
Missing Quotes

There are 261 quotes

"Last night was just like, I miss them. I mean, I missed them cuddle up on their couches... it was tearing me apart last night."
"They miss you a lot. They want to be with you."
"John Wayne, the Killer's body has mysteriously disappeared."
"One time Borah, one time, one time Borah could not find it."
"Her family misses her and her friends miss her and most of all her children miss her and they need their mom in their life."
"Brenda was 31 years old when she went missing... she's an unbelievably strong woman."
"Few things are more devastating than a loved one going missing."
"He's probably missing Gwen and his spider friends."
"When you guys aren't talking, they might even be kind of missing you."
"I love you Tori, I miss you and I mean we miss you and always will."
"My mom and dad had gone missing and for the foreseeable future, I'd be staying with my aunt."
"Every year dozens of people go missing in national parks... they go missing under baffling circumstances."
"I need to find out what happened to my missing daughter."
"I miss you bro, miss you too bro."
"There's distance here, this person misses you."
"They miss your energy... the way they feel when they're laying with you, the comfort, the safety."
"I'm so happy for you, and as much as it's hard to miss each other, I feel like it has made our relationship really strong."
"This person misses you, they miss you a lot."
"They're really missing you lately, nostalgia."
"Flight 268 is missing somewhere in the Himalayas."
"Every cop in the city is missing him."
"I feel like this person feels sick to their stomach that they're missing you."
"They really missed you, they still actively miss you."
"They're strategizing and they're thinking about holding you, because they do miss you."
"They miss seeing you or being physically present with you."
"I just miss him so much. I miss the young man that he was becoming."
"This is crazy, but I miss these kiddos."
"They miss you a lot. They miss your energy, it's one that's very grounding. That lack of communication is really hard for them. They feel lost without you."
"You wouldn't miss again for five hours."
"Someone's thinking about you though. Someone's missing you."
"Someone misses you but feels trapped."
"They want you to know that they miss you greatly and they think you're so sweet."
"I started missing her, you know, as it happens."
"I miss you so much, I wish you could be here."
"Do they miss you? Absolutely yes, because look at this, we have right away the ten of Pentacles."
"I love you and I miss you too. I really tried to listen yesterday, but today I realized I haven't been taking the right approach."
"If I hurt you, I'm sorry. You hurt me too. Whatever you are, I really miss you."
"I know how you feel about Daisy, but she's missing."
"Missing is a positive thing... it's a real positive sign... because you're not going to miss a partner you don't like, you're not going to miss a partner you don't care about, you're not going to miss a relationship partner for a relationship you don't value all that much."
"We are in Cancun, it's been amazing. I do miss the kids though."
"This is the time that you miss them."
"Great to have you here on the show, thank you so much."
"Shame is missing M so snitching has always happened."
"I miss you all so much. Every day that goes by, I'm missing you all more and more."
"They want you back, they miss you a lot."
"I wish you were here today, but I know you're here with me in spirit."
"Yo, corpse, yeah, you're being kind of quiet, I miss that voice."
"They miss you though, like they still see that there's plenty left and they want it back."
"Bye, I'll miss you guys, I love you!"
"Are you gonna miss me? Absolutely."
"We miss her, we love her, she's having a blast in Las Vegas right now."
"Everybody realizes that something profoundly human is missing."
"I miss you so much, did you miss me?"
"If I miss, then hopefully I'll land amongst the Stars."
"I just really miss Joseph so much."
"I super miss doing this, guys. And I super miss you all."
"We miss you, mate. We miss you so much."
"If I don't miss you, it means you're not contributing."
"I didn't go to the funeral because she was my grandma, I went because I missed her."
"They feel like they lost out, left behind without you. They miss you."
"I miss him obviously he's like the best."
"I miss her, I know we missed you so much."
"They want to manifest you, they're hoping to get you back. They miss your voice."
"I think missing has more to do with the fear of loss."
"I do indeed miss Leticia's company."
"I adored Bullock. We had a lovely time and yes, I miss her really."
"They're missing you some of you. This person misses you a lot."
"I miss Rick, especially Michonne, like and especially them together."
"People miss being around you when you're not there."
"It's very sad, I'm sure we're not the only ones missing family right now."
