
Strategic Location Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"Gibraltar acted as a bastion of British control over the area for over 200 years, guarding the narrow gap between Africa and the Iberian Peninsula."
"Real estate exists for people... you want to be where people want to be."
"The early settlers had chosen an ideal home among the Seven Hills along the Tiber, this location granted them natural defenses with close access to trade routes, valuable salt beds, and the sea."
"We looked at a couple of things, but the two factors that swayed us, I guess, was the lack of competition here... and the GDP had grown in line with China seven years in a row."
"It's a win. I don't see how you can lose on a vending machine as long as you have the right location and you take care of it."
"From his hilltop home, the Iron Age chieftain who ruled this corner of Anglesey could see the source of his power laid out before him, and he made sure that anyone looking back could see it too."
"By now, only a few strongholds remained in Hellenic hands, one of which would be the stage of the most iconic battle of the entire war."
"We stayed at the pet-friendly La Quinta Inn located at the Florida Turnpike in Okeechobee Boulevard—was really happy with this location."
"It's very important to train with our allies in the Arctic Circle because they know how to do it right."
"Iran is a regional and middle power with a geopolitically strategic location in the Asian continent."
"I am the law. So it looks unless they stop at this little gazebo over here with all the agents, it looks like they're heading this way. It looks like this is going to be some sort of a military compound."
"The city of Tarkov has become the center of its development and key location on the map, lavishly fueled by international investment."
"The other cylinders must be in the hotel. Perhaps on the first or the second floor. Maybe look for a way to reach me, some means to come here to the attic."
"The real battleground is Donbass." - Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba
"Direct access to Atlantic ports lowers import costs for essential Goods like Fuel and Machinery, alleviating inflation pressure and improving citizens affordability."
"So just how vital Djibouti's Geographic positioning truly is, not even for a country as far away as North Korea they are totally relying on the government who controls this strait in order to facilitate their liberation of West Korea..."
"I want to have a base on the east of Africa and a base on the west of Africa."
"Roxburgh's strategic position made it desirable for trade in wool and cattle hides."
"Anchorage saw more air traffic coming from cargo planes between Asia and North America than any other airport in the world."
"What a matchup this is. The best hope right now for a college football playoff berth out of the Pac-12 might have to go through Gainesville."
"The architect of the Great Pyramid could choose a location that provides a high level of security, preservation, accessibility, and concealment for the machine parts."
"Odessa could be the apple of strife or the maker of Peace."
"This exciting tourist destination attracts tourists to your city to visit the top of your mega tower and profits from tourists that visit the crown."
"They're gonna win. They're doing it out of camp cuddle."
"The structures located inside this fortress have guided Romans to the northern edge of their territories, witnessed a successful foreign invasion, successfully staved off a few others, and paid homage to a murdered martyr."
"Verdun held immense strategic importance for both France and Germany... its seizure would provide a tactical Advantage offering a stronghold on the Western Front."
"What makes them especially fascinating is that they were built out of the solid rock of the gorge, guarding the pass. Nobody would have been able to move through the passage without walking past these imposing towers."
"Rogers and his unit had been sent to secure what the military termed Hill 41, approximately 13 miles southeast of Da Nang..."
"Panama, the country that links the north and south, the gateway between two worlds and two oceans."
"This seed alone, we've got a village neighboring a woodland mansion with a ruined portal on the outskirts to boot."
"In this world, not only are all the overworld wood types close by, but they're all within just 20 blocks of (0,0)."
"You have this nice large neutral state the size of Texas that lies between Russia and NATO, gosh, that's a good thing."
"The Empire is the Bastion realm protecting Keesler from the worst of it."
"I want to get this very close to the river so close that we can actually activate the Waterfront."
"In order for an enemy to get to America first, it must cross two massive oceans, and this geographic fact makes the United States the single most secure nation on earth."
"The reason everyone went to Tatooine was because Vader would never go back there, making it the perfect place to hide."
"I love that castle spot and I love the amount of plumes."
