-patriarchal solidarities at this time."
"Starship Troopers may in fact be one of the greatest anti-fascism films of all time."
"What FDR did was he gave us the blueprints he gave us what we need to defeat fascism."
"Settle your quarrels, come together, understand the reality of our situation, understand that fascism is already here."
"We're going to win this war, we're going to wipe Hitlerism and Fascism off the face of this Earth."
"The primary philosophy of anti-fascism is that the existential threat of fascism and bigotry is so great."
"Drama or fiction is the mother of empathy, and empathy is the sworn enemy of fascism."
"My basic conception has always been antifascist and pro-democratic."
"I am now devoting my entire life to the struggle against the vile Nazi creatures."
"Vigilance against any Nazi resurgence remains necessary even today."
"If thousands of people turn out and physically prevent fascism from attacking minorities, it can succeed."
"We need to be proud, active anti-fascists."
"A new ethos was born, the ethos you see in movies like Casablanca, which is an ethos of anti-fascism."
"For many Londoners, the street battle between fascists and East Londoners armed with bricks and bats was transformed from a local scuffle into the day that Britain stood up to fascism."
"I fight fascists not because I will win, but because they are fascists."
"Victory against fascism abroad and racism at home."
"I'm fighting for freedom and justice; I'm fighting against fascism."
"The double V campaign stands for victory over fascism abroad and victory over racism at home."
"Everyone should be anti-fascist; we've kind of seen where fascism goes. Not great."
"What is our idea of acting effectively against fascism? Let's build modes of solidarity on the basis of equality that are actually contagious and remarkable."
"I appeared before the congressional committee, the highest representation of the American people, under subpoena to tell what I knew of activities which I believe might lead to an attempt to set up a fascist dictatorship."