"Y'all have been missing them and honestly, I miss bringing them to you."
"I must admit I am really missing him now."
"Your parents are allegedly missing, you just reported them to the police as missing."
"...this transparency is what's missing in the beauty industry."
"I've been feeling a bit down recently, I haven't been feeling my best, and I don't think that's the only reason. I think there's multiple reasons to that, but that is one of the reasons because I miss her this time of year, and it sucks her not being here."
"I miss my wife. God, how I miss her."
"Your person misses your presence, your energy, and your friendship, even amidst workplace obligations."
"I missed him way more than I thought I would."
"You're not there. You're not there."
"I do miss it, honestly. I'm not going to lie. Like, I went to the fight, and I looked at it, and it was crazy. It was a full house, and I do miss that hype, that buzz, every time walking out and you got thousands of people there supporting you."
"80,000 and a beautiful girl both missing, then one of the two was found, and a bombshell explodes."
"I will never forget him but man I'm gonna miss a smile."
"They miss you, that's really what it's coming down to."
"I miss my family of course. I miss them like crazy."
"I kind of miss looking at your face."
"I'm missing two of the connie kids, I don't have an Alice and I don't have a Ruth anymore."
"This is an essential component of the M legacy, and sadly, it's missing."
"You're not gonna misread it enough for it to miss, you can only miss it because of miss hitting it."
"There is a huge difference between missing him and feeling the pain of missing him. That's pain. Or dwelling on it and creating suffering from it. That will never change anything. There is a huge difference."
"We miss our family and I bet if you have family that you don't see for a long time, I bet you are in the same situation."
"I'm going to miss the [__] out of him while he's gone."
"We miss Eugene so we're gonna go eat Korean food."
"You had a good man. You had a lot of good memories. Why wouldn't you miss him? You know what I mean?"
"...there's something missing when it comes to all of those and the thing that's missing that just tends to hold a lot of people back is going to be that time and that money."
"This person really misses your presence."
"We will search for the missing and call them home."
"Hope is the only option you have being a father of a child that's missing."
"Love the passion in your eyes will always be missing."
"My family is very special, and it's something that I'm really missing this year."
"The devotion of love she was getting after she went missing was outstanding."
"We never give up hope that Kristen will be found, but as any parent can imagine, the longer that it goes on, the dimmer the light."
"I was just calling to tell you hi and I miss you."
"Everybody misses Peanut when she's not in the Vlogs for like one day."
"Zach, if somehow you're reading this, please come home."
"Marilyn, if you're still alive, for us it's like yesterday you disappeared. We love you, we're waiting for you with open arms, and we miss you so much."
"Everybody knows how much I love my Mom, so of course I'm gonna miss her."
"Tracy is classed today as endangered missing."
"When you leave them alone, and they get that space, they will miss you too."
"I miss my dog so much every time we have to take her to school."
"I do miss my students, haven't seen them for a while, and hopefully, everybody is doing well."
"Hey, it's Jamie. We're here at Melbourne Bull Festival, and you're not. I miss you."
"We do miss her so much, and we all love her so much."
"I miss your dad, it's okay to miss him."
"To this day, the missing driver has never been found."
"Thanks snow much. Miss you snow much."
"Mommy and Daddy miss you very much, Loki."
"Look at these little flowers; you got ribbons in here. Oh, look it says 'you're missing.' That's so cute."
"Asia was a really sensitive child, extremely smart, and a very studious fourth grader at the time of her disappearance."
"I love them all so much and I miss them already."
"I missed you most, my darling, as I sit alone in the silence."
"You always have hope that she'll be found."
"I miss you too, I mean you're always such a good friend to talk to."
"I have four kids. I know that I have four kids, but recently I just feel like there should be another one, but they're missing."
"I miss him so much, there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of him and wonder why."
"I've been staring at the telephone 'cause when you're gone, I miss your face."
"Call the police, someone's missing."
"Everybody loved him, I'm sure he's happy where he is now, and we miss him."
"If you give your partner the opportunity and the space to miss you, they often want to repair things."
"This is the overall emotion of XYZ of missing somebody, longing to see someone again."
"That's one of the biggest things I miss about Kobe."
"It's so crazy, I'm officially missing you."