"If ever there was a landscape to expedite that process, this is it."
"Port Moresby was the key to the allied position in the southwest Pacific area, essentially the only developed settlement in the Australian territory."
"Korea: the only place where the interests of the four major superpowers literally touch each other."
"This indian territory is key to international trade most of the oil tankers that supply china go through this place."
"Magna Graecia was Rome’s entryway to the Greek east."
"Exercises take place based on where you believe the conflict is coming... they're obviously training there for a reason."
"This is basically the center of this main area and very accessible by car."
"The Spratly islands are a group of islands located in the middle of the South China Sea that all the nations are vying to control."
"That means they are always in the same location which is great for me which means I can do proper guides."
"Oh my gosh, another drop package, there's two more we haven't robbed, yep, there's one right here next to this barn."
"Our base on the south pole is robust now because it’s useful, it’s vital for astrophysical and particle research."
"Far away from land attacks, Roskilde provided a safe haven for Danish Kings to grow their power in peace."
"We'll see more of Sword eventually... maybe after Wano?"
"It's a good place to launch rockets, that's for sure."
"UK is the obvious choice for starting and scaling a crypto asset business."
"This park right here... it is going to push us over to level 28."
"Whoever commands Crimea controls the Black Sea."
"Taiwan was the unsinkable aircraft carrier for the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces."
"The master of Sicily held the keys to controlling this vast market."
"This is gonna be a very great Jolteon hunting spot and I'm going to show you the exact location on the map."
"If there's going to be a place where I can get a weapon to end this monster's hunting spree, it would be the same store it spawned in the first place."
"It's nice that they've allowed us to get back down here because once you've been locked in it, it enables you to have a really, really good training and/or camping spot."
"We need to remember this area in chinchou field."
"The fiery assault on an air base just outside Kyiv."
"At first glance it might appear our building was in the middle of nowhere but closer inspection reveals it was in fact strategically located."
"The island of Vis in Croatia has quite the military past, serving as a strategic base during World War II."
"Known as Aerodrome Madama, the property functions as a French military base with around 100 Niger military soldiers stationed there."
"I'm actually tempted to set up my base here now."
"They got an agreement from the church next door to them at the property next door and they basically set up camp there."
"The fort’s location was so strategic that it would serve as the foundation of the modern city of Cairo, one of the largest in the world and capital of Egypt."
"95% of Ethiopia's trade passes through Djibouti."
"The city is probably the best strategically placed city on earth and has been the gateway between the West and the East for centuries."
"On the 9th of August 1945, just a few hours after the dropping of the atomic bomb on Nagasaki, the British Prime Minister gave orders that this map room was to be closed."
"If Nashville is the center of this great railroad network that is starting to bind together the east and the west and the north and the south, anyone smart enough to take advantage of that and create wholesale businesses would profit immensely."
"This was the year that the Morton Bay penal settlement was closed and thrown open to free settlers Ipswich was strategically placed at the intersection of the routes to the darling downs and the upper Brisbane Valley."
"Singapore sits on the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, serving as a trade hub."
"We're only going to use a part to get to Atlanta, but this ring road, combined with Charlotte's central location in the Southeast High-Speed Rail Corridor, could position it to be an important junction."
"The palace at Constantinople overlooked the straits between Europe and Asia, and so occupied perhaps the most strategic place in the ancient world."
"Terra Tuba has the best combat record of any PT base in the South Pacific."
"Narvik was really important in World War II."
"Mauritius has grown to become a top investment destination in Africa and a hub for business, perfectly positioned between Asia and Europe."
"Singapore being a port in such a critical location would benefit from a number of key events."
"Dragonstone does seem kind of central, probably because of all its Valyrian heritage."
"It is the crossroads of East-West trade."
"It would be a port city located in one of the busiest shipping routes in the world."
"Tarawa lies in the middle of everything and it's a very important location."
"From the era of the Pharaohs to the Mamluks, from the Ottoman Empire to Napoleon's France, it has been one of the strategic points of many critical states."
