
Relationship Choices Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"When you don't like the way someone behaves and your mindset is clearly healthier than theirs, it's okay to walk away."
"I used to be a serial monogamist... I'm going to stop just dating guys who are nice or look good, and do the work on myself."
"It's so essential to be aware of who you let into your life to prevent yourself from a lot of heartache and hurt feelings."
"There's this now or never moment that happens in your relationship."
"Women would rather share an alpha than be saddled with a beta."
"From a personal development standpoint, the key reason Carrie should have chosen Aiden is that he was her growth opportunity."
"If you allow something to happen more than once, it's a choice you can no longer blame the other person because you've made a choice to allow this person."
"She showed all her cards and he still picked her, that's on him."
"You know this person is bad for you, yet you still make the decision to stay or to go back."
"You get to choose whether you want to be with that person from the past or whether you want someone new."
"Going for somebody who's unavailable or inappropriate? Very common. It's partly from a sense of need, it's partly from distorted thinking, I call it magical thinking."
"Love is a choice, and who you're with is a choice."
"It's about valuing yourself enough... I'd rather be by myself than be with someone who isn't right for me."
"If progressives don't want to date a conservative and vice versa that's perfectly fine everyone has deal breakers but as a political protest this form of virtue signaling is counterproductive in the long run."
"Essentially what you're saying is like I've chosen my wife... and I'm going to do certain things to make sure that I'm protecting that choice."
"Mate selection is always an indication of the way you see you."
"Choosing a partner is like choosing the set of problems you're gonna live with."
"Being loyal to the wrong person is worse than cheating."
"If your choice is a manipulative relationship or being alone, that's a no-brainer from a mental health perspective; alone is always going to win."
"I just really am not in the space where I want a relationship the only relationships I want are with friends and like girls and that is where my focus is."
"You have control over who gets to be your partner."
"She should have never been with him in the first place, she should have never gotten pregnant by him, she should have never even cross paths with somebody who was so beneath her."
"You can love somebody and choose not to be with them if you recognize that it's not compatible with you. Love doesn't have to mean sacrifice."
"Choose to be monogamous. It's entirely up to you."
"Would you rather have a rich cheating [] or a loyal broke []?"
"A lot of times Virgos pick charity cases, they know how to pick someone who needs fucking help."
"Why do we pick those people? What makes us pick the person that we know subconsciously doesn't deserve our love?"
"Living apart is a choice, and I think that's healthy for them."
"The most important relationship decision you will ever make is who you choose to spend the rest of your life with."
"If you don't want black men, who do you want? And then what are you willing to do to get them?"
"Settling, I mean by accepting someone that I know that's not for me... I'd rather have my peace and be by myself than to have someone that I know that's not for me." - Pat
"Making your relational choices by the dictation direction of the Holy Spirit."
"If you're the type of person who wants to have a singular wife and a family and a committed relationship, you're also probably not the type of person who would want to be in an open relationship or a polyamorous one."
"You cannot let each other go unless the cord is broken; choose whether to walk away or stay."
"Would you guys date a guy who's three inches shorter than you?" "Yes."
"There's a lot of outside noise and external forces that may not understand why either you chose them, they chose you, or you chose each other."
"There's a choice here, should I stay or should I go."
"All men suck? Well, it's just the ones you're picking."
"No toxic relationships. Choose healthy, loving connections."
"Love is most definitely a choice. Men deal with heartbreak a lot harder than women do."
"Women would rather share a winner than settle for an average guy all to themselves."
"The decision to distance oneself from a relationship that disturbs your peace is not to be taken lightly."
"Settling is choosing someone out of desperation... I'm looking for fantabulous."
"Cutting ties with friends or family isn't a requirement"
"Monogamy seems like the only really reasonable option long term."
"The way that you choose a partner and approach relationships should be rooted in something other than infatuation pure feelings or sexual attraction raw cougar feral sexual attraction."
"A virtuous woman will never settle for a man."
"It's like you don't get to tell someone who they can or can't date."
"You do not have to settle with this person, you have a choice... you have a choice as to who you're going to choose to be in a partnership with."
"Especially in regards to being picky about who you're in relationship with, you deserve that."
"A very strong idea of who you are. You see it in this person. That's why you would choose them."
"Their intentions are pure, so it is totally up to you."
"I will never take a servant of mine and make him my husband I am afraid end of quote."
"Kings always choose women that are powerful."
"You're choosing love, some of you are forgiving, others are moving on."
"I'd rather be happy and single than settle down with just anybody."