"There seems to be something missing from this case, a frustrating factual void which only serves to invite speculation and argument to bridge the evidential gaps."
"He says that he has come to accept that he most likely will never know the whereabouts of his father."
"All those places around the world were nice, but something was missing. What's that, Peppa? Muddy puddles!"
"Gonna Miss This, that's for sure, beautiful as always."
"I've really missed you over the last three weeks, and I'm counting the hours till we meet again."
"I miss her smile, her kisses, her cuddles; she will always be with me, my little shadow."
"I miss her, but the pain and the sorrow aren't there like they were."
"There's an X Factor that is missing, there's a void in my heart."
"It's really a beautiful thing to miss people and have it be reciprocated."
"There's a person who's missing you."
"Baby, you're on my mind every day. It's been five months since you've been missing. My heart and soul aches without you. I love you."
"I can't explain how much I'm missing you."
"I've had so much fun with you, and I will admit, though, I've missed you every day I wake up."
"Why don't you drop in again sometime, Jeremy? We miss you already."
"I even miss the way she watched TV, the way she walked away."
"Give your ex the space to miss you."
"Something is still missing from me, and I'm trying to figure out what that is."
"Thank you for your lovely letters. We miss you very much too."
"One thing coming out on these camping trips, I do miss my family, especially my kids."
"Miss you so much, my thoughts linger."
"Baby Dior's still missing and our families are still every day trying to figure out what happened... we will definitely do everything we can until the day we all die."
"Oh, some of these days you're going to miss me, honey."
"I'm going to miss you both so much."
"There was always a part of me that missed life."
"It's okay. I know he's still out there."
"Please let me know if you find my son, please tell him he can come home, we miss him, tell him we're sorry."
"This will be your life until he is found."
"Others, well, they don't end at all."
"Someone is missing you so badly that it hurts."
"I sure don't think I realized how much I missed this."
"We just genuinely enjoy each other's company and when we're not together we like miss each other."
"I miss you so much, man. It's so nice to see your face."
"I really do miss you guys like a lot, like really a lot on here."
"I love doing YouTube, so miss it."
"You don't know what you're missing until you realize you missing it."
"That's the Fab Five missing Pluto."
"There is the education around food that's really missing, I think, in our country."
"I miss them both when they're not here."
"School's out and 14-year-old Rachel is running late; she misses her bus and starts the three-mile walk home. She never makes it."
"They are welcoming you into their life, and it feels like definitely yes, they're missing you."
"I'll miss you more than you know."
"Every second he was missing could mean the difference between life and death."
"That sounds nice. I bet this really makes you miss her."
"I really missed you, you know that feeling where you long? I was longing."
"I think it's really hard for you, and I know how much you're missing your son."
"I missed you, just so you know. I missed you."
"I would say I miss them; I'd like to tell them that I miss them."
"Where is Harmony Montgomery? This 5-year-old angel disappeared in 2019."
"There's something missing, and now there's a few ways to solve it."
"I would like to tell him how much I missed them, and I loved them."
"I miss you guys so much, I love and appreciate you so much."
"As soon as Trixie's mommy opened the door, she asked, 'Where's Knuffle Bunny?'"
"I know what you're missing is an open mind."
"Ned misses you," he said in an attempt to cover himself.
"You're really missing someone... it went on for a long time, a long process you had to get through."
"I guess I miss her smile the most."
"Missing people makes you appreciate them that much more."
"I really do miss Laura. I miss her something bad."
"I love you, I love you so much. Miss you, we'll be better, we're getting there, we're settling."
"We're there searching or trying to locate a missing person."
"What can you do? I just wish 'cause I kind of miss everybody."
"I do think you always sort of hold on to that small hope that your loved one will eventually be found alive."
"After a decade of Paige just being missing, now this was a different type of investigation, this was potentially a homicide."
"It's been seven years since little baby Lisa has gone missing, and her parents are still holding out hope that she's alive out there."
"I miss the little things, I miss hanging out with my father, I miss spending time with them, I just miss him being around."
"Oh how I miss you tonight, miss you when all lights are low."
"When someone misses you, you will find yourself thinking of them all the time, out of the blue."
"I cried because I missed them so much."
"I pray for Sydney. I hope she's found soon."