"The whole world has interests in this narrow body of water, and that's not going away."
"The Hanish Islands unquestionably have strategic value, lying at a critical 'choke point' for global trade, not all that different from the Strait of Malacca."
"You want to make sure that you're investing where people want to be in the future, not just where they want to be today."
"They have the nice control over all the area. This is all down to seaside, the edge of Julian Alps, the Soca-Valley, so they have nice control from here. It was strategical point."
"Its strategic location contributed to Ugarit's prosperity in the cultural interactions, making it a crucial intermediary in the trade networks of the ancient civilizations."
"If Romulus was real, he must have been a really smart guy because the location of Rome was perfect."
"Australia, located at the southern end of the Pacific Ocean and between the US and China, becoming the strategic hub."
"Tunisia has a strong maritime culture due to its strategic location in the Mediterranean Sea."
"80% of the entire world's Maritime oil trade flows through just three narrow passages of the Indian Ocean."
"The United States has always considered Formosa a fundamental strategic junction in the South China Sea."
"The South China Sea is a big deal for three reasons: firstly, it's full of fish; secondly, it's got oil and natural gas reserves; thirdly, the South China Sea is the second most used sea lane in the world."
"Into the beautiful bay here in Malibu, this swim could be all important."
"Quelap was built on a limestone ridge 900 feet above sea level; it overlooks a huge swath of the Utkubamba valley, which would have given the occupiers a major advantage for defense."
"Sicily is in a prime location to be the access point from trade between the East and the West."
"It's a beautiful protected atoll that represents the best possible natural place to secure and supply military ships."
"The possibility of enemies targeting New York from the east via the Atlantic Ocean has been a constant determining factor in the military's defense strategy."
"This whole stretch of the Niagara River has been the site of major warfare for years."
"We're talking about an island that is basically 90 miles off the coast of Florida."
"The Panama Canal serves as a crucial artery in the realm of international commerce."
"Bastogne, a seemingly modest town nestled at the heart of the Ardennes, emerged as a linchpin in this high-stakes race to turn the tides."
"The battlefield wasn't on open fields of wasteland... the battlefield was a heavily industrialized city of Stalingrad."
"This special location was chosen to avoid floods, as the entire temple is sheltered from rain, sun, and snowstorms beneath the mountain peak."
"Chambersburg because of its location at those crossroads route 30 and route 11 now, as well as the wonderful opportunity for the rail transportation of military supplies and troops, became an ideal location for military camps."
"At the top of its most inaccessible peaks lies the legion's home, the fortress monastery established as the primarch's home even before the coming of the Emperor."
"The James River was incredibly important because it was one of those gates to Richmond."
"Chattanooga was very important in the Civil War because it was the main link between the Mid-South and the Deep South."
"The prosperity of the country had come in part from its strategic place on the main line of Mediterranean trade."
"It makes so much sense to move into the cave because you control the water supply, which is the most important thing."
"The location of the Fortress would have been perfect for Celtic Britons fighting against the Anglo-Saxon invaders."
"The US is safe in this regard geographically, the United States is a natural economic hub and military fortress."
"The Gulf of Aden stands as a pivotal artery in global maritime trade, linking the Arabian Peninsula with the Horn of Africa."
"Location is often important to the service design, with convenience as a major factor."
"Warwick with its great castle was always a place of real significance."
"Termite mounds often are quite shady, and you'll find that they sit on top in the shade and they can just get a higher perspective of what's going on out here."
"Overjoyed by his discovery, Jake stored away the amethyst root and thought to himself, no wonder the Jade white python decided to build its lair in this place."
"It was the fortune and misfortune of Palestine that it lay midway between the capitals of the Nile and those of the Tigris and Euphrates."
"Very well positioned for climate change and big incidents."
"Singapore woos overseas investors, welcomes foreign trade, and is strategically located on major trade routes in and out of Asia."
"The ancient Royal town of Stirling lies on an important site from a strategic point of view; it's next to the mouth of the Forth in a narrow passage which joins the North and South part of the country."