"Of course, you need to be picky about who you get together with."
"You're making choices in love, no longer interested in unhealthy situations."
"Stop living with people just because of benefits or living with people just because it's easier to live with them."
"We rejected men who were going to make us wives for guys who made us single mothers. Men are not trash but our taste in men is trash."
"I usually choose the guy that I can see the future with."
"You're picking the right relationship for you this time."
"The game isn't unfair though every single death is your fault whether you didn't dodge you fell off the map boom baby."
"If it was a person that you were going to spend your life with, you would have actively made that choice together."
"I'm so glad a lot of these people are discovering and walking away from these relationships."
"Settle in, don't stay with someone who isn't right for you just because it's safe."
"I respected the fact that Micah didn't want someone to just be with her because they were afraid of losing her."
"You have free will. If you don't want to be with them, you don't have to be with them. If you meet somebody new and fall, take that [expletive] opportunity because you deserve it."
"Somebody wants you to reconsider. They're willing to prove it, they want you to choose them."
"Don't settle for somebody, don't settle for, you know, you meet someone and then you find out that like, oh actually, they have really different like views than me on certain things."
"You have someone who is right for you and somebody who is not."
"You're very much more likely to find yourself in a happy place if you don't sleep with tons of men."
"Part of being a member of Team Healthy means if the other individual chooses to be in an unhealthy state and stay there, I choose healthiness."
"So it's like you either support it and you be a part of your kid's life or you don't and they make the options that you may not be a part of their life."
"Sometimes people protect themselves by walking away from deep love and going with something less deep but safer."
"It's like you're probably chronically choosing people who are immature in a sense."
"It's really a good time to choose the right person for you."
"You think Kenny would give up everything just to love her? You think so?"
"This person knows that you are their twin flame. They know that they love you, but there's a choice here."
"I seriously would rather just be single for the rest of my life than like settle for a person who doesn't fulfill those things that I'm looking to be fulfilled."
"Why would I marry a woman that used to be a video vixen?"
"You don't need to date him, you don't need to have a family with him, you don't need to be his wife. You can just sit at home and not like what he says."
"Women that have very few partners and only give it to very special people in their lives, that means something."
"The most important decision that you can make as a guy is who you decide to put a baby in."
"I choose healthy, happy relationships and connections."
"I hope that more women, when they make such choices, ask these types of questions in a very honest way. It will help a lot of women to get out of relationships that do not serve them."
"I choose not to be in a relationship where I wake up 23 years from now feeling like an afterthought."
"If you had a loving father, then you're probably have a loving mate, because your father was the pattern of what kind of man you should choose for yourself."
"There are phenomenal men in your DMs; you're ignoring them for the scammer, the drug dealer, the ball player."
"99% of people don't do open relationships. Why not? Because it's a lot to deal with."
"Letting the good ones go, that could be a self-destructive trait."
"The bottom line is who you choose to be in a serious relationship with is a really big deal."
"A lot of people make decisions based on emotion when it comes to relationships, but this is a major decision in your life."
"I don't need this relationship to validate me, so why am I wasting my time with this person?"
"Don't waste your time on people that you know you don't want to be with."
"If women were taught that they are already valuable, then a lot less of them would actually seek this value in short-term relationships."
"When a woman hits their 30s, we're most likely to be single because we don't want to settle."
"It's like having two women, you know, you got one that looks good that you really want, but then you got one that's still pretty that wants you."
"When a woman chooses her man, she chooses his way of life. Ain't nobody saying it's gonna be easy."
"In the beginning, you pick an unavailable partner even if you don't know this right away."
"Would you rather date a girl whose parents absolutely hate you, or would you rather date a girl that doesn't really treat you the best but her parents are really nice to you?"
"You are a beautiful, successful woman. What are you doing with this?"
"What's the point of loving you if you're not choosing me?"
"I'm really glad that I made that choice because it's just kind of made my relationships so much simpler."
"I'd rather be with her than to deal with all this other stuff that we're dealing with."
"Don't keep making the same mistakes with the people you choose, like be self-aware."
"Choose or define the relationship you want with them, given who they are and believing they won't change."
"You choose your partner, you choose how you want to be in that relationship."
"Some relationships are to be cultivated, some relationships are to be initiated, and some relationships are to absolutely be walked away from."
"You shouldn't change friendship for a relationship."
"If you're dating to build some type of long-term commitment to each other, then you don't have to get married."
"Say no to the wrong relationships, even if you want it."