
Danger Awareness Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"To see a psychopath, you have to learn to see in the dark."
"This sport that we love, it can be dangerous."
"Trust your gut; it recognizes danger even when your mind does not."
"These brave men and women stayed doing their jobs knowing there is a very strong likelihood of a terror attack."
"The danger is so great, the danger to all of civilization, that this is a goal we should be working towards."
"Voss quickly grabbed her, unsure how to explain his concern to his child, then he thought of a method picking up a stone from the ground and tossing it forward a simple test that made the ambush within the valley all too apparent."
"Listen to that inner feeling of impending danger."
"Spacewalks are not--they look like they're incredible fun. But, we much never forget how dangerous they are."
"Don't go blindly wandering around strange places, you might just run into Leatherface."
"It makes me feel like the day I first started, the realization that this job is a very dangerous job and you never know the day that you're not going to come home."
"A bad relationship is a ticking time bomb. Leave before it destroys you."
"listen this may be resolved in a way that ultimately is de-escalatory and and peace reigns and we are all praying for that situation but make no mistake about it this is extraordinarily dangerous"
"This thing is real, and this is dangerous. It's dangerous as hell."
"There are more dangers in the darkness than just snakes."
"No one's allowed anywhere close to it today because by the time you realize the danger it's too late."
"Evil does exist and one of the reasons that evil is successful a lot of times is it comes disguised as you know a beautiful man or a beautiful woman."
"Where is your [ __ ] spider sense right [ __ ] now you [ __ ] idiot."
"If I warn you of the danger that I know is waiting down there and you still choose to go in that direction, I'm not mad at you, I don't hate you."
"This case is a reminder of the dangers lurking in the world."
"I believe we are pre-programmed to tune into things that can harm us."
"However, dogs aren't the only animals capable of protecting their owners from impending danger."
"This is very disturbing. People are dangerous, dude. People are dangerous."
"They are most dangerous when you are in your space of weakness."
"You don't point a firearm at anything you don't intend to destroy."
"If you put a frog in a boiling pot of water, it'll jump right out. If you put a frog in a cold pot of water and slowly heat it up, it'll boil itself to death."
"Once you get to the point where you feel like you'll off yourself, you're dangerous because you don't give a [ __ ] about nothing."
"Steve Fawcett's disappearance alerts the world to the dangers of the Nevada triangle."
"Life is serious. There are dangerous things at every corner. You can't just tap out because you're tired."
"It's never a good idea to stand on the front line."
"Put your thinking cap on, something alright, there's some very dangerous times that we're living in."
"The outdoors can be very dangerous. It's not a playground. You can disappear just as easily in the wilderness as you can in a big city."
"Their game is a ruthless game and if we don't understand that, we can't play with them. It's really dangerous."
"It's not a matter of turning around and saying something if you feel uncomfortable because that could also get you killed, that could be what sets off a dangerous man, and you don't know which ones are dangerous."
"Our times are perilous. Yes, we face uncertainty on every level."
"The narrative of this poem starts off as this innocent young child eating watermelon in the summer, completely carefree and oblivious to any possible danger she might face because of her actions."
"When you look at things from a spiritual perspective, you see the impending dangers."
"Blindly following any ideology is dangerous."
"Just because that's the way you've always done it doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid and in this case dangerous."
"It's like knowing that you have this big train track and some of the rails have been removed and trains are going to keep going down this track and one by one they're going to fall off the track and implode."
"The most feared snake in the world is the black mamba."
"Coming out of hiding is the absolute last thing that he should have done."
"Stopping in the middle of the road is stupid and dangerous since we know these zombies are attracted to lights."
"I had to be very careful though because the sea dragon was literally just looking at me."
"Fire remains one of humankind's most ingenious inventions to date, but in the several Millennia since then, fire has become commonplace in society, making us forget just how much of an unruly Beast it can be once out of hand."
"Be ready for those dodges, you can see my screen is a bit paler here which means I'm in danger."
"You're literally sacrificing yourself and everybody else around you."
"When you seek adventure and follow your passion, you can experience the most exciting moments of your life. Unfortunately, when your passion is caving or mountain climbing, disaster can strike."
"I've always loved tigers. If you throw them hard enough, they'll bite your face off."
"Put on your big girl panties and deal with it."
"The bigger the red flag, the more danger you're in."
"You don't do the person-- by not telling them there's a train coming while they're playing on the tracks, you're not helping someone."
"True fear is a signal in the presence of danger."
"I really need you to focus right now. Stop observing the ceiling and start observing the giant man-sized hole in front of you."
"You never want to approach the military base from the East... very deadly."
"There's a fine line between dedication and stupidly."
"I've warned against this danger repeatedly and I'm going to warn it again."
"In the wake of this incident people don't really realize that bro they could really smoke you in a swatting situation bro they they come in there deep as breaking down the doors with ak-40 they could really smoke your ass right then and there bro"
"Working with electricity is not something to play around with, it is very dangerous."
"Falling asleep is the last thing you should ever do, something out there might be watching."
"It's scary stuff before we get to that though, I just want to remind you of a few other things floating around out there that are a little bit dangerous."
"It's like if we keep it, it could kill me. It's like, okay, a [__] letter opener could kill you."
"These areas, often marked by strong currents, hidden underwater hazards, or wildlife dangers, are not adventurous playgrounds but potential death traps."
"That's dangerous, like you hitting a tree at 40 miles an hour. It's not a cartoon."
"Gas stations and rest stops are dangerous for women, and I don't give a [__] what anybody says about that."
"The memory of my encounter would be a chilling warning of the dangers that lurked in the shadows."
"When something is dangerous and there's a fire, and no one else is saying it, me staying quiet makes me a murderer just like them."
"It only takes five minutes for a fire to spread to dangerous levels, so always remember your evacuation plan."
"The game that a lot of them are trying to play can be dangerous and it's not worth the risk."
"Everybody is dangerous, and you fight everybody like they are champions and respected they can hurt you too."
"The seeming peace of a sinner is not from the knowledge of his happiness but the ignorance of his danger."
"Be careful out there, it's dangerous."
"Exploration is dangerous. We forget that."
"I hope that eventually all this can come to an end because this is really a crazy situation, it's crazy and it's dangerous."
"I just think it goes to show how scary